Boogie has a point, whether you trumpers admit it or not

Boogie has a point, whether you trumpers admit it or not.

Trump needs to be investigated for these sexual assault charges before he's allowed to resume the role of president again.

you have yo go back

Boogie made me touch his "silo" rolls at a con once. He's a pervert and not even averagely endowed. He called it his "boogie woogie".

this ... stupid fatso doesn't even have the grasp of international western basics

How about someone investigates boogie for being a fat fuck? Being a fat fuck should be illegal

>BREAKING_NEWS, fat fuck states the obvious again!

They all fucked off once they found out that falsely accusing the POTUS is a death sentence.
Losers can't write the history books with their false stories.

slide thread, sage goes into all fields, hide, etc etc

Boogie is a fucking moron. There's a difference between "currently has 12 different women accusing him" and 12 women have accused of him of something during the last 3 months of the most contentious political campaign in modern history, with absolutely no evidence given, and zero cases pending in court.


if great people addressed everything against them they'd never get anything done

>listening to an obese person

Really? If someone can’t take care of themselves and manage their weight then why are we listening to their opinions?

And when the whores stories all began falling apart, the press lost interest.

basically this OP, really stupid fuckin thread

Sup Forums is /Korean Feminist Little Boy Rapist Trackdown/ now

get with the times grandpa


Fuck you and your "has a point" posts, you fucking subhuman asshole

Innocent until proven guilty only applies to criminal processions.

What the Left use is called Libel and Character Defamation

listening to anything this supersized manchild has to say

From what I understand, Allred and her daughter dropped all the accusations when it was made known there was an audio tape of money being offered in exchange for accusations. This is why you're not hearing about them anymore.

Or maybe because trump is trying his best to cover his ass?

He needs to be investigated regardless of his status in government. That's how these sick fucks keep getting away with rape.

I wonder what would happen to that fat fucks weight loss if dozens of pizzas started being delivered to him?

Wtf is this guys problem? He personifies everything wrong with America.

>prove his guilt or innocence
fat cunt even sits on the fence with Trump, probably the safest topics ever on twitter to take a stand against

What are we going to do to this obese sack of shit on the DOTR Sup Forums?

Once you win the presidency you get to ignore all rape allegations we learned this from clinton

This fat fuck needs to choke on cheetos.

>prove your innocence
Kys fatty

We only need 16 Twitter sock puppets to accuse this fat fuck of sexual assault to make him shut up.

>trusting women
About as funny as trusting jews

Sorry. The bar on responsibility for 'sexual improprieties' was set by Billy boy Clinton. So, you would have a very long way to go before we rise above what Clinton did to even begin to consider resignation for sexual misconduct.

Boogie needs to worry far more about the effects of diabetes & leave Trumps' issues to trump.

Aren't there laws about waiting for the President to leave office before he can be put on trial?

Fucking Liberals should be forced to live the lives they press upon others.

If you want Trump to be Guilty until Proven Innocent then I demand they provide a clear case beyond a shadow of a doubt that they don't fuck chickens while I spam their picture around the internet with "Chicken Fucker" blazoned across it in bold red letters and pay dozens of my friends to call their employer with questions why they support chicken fucking by employing a known possible chicken fucker.

And this is exactly why we need to investigate Trump. Unless we do, sexual assault WILL continue to occur without consequence.

I used to believe that there must always be some truth behind multiple allegations. That changed after I had a group of people not like me at work so they spread false claims against me to the other members of organization and made formal reports against me to human resources nonstop for years. I was forced to go through countless interrogations where I had to prove my innocence against something like 40+ fabricated stories about me all by seperate members of the same group of people. The group consisted mostly of women which I had previously had arguments with and the only reason I was not removed from my position is because some of the old guys on top refused to believe the claims made about me without the presence of some evidence. Now I am kind of the same way.

If there is no proof, I won't belief that it happened.

I know stories of families cooking false child molestation claims, shit happens man every day!

Boogie raped me.

Shut down his twitter right now.

This is why this whole thing with Trump is dumb, he is an old life long rich guy who runs his mouth, there are either 0 women he abused or 1,000's, there would not be (12).

The concept that only (12) women were ever abused by Trump is laughable, as if he was ever only exposed to (12) women who he just HAD TO HAVE. He was around arguably the top 5% of women for the majority of his life. Why are they not coming forward? Because they were ok with him coming on to them? If that is the truth then why in the world would be chase lesser females to the point of having to pressure them? If this is true then he had a stable of willing top tier women who would let him do anything he wanted. If it is not true then why aren't they coming forward?

Why only these (12)?

It doesn't make sense but people will apply (12) women to their own personal lives which makes it seem like a lot but it is no different than saying, "Trump once lost $25,000 gambling!" A lot to most people, not to him.

Show us on doll where he touched you

>fat meme man makes a post on twitter

twitter screencap threads should be deleted

>ya gotta prove innocence!

I hope his stomach finally ruptures and he dies in a mound of his own shit and bile.

Stop replying to this shit. It's been posted three days in row. Are mods even around anymore.

I don't like ad hominems but why tf is it always e-celebs/celebs talking about politics when they have 0 goddamn clue of what's going on, it's surreal how you can sit down and think "yes, i'm going to publicly talk about something I know next to nothing about"


Post twelve police reports. Do it, faggot. Do it now.

I knew a girl who briefly dated Boogie, this was before he was famous but not before he was fat (cuz he was always fat). Apparently he once wanted to fuck her with a Mountain Dew bottle but she turned him down. I believe it. Guy is weird as fuck.

Couldn't get him on the Russia stuff so now you are changing tactics.. pathetic.

Trump has zero need to prove his innocence. Its the accusers job to prove he did it. Futhermore, what happened after he won. They all disappeared.

Answer me this...the dems are so interested in having him removed from office. Wouldnt it make sense to get him on assault charges if it were true? It woild be the easiest route to take. They arent taking that route because the accusations are complete BS.


Bitches gonna burn. Gonna be beautiful. Gonna be start of world wide whitch burning. ITS gonna look like there are 2 stars in our solar system.

>I'm all for innocent until proven guilty but someone needs to prove his innocence.
His fat is clogging his brain

LOL. When a fat fuck like this brings on the Curse...fucker's gonna be dead by Christmas.

>get 12 whores from hollywood to say DrUmPfKinKers touched their roast beef to further a political agenda and to spark their dying careers
kill yourself faggot cuck cock sniff