who is the best debater of the left?
Is there a liberal version of Ben Shapiro?
I don't agree with a lot of shit Shapiro believes in, but you have to hand it to the guy. He's an insanely good debater and can regurgitate statistics against whatever his opponent says. Watching him destroy Cenk was hilarious. He a robot.
Linda Sarsour I'd say. If your talking about infimacy with ideology.
But you have to recognize the left didn't really have I intillectualites as the right does. They have celebrities who say the occasional popular saying or slogan. Things that sound nice.
Sam Harris is pretty smart.
Smart enough to not be able to deny IQ and racial statitics.
Ben shapiro is the liberal ben shapiro. Fuck this guy. Hes not smart and is a total piece of shit. Would fuggg his sister tho senpai
Destiny would crush Little Ben
Noam Chomsky is better, and doesn't rely on regurgitating statistics. Basically anyone he debates gets rekt.
He's definitely no sjw/feminist/marxist though.
Very true, even speaks out against Islam.
Maybe the progressive left really doesn't have any powerful public intellectuals.
Chomsky got a rekt buy a tripfag on 4_chon /new/
Highlight reel of him vs fat fuck?
Asking for a source is fascist
Ben will debate sam harris in december.
>doesn't RELY on statistics
That's a fancy way of saying he doesn't USE statistics because every time he breaks from pure ideology/semantics to talk about the REAL WORLD he looks like a fucking moron. Relying on linguistic-trickery rather than any tangible outcomes....typical kikery.
>le Noam Chomsky endorses totalitarian dictators meme
I've never heard anything supporting this claim other than from obviously biased sources.
>muh Venezuela
There's literally video clips of him praising Chavez it & then backtracking in the link I shared
>you can put your fingers in your ears and hum for the Stossel narration parts if you get too triggered
Look for Athens. Someone posted the email exchange in there.
A lot of people praised Chavez because he actually did some good things in Venezuela in the mid 2000s. If you looked at anything other than Fox News and Breitbart you'd probably know that. Just because someone acknowledged the good things Chavez did doesn't mean that they support Maduro or the shitfest that Venezuela is now.
I kinda feel like defining the progressive left as purely the toxic parts is a little disingenuous. It'd be like saying all right leaners think the world is 6,000 years old.
although I agree there are zero SJW intellectuals
That email exchange seems to be about race and things like the Bell Curve.
>But you have to recognize the left didn't really have I intillectualites as the right does. They have celebrities who say the occasional popular saying or slogan. Things that sound nice.
It's hard to be a good debater when your whole entire point is, "C'mon man, you know, just c'mon." Not to mention there's so much cognitive dissonance practiced on the left, that any conclusions are debunkable by a 10 year old that's capable to grasp the information.
Ooh, that'll be something to watch
Has the debate topic been revelad?
>did some good things in the mid 2000s
No he fucking did not, the rising price of oil (their cash crop) kept them afloat for a few years. Meanwhile, Chavez hollowed out that entire country with his gibs & anti-competitive idiocy while like Chomsky sucked his dick for it because they DO NOT UNDERSTAND simple economics.
Maduro DID NOT ruin the country, Chavez did. Maduro was simply the last one left holding the hot potato when the global oil prices fell. Chomsky doesn't get to weasel his way out of this one, and neither do you
atheism vs religion.
Have you heard of Steven Bonnell? He’s pretty much like the left wing shapiro.
I've had this argument too many damn times, get this through your thick skull. Chomsky may be a great wordsmith and linguist, but is a fucking retard when it comes to IRL advice and policy
With those tits, who need to buy milk?
Talking very fast so your opponent can't keep up isn't good debate, he pushes almost the exact same points that every other neocon does.
Destiny and he would smash shapiro. love destiny hes my boy and dont you fucking loser virgin unemployed basement dwelling losers forget it
> he's a robot
How ironic.
Where did the money go?
lol no
>No he fucking did not, the rising price of oil (their cash crop) kept them afloat for a few years. Meanwhile, Chavez hollowed out that entire country with his gibs & anti-competitive idiocy
Those """"gibs""" gave millions of people houses, healthcare, and education. Nobody denies that Chavez made mistakes though, and that those mistakes were the country's undoing in his last years. What wasn't very well known AT THE TIME though was that Chavez was doing stupid nepotistic shit and driving out foreigners.
>people like Chomsky sucked his dick for it because they DO NOT UNDERSTAND simple economics.
Oh so they acknowledged the decent things Chavez did because they didn't listen to Stefan Molyneux and don't know your specific special redpilled unfalsifiable kind of economics? Got it.
>Maduro didn't bring the country to the shitfest it is today
>Maduro isn't responsible for his own policies
Really made me think.
>le epic Pinochet did le nothing wrong meme
le praise le kek kill all leftists free helicopter rides Shadily praise le kekistan XDDDD!!!!!!!
Inflation was one major issue.
I just came in this thread for Khazar milkers and I'm real disappointed
>How were the oil profits spent?
Gibbs to make him popular
>Why did the oil profits decline recently?
Global price drop, competition from other producers, poor quality of their oil (they had shit-tier heavy crude and didn't bother to invest in refineries)
Depends. What exactly is the opposite of a Jew? What ever they are, it would be them infiltrating the left and tried to convince them to have right wing opinions.
kyle kulinski if i had to guess.
I agree but its not rly fair comparison. Cenk isnt a debater or intellectual, even if its called a debate its just Cenk making anecdotal emotional arguments and every statistic opponent presents is racist.
I think Hitchens was pretty similiar in style as Shapiro but cant really think of another similiar agressive and good debater. I majorly disagree with most of Shapiros political opinions but i think he is really good debater and have big respect for him and wish there would be more like him on every side.
>Chomsky didn't know his ideas were stupid and would lead to disaster at the time, therefore he's not at fault for supporting them
You keep trying to break the CAUSE - EFFECT relationship here, seems to be a common activity amongst you leftist shits to justify clinging to the ideologies.
Giving everybody tons of free shit from oil profits was a fucking retarded move WHILE he was doing it. The effect of this was to discourage the growth of natural & sustainable businesses in a country that DESPERATELY needed to diversify its economy. The nepotism was just more icing on the cake, it wasn't the main cause. We keep telling you this will happen and you refuse to listen because you won't look ahead & claim that "it's working" during the window when things are still going well.
I'm not a lolberg famalam, i'm just not retarded enough to believe in Trickle-Up economics and the longevity of Petro-states.
>pinochet did nothing wrong
Correct, the proof is in those STATISTICS that you and Chomsky disdain so much.