Balkan Federation when?

>Area: 538.466 km2

>Population: 42.091.695

>GDP (Nominal): 429.677 billion dollars

>Second largest country in Europe

>Population bigger than Poland

>Aesthetic looking borders

>Crucial geopolitical value

>Important trade routes

>100% BASED

How is this not a thing, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Serbniggers and albotrash ruins the whole region

population would be 10 million though


Yeah, and then wait for Milošević & Tuđman 2.0 to eventually come out

albos smell

Balkanites never get along.

They'd start killing each other form the day 1. This is why borders are good.

Because Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Slovenes, Albanians, and Macedonians couldn't do it in the first place.

C-can we join too?

Macedonians could

We didn't have issues with anyone tbf.

All we wanted was to hang out with yugobros.

I wrote Macedonians

whiter than you, tyrone :^)

um, never?
bosnian rape babies
albanian turk rejects
kosovar albanian terrorists
you want to unite with these dregs?
so serbs greeks bulgars and you lot all orthodox are gonna get along with the croatian catholics and slovenes as well?
you need to seek professional mental help.


I know, I didn't disagree with you, I was just giving you a (you).

Christian Albos are OK.

We hope the Muslims will feel uncomfortable in a 90% Christian Federation and will gradually emigrate to the Islamic utopia that is Western Europe.

>implying that religion or anything matters anymore
no one is going to start killing each other or not get along because of religion, all cultural values are lost and there is no pride or honour anymore and people only dwell in the past of a history that is long gone.
might as well unite the whole world and watch it burn down a bit faster than it already is.

you're turk rape babies though

oh, look who's speaking

hey it's the croatian huemonkey
next time at least post some serbian bitches and not those bulgarian whores, ante.


Kek. I remember making this.

if they can get along, why not. I'm excited about europeans considering other alliances than the EU blob.

Because literally everyone on that peninsula hates everyone else. Haven't you heard of the Yugoslav wars?

This could work. Might aswell include Romania while we are at it.


Romania is way too big, it's a country of 20 million, half of the proposed Balkan Federation. They can make it on their own. Or they can unite with Moldavia.

Plus, we already have enough Gyppos.

Why would anybody want to unite with shitskin midgets from the East Balkans?Fuck off and go back to the Shire.

leave slovenia and croatia alone balkan scum.

what did you just fucking say you subhuman degenerate
what the fuck did you just say
you are colluding with nonhuman degenerates and you have the nerve to say they're okay
nigger move out of my fucking country right the fuck now

>leave balkan scum alone balkan scum

Never going to happen when 10 countries that were all intermixing with and being invaded by the same couple tribes for the past 4000 years all claim to be of 10 very distinct ethnicities.

>M: Alexander the Great was a Macedonian, like me!
>G: No, he was a Greek, like me!

You're all a big buttfuck of huns, slavs, bulgars, avars, italians, germans, greeks, turks, illyrians, dalmatians, and so on.

LARP thread. Can anyone give a serious answer to what the future holds?

b-but how do we solve this sir?

that propaganda stopped when the government changed
at least try to not look like a retard with your examples nigger

a glass dessert my nigger


would also have fuck ton of coast line possiblly EU trading center

slight economic growth and decaying birth rates

what the fuck does norway have to do with croatia and slovenia anyway

when you finally stop genociding eachother...

Realistically speaking, this might happen:
>China moves in on Greek ports
>invests in infrastructure along the E-75 corridor
>new silk road
>Russia buys out Croatian oil industry
>we Eurasian sphere of influence now
EU is losing it's grip on this region. There could be war.

Everyone knows it's the Muslims that are inbred, low IQ, manlet orcs. The others are basically /ourpeople/


Fuck no, fuck you and fuck albozergs.

Acknowledge your mutual history. You were all under the yoke of the Roman Empire at one point. Find common ground there, perhaps form a super-state based on this.
>actual history

fuck you blerim
time to go back to your subhuman nation you disgusting mongrel

Damn,Serbia is no longer landcucked in this one

Grow up, turk

To counter this, all balkan nations not in EU/NATO are swiftly accepted as members. Mass exodus follows, population split in half. Refugees stranded between Macedonia and Hungary given asylum. South Serbia is now 60% muslim
>we diversity now

nigger are you being obtuse on purpose are are you a nigger

Bulgaria and Serbia cannot co-exist in the same federation, both of us would try to dominate it, like Serbs did in Yugoslavia. We are both natural leaders in that regard.

That means one of us has to stay out, that would probably be Bulgaria, because we used to be the biggest and most powerful country on the Balkans in the past, that shit has left us with a lot of pride, even in the current state of a poor corrupted shithole, so joining a federation or another similar body is all but impossible.

Also, adding muslim like Albania and Bosnia is a 100% guarantee of bloodshed in the future. Every hates them, they want to kill us. Can't change any of those.

tl;dr: what you are proposing is impossible on that scale. Smaller federations might be possible like Bulgaria + Macedonia or Serbia + Montenegro, but no muslims.

Couldn't or wouldn't do it under kike rule, the latter is true

you both are natural bitch niggers is what you are
fuck off back to the steppe nigger

U2 bulgarian

You were probably the same slav my friend met at a digsite in Macedonia who literally said that Alexander was a real Macedonian like he was.

>bitch nigger

I lol'd.

Why are you insulting yourself brother?

Calm down.

>muh bulgaria|
calm down even more.

> because we used to be the biggest and most powerful country on the Balkans in the past

top jej,Greeks don't exist anymore?


> Slovenia
> allying with balkanpoors and greek denbts again

We had this meme before and we just got all our money sucked away by serbians.

nigger i just told you that that rhetoric stopped once the government changed
what do you not understand

Let's be real for a second: Take a walk in any city from Zagreb to Sofia and you'll see the same shopping malls stocked with the same goods from the same firms. All adjusted to our purchasing power.

Balkans is already united. It is called ''corporate region southeast Europe". In the media, simply "the region".

The dystopia is already here

fuck you lirim

You couldn't dominate shit, in a union like this Greece would have been the biggest player. Half the gdp and the biggest and most capable army

>and we just got all our money sucked away by serbians.
bullshit, in yugoslavia you profited the most being its industrial center and having wide market

What rhetoric? Go take a fucking DNA test and see for yourself. Perhaps you are one of the few who maintained ethnic purity over the millennia, but I doubt it.


being offensive towards others wont get us nowhere. calm urself brother.

Greeks never had an Empire before we came, they were city states, and we controlled their lands for centuries after. Then they were subjugated by the Byzantine Empire which was Roman.

Sorry, but WE

If we were larping (and we are) a Greek emperor would be the obvious choice.

are you still being obtuse for no reason?
the we wuzz rhetoric you retard

You don't remember our gibs being used for serbian politicians's pockets? and the gibs sent to Albania for whatever reason,Tito thinking he could unite it with us. zlovenian and kroatian gibs all went away to Belgrade to the politicians's pockets or useless "improvements"

Very true, we are just one big market for the West now. That's why our manufacturing and economies got REKT after the commies left, so that we can become economic slaves to the jew.

>implying animals know anything but offence
you damn well know this union will get us to buttfuck nowhere because of the literal niggers inhabiting it

Dont expect others to sit tight when you pull up with the "muh empire" bullshit.
Just saying

>If that is the case then

Facts are facts, they don't carry a moral or any other kind of judgement. If someone gets triggered that's not my fault. It's history. we are not fucking liberal sjws to be revisionist.

>tri moreta
Bulgaria approves.

and your state still had surplus in its budget
you really aren't aware how much advantage you had in yugoslavia despite every odds

wait, slovenia is in?
fuck o don't want this anymore, they may as well let serbs in then..

>100% BASED
>includes the part of Europe raped so hard it is naturally Muslim to this day
Calm down Alexander

what's the problem with them, and us?

Funny you should mention this. I once had high hopes for Putin. But it seems that his alliance with Erdogan means that he lets Turkey have her old sphere of influence in Serbia again. In turn, since EU is neglecting us, we adopt the authoritarian eastern form of government and are stuck in isolation while Turkey colonizes us again. This is all very real.

Listen brother, if you want a great future, you have to let go of the past, everything can be a "fact" or "history" to someone but mean nothing in the eyes of the opposite side. the thing you said also applies to you.

So what do you think the history of Macedonia is like? Tell me who was there in 500 BC, 200 BC, 500 AD, 700 AD, 1000 AD, 1500 AD?

>Macedonian Kingdom
>Byzantines (still Romans)

There are 6 different powers that controlled the region known as Macedonia over the last 2500 years. Not only that but the region was raided by plenty of barbarian tribes over the course of those 2500 years.

That isn't propaganda, thats just the literal history of the region.

A Balkan Federation is the only force that can keep Turkey at bay.

Yugoslavia is an example of what would happen

multiculturalism and ethnic diversity is going to end up in bloodshed like last time

So to hypothesize, the only real identity we could have as a confederation/federation/union would be Orthodoxy. It is our common denominator and should be our moral foundation once western liberalism collapses.

what good is it to be a leader of a village? The balkans was never relevant since the byzantine empire. (excluding the ottoman empire since it isn't from balkans). If any of us want to be relevant , unification is the only somewhat realistical way out (look at germany for example , they could have easily split in to multiple countries but they didn't), since neither of us has the power to conquer all of balkans alone anymore.

go reread everything i wrote
i literally can not make this simpler for you to understand and yet you still find some way to misinterpret it

This can only happen if we allow religion inside the union.

Letting go of the past is one thing, getting cucked and fucked in the ass is another.

see It won't work with Croats and Slovenians. Their culture is different and they are susceptible to German and Vatican influence.

the same multiculturalism that was in prussia in oto von mismarcks time
the one where bavarians hated berliners and the other way around
but germany is still here now isn't nigger?

they are you.
and it's best not to get into anything with you anymore, it's doomed to end up in sewer..

You didn't write anything except that the government stopped promoting the "propaganda" of actual history therefore you (I assume a retarded villager) doesn't believe it.

It's a lose lose situation, russia+ turkey or eu [where u need to recognise kosovo as sovereign state( top fucking kek)]. I don't know dude shit seem pretty dark.