Epic. Simply epic. Drumpf is finished
Epic. Simply epic. Drumpf is finished
You fags are going to lose the “meme-war” you brag about so much.
Get ready to get fucked innershit nazis.
>literal anarcho communist
Checks out.
So why did u post vid of Chad whitey vs virgin nig?
2019 is a pine box
Where in that brilliant web comic did you see a cuck? Your screen might be too reflective for you to see things clearly sweetie.
Only racists see in color. Plus that honor student you’re ridiculing was taking the Rocky Balboa approach to winning the fight.
We're in trouble
just change red to yellow so nu-pol newfags wet themselfs
>you dont need real people
...i mean. I cant not agree with that statement but I'd rather real people every now and then instead of talking into the aether and hoping the voices don't whisper sweet horrors back.
Be scared you fucking Nazi
I honestly can't wait for Antifa to start shooting cops in one of their riots so that they can be classified as terrorist group and get mowed down by the national guards.
Edgy larper. We all want happenings here where the world goes into utter chaos but if you're the nigger who thinks he's going to reign in that chaos you are just an edgy loser kid or mad virgin retard. Probably both.
He's right you know
>is it better to have excess or not enough
>people line up for bread
i think ive been converted
>anarchist colours
>commie gun
anarchists got fucking destroyed by commies lol
there was a whole thing about antifa groups boycotting refuse fascism because they wanted a communist revolution
Of what? You faggots couldn't even get your shit together enough to hold proper protests.
>Nothing actually happens
>"I survived a war out there, kid"
The only thing the picture is telling me that Lefties can't take abuse.
Their acting like their protests are on the same level as the ones in Eastern Europe during Cold War or the ones during the Arab Spring
>this is what communists actually believe
>no bread is better than too much bread
burger, I
which is better
the one where no bread is wasted but people die of hunger?
the one where no people starve but bread is thrown away?
Self-loathing Americans need to be hanged.
why is 2018 guy using guns i thought they should be banned according to the left
The former obviously because eventually the excess population will die off and the amount of bread will be just right.
Commies will hang.
Is that last panel real? Fuck I'm unsubbing this faggot. The bike comic alone was too much for me to deal with.
>It's ok that I've been robbed because it made the their happy
>starving is better than making too much bread
>Anarcho Communists believing this
>Meanwhile they need safe spaces for their feelings
God I can't wait for a Russia expeditionary force to come help us out during the Civil War. I'd love to see your reaction once a horde of liberators fueled by vodka rush your position.
They already are a terrorist group which means the FBI is watching them and they've got FBI plants in all their operations.
enjoy dying of obesity faggots
Capitalism DOES. NOT. WORK.
begon jew
Capitalism has worked for the past few hundred years, I honestly don't understand how people could argue that it doesn't.
"b-but muh poor peoplez of color in da third world..."
That's literally part of capitalism. The fact that there are poor shitskins working for nothing so that the superior White race can get cheap materials is what we WANT out of capitalism. It's working absolutely fine you fucking faggot.
Which alternative system outperforms it?
>We should all starve instead of a % of our population is overweight
>he wrote, posting his anti-capitalist rant on Sup Forums from his computer (built by a capitalist private company) via the internet (given to him by a capitalist private ISP), whilst drinking a cup of Starbucks™ coffee and maybe enjoying a Subway™ sandwich, all while checking his Apple™ brand iPhone™ for any Facebook™ notifications and Twitter™ for any interesting tweets...
Self loathing?
Funny how the alt-right loves to talk shit online and spread childish pepe memes, but in real life get knocked the fuck out.
Punishment fits the crime, 1945 YOU LOST bitches.
This one?
I was a bit of a poorfag/dumpster diver type awhile back. If you want low quality/soon to go bad bread most stores don't really give a shit and are pretty much all "whatever. go for it." Some of the stores I went to even just directly gave some of the loaves to me.
The reason why they throw out bread instead of like putting them on some clearance bin marked FREE is most people aren't fans of stale or soon to be moldy bread.
charge plz
>sucker punch a guy
>don't even knock him out
fucking embarrassing tbqh
He isn’t wrong though
funny how this is ur only response
Mixed economies. No place in the modern world has pure capitalism anymore.
Hitler's socialism is everywhere.
>Not being able to afford bread
You can buy a loaf of bread at my King Soopers for 75 fucking cents most days, 1.00 when it's not on sale.
antifa could certainly benefit from a few years of socialism, it would help them slim down and die with a little more dignity
I've never met an orkz player that didn't have a sense of humor. Skaven players are fags though.
Anymore? I'm not aware of any country that *ever* had pure capitalism, I doubt it's even possible.
For real we are pathetic as a race
>wet themselves
With laughter?
That went from typical numale soygoy comic to literal communist propaganda so fast my head is spinning. Why did the left decide to create numales, make them physically and spiritually weak, pathetic, and worthless, and then use them as their super-soldiers in the fight for world domination
Whats this faggot look like OP?
go back to you cuckshed
There is no such thing as leftypol
No one with any brains believes that antifa shit.
This cannot be real.
Too bad 40k isn't a game that allows people to have fun. After these things I put my Orks in storage and haven't even thought about them since.
>1945 YOU LOST bitches
No I didn't because I'm not a nazi. I'm just a libertarian who hangs out on this board because Sup Forums is supposed to be a board for all right-wing ideologies and the fact that you think that the only right-wing ideology is nazism just proves how much of a dumbass you are. Besides, you bitches lost in 1991.
You're going down Nazi scum
We will resurrect Franco from the grave
What a Ding-Dong Diddly simp
the photo maybe, but bev hills antifa is a meme account
>stop sign
*end times lore*
Truly they were an Islamic movement...they were trying their best to care for the poor and needy. Unlike the W*iit people who just wanted to use the labor and energy from others to get rich.
Get ready to die racist wi*ie people.
>disgust intensifies
liberals can't meme
god this makes me so happy
>You have control over how much you eat if you have surplus of food.
>You have no control over how much you eat if you don't have food.
>If you are obese in capitalism - that's your fault.
> If you starve in communism - that's commies fault.
Go and starve yourself if you love communism so much.
>coward sucker punching someone
Antifa can't defeat anyone in one on one fight. They are constantly humiliated here by chavs.
I don't think I can take this, that's.. that's it. #I'mWithHer
also charge phone
*Smacks hood*
Salil as-Sawarim...
Copying the Europe terror attacks you claim to be against, how pathetic.
thats no terror attack thats darwinism my guy
here's another gif for you.
>larp flag
even as a leaf, I laugh at you.
Ramming violent faggots blocking a road =/= running down families
enjoy dying of starving faggot
Socialism DOES. NOT. WORK.
>stand in road
>be suprised when you get hit by a car
All communists and socialist will have their fate.
300 is level where it is pathological and you are eligible for clinical testosterone treatment.
BTW 'Eugene' is the asian guy, because of course he is.
Ramming into people excersising their right to protest is terrorism, just as the person who rammed into people celebrating in France is a terrorist
Makes me sick that there are people who exist who think its not terrorism because a white dude did it
They are all white.
>only racists see in color
No, smart people do.
The left can't meme and Dodge.
>>You have control over how much you eat if you have surplus of food.
>>You have no control over how much you eat if you don't have food.
>>If you are obese in capitalism - that's your fault.
>> If you starve in communism - that's commies fault.
why did you put that in meme-arrows, whats wrong with that way of thinking, its literally like that
racism is a good thing, my dislike of *most* blacks come from me holding them to the same standards as whites, they steal, they lie, they murder, they rape, they have low test scores and they have degenerate cultures
pic related: in case youre too fucking stupid to draw simple deductive conclusions, the product applicable exclusively to black men was stolen so frequently that anti theft measures had to be put in place
This is true...no ancap has the balls to do what is necessary. The strong and virile will always manifest destiny like Thomas Jefferson with the darker women of his harem.
Did you know Thomas Jefferson read Quran daily and even honored the Holy Ramadan fast? May Allah grant him unblackened children from his harems fruits inshallah. Truly the “raisin-heads” are the worst of believers and kufar.
Drawfags Photoshop the last one into Nazis
Reeeeeee I've lost the argument so I'll just say you're not a person! Hahaha rekt! kek!