Single Line Formation

Why do modern armies seriously do this outdated tactic in 2017? The men are strung out and not able to respond as a group. Therefore they would be easy to pick off by sharpshooters one by one down the line. This needs to be reformed and a group formation where all the squad walks together and therefore concentrated firepower can be used and produce fire superiority pinning down the enemy.

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so they can disperse over an area easier if attacked, only one guy (the point guy) would go down

So the point man has a pretty big responsibility then

it's to minimize the number of people killed by explosives. if you move in a pack some dipshit will step on a landmine and kill half the troop

How exactly are these contract killers better than an armed population?


ye to catch a bullet.

We can send them to wherever our corporations need.

Harder to do that with citizens

MFW the meme flags that want to start a civil war can't into small unit tactics.

You have no idea how hilarious this is to me.

>our corporations


t. Top level Military experts posting on a Mongolian carpet cleaning forum

Someone told me that this was a Vietnamese fishing board, or have I gone wrong?

You're retarded

what he said. My professor was in Vietnam and he said he was "the rat" who went in first in the tunnels and that's how he got shot twice then sent home

>still not marching in Flying V formation

Why even live?

I was asking a genuine question. The point man would have to be on constant alert in order to not just avoid getting brained but also to warn his squad about any danger he spots

It's a Japanese basket weaving board


Trail formation is still a good tactic.
and there are plenty of other formations they can quickly form into in case if the Trail formation becomes obsolete in certain situations.

They call it wedge formation. Yes it gets used.

Why do only some of them have face paint.

No I mean like what America has done since the 40's.

Yes. That's why you put your best man on point. His job and responsibility is to spot landmines / ieds, spot things that feel "wrong", and keep the group from walking into an ambush.

After an ambush, his job is to lay down a base of fire to allow the rest of the group to do a response to contact drill and maneuver to a better position to effectively return fire.

If they weren't walking in a single line formation they'd get their feet wet. Clearly you have no military experience

Makes sense. So is there a special person who always takes point who is trained to spot those sort of things?

>what are explosives?
Derp ya lets pile everyone together into a huge block of people so when the pointman steps on a tripwire the bomb kills half the squad. Brilliant

>Why do modern armies seriously do this >outdated tactic in 2017
Why has OP never served but trying to critique something he knows nothing about from behind his computer instead of learning for himself hmmmmmmmmmm?

column formations have been used since forever because they minimise exposure to fire from the front

this has been true since antiquity

You've literally proven its use in your pic. Fucking try a staggered column in tick brush faggot.

in small squad situations its more of a handpicked type thing either by a SGT or LT

I thought this was all a board where people sell water filters.

I don't know how they do it now.

Generally you try to find the redneck that's hunted his entire life, or similar, to lead. You just hand pick the best guy you've got.


>t. 5 star general

No it's a Mongolian throat singing forum

Smaller profile for the whole squad when looking head on. Allows you to get everyone in closer before the actual fighting starts, which is ideal when you're moving into defended territory.

One yard wide path through paddy field.
Why are they in single file?

>implying the pointman doesn't have a metal detector

Its a good tactic. Each person has an assigned "time" to watch. Example: You have the two, I have the three, next has the four. That way you have a full field of focused fire instead of each person firing wildly. You also have a set of eyes in a certain area who can call to everyone else once the threat is located.

Terrain and likelihood of contact dictates tactical movement.

The typical movement formation is a squad/platoon column fire team wedge

I know this is bait, but still..

you assume that they will be ambushed from the front. This is most likely not the case. Line formation enables maximum firepower to the sides. If they were to come in contact from the front, then the men would scatter to the sides and bring the full firepower to the front.

Most importantly however... it would be very difficult to cross the terrain shown in the picture using any other formation. Generally line formation is only used if you have a narrow trail. in other case - chess board would be preferred.

t. Antifa Special Forces 6-star General

>implying he does
>implying ieds can be detected that way anyway
I can tell you have never served

You're a fucking idiot. Line formation allows for the max field of view from each soldier. It gives the most firepower. Formations are for melee shit.

Point man's first job is frontal security, if you have a fucked up alpha team leader then he has to be on his game for land navigation as well.

The most important thing is that everyone's head is on a swivel and people aren't droning too bad.

Regards to the file it get's used more in urban environments where speed is your security, everyone just needs to be cognizant of getting barrels pointed where there might be enemy contact, and not pointing barrels at your buddies.

>can't make an original joke
nice going, American

i'm part military brainlet

You've heard wrong, its a Rhodesian soup stock recipe sharing website.

How do you russians do small unit tactics? I'm curious.

our military is a joke.


If I had to take a guess this is some kind of joint training with possible south Koreans since far as I know they're the only other allies we have besides Japan.

I wouldn't take what they're doing at this time as very seriously especially considering the one guy in the back has a video camera and nobody is looking up and around.

This. IED threats are minimized by walking in a safe path.

Lol no these are some dirt poor third worlders.
Look at their medic he as carrying a "first aid box" that probably got left behind by the British 60 years ago.

Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their numbers.

do need to say it?
ugh,we only have 2 ships,7000 active personnel,2 attack aircraft,16 transport aircraft,13 trainer aircraft,zero fighter aircraft and attack helicopters,84 combat tanks,247 IFVs,54 towed artillery.

That E-5 doesn't even have a combat patch... sad

Well in the Marines we didn't walk like that if we didn't have to. We actually spread out and had different formations we could do. So yeah, Idk why you are judging by one picture.

File/column is for moving fast when the threat is unlikely.

No, I was more curious to see how your breakdown of small unit tactics and your transport practice compares to ours.

Because, like, if you're a small force but have logistics down WELL, you'll perform much better than a larger force that can't into logistics.

I don't know much about our military except it's statistics. it's a joke eitherway.

hover your mouse over his flag bro

wasn't the main tactic for snipers right back to ww2 to not shoot the scout, but one of the guys in the follow up group following him?

They always sent the scout ahead, so snipers waited until the main group arrived to plug one of the guys in the center. top this off with the fact that you'd be able to see where the assholes scattered to after that first guy dropped.

You're talking to an American. He thinks you're Russian.

These guys are clearly doing joint training in a safe area. If they were patrolling in a hostile area they would probably be even further spread out.

>civilians who never performed a react to contact drill

>implying he isn't trying to bait me into saying that

Bro you know much less than you think.

No, no. He's genuine. He's nice to you.

What are you talking about Finland?

I've been found out. :#

it was framed as a question, not as an answer.
Plz explain further

This formation is also mostly used when enemy contact is not likely. This is obvious bait but these retards do exist and assume that
>The ambusher would always ambush from the front and he is going to stay hidden no matter what
>The ambusher will absoluetly always hit the targets no matter the distance
>The bullet would perfectly penetrate everyone is a straight line because the ambusher is always lined up in the exact way to hit everyone

Don't forget to Sage.

>t. retard
This is a Taiwanese PowerPoint exchange

Actually, you're on a Malaysian sheep shearing forum friend!

I will explain the sniper thing. If the enemy force is superior and your mission is to engage you take a few shots and then retreat through cover to secondary prepared positions. Ideally you have a machine gun to pin down the enemy in a killzone that your mortars are pre-planned to hit and then you have a superior infantry force to finish the job.

>Implying snipers

Found the infantry guy. This plan is too smart for the marines.

The file formation makes it very easy to achieve other tactical formations in an instant.

It's just to move through rough terrain quickly, if you have a smart leader he'll put the formation in file just long enough to get through the terrain and then put you back into wedge or whatever as soon as you get out.

So THIS is the power of private security firms!!!

I thought this was the Burmese dyes list

I was always point.. not sure if I was liked or good at not getting us killed.. never could figure that out.

Also in areas where you know there is a high concentration of anti-personnel mines and booby traps the file is superior to not getting blown up. You're traveling on a familiar route trying your hardest to step in the footsteps of the soldier in front of you. Point man is always scary as hell, but you rotate out

Where do your taxes go?

It hides their numbers ya dumb shit

t. Ft. Benning graduate June 2006

I just one to ask one thing.
What makes you think you know better than soldiers on the field? Like if it was so shit, don't you think they would've realized by now?

you don't notice there is a 3 foot deep gook shit infested rice patty on either side of that little strip they are walking across.. does it take that much thought as to y..

I thought we were on a Canadian cuck catalogue.

>Why do modern armies seriously do this outdated tactic in 2017?
Not a tactic. It's one of many march formations. One day when you grow up and join the military, perhaps you'll learn some of them.

Truth be told, it's an Eskimo seal clubbing forum.

You did see Rambo right gooks always put the landmines in the water.

It's a fucking paddy field, keeping feet dry matters, scout first, waiting ahead to cover the rest

Don't lie, he deserves to know he's browsing a Taiwanese stump pumping wiki!!!

Less people injured from bombs if spread thinly.

go off and step on a land mine then, I don't give a fuck

it was because you were disliked and they wanted you to die first

actually its a Sentinelese fusion reactor blessing forum