Ok so we all know that women have become less and less feminine and the havoc that is wreaking upon our societies. However fixing the issue is going to take some creativity on our part because meming them back into the role of homemaker is our best bet. Preliminary idea: campaign promoting imagery of motherhood with sappy uplifting quotes, pair with imagery of women tending hearth and home with an emphasis on the importance of her hand in shaping the home she and her family reside in, playing up the empowerment angle so as to bypass ideological guards.
/MWFG/ Make Women Feminine General
Step one - Make high level women create this trend, and make it fashionable
Step two - Make all Chads only want to MARRY/LTR with pure trad waifus
1. abolish """safety nets""" and social services
2. eliminate no fault divorce, division of property during divorces, alimony, and child support
3. stop funding degeneracy through publicly funded education
That's really all it takes - it will force them to become accountable again, and thus modest and feminine - though preventing women from voting it all back is also important.
Ops only work when they are fun
Not everything is an op
Stop being gay
Lurk more
>Make Women Feminine
We don't
They are backed by state
While I agree with you, I don't think we're going to be able to achieve those policies through law due to women being able to vote. The fix then is to create social pressure until it reaches a point where we can crack the legal system.
(Too busy to join in, taking a break from studying)
because of feminism, women have become lesser men... they let go of their strengths in order to obtain an equality, which didnt exist, and never will.
Women as a whole are fucking garbage and not worth saving. Just try and find that one sliver of gold in a pile of shit (good women still exist but it's like finding a unicorn). Let the other 99% of worthless women head for the cliff.
>tfw no feminine gf
I fucking love braids
I'll save you mother
shiet how I am suposed to reply her REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
fuck you
Get yourself a nice feminine Mormon girl user.
>Love motherly duties
>Wants plenty of offspring
>Moral and kind
fuck off fag
>heavily indoctrinated by the patriarchy
>not wearing a bra
i'm pretty sure that's a pic from a j. crew catalog
Thanks for the (you)s you superstitious fools :DDDDD
I bet mormons smell weird.
Nah you're thinking of polygamists
Typical fag post from a Fin.
>what if I don't want to be feminine.
>What if I want a career instead of kids.
>What if I don't like submitting.
>what if I make enough that I don't need a man.
>What if I want to spend the rest of my life by myself and die at 70 with my cats around me
Works with men and there video games why wouldn't it work with me without the cats.
Is that You Lauren?
Push cooking channels that are fun, have family oriented people, and great recipes. I follow Laura vitale on YouTube and love her. Her family sometimes makes an appearance but she always mentions them. Always puts me in the mood to cook for my bf. I was in culinary and am studying to be an RD (its common sense anyway) I've learned Food is really what binds people together. Esp family. Women need to get back in that happy food making role.
White women are the enemy
Birth control pills must be banned.
There is a shortage of white wombs but not white sperm. Thats why, whore.
my heart
Damn...you got me
Fuck you fin
You have to become a Chad if you want women to conform to your ideals. That's not the tough part. The really difficult thing is to resist the urge to join the degenerate hookup culture and "enjoy the decline"
Free love is a drug that is perpetuated by social pressure, just like any other.
All good ideas ITT
One more thing: realize that women have got to stop cross dressing as men. Women wearing pants is not only disgusting but a sin. A woman who wears only dresses/skirts is automatically a +2.
Make Women Domestic Again
Enjoy to biologically fail
>not posting the real nazifu version
Doesn’t Canada do free sex changes now?
What do you care your not white. Go get prepped by a Muslim bull.
There's no shortage of black or Mexican or Arabs. Go there if you want a submissive retard.
delete women
most of them cannot develop a permanent pleasant demeanor and a genuine sense of obligation
they never did
I agree with OP. We need to build upon the recent 40s style revival. Not just the fashion, but the state of mind by sharing as much trad life memes as possible
we have to go BACK
What can you offer burger. A porn boner and wagie salary if become your white qt.14.
Yeah I'll pass.
It amazes me how someone can be brainwashed against their biological programming. Thank God it will either be Amish or Muslims replacing your kind.
Just stay home with the cats and fade out in peace landwhale.
>it’s the “modern woman unironically thinks men want a bitchy pseudo dyke with her 50k career versus a sweet housewife”
>bakes awesome cakes
>like to draw paintings
>acts feminine
My heart.
For your quote it’s partially true. Destroy the family unit and then kids only source of culture reproduction is from formal schooling. Not good.
I want to put her pussy into my penis and make baby
t. reddit
Why would women want to go to work anyway? Going to work is fucking depressing sometimes.
I already stated I never needed a man. Grew up with a single parent. My needs were always met. I don't understand how a woman could lower herself to be supported by anyone especially a man who only wants a girl for sex.
You mad virgin. Good stay that way.
>you now realize liberation™ means getting your own money as a woman so you can afford your own place to bring chads back to to fuck you
I'll burn you alive Saracen
This is why my best friends have always been guys. They definitely WON'T sleep with your boyfriends. Women are just too treacherous.
Kill yourself.
Fucking leaf
>Toxic masculinity in women
gosh dang hillary
We need to make being "classy" cool again. Being "classy" has a better shot at becoming fashionable again than say, traditionally conservative. Conservationism has almost become a bad word nowadays. Being "classy" hasn't been demonized though.
It's a different word for the same exact thing.
So basically turning women to men, just weaker. Why?
It's like if you're playing an RTS game, and you have like worker units and soldier units. Workers stay at the base and gather resources because they are shit at fighting, and soldiers go out to the enemy base and fuck their shit up because they can't gather. But then a fucking idiot starts playing and says "Well that doesn't seem fair. What if workers want to fight instead, and soldiers want to gather resources? I'm gonna send half of my workers into offensive and leave half of the soldiers on the base". And the only thing that happens is his army gets wrecked and the enemy wins the game.
"Classy" kind of has been demonized ever since it got taken up by the fedorafags or people LARPing as a 1920s gangster. I cringe whenever a friend a Facebook posts "Swag is for boys. Class is for men".
Honestly, it's mens fault that women aren't conservative and feminine nowadays.
I grew up with a pretty outwardly liberal father, and he never knew why I behaved so unfeminine. When I got older and started dating (conservative) guys who encouraged that part of me, I became way more feminine. It makes me feel way better than all that "womyn power" stuff anyways. So you guys only have yourselves to blame.
they've been led to believe that fucking random men is the key to happiness
I, clearly a woman, am not responsible for my actions.
The word 'classy' is just lower classes larping as the aristocracy. We don't have an aristocracy anymore anywhere in the West.
If you want to fix women, fix men.
Women WANT strong, capable, masculine men to provide them with boundaries. They act out when they don't have these boundaries, like children.
Stop being a bunch of soyboy bitches
Women need to know responsibility.
Both genders are at their stake in this shit, with many men and women being slave to their genitalia and secular ideologies, with differences and desires of their gender being exploited.
This sounds like a decent idea, problem is getting it through though. Especially because women still constitute 50% of the vote.
Guys we need to orientate this as a means to “fill The void” or “to give purpose” to women’s lives. Women especially working millennials are do sad and dead inside. I know it’s hard to believe but that’s the commonality I’ve observed from dating. Approach family and marriage as a way to return purpose to the lives of our women.
>I cringe whenever a friend a Facebook posts "Swag is for boys. Class is for men".
Well, what other opportunity is there to reintroduce this sort of style?? There really isn't one and your friend is right. If presented correctly, it can be made to be desirable because people tend to romanticize the past. Thus, making it more appealing than the current culturally degraded society.
>The word 'classy' is just lower classes larping as the aristocracy. We don't have an aristocracy anymore anywhere in the West.
Not really, being "classy" is nothing more than reflecting generations past in apparel, values, style, etc. While yes, some of it may be traditionally aristocratic, it's by no means modernly aristocratic (upper class.) With that being said, people always tend to romanticize the past anyways, which might make this a trend that could actually catch on if presented correctly. Just sayin
Stop being a faggot and this shit takes care of itself. Be a good man. Be assertive. Stomp out the sjw bullshit firmly but kindly. Realize that women are reactionary, and he behaviors you hate most likely exist because men in their life have been weak and worthless. Women are Basically a mirror for you (this only works with long term relationships).
You can’t do that unless you convert to Mormonism and it’s so obviously false it’s laughable.
I don't get why girls aren't mad at feminists pushing them to give up becoming housewives and mothers. I honestly don't get it. It's the best deal ever.
>A bunch of obese manchildren who spend all day posting on an anime imageboard are going to make the general female population "feminine again"
Good luck guys. I'm rooting for you.
We should probably get women to promote the right ideals. If the alpha girl does something, many will follow.
Question is how do we get the alpha women to do this. I think that we should promote the hottest women in our movement on social media, since they're probably the ones young girls will look up to. These women don't need to be completely redpilled, just promote virtues like modesty and motherhood.
>Men with infinite free time
>Post on IMAGEboards all day
The perfect propaganda machine.
>treating women as anything more than a puppy that needs to be taught not to piss on the floor
there isnt a single woman on this planet who cares if youre not a virgin. Fuck sluts until you find on that refuses and says shes waiting till marriage then put a ring on it and keep up the pressure just to make sure. Let the sluts rot into bitter feminism and cat ladies and let the tradlad "im totally a virgin by choice" cucks rot with them, they have no idea how to attract or pleasure women and dont deserve to get the top 5% of them. Focus on yourself. Achieve the dream on your own and only then help others achieve it. 99% of the people in this world are trash, only through the ashes of natural selection can we progress forward.
If /sig/ becomes big enough and people actually listen to it instead of fantasizing about what would happen if they did, then yes a few autists on a Nepalese basket-weaving forum could start some kind a Traditionalist movement.
Fuck you
>Men are to blame
>I'm not accountable for my own behavior or actions
I thought the whole point in calling yourself an adult was being able to act like one? Guess I'm wrong there. Forgot that all women are children who don't know any better
Why though? They don't want to do it. They just want short term flings with no strings attached.