North Korea is a shithole guys.
A North Korean soldier who defected to the South was found to be hosting huge intestinal parasites, worms, and other symptoms of malnutrition.
North Korea is a shithole guys.
A North Korean soldier who defected to the South was found to be hosting huge intestinal parasites, worms, and other symptoms of malnutrition.
>be north korean
>get parasites
My phobia
>North Korea is a shithole guys.
How the fuck did you figure that out? Are you sherlock holmes?
I got tapeworms traveling in a remote area of Brazil for work (we were breeding a specialized variety of corn for high altitudes). I suspected I either had worms or cancer, because I was rapidly losing weight despite increasing my caloric intake. I went from 195 lbs to 155 in the time I was there. I saw my doctor within a couple days of getting home and got some antibiotics, and proceeded to shit out a 12 foot worm. Actually, I only shit out about 3 feet of it and had to pull the rest of it out. I could feel it inside me. I would not repeat the experience.
good way to lose 40 pounds tho
China is experimenting with Resident Evil style mutations in NK.
>Doctors measured the soldier as being 1.7 meters (5.6 feet) tall
that's 5' 7" you fucks
>not Antiparasitics instead
that's kinda hot desu
But they are a socialist workers paradise, they have the best healthcare in the world and its FREE
If he didnt seek medical help in NK then its his fault
The fuck? Is this real life?
You know what I meant. It was like 6 different pills
Normal communist intestines, capitalism will cure, sad!
what did you eat that gave you that shit?
He wanted to win that 6 pack
Only if your round it up. It's 6.92913386 inches.
That would be like me claiming six four despite only being 192cm.
>North Korea is a shithole guys
um actually no
I have no idea desu. It could have been anything.
>12 foot
God damnit brazil, at least you didn't got the penis fish worm
>sees flag
>checks out
the idea is that there are extreme levels of poverty in North Korea.
Even the most extreme levels of poverty in America are nothing compared to some shit hole countries.
for me it was 40 bk nuggets and a liter of mountain dew. worst diarrhea in my life
Did you pull it out yourself? How long did it take to get it out? How long did it take to lose the 40 lbs? I need to lose like 60. So that would be, what, 18 feet of tapeworm?
we need to encourage and set up a program that will bring all the communist lefties to the safehaven and paradise that is North Korea
Commies to N Korea, BLM to africa.
From the time I arrived in Brazil to the time I was on my flight home was 14 weeks. I pulled it out myself, took less than 10 minutes. I forgot to mention in my first post that I also had a bunch of white worms that looked exactly like 6 inch long spaghetti noodles.
I would not recommend using tapeworms to lose weight user. I felt like dogshit when I had it. I was weak, had a constant headache, and my mind felt cloudy.
>North Korea is a shithole guys!
Oh and by the way the holocaust happened, Trump is the worst and all those other normie beliefs are dead on!
People in every country and way of life have parasites of some sorts.
Do you think NK is a 'shithole'... or because it's been terrorized by the USA for fifty years and still won't go down.
>elite guard eats corn
>fertilize crops with human shit
>even soldiers have to be farmers to survive
What a fucking utopia
its also fucking disgusting.
holy fucking shit
I got tapeworms too and shat out 3 huge ones. I have no idea how I even got them. My health started rapidly declining and I had something called edema where my body would swell to the size of a balloon.
Don't eat raw stuff guys... seriously.
That's one way to keep that excess weight off.
Perhaps there is no starvation in North Korea, they just are really obsessed with weight loss products
Oh shit, I suppose I would hate to live in a country that has a sustainable farming system where I don't have to eat GM, pesticide ridden vegetables.
Also I would hate to have a slice of the land upon my ancestors have fought and died to protect, where I can also raise my family.
Maybe if you American fucktards weren't imposing trade sanctions they would be able to get a course of anti-parasitics and get on with their lives.
But no. God forbid a country thinks for itself and defines it's own course in the world.
>I would hate to have a slice of the land upon my ancestors have fought and died to protect, where I can also raise my family.
Good, because in a communist system you don't own shit. The state owns the land your ancestors dies to protect.
Where was that?
I live in Britain. I don't own the fucking land under my feet every step where I go. I live in a rented house, work for a company I don't have a stake in.
BUT my family still lived in the same area I do now for the past 300 years as far as I currently know. They worked on farms, in schools, built the houses that have housed dozens of families.
But 'you don't own shit'. SO WHAT.Doesn't make it any less their country.
North Korea Luxury Ski Resort
>ywn, in person, see the look of utter joy on a North Korean qt's face when she tries American bbq
Can't we just airdrop brisket on them until they realize they don't need to eat corn contaminated with human feces?
It would be one of those two: vegetables poorly washed or meat poorly cooked.
I bet you guys still believe the jewish lampshade myth too
South Korean propaganda
You spelt 'Americuck' wrong
he had one 25cm tapeworm. they can grow to about 5 metres long, and you can be infested with multiple. this is a bullshit story.
Rat coconut, lots of it. Then eat very peppery food. The coconut causes parasites to detach from intestinal walls, and the peppers irritate and immobilize them. If you do this, and there's no worms in your stool, then you're parasite free.
If there are worms, keep doing it until there aren't.
>North Korea is a shithole guys
you just now learned this my 3 year old nephew already knew this
or you could just go to a doctor and get a couple anti parasitic pills
Gr8 b8 m8
Gotta get them brainwashed nice and early. Commander. Sheklestien salutes you, sir.
You a pharma good goi nigga bitch
>the media says the sky is blue!
>the sky must be red!
also normie opinion is so pro-communist its ridiculous you think you're edgy
Why didn't you save her?
not the best health care
no free health care is good
in canada it will take days to get help if you even get it
i would imagine nk being much worse
plus judging by your flag ill guess your a troll
>dude based communists lmao
Natsocs belong in the gas chamber along with communists, jews, and other such anti-Western influences
The photograph of multiple worms is right there in the OP.
he probably got it trying to escape.
>elite guard eats corn
>fertilize crops with human shit
>even soldiers have to be farmers to survive
So a group of people who are self sufficient. That does sound like a utopia. Everyone should know how to farm. Everyone should grow their own food in part. The government shilling for you to eat retard burgers from McRonalds turned your country fat and docile. And now the influence has spread. Kennedy was the last man to understand this globalist trick. He tried desperately to outplay them but failed due to the populaces incompetence and laziness.
damn when i see a based anglo i feel something stirring within me. good posts mate.
only in my dreams
a zombie infested landfill
plus the place is so hard to get out of they probably would be contained
What do you mean with "rat coconut"? The animal or the oil from coconut?
But they did save her
Now imagine millions of north korean qts that are still trapped there with worms in their bellies.
I don't like communism. I don't pretend to but if a nation is communist then fuck it why not just let it fail on it's own accord.
It's hilarious how Yanks are always preaching about how great freedom is. yet, they don't allow anyone to have it.
you mean like nazis
i think we have a traitor
Sweet dreams -- and btw most of you fucks that eat garbage food have them
whomstvedly are you talking to
Feels bad man. These american globalists cunts fucking up our country through international influence are ruining our way of life. My hometown used to have a farmers market every week and everyone would shop at local butchers, bakers etc. Now its a third world muslim shit hole where everyone gets fat eating Mcdonalds. London has fallen due to the retardation of the 56%.
When are we just going down there and taking care of this shit.
>These american globalists cunts
you mean sjws
Most everybody here
you could make some hentai out of that
No I mean big business, MIC and government.
>HAHA based trump btfo sjw's hehexd. He DEFINITLY will be fighting against the globalist agenda. Not like hes just filling his friends pockets or anything hahaha
he has no friends
theory debunked
>most of you fucks that eat garbage food have them
That's not how it works. If you have these, you know it. They're a serious threat to your health. You don't just carry some around for decades unknowingly.
Oh fugg you got me
>GEd bles
Yeah, you're definitely using the handbook. "emotional appeal to the isolated and lonely"
Absolutely. Walk around the village where I grew up for example and you get a sense of what it used to be like before Corporatism and mega capitalism came in. Literally Utopia. Until roughly 1950's when the Yanks started corrupting everything.
Back to the thread subject. If the Norks want to be communist more power to them.
>Brazil, you nasty
Include me in the Screencap
Wrong. They live inside anyone with the right (wrong) conditions, by eating shit food - lots of meat for example. It rots in your gut; the worms grow. Pretty simple. Most people have no idea until they become impacted or whatnot.
what is "rat coconut"
i think you put that worm up there, gayboy
>Rat coconut
I am guessing he typo'ed eat
A friend of mine went to North Korea. He said he was absolutely shocked at how clean and orderly everything was. People were extremely proud of their country and leadership. Kids walked around by themselves without fear, even after sunset. No porn, hard drugs, or degeneracy. Weed is legal and everyone smokes it, including KJU himself.
Kim Jong Un was educated in Switzerland and knows exactly what he's doing. He's developing nukes so North Korea doesn't end up like Iraq. He's building massive high-rise apartments all across the country. North Korea is the fastest growing economy in the world, according to the Hyundai Research Institute.
This thread is definitely an exercise in demonization. To be more accurate- datamining to see how well mainstream media propaganda ideas have dispersed here in /po/
You are doing God's work in breaking the narrative.
>It rots in your gut
That's not how guts work. They're not cavernous open spaces with nooks and crannies for stuff to get stuck in and worms to travel around feasting on shit. Your guts have no space in them until something is pushed through by peristalsis.
>with nooks and crannies for stuff to get stuck in and worms to travel around feasting on shit
That's exactly what they are. Have you never cut open a mammal before? /farmlife
>Doctors measured the soldier as being 1.7 meters (5.6 feet) tall, but weighing just 60 kilograms (132 pounds).
Jesus Christ it's not that bad. I'm 5'11" and weigh less than 120 lbs. Am I malnourished?
>tfw tapeworms can invade your brain
Worms in your organs too
Happened my girlfriend after eating pork at a Mexican restaurant that wasn't cooked all the way. Was pretty fucking gross.
US trained doctors aren't used to working on patients that aren't morbidly obese. Usually they don't deal with parasite issues either since yanks with a brain cell wouldn't get into a lifetime of debt for a couple of pills
Yes extremely, mr spooky skele