Why is Ron Paul no longer our guy?

Why is Ron Paul no longer our guy?

Libertarians are weak people

He is very old and should be left in peace to spend time with his grandkids.

Takes one to know one swedecuck

Because only white male INTPs care about libertarianism and once our country is brown we will lose absolutely everything

Libertarianism is useless. It achieves nothing, it stands for nothing, it protects nothing, it's meaningless and there is no end goal to it.
Libertarianism isn't going to stop millions of niggers, spics and arabs from invading your country and making your people extinct.

Libertarians were controlled opposition distraction all along. They pacified the goyim.

Libertarianism is too weak to save us, things are too far gone

He is still /ourguy/. He's retired though, so there's really not much to talk about.

takes one to know one

This it was a Jewish rabbit hole to suck all the energy away from what was the George Wallace John Birch Society Right

He was the best we had
Now we have something grander to follow

a libertarian environment is what allowed media and news consolidation (jews) to control information.

because right wing retards found a new meme

an even bigger joke

He will always be my guy

But swedecuck, we all know you’re a cuck.

he was to weak to do anything

>Libertarians in one picture

How much a cuck you have to be to believe all that?
>Give up your property goy, submit to the globali...I mean Nationalist government all your freedoms
>you don't know what's best for you, I do, you better start giving me all the power goyim!

Says the guy from the country that produces most cuckold blacked . com porn in the world!

The alternative to chasing your tail and allowing your people to get genocided isn't ''giving away muh power to the state.''

>yes goyim let Noseberg Corp provide all your goods and services
>If you work hard at Noseberg Corp and make us many shekels you will be promoted to Chief Wagecuck, just be patient goyim
>this is free market freedom and liberty goyim

Sup Forums used to be libertarian but then Ron Paul didnt get the 2012 republican nomination so at that point the only choice left was fascism

Somehow Libertarians would not kill all people that hate freedom and want to enslave them like Muslims want. Yep they just would let them destroy it all...
>All Libertarians are AnCaps meme
Burgers please!

half of you people are retarded. Ron Paul was more of a strict Constitutionalist than a Libertarian.

ron paul was the martyr who turned most of us onto the true path of fascism. we all want libertarianism to work, but the way the Republican party treated him in 2008 showed that its not going to happen while jews still live on these shores.

Pretty true. Too bad the libertarian party are really just degenerate fucks all dressed up. Ron Paul wasn't a degenerate, but he allowed YOU to be a degenerate fuck and advocated ME being able to fuck you up if you brought that shit onto my property or home.

In the end, even though he had the right train of thought, he was weak. Look at his own son. Got his ass kicked and played victim instead of shooting that antifa fuck between the eyes. And that was the second time. At the baseball field they should've berserked on the old fat dude with a gun. That's what Ron Paul bore and raised. That's not what i want for America.

Ron Paul is too weak for the challanges of our times. This is not the 1800s, libertarianism is not enough. Libertarianism also is liberal in it's values, allowing all degeneracy so long it's not breaking NAP's. Racemixing? No problem. There is only the atomized individual in libertarianism. Individuals always lose to people that prefer the in-group, which makes it a bad strategy.

We do NOT have to tolerate rampant degeneracy. We do NOT have to tolerate growing shitskin minorities.

The constitution only works in a country of white men of faith and good character, not a country of kikes and shitskins. The founding fathers understood this.

We are under a fascist internet regime.

Meant to reply to (You)

I still follow him on FB. he is doing his homeschool and boring podcast thing.

>tfw Sup Forums used to think this was the savior of humanity
Although homeschooling is pretty based desu senpai

he still is.

you are now aware of all the Sup Forumslacks that got bitcoin at a dollar because of ron paul

And they sold at $100 thinking they made a huge profit. They did of course, but literally nobody held out to this year's bitcoin crazies.

Ron Paul is still based. It's disappointing he had the media/neocons run him over with a bulldozer, but his thoughts on the economy and foreign policy are pretty spot on.

His argument of having the taxpayer directly pay for our neocon foreign policy instead of the Fed printing up our inevitable collapse of debt is what really woke me. It's a shame Trump doesn't see this.

Because Ron is on his deathbed.
Doesn't mean we forgot his words.

He'll always be my guy

Okay then what is useful? Tell me.

What is better than liberty? Men in suits stealing your money? Men in boots with guns? If you're going to err, what better than on the side of liberty and voluntary interaction?

He's a creationist retard.

>flag hidden


As much as I rag on lolbertarians I'd rather have had Ron Paul as president than George W, and Obama.

That says more about George W and Obama and their failures than it does about the lolbertarian ideology.

>Why is Ron Paul no longer our guy?

Because he was ineffective

Seriously, did he ever accomplish ANY of his major goals?

>none of his economic memes ever came to fruition
>fed never audited

This dude was the original LARPer