What's the worst European country?

What's the worst European country?


As much as I would want to say North Somalia i.e. Sweden, I would have to say some Balkan nation or the other.

How do i rock ? ?

The Netherlands
>witnessed a public shooting
>and a train suicide
>and sex in public more than once

Either Serbia or Albania


The slavic one

What's the most cucked, degenerate country?


>1 post by this ID


there is nothing wrong with sex in public dude

Russia, because...

Oh wait, i Forgot Russia is not an european country, but slavic-mongol halfbreeds in the cold steppe in the east.

If anyone gives any other answer than Germany. You people need to start killing your self's.

Kosovo. Kosovo shouldn't be, it's the cradle of Srbija.

Suprised it didin't say kill myself.

Statistically, Germany.
It has killed millions of innocents, destroyed countless cities and committed massive war crimes against humanity

That's a tricky one

Fake country Ukraine.

You are evil and should be shot.

croat diaspora

serb diaspora

>meet Tom Cruise

Nice meme. Upvoted, fellow right winger!! :)

There is always tomorrow for that my friend.

of course greece is get a loan

>Build a Hydralisk

It's a four-way tie:
Basel, Switzerland, Vatican, City of London Corporation, Lichtenstein (hint: Khazarian Jew Mafia)

Historically germany has been the worst country, but at the moment i would say sweden
> activate my genitals


Belgium. They have no local culture whatsoever anymore from what I've seen, and they're infested with muslims (expected) and regular african niggers as well (this was weird)


See flag
No seriously, I've been to several other European countries and I've never seen these levels of subhuman behaviour outside the borders.
Please allow me to ellaborate:

>Local festivity in Portuguese village:
People in beautiful costumes dancing and singing in the evening, quiet night and everything so clean the day after you'd think nothing had happened

>Local festivity in Spanish village:
Massive shitfest. Gypsies arrive first and set up a mini theme park with rusty stuff where chavs can throw up gallons of cheap alcohol or get a crippling injury for life. Huge speakers are set to max to ensure no creature can sleep in a 50 mile radius. The "show" (usually lowest class folk music recorded like 70 years ago, set to play on loop) starts at midnight, lasts well past sunrise. Next morning, the village looks like it was just raided by a horde of hobos with incontinence.

>German roads:
No speed limit, 3500 people died in 2015 in road accidents, out of a population of about 70 million

>Spanish roads
Speed limited to 120 kph, speed controls everywhere, govt gets millions in fines.
26.000 fatalities and 135000 severe injuries in 2015, out of a pop of about 50 mill

I could go on and on. Some time ago I was studying English abroad somewhere, living with other students from different Euro countries. Classes started early in the morning, and the location was quiet and beautiful. Then I started having trouble sleeping, but I wasn't the only one. I remember a poor girl who would come to class barely conscious, with huge dark marks under the eyes.

The problem was this group of kids who would gather at night by the apartment block and start drinking and smoking and and laughing and yelling for several hours
Can you guess their nationality?

It is not my fault Germany has became Jew proxy, but it is my obligation to be aware of it.

I have nothing against most Germans, but you are just a shells of something you could be. A shells that Jews are using to store their degeneracy in. But soon enough Germany will not even be populated by Germans.

pick up a gun hans we'll see what happens

I've never been more proud of my countrymen

The people in your country engaged in genocide just for the lulz. Having a bunch of Croats, Bosnians and Serbs in one place isn't a good idea.

>how to stand up to my wife

For real though fuck the frogs. Calling pancakes "Crepes", ain't nothing creepy about a pancake knobheads!!!

Genocide is good. One has to separate the weed from wheat. Being weak and not standing up for your own, is however a really shameful.
I dont mind Croats and Muslims, I dont mind if tomorrow we kill each other down to non existence. But i would mind if we lost who we are.

>what is Romania
Apparently Sweden, but Germany is a close 2nd

and the rest of slavshits

Tough words from a bong.

slovenia is on the right track, it will save us the trouble

took me until greece to realize this is fake

Equating crepes with pancakes is like equating a Mini with a lorry - basically the same, only the size or thickness makes it a totally different thing.

Thou art more lovely, and more temperate.

The Jews

Butthurt P(r)ole

Hard to say, I'd say some eastern european country.