Can you name even a single thing he did wrong?
Can you name even a single thing he did wrong?
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he went a little too far with the Lebensraum
Personally responsible for the death of more white people than anyone on the planet.
Lose the war
Invaded Russia
He had some leftist policies
found the Jew
Didn't finish the job and permanently ruined his country's reputation.
Not committing holocaust
>he went a little too far with the Lebensraum
These are the saddest words of tongue and pen, no doubt.
and what is currently happening?
hey idiot stalin killed times more people than hitler ever did you fucking communist
>Can you name even a single thing he did wrong?
He killed Hitler
Slavs aren't white who cares
Yes. He escaped to Argentina instead of finishing the job, thus resulting in mass rape of German woman and the endless guilt the Reich still has
Not win.
Are you fucking kidding me!? How about throwing away humanities (potentially) only chance to make things right on this planet because he went power madd and wanted to win the whole damn war all by himself
Invaded Russia during the winter.
He had some Jew blood
>invaded russia too early
fixed it.
it was a matter of time, the communist had to be dealt with.
He failed Art Class.
War with Russia was inevitable.
Also Britain and France were determined to have war at all costs.
>He didn't stay neutral and wait for Russia to strike then join the allies in destroying Communism once and for all.
Quite the blunder.
>Invaded Russia
He knew the Russians were coming anyhow.
Maybe should not have ventured so far into their territory though.
Slaughtered millions of white Poles...
Responsible for the deaths of 55 million people.
Invaded Poland. He should have let the city of Danzig and its German population get enriched by the Polish government. Instead he invades the country and gives the French and British an excuse to declare war.
he lost
>no, the man is as close to perfection as we’ll ever get.
started a war he could not win.
germany would be the all mighty super power if he just concentrated on germany and not foreign wars
he did incade the soviet union too soon
Letting the British evacuate at Dunkirk, waiting for the Soviet's to build their defenses before attacking... hell, an eastern front war in general. Just like Napoleon, another jewish agent, he was set up to fail.
he was a jew
Your dumb stormfag killed 50 million white people.
7.5 million dead germans + 2 million german women got raped by the soviets.
defintely having Rommel shot
rommel was the greatest general we know of in modern history.
You might think general patton, or sherman, or washington were the best military generals, but it was actually rommel
and in the end, rommel was shot by pencil pushers.
you shouldnt just throw away the greatest people your country has this way. its very wrong
but other than shooting rommel, you can actually trace the entire failure of the nazi party to a single moment where they failed to capture russian oil fields
Not how it went down, nigga
>+ 2 million german women got raped by the soviets.
yeah blame Hitler
caring too much
who started the war idiot?
He chose to go to war with them when he could have taken out Britain pretty soundly before having to deal with an eastern front war. As if the Luftwaffe couldn't take out the Royal Navy... hah
imperial overreach resulting in making it not okay anymore to hate kikes
>implying Russia had any interest in attacking the Reich.
They would have been ultra happy with the Poland settlement if Hitler didnt stab them in the back
The triple Entente.
He was a dick to the whitest people in europe, he lost.
Not eliminating the entirety of my race and preventing me from being born
>He was a dick to the whitest people in europe,
He was allied to Finland, you ignoramus
kek'd! you it
built a Autobahn with only three lanes.
The fucker killed Hitler.
Not planting his seed in every German woman.
Declared war on the U.S.A.
If Japan hadn't gone into ship battles in the midway with us. And done there Fucking jobs on China and Russia they would have won.
Fuck off about winter.
You would have been born. Just as a nigger instead
Japan needed black gold
He lost and didn't study history. Grand duchy of Lithuania and Napoleon both tried to invade Russia, same shit happened.
didn't listen to his generals which made him lose the war
Lost the war, damn it.
Killing or driving into exile the scientists and engineers he needed to help him conquer Europe because muh Merchants.
Invading Russia.
Biting every hand that fed him (bombing the City of London, declaring war on the US).
Believing his own bullshit.
Trusted Mussolini
>Slav(e)oid subhumans
Got indecisive and indescriminate in russia
he lost.
Saw this on the way to work the other morning. Deliberate or total lack of awareness lads?
Got to keep em Sepehrated,
Lost ww2
Trusted the Anglo
that's 2
Art Class in 1910 is AIDS, cubism and surrealism was popular those days, and if you want to call pic related art, you're retarded
Not his fault.
meh it looks like art the problem is that people should left to paint whatever they want and not be ostricized because of it
For instance Hitler in this case. Sure it's not "perfect" but you're supposed to encourage people to be their best at what they're good at
Didn't do the Holocaust
Killed himself.
He should have built nukes before invading
>build nuke in secret facility
>allies capture it, your nuke and the resources are lost
>2 million german women got raped by the soviets
modern estimates are like 500000, soviets get a bad rep
Is this the same company?
>rommel was the greatest general we know of in modern history.
>You might think general patton, or sherman, or washington were the best military generals,
I think this is the post that has inspired me to finally leave this cesspit of pseudo-intellectuals.
Wth!? Winners really do write history.
>Or at least make you forget all the facts
Started a war he could never win...
Which was what China had. Srsly wtf memeflag.
Yes, he didn't win World War 2.
Dont know, but they are working on a project for me right now, should i ask the owner?