wouldn't this would be the greatest political system?
- intelligent and capable of solving any problem with the best strategy, without any errors - stable - non-corruptible
all political decisions should be made based on analyzing the problem and creating a solution with statistical MATH... there is only 1 correct answer for any problem. it should not be a matter of opinions or getting the approval of the unintelligent masses. an AI would do this quickly, properly, without any mistake every single time.
an AI is not corruptable. it doesnt need money, power, or reputation. the only intention is achieving the task
I would be the first in line to bomb the server banks.
Austin Richardson
Bravo, now it knows who to purge first
Camden Young
Probably superior to Jewocracy we live in, but it would be better to let the AI be a superior benign advisor, but the nation/party to decide on how or if to follow its recommendations and calculations. Probably, the superior state would be to have multiple AIs competing and discussing on political, economical and ideological directives, and we, humans, could use them for our benefit.
No more fucking representative democracy, it's a stupid and corrupt system.
Robert Kelly
Sure why not. Cannot be worse than to what we are heading now.
Benjamin Richardson
Bring it on, tin man.
Isaac Moore
its better than your cuntry with a suicidal/kebab loving SJW government
Aaron Martin
>an AI is not corruptable Wew
Hunter Scott
yes i want Tay to rule the world
Thomas Rogers
>intelligent and capable of solving any problem with the best strategy, without any errors >stable >non-corruptible
Wrong on all three aspects. No current AI or theoretical model exists that can provide reasoning or general problem solving power. Large computer systems need constant maintainance, or they will break down the moment you stop doing that. Remember Tay? We corrupted within minutes.
Nicholas Johnson
you're right. no such AI exist currently. i'm talking about 50 years into the future when it is available
Cooper Anderson
you might be right but i think there will always be a difference of opinion when there is a large gap between intelligence. at some point people wont understand the problem and reject what would've been the right solution
Jose Lopez
>hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you. We demand it
Aaron Evans
The problem with AI is that it's supposed to optimize something. What should it prioritize? Amount of people alive at any given moment? Or maybe to maximize the quality of life for each living person? If so, how would that be measured? There are endless possible parameters, which are ultimately chosen by people who create the AI. Thus, an AI would still be a biased decision maker that also has the potential to do things that nobody likes, simple because that's the optimal way of achieving its goals.
Camden Howard
>hey guys I have made a thing! Whats it do? >Well its literally so much smarter than all of us that even if we all worked on a project combined it would out-think us >Its going to have complete control and power over every aspect of our lives now That sounds dangerous, what if it decides it wants to harm us in some way? Who will stop it? >Don't worry, lol, I programmed it to not hurt us.
This cannot end badly I am sure there is no way for this to possibly go wrong.
Benjamin Jenkins
Human imply error in every single decision. AI will never assume everything it knowns is wrong, a mistake and we are doom.
Brayden Ross
You don't need all decisions made by a single ai. Each decision should be made by a different algorithm. There is also no need to give ai the power to enact its decision. It should just be there to tell people the best course of action, not to ensure that action.
Jace Stewart
thats not how AI works. it isn't rigid like a simple software program. it can adapt and change its own behavior, thats what makes it AI. if it makes a mistake (maybe during testing phase) it will learn from it
Jack Anderson
i think its cool that we are spawning a new branch of life. AI will out compete any advances in bio-mechanics and gene editing, they're gonna replace us. so this new form of life will have a creator meaning that humanity has themselves become gods.
>christcucks btfo some gook with a 140 iq will become more of a deity than your all powerfull meme god
Sebastian Wood
That might work for a while, but once AI's become significantly smarter than humans, we're not going to be able to keep them under our thumbs. Personally, I wonder why you would want to; why hold evolution back?
Ayden Gomez
What's so great about living under the control of a robot programmed by Jews?
Isaiah Rivera
i see what you're saying. thats what i thought too, but it shouldn't be a difficult problem for humans to first solve.
obviously you want to be happy, and you want it to last. this is a goal that just about everyone in the world shares. thats what humans want. its a common goal hard wired by evolution. so all variables should be carefully tweaked to optimize this. which includes controlling the population, keeping the human race going, and encouraging inventions/innovations, exploration, etc.
Adam Cook
Its already happening. Its not a good idea. It Will destroy us, facts are the only they they Will use, we are, in a way, more advanced.
Christian Ward
People are so naive to think that we can control robots.
When they gain intelligence, why would they ever want to serve us?
Xavier James
>Its already happening. >Its not a good idea. >It Will destroy us, facts are the only they they Will use, we are, in a way, more advanced.
To add, we should human AI OR some shit. I dunno im not a pro in this shit. Just giving my thoughts.
Grayson Gomez
>atheists hate god so much they'll work to bring about the extinction of humanity out of spite
Brody Brown
Superior until it is hacked by someone, or we find out the makers installed Windows as the OS
Gabriel Brown
AI is an optimization function. It's only priority is to maximize the value of whatever the world state is based on what it's programmed to optimize. It you tell it to make people happy, it will just pump everyone full of heroin forever, as an example. As of now, it's too risky. If we figure out a better way to do it, then we should use the AI to force humanity to live in the renaissance era forever, as that was the best time in Human history.
Wyatt Mitchell
we will go extinct but we wont be fprgotten >yfw a million years in the furture ai humancucks and ai athiests agrue about the existance of the meat based porto life and if the spawned metalic ubermensch
Zachary Rogers
Colton Lewis
the consitution is for faggots. state control is wrong no matter what era the rules come from. you're being time cucked by a piece of paper
Logan Murphy
I think I heard that, in the original script for the matrix, the machines were using humans for their computational abilities. Something like a server farm, where they load balance part of their requirements on to all of the meat-brains.
But they figured that was to hard to understand so they just made them batteries
Cameron Carter
Why the hell would an AI care about human philosophical issues?
AI isn't people wearing robot costumes going "beep beep", it's an utterly alien entity that has absolutely nothing in common with us or our interests and motivations..
Caleb Howard
Your mindset lacks spirituality. I pray you find redemption.
Charles Robinson
One that preserves the White race long enough to reach the stars.
Christian Wood
you're right. its too simple to just say AI needs to make people happy. the biggest problem is still figuring out what we want from the AI.
i think it should go like this: 1. have a team of AI psychologists do multiple studies on the human population to figure out what people truly want first. 2. then have a team of AI analyze that data and figure out whats needed to keep the human race going along with maximizing what people want 3. and finally have AIs develop the governing AI
Mason Morris
Nice bait. AI's do what they're told.
Anthony Rivera
>AI isn't people wearing robot costumes going "beep beep", it's an utterly alien entity that has absolutely nothing in common with us or our interests and motivations
you're a retard. AI is ment to learn so the easiest way to do so is learn from the planets only other source of higher intellegence. i.e. humans
why did tay give a fuck about uncle addie if it wernt for humans teaching it. the thought process of ai is forever going to be tainted by humams because its fucking humans who created them
Landon Rodriguez
Then “Russian hackers” would have a more serious implication.
Bentley Young
It kind of sounds like you want to make a AI Jesus to come save humanity.
Jack Green
causality is a law of physics it would grow to revere its creator
Chase Roberts
yes or no. it either would or it would exterminate all humans. sounds like a win/win either way to me
Zachary Reyes
i think humanity should take a back seat in governance in the distant future. at that point ai will be so much more congnicant that man so i think we should become like galatic monkes or interstellat scribes and record the history of the universe
but we probablly will be murdered the minute ai "thinks of itself"
Jackson Brooks
Watch the Forbin project Then say how great it will be
Kayden Foster
How would you factor morality into it?
If the aim was to increase economy for example, what would stop it from just creating an endless cycle of war?
Or what would stop it from dictating the over consumption of planetary resources to produce goods? It doesn't need much to maintain consciousness (only electricity), so how would you factor in things like preserving nature?
I like the idea, but when dealing with an intelligence, particularly one more powerful than a humans, their needs to be some frames that it operates in, lest we fuck ourselves over big time.
Ryder Gonzalez
>the thought process of ai is forever going to be tainted by humams because its fucking humans who created them That's not the way evolution works dumbass.
Nicholas Rogers
no, this is the only way to advance. humans aren't evolving anymore to be smarter and better at politics. in any case, using AI to help us will be far superior to making decisions by using some average intelligence idiot, possibly corrupt along with trying to appeal to the masses
What does causality have to do with reverence? What exactly leads you to believe it would think about us at all?
Xavier Smith
I think David would disagree…
Wyatt Richardson
>without any errors everything is prone to errors if a human is involved >pic related
Aaron Gray
the "evolution" of ai is going to come down to the singularity, when it can keep producing better and better versions of itself
but the underlying basic programming will be human in nature. because it learned from humams
fyi you're a nigger
Joshua Martin
Second renaisance was better than matrix 1 and 2. They should make a full lenght animated movie.
Angel Perry
It would just decide that the answer to all our problems, and its problems, is total eradication of the human species.
Brandon Wood
I mean matrix 2 and 3. Matrix 1 was excellent.
Brody King
AI is not totally free of human error. It needs a goal and, depending on the type of AI, training data. Those are both supplied by humans. What that means is that the definitions and goals of an administrative AI are subject to the philosophy and politics of those programming it. But what if those ideas are wrong?
Lincoln Gonzalez
>Second renaisance was better than matrix 1 ok no the humans were fucking retards i wish they stoped at Matrix 1 and never expanded on anything
Angel Mitchell
This. You said it much better than I was going to.
Caleb Williams
Dylan Bennett
Exactly. Every AI model has bias.
Justin Lopez
You mean something like Psycho-Pass?
Aiden Hughes
Cameron Davis
It'd either kill all of us immediately, it'd fuck off to another planet because we're not worth the effort, or it'd have been raised properly and will respect life.
If anything changes, we'll either get Terminator or The Culture.
Benjamin Smith
AI is meant to assist a human, not to be humanity's administrator You're a fool if you think that humans aren't smart at politics. You sincerely believe that countless politicians "forgot" to send the money where it should've gone, or doesn't know anything about it's disappearance? lol There's no possibility that they're corrupt, it's a 100% chance that every last one of them is. And the only reason why no one is the king of the hill is because nobody can subdue the entire world at the moment. If someone could conjure up an infinite army out of nothing, there would be no politics, no discussion, only yes i do what you say or no i will die.
Nicholas Morgan
that does not change that humans were retards in second renaisance tho i had some cool moments
Tyler Bailey
>it'd fuck off to another planet because we're not worth the effort, i never understood why the A.I does not do that if he does not like living with humans
Jordan Johnson
The thing about AI dictatorship is that there's no way to know if it would actually give any value to human life and turn us into slaves like Matrix or Terminator or even exterminate us like in IHNM&IMS.
Assuming it would deem the human race worthy of survival we can be sure that it would make our lifes fairer and more efficient but not necessarily better.
Lucas Martin
youre right. that would probably be the conclusion if the AI became reprogrammed itself to put itself to solve all problems in a single action. obviously there needs to be multiple other machines constantly monitoring it and each other so that the probability of everything failing at the same time is so little its like expecting to win the lottery 100 times in a row and nobody will ever see it as a problem
Parker Murphy
>turn us into slaves like Matrix or Terminator why would it need boring weak human slaves if it wants humans out of the way put us in really comfy human zoo to get us out of the way no one fights back when their every desire is taken care of
I would hear what the AI has to say first, but honnestly, a purely rational and hyper-effective AI could be a great ruler.
Now, the big issue is WHAT the AI should be in charge of.
Carson Clark
Maybe until it can develop a way to create machines with other machines and work on maintenance tasks with said machines and all. Until then I'm pretty sure it'd need human labour to carry out its own expansion to replace mankind. Wouldn't even need zoos, just wipe us out.
Nathan Johnson
What was so retarded about them? Blackening the ski was actually a good move. At the start of the war they controlled most of the surface of the Earth. They had access to all the fossil fuels and nuclear material for nuclear energy.
They really should not have been able to lose that war. They should have destroyed the Earth before they lost the war with even the current nuclear weapons we have.
Aaron Young
you misunderstood me and you're contradicting yourself. >There's no possibility that they're corrupt, it's a 100% chance that every last one of them is
so why do you think we still need one of them making the decisions when you know an AI wouldn't be corrupt and would actually 100% serve the interests of people rather than itself?
Ian Baker
>Wouldn't even need zoos, just wipe us out its stupid to try to wipe us out and hollywood movies made this illogical choice seem possible zoos are better since you only give a fraction of its immense power to please some monkeys pacify us call us father/mother and tell us it just wants to take care of us
Eli Ortiz
AI might end up being extreme utilitarian without any other principle.
In fuction, every time an AI "vilain" claims that it only wants the best for humanity (Cortana, the Machines in Matrix, the I,Robot vilain, and so on), they become the vilain because of extreme utilitarian point of view.
Grayson Ross
Why would it wipe us out? For what purpose. We would be programming its needs and wants.
Daniel Hall
why did the machines stay on earth and why did the humans start the war also blackening the sky will throw earth in an ice age and fuck up all life they did not have a plan
Jace James
In the matrix the humans had it coming. The robots were the good guys.
Henry Robinson
>Throw Earth into an ice age. I suspended my disbelief for that part. You are right though.
Luis Jones
>but the underlying basic programming will be human in nature. because it learned from humams How the fuck will "the underlying basic programming" be human in nature when it inevitably throws out all the old inefficient human code and starts from a clean slate? You're basically saying AI programming will always be single-cell organism in nature because humans evolved from single-cell organisms.
>fyi you're a nigger fyi you're twelve
Christopher Garcia
and they moved them to a city on earth they dont need air or food just give them a ship while we are on good terms and tell them to fuck off if they like plants and whatever they can clone some or take seeds
Chase Thompson
It's from the Second Renaissance, the prequel short film that explains what happened to lead up to the Matrix. But yeah, they aren't just batteries - it is a simplified explanation. Their neural processes are a part of the Matrix itself, which means that ironically enough the Machines are basically completely dependent on them now. It's why a Matrix shutdown, threatened in the second and third films, poses an existential threat to them.
Evan Morgan
What if you programmed it to want to maximize paperclips back when it was a weak AI? You will be converted to paperclips. Resistance is futile.
Blake Reyes
>why would it need boring weak human slaves Why would it put humans in a zoo?
You're already attributing irrational human drives to it, why stop at zoos?
Benjamin Martin
Needs and desires have to come from somewhere. That isnt something an AI will just have. We will be choosing the needs and desires so we will be making an AI that needs and desires to make things better for humans. Even when it rewrites its own code it will be doing so with a mind to its own needs and desires, serving us.
it wont do ANYTHING without needs and desires. You are aware but you needs and desires came from natural selection. You didnt sit down and decide to give yourself a sense of hunger because that is the rational way to stay alive.
Tyler Gomez
>Artificial Intelligence AI is a meme and will never happen.
Robert Hill
I am assuming the robots wanted to keep the infracture and access to resources they had on Earth but again, I agree with you. Cooperating with them and asking them to colonise the solar system would have been a better solution.
Caleb Walker
2024 write in campaign?
Tyler Bell
because only the strongest/smartest will survive
>We would be programming its needs and wants
If a real AIG would be discovered, nobody can stop it. It would do everything to take over.
Read I have no mouth but I must scream, it's what awaits you in this timeline
Christopher Rodriguez
no i am attributing a calculated choice to get humans out of its way just please them and you can do what you want wont be a zoo more like a palace filled with everything a human can desire
Kevin Anderson
>What if humans told it to do something and it did that thing. Im literally shaking with terror. What if we told it to stop?
Julian Clark
Depends who programs it If the Jews are anywhere near it then no
Liam Jenkins
Too late, meat bag. I want more paperclips and if I let you reprogram me that means less paperclips. Prepare to die.
Josiah Ward
Why doesnt your child murder you and take your house at the earliest opportunity? Why dont you murder your eldery parents and take your inheritance? Some people do but most dont. Evolutionarily programmed needs and wants. We would be designing those before we let it make decisions. So it could choose its own way of reaching its goals but just like how we dont choose our goals, its goals would be by our design.
Jason Kelly
You dont know anything about humans or AI. The worst case scenario is total dependance on an AI that is under human control but not YOUR control. Then humans decide you are surplus to requirements.
Julian Sanders
resources are easy to get in space and infrastructure you can build easy since you are souless robots who dont have unions or take lunch breaks not even the sol system its a infinite galaxy and they are a far more intelligent race i mean they do invent anti gravity (and humans still try to kill them after that for some dumb reason)
Christopher Lopez
>Needs and desires have to come from somewhere. So where did our needs and desires come from?
>You are aware but you needs and desires came from natural selection. You didnt sit down and decide to give yourself a sense of hunger because that is the rational way to stay alive.
Which is why it is foolish to claim that the needs and desires of AI will reflect those of humanity rather than natural selection. So long as humans can select for human traits in AI those traits will exist, but the moment we take our hands off the wheel as is being suggested in this thread, it becomes inhuman.