So I'm taking this course in college and one of the course assignments asks: "why is diversity in the workplace...

So I'm taking this course in college and one of the course assignments asks: "why is diversity in the workplace important?"

You know that thousand yard stare you get sometimes where your vision goes blurry for a few seconds and you're just so deep in thought but at the same time can't process anything?

I'm trying so hard to keep my power level in check but reading some of my classmates responses it's becoming so incredibly difficult when people (all women) are like "diversity is so important! it's sad people still hold old values!" and shit like that.

I don't want to get in trouble for my opinions but it's hard letting this shit slide without saying anything.

What does Sup Forums think?

Other urls found in this thread:

approach with logical arguments, maybe emphasis on the process in capitalism has already reduced efficiency to its lowest common denominator and diversity isnt necessarily integral to peak workplace performance.

as a progressive myself i find it shocking and appalling to find the true lack of diversity in manual labor jobs when it comes to including women.
get them to come to your conclusion through their line of reasoning

the workplace is about money, capitalism, not diversity and liveral talking points. people have to do what makes sense economically in the workplace, now if there are affirmative action regulations then it makes sense too avoid a costly lawsuit. but ubless the company is targeting a foreign market rarely does a foreign element in the workforce help the goal.

What are some of the reasons they give for thinking diversity is important? Most importantly what's the "official" class position on the suject?
I'm assuming it has do with the dubious argument of multiple points of view provided by people with different backgrounds and experiences.

>"why is diversity in the workplace important?"
it's not, people able to do their fucking job are important

Ladies and gentlemen, leaf education. Seriously though, meritocracy is far more important than "diversity". Tell the truth. You don't believe diversity is important and with good reason and evidence, prove it.

go all out, stats, everything. drop out and go become a carpenter or something. go back to school in 10 years once it blows over/balkinization.

Fuck you nigger. FUCK YOU

>With cultural/racial/gender/sexual diversity come new and important perspectives/ideas and that's the most important kind of diversity for a business to become a successful venture.
It's complete horseshit but at least you can needle the commie faggots that their idea of cosmetic diversity is fucking dumb without giving them something firm to scold you over.