Memes aside, what is your least favorite country?

I means sure Israel gets the hall of fame golden medal and whatnot, but other than that

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I love ISRAEL and to anyone who dislikes you has to through my wrath.
India-Israel friends forever.

poo-kun, I ...

being on Sup Forums made me hate swiss posters

especially this one autistic one, that always post skull types pics

FUCK Spain

Australia. Even before I came to Sup Forums, the stupidest people on IMDb and Reddit were always the Australians. One of them seriously didn't know that movies existed before the 1970s.

albania and serbia
one is a country full of munafiqun sunni's
and the otther is a redneck good goyim that noone likes

toss up between Iran and Syria

>golden medal

the mainland


North Korea, with Venezuela a somewhat distant second. Why Russia and China would want to continue propping up either of these countries is beyond me.

Keep in mind though, my bile is reserved for their governments, got no qualms with the people.

>Stupid ugly language
>Awful food, just fucking terrible
>Autistic culture
>All their women would rather fuck foreigners because the men are so poor and ugly
>Same jew shill president for like a decade
>Think they are the shit even though most of them would come to America at the drop of a hat

Saudi Arabia.

Genuinely my Father, Britannia. When your people have Child Rape Gangs among them and do not care, I not only do not care about your people; I would rather your country be non existent at that point. Especially so when all you have to retort such things is an extremely petty deflection. Genuinely, British disgust me more and more.

Mexico. Cant get these fucking spics out of my country fast enough. Good god they are annoying fuckers.

To be fair, they were fucked by Communism. Give them a break. Their Government sure as hell doesn't help either, and whenever they try to stop it, "oh liberashka navalny cuck". Especially on here. Their Culture isn't anymore Autistic than ours, to be honest. There's just...less.

Israel is my most hated but Mexico is a close 2nd. Mexico isnt actually as bad as some others but it affects me

Fuck the US

India, Sweden, Israel, Zimbabwe

Espeally fucking Zimbabwe, thanks to mugabe for fucking over Ian and Rhodesia

Greece. all the fucking bitch's there have mustaches

Spain because they're the inventors of one of the most beautiful languages out there.

and maybe argentina. just because i have many argentinian bros on steam.

I fucking hate Canada. Fucking pricks.

Europe in general

I love Israel and i'm not even a jew. Come at me faggots

Idk unironically if i had to choose your country, cause you've been nothing but thieves to my country. You've attacked u.s identified ships before, and you somehow manage to get away with other illegal shit that half of our other allies, even close ones like the UK would never get away with. More or less known to harbor nuclear weapons without signing the treaty, on the books genocide although i personally don't care because it's Muslims but still gets ignored by the left. The only other nation, or nations i could hate more would are interestingly enough in the middle east, it boils down to saudia arabia, and iran. Both these nations like the whole of the middle east in general are fucked up in their own way. Honestly idk if anyone else feels this way, but if there's one area on the earth that could be justified, to be bathed in a nuclear fire it's literally the middle east. It's literally just a white mans graveyard for modern day empires, and unstable as fuck. Inb4 We were even involved.


pakistan is easily the worst country on earth and every paki deserves a slow and horrible death




>all this hate for Israel
Anti-semites showing their true face

Fuck le anglo

I'm not sure. Nominees:
For being full of jews and almost singlehandedly making the (in)stability of the middle east a western issue.
For somehow being more jewish than Israel despite a majority population of goyim. But also because these goyim has been indoctrinated to serve Israel and die for them if they have to.
Call it a catch all for the EU. Denmark is a good rich country and it's because of German EU centralization that the poorer countries drag us down.
Could be most african countries but Zimbabwe is better known. Hate it for being full of savage disgusting niggers among other things.

Venezuela, it's like North Korea, but not funny at all.

Oh yeah, fuck Pakistan and Palestine as well

You'd think that the ballistic missiles and nukes would make NK less of a joke. Is it because they're on the other side of the world, or have we been influenced by the jews to ridicule NK?

The Pakistanis are a filthy and brutish people. And they stink. I nominate them.

Kim and NK is a lot easier to make fun of.

So you say, but I don't think I've even see any Venezuelan jokes aside from the starving/food ones like the one you posted.
Everyone knows what Kim looks like and can recognize him, but if you do a funny edit of the Venezuelan president, no one will know who it is.
And that's why I mentioned that the Jews are likely in on this, because who is it that makes sure that everyone knows what Kim looks like? That's right, television and newspapers.

Honestly don't know if g*rmany or the united calpihate of great britain

I haven't traveled outside north america. I'm just sick of normalfags around me talking about how Canada is somehow superior to US

YO DAWG legos are the shit homie

Vatican City

based on personal experience, germany.



If you include Vatican City, you'll have all three of your masters.

south africa. yes, i hate my country the most. every 2nd poster is either a scummy anglo, a dirty kike or a degenerate nigger.

Tbh I don't care mind about Israel and it has good living standards, too.. Maybe hating Israel is a meme here. But anyway, Sweden is cucked af so it has to be that for me.

the country whos people who believe pic related.


Leafs try too hard to be like Australia. I think they do it to try to distant themselves from Sweden. However, atleast the Swedens understand how cucked they are.

Trick question.... U.S. is the only country that isn't a meme