>Los Angeles county is home to more people than each of these 41 states
Why do these middle of nowhere states with such tiny populations get such large representation in the direction of our country? Why is our system so fucked up?
>Los Angeles county is home to more people than each of these 41 states
Why do these middle of nowhere states with such tiny populations get such large representation in the direction of our country? Why is our system so fucked up?
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because the needs of the rest of America is vastly different from the needs of a bunch Mexicans piled on top of each other
Because they joined the union and decided to play by the rules of the union. They can leave if they hate it so much.
Because this country shouldn't be run by Los Angeles
its funny you think California is a bunch of mexicans when it has 14 million whites.
Shut the fuck up, beaner.
once again fpbp
i dont understand, you proved my point. Whites are still the majority in California.
That's not a majority. That is a plurality.
Many of those 'whites' are Jewish, especially the ones that have political power.
Nope, there are as many whites as spics in California
Because all those red states have the Guns....
Count the Jewish population separately and whites are a minority.
Los angeles you fucking retard
The better question is why is Los Angeles above water and not a pile of ash either?
Federalist Papers #52 and #62 cover this topic. The United States Constitution made sure to for representation of small states to greater due to the fear that smaller states had of being drown out by larger states. Its the reason that in the Senate there is only 2 seats per state so each state has equal representation in the upper house. I also don't believe it being right that 10% area of the united states controls the interests the other 90%.
Considering how shit our Census is California is probably 20% white. We consider anyone who is Caucasian to be white. You could be a dark middle easterner, be Caucasian, and be considered white in America. It's really shit dude. Whites are most likely not as large of a majority as we may think
>Why do these middle of nowhere states with such tiny populations get such large representation in the direction of our country?
You’re right. California should leave the union.
You realize that the 50 million illegals are not counted here right?
The United States is a union of states. It's right there in the name. States are basis of our federal system.
Hope that helps.
Why do urbanites have representation at all?
Remember: East Indians, Arabs, Jews, and many mestizos are counted as "White."
This. We are a Republic. Fuck Cuckifornia.
it's so you can't just fill 1 city with immigrants and use it to twist elections. Isn't the concept of representation what the original Americans (who you're probably not related to) chimped out over?
If you're going to shed some weight, there's this little Upper Michigan we might be interested in. Plz gibs.
>18% finnish
This is like a joke about americans.
>Muh finnish ancestry
Wtf are you talking about? CA has the highest electoral votes in the country by a lot.
They are the most represented.
It’s Socialism. Through the electoral college, Kulak Bourgeoise States with plenty of votes redistribute that voter wealth to the proletariat states with few.
All hail the communist electoral college!
Urbanites deserve less representation than they already have.
Usually yes, but the Finns in the UP actually have had some cultural and linguistic impact on that area. It's pretty neat.
Los Angelesfag here. You do NOT want to live in a country ruled by Los Angeles.
I'm from southern lower Michigan. Can confirm the Finnish UP. It's not a meme. It's beautiful in the summer. Fuck the four foot snow storms in the winter.
>live in a geographic location that is not designed to sustain a large population.
>Steal water from NorCal
>drought, wild fire, earth quakes
>populated by pedo kikes, Mexicans, gooks, dindus.
>OP to nigger IQ'd to know Southern Cali was once a bastion of Republican party.
>LA Times probably the last Anglo newspaper b4 kiked.
>no one in Cali is from Cali, but rather lefties from the states he derides.
Damn you fuckers are stupid. What's it like to be such an idiot?
With a glance I could spot Nisula, Tapiola, Toivola and Liminga. All finnish. And many of the road names are in straight or misspelled finnish. Forests and lakes look comfy, tykkään.
Your're thinking it wrong...
I guess you have to be Finnish to appreciate.
Bizarre Foods (US TV show) had an episode in the UP.
yah, then the other 21 million is mexitrash
Those states feed the country
If you're going to let a small group of people in a small amount of land rule the entire nation, how are we any different from British Colonial America?
britbong has it right. cry more lefty tears into your decaying hellhole cities, maybe it'll flush you rats out to sea.
this guy gets it
This guy fucks.
If you don't like the way our federation is structured, feel free to try and leave it.