Why are Swedes so obnoxiously smug all the time?

It is not like you have anything to be proud off.

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lol, kill yourself shitskin

Because we are literally the top of the line, all other races are wholly inferior.

that's right, muhammed

>Utopian experiment
>californians of europe
>sterilized all true swedes
>want evertone else to suffer like themselves
Pick one they are all true

>Enforcing stereotype

>calling him muhammed
okay burger

Alhamdulillah brother

>this delusion

And thats why you feel so guilty and are so self-destructive, and the prime target of the jews.

At least they're not the prime obedient pets of the jews.

Finns and Norwegians have more blond hair, blue eyes, and greater amounts of Indo-European and Hunter Gatherer genes than Swedes.
The Dutch are taller.
The Italians are smarter despite their influx of niggers, so they are probably significantly smarter.
The Danes and Germans are more efficient.
The French are more ferocious or at least they used to be.
The English are more cultured and creative.
The Spanish are better seafarers.
The Polish are more religious.
The Estonians are better pagans.
The Swiss are more attractive and also wealthier with better education.
The Russians were better Vikings than the Swedish Vikings ever were.
The Majority of Swedes have Saami admixture.
They look on with pride as their nation collapses.
That’s why the smugness is irritating.

So... that's why you spent your entire history being illiterate snowniggers while brown people where busy being civilized?

>he took the time to write that down
lmaoing @ ur life mongrel

>implying civilization is good


Sweden wasn’t bleached until after Mesopotamia developed. Swedes were darkies up until Neolithics gave them the gift of intelligence and ruddy skin.

dallah calling the kettle black

>The Russians were better Vikings than the Swedish Vikings ever were.



i like russian posters

He is right though, you are inferior to everyone

Even Latvians where better vikings so it is pretty low bar to be honest

Imagine being this booty blasted about being a non-player on the world stage.
Have Swedes ever down anything better than anyone else?
The Scots have more Nobel prizes per capita.
The Germans have more philosophers.
The Jews have more scientists.
There’s just so many oppurtunities... wasted by the perfidious Sweed.

Chop-chop, Achmed is still not prepped, back to work, Sven.

your "argument" is invalid no matter what

Well the Slavs did raid more often and more successfully. With the Wends passing into Norse legend as unkillable warlike men.

Show us your real flag you faggot donkey-sucker.

Norway is the best Scandi country desu

Melodic Death Metal. The Swedes have definitely cornered the market on that. Funny those bands are always on tour OUT of the country.
Mohammedans are no fun in a circle pit

are you saying there's something wrong with sharting at the mart Sven? Wouldn't that imply that there's an inferior and a superior kind of behaviour? Wouldn't that be a bit racist and sexist? We wouldn't want that her at __insert employer___

Your inferiority complex is showing.
Niggers run faster
Norwegians and Austrians lift heavier
Chinks work harder
I think the Sweed need to just surrender himself and his women to all adjacent peoples.
They are a tragic race of weak and effeminate men.

>Swedes are good at something useless

yes ofc, it is the same with e-"sports" as well. Sweden have so many useless NEETS that they are one of the most competitive countries at playing video games. Such a fucking useless beta cuck nation.


They do, they have Ramadan.

Have you ever noticed BTW. That Swedes look really weird and ugly. Very chinky looking, must be that Saami admixture, but not only that. The only way I can describe it is that they all look like inbred trannies both the "men" and "women". very very androgynous.

good post

Ehhhhmm I dont think western slavs exactly qualify as russians, w/e, im not really good at this shit. It always seemed pointless at worst and a lot of work at best researching through history with all the lies and bullshit in it. Think about it, how many lies we hear in this day and age when there are so many means of communication and recording info and data and shiet, you really think history books and other "manuscripts" werent lies of winners, decievers and other liars? I

>Ooo, soo tolerant

We wuz Vikangs.

Except all the real Vikings pissed off to other countries because all Swedish women are insane.

>Swedish metal bands
>all of them outdone by a Norwegian prison inmate who larps in the woods
>b-but you’re not white
Don’t you have reindeer nuts to bite off?
Back to the icefields, Nokhjar.
Their men look like women and their women look like men. Square jawed women and chinless men. They are a sad race, they do not deserve out hate but our pity. We shall mourn them solemnly as they pass into even greater irrelevance.
I have always wondered why the Swedes were the darkest of the Scandinavian types...

Tell me more of swedish women, they look good, are they really that bad that svens sont give a shit about dropping them off to muzzies?

>The Majority of Swedes have Saami admixture

Not even close to true, meanwhile you are probably 15% black.

enjoying that dry penis? LMAO

Dno where you find smug Swedes. I'm guessing they are in 200% denial of the state of this country and still thinks it's "as good" as the 90s or something

I think it at least counts for something that the Norse were afraid of the Slavs.
Sure they probably didn’t see them as unkillable demons, but we do know they were willing to pay their way out of having to face them on the battlefield.


>Not even close to true

There is a reason why there are so many with chink eyes in Sweden. It is beacuse you are all subhuman saamis and not truly white Europeans. When you called the Finns mongols you where just projecting.

>Dno where you find smug Swedes

If it is a Swede it is smug, law of physics.

This many Sweeds took the bait. Congrats, you basically made Op's "point."

Behold the impotent rage of the Saami male. See how he shifts the burden of racial degeneration upon others deflecting the spotlight from himself.

Who gives a shit now, Svens still outdone all the slavs in the field of "having an actually good country", even now with all the muzzies, mmm maybe not for much longer tho.

go fight for your kikes

They’re so dumb lol.


I have acquired many (you's)

Time well spent my mongrel subhuman!

>If you argue back you lose

They have a state they can trust. They have a state which cares for them.
Wouldn't expect an American to ever understand this feeling.

Aren’t you the country that is literally letting shitskins rape your women and children without punishment?

*has to do mandatory military service in case he needs to protect Mohammed from Mohammed while Mohammed’s Mohammed bangs his wife, in the Mohammed*

I've no idea either

>most beautiful faces
really makes me unconfident about my looks :^)

>Trust your state over your family

That sounds Orwellian as fuck.

Ebin :D

Arguing with a Muslim, ever

No true Swede hares his country enough to post like this.

Its not even mandatory even more, jesus christ
stop being so cringy

That makes 99% of the population uncomfortable.

Not even a word...
Stick to your effeminate squawking.

They've got a super high standard of living these days. Historically their people also have a strong tendency to conquer other countries and become the ruling class (Angles, Franks, the Visigoths were nice enough to not change the name).

Hope they can recover from their current fuckups.

Lovers quarrel?

>implying i give a fuck about english

americans and their delusions about the world.
they've genuinely convinced themselves that memes are fact.

>rape statistics are “"”””””””””””””memes””””””””””””””””””

You should since you will not be speaking Swedish for much longer. English is going to compete with Arabic as your official language, within 50 years everyone will have forgotten about your ugly language.

He provided multiple examples of why you are inferior, you where unable to refute even a single point. Stay mad subhuman.

Why are europoors so buttblasted all the time?


Swedish women have hairy arms and body hair and facial hair.
Swedes confirmed ape snowniggers

>Amerimutts will reply to this

Jeez, maybe an obsession, I do not know.


>literally fucked by trudeu on daily basis
>only releif is sweden memes

Did he? i've yet to see a half decent point beyond thinking our form of government is innately orwellian which desu isnt suprising, given they're americans. they're raised to distrust the state, for good reason, in their case.

>he says
>in English
We need to end these incomplete human beings.
They have trouble coming to grips with reality. Imagine angry crying Wojak. Now imagine a nation full of them. That’s sweden.
No we won’t.

Most Swedes are proud of their racial and cultural suicide. The country wouldn't be in it's current situation unless they were.

sweden sucks

My oppressor :)

>Thread is crawling with negro halfbreeds

good post
fuck blonde """men"""

dont you have a few migrant bulls to go prep so they can fuck and cum in your slut wife hans?

Hey shitskin at least I’ll still be speaking English and my population won’t be majority Middle Eastern in 5 years

it's literally only because they are tall as fuck looking down at everyone

How many memes do you have on us? It must be like 50% of your storage in your computer

Gib Geld.

They're traitors your majesty

>e-everyone is a nigger r-right guys
You’re going to miss your dogsled.
I think you need to relax, get a glass of milk and unwind. We can tell you have a lot of pent up rage about you and your race’s shortcomings.

>Implying your government is not going to force you to learn Arabic in the coming years anyway

speaking of getting cucked, how's tyrone? i hear he very much likes your "thicc" amerifat gf

It is just Sweden and Germany who are like this.

They are, try paying Swedish taxes and having to buy overpriced Swedish goods. You will soon see that the quality of life is better even in Bulgaria.

>American makes good points, absolutely devastating the ego of Swedecucks

how do Swedes reply?

>lol mutt
>stop talking


That’s average height for basketball Americans.
Swedes have to look up at other Europeans. It’s the Saami blood that makes them shorter.

What actually surprises me here, is all the geniune hatred coming from americans towards swedes. Im not even trolling, if before everyone poked fun at svens for being cucks and shiet, but it was for lulz and everyone would be sympathetic if anything. But now its like geniune hatred, amerifats come at sven with intent to hurt. What happened? Why the sudden swing? Is that an effect of being berated with amerimutt pics? Are you jealous of svens pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes?

it isnt 2008 anymore fag, stormfront or Sup Forums isnt here to back up your claims of superiority no matter how many years they circile jerked your country women

Average commercial in Sweden

I have posted all of them, really should get more seeing as they produce grade A (you's)

Your 2% ''Nordic'' blood does not make you not a nigger.

Yeah actually, I don't want moist genitals if I'm not rubbing cock meat on a cervix.