Italy NO!

>Swastika in front of the "Anna Frank" entitled school in Pesaro (Marche, Italy)
>On the sign also the word "forbidden to introduce Jews" (Instead of dogs)
>An SS symbol has also been marked on a public notice and on a road sign
>On a nearby piece of street the author wrote "Make war not love" with a swastika at the bottom

The mayor of Pesaro (Partito Democratico, liberal) replies:

>"Behavior of dangerous intolerance and new extremism should not be underestimated. We will continue to work on memory in schools so that the values of freedom and equality will live forever"

>tfw all this started from a joke during a football match

Other urls found in this thread:


Great to hear. Anne Frank never even existed

That one is the best.

Guys what do we have to do to solve once for all this wave of extremism?

hey rabbi what are you doing?

More (((holocaust))) memorials of course

Gas all of the Jews?

>inb4 68 year old jew caught on camera doing this


Probably yet another leftwing hoax

Reperations for black
Truth and reconciliation for indians ($$$)
Gibs for rapefugees
Open boarders

These 4 simple things would surely stop the extremism.


How will they recover

Anna frank school needs/wants more shekels from taxpayets, and thus needs to motivate government to get up its ass and go steal it from the people.

So they go out and spray swastikas all over their school.

Then they call government and tel the 'ebil nawtsees' story and drop some fake tears.

See, thats all it is.

how sheltered do you have to be to get buttblasted over some edgelord with a spraycan?


>backwards swastika

They are but humble Buddhists, warning the school of an impending lightning strike.

>Not putting a islamic moon
>Being this dumb

This user understands the jews.

Apparently it's not even the first time.

Same thing, different school with same name.

oy vey we haven't reminded the goyim of the six gorillion yet this month

10 bucks it was a jew

who shit in their momas a-spicy meat-a balls?


Jews are the master race and have higher IQ than whites. Sup Forums is only angry because they are the equivalent of niggers to Jews.

hail hortler

Hale Hertlor!

you think a single school can just ask money from the government?
shut up about my country you inbred americunt


I don't know... this kind of irony is actually inside of every Italian, it could be made by some guys (or ultras) that wanted to have fun.

Are you referencing the dude that did the roman salute and had that aesthetic italian flag on his chest?
If so then fucking kek.

Yea what's the sample size on those tests like 15 people for the jews compared to everyone else is thousands? Surely Gods chosen wouldn't make shit up to make themselves stand out!

You obviously have never met any jews, half of them are retards coasting of neptism and the rest are insufferably neurotic


>tfw all this started from a joke during a football match
fill in pls

The photoshopped Anne Frank image with her wearing the team Roma shirt, used by team Lazio ultras to imply that Roma supporters were jews.

Oy vey!
Protect us goyim

>so that the values of freedom and equality will live forever
This is some Orwellian shit right here. powerful

Literally never touch football
shit goes down if you do

>Vandalize public property
>We Based XD!!!!!

if the public owns it then it's their right to vandalize it
