Greetings fellow anons. I live with a bug in my mind and I would like to share it with you...
As y'all can tell by pic related, it is the goddamed battle over Nuremberg. The artifact is a woodcut (basically a newspaper analog) describing a foking space battle above medieval germany.
Let's be realistic, that wasn't a simple sun dog (plus sundogs and other atmospherical phenomena don't crash down on Earth).
I'm sure most of you already heard the story, and I would like to know of /pol's opinions about it. Here's some ammo:
>Other Han Glasel works, Hans (For comparison; you can see he knows the difference between a sun dog, a halo and a foking orbital battle)
If indeed it was as I believe, then a massive battle in fact happened between things (ayyyylmaos prolly) in the skies that day.
Pic related shows a medieval representation of a 'sundog', which is indeed a natural phenomena. Note the difference between the two representations. It is clear that although the people didn't know what a sundog was, they did recognize it and depicted it fairly accurately since the times of Plato. If you see Hans Glasel works you will notice that he himself once made a representation of a sun halo, an aurora (which he depicted as fire in the skies) and a sundog, so he knew that what happened over Nuremberg wasn't a simple celestial phenomena.
Those cigar shaped objectes are clearly similar to alleged ayyylmao cigar shaped crafts. Well, in fact all of the objects in the woodcut are pretty similar to today alleged ayyy crafts, we have discs, cigar shaped "disc-craft carriers", crescent shapes and a foking Dreadnought dominating the heavens (the so-called "giant black arrow" is unlike anything a atmospheric phenomena could reproduce)
>muh greys Before you suggest grey ayyyylmaos know that there is not such thing. The classic grey alien as we know from "pop culture" is based on the bipedal species used by the Martians of H.G. Wells War of the Worlds as herding animals, hence the assault on Earth
With that out of the way I do believe ayyys = fallen angels and sheit but I digress.
That's it, discuss.
David Young
Probably a result of low dose mass ergot poisoning coupled with mass hysteria. Folks ate fungus infected wheat and started to see space ships after low dosed chronic exposure to it. Ergotism was fairly common up to the late 19th century. Fullblown ergotism kills you, slight poisoning fucks with your brain LSD style
Matthew Nelson
if ayys were real i would drop everything in my life to learn about their colture
Evan Howard
i just remote viewed the event. it was sundogs
Adrian Taylor
You're better than mass hysteria, germannon. There was indeed such instances, as the various dancing plagues of medieval Europe , but it was usually understood as a curse by evil spirits or demonic possession. Nuremberg on the other hand was give eschatological relevance
Pic unrelated: There was some incidents that were allegedly similar to Nuremberg. Can't vouch for this picrelated tho
Robert Peterson
Same desu
Justin Foster
Persevere, like the cigar-shaped UFO's against the glowing orbs in the sky over Nuremberg in 1561.
Samuel Hall
Bump for trashzil
Hunter Murphy
It's always jews.
Liam Young
always. fucking always.
Jason Howard
We need to acknowledge that Jews don't want us to know the history of our skies
The sky we see today and it's constellation are much different. At some point we had something up there that gave celestial archetypes, I really think all the folklore of Jews worshipping Saturn and great wars in the sky were interactions of planets and comets and ancient star positions. The wheel in the sky, the black sun, "nibiru"
What was up there that they hide from us now?!
William Gonzalez
It was a fucking
Kevin Allen
Foking joos
Thomas Reed
1555AD Peace of Augburg was was signed between most Protestant and the Catholics. Within it was Contractum Trinius a earmark that legalized usury to take the place of indulgences that were not being paid by Protestants. Loans were forced on Prague and six years after the interest was not being paid so the Catholics attacked. The battle in the sky started with the siege and lasted almost 100 years until the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. My theory is that the battle was between Chrononauts from both sides from the future. The beings could have been human and/or synthetic biological aka greys. The battle was over the future of the world being under centralized control via debt slavery and freedom via sovereignty of beliefs.
Landon Kelly
ill bump for effort you did. however not really pol
Gabriel Diaz
Ya but I am being literal it's likely the jews came from space, kek. Probably landed in Germany at Nuremberg.
Ryder Campbell
Agreed, it was and always has been jews. These fucking kikes promoted the aliums bullshit in the 20th century. Back in the day they said the same fucking shit was angels. The jews know what these things are. They are terrestrial.
I propose a mass jewish extermination planning. A real holocaust. I figure if 1 out of 50 Americans kills just one jew that’s enough to kill all the jews here. That outta wake these fuckers up. Whatever they are. When we start actually mass killing their chosen defense cult race it will get their attention
Dylan Parker
Michael Turner
Charles Sanchez
Anthony Roberts
Jaxson Hughes
Noah Rivera
I'm an alien.
Jackson Myers
Carter White
Carson Martinez
Daniel Bennett
Nathan Parker
what/ where is this? what goin on
Tyler Morales
nice... and also checked...
Joseph Ross
Bump for ayyyys
Parker Campbell
jesus christ... this bread is taking image flips out of the god damn galaxy...
Ryan Perry
1) can you use poloidal rotation of superconducting fluids in a toroidal cavity to induce sufficient frame dragging to create lift without creating a destructive amount of centripetal force?
2) bob lazar talks about a type of gravitational force that leaks out of the nucleus of element 115. Can you describe that force in more detail? Is it a subgroup of qcd?
Nathaniel Reyes
why don't you gb2 Mexico?
Cooper Wright
ayys have been hanging around for quite a long time, who knows what our ancient history was really like
Adrian Jackson
sorry its not about Nuremberg ayys but ;ets investigate everything
Elijah Campbell
Jackson Scott
Mirrored picture of the weird sculpture that's behind the pop's throne
Noah Smith
t. merkelstein
Jose Smith
Oliver White
I agree burger bro. The Jooos know it and we have to overthrow their rule.
Foking joos
Matthew Parker
1) No. Current approaches implement a flawed understanding of poles. Superconducting fluids will never be a medium that will overcome the parasitic nature of frame drag. 2) All atomic nuclei maintain this capability. Given fundamentally flawed understandings of the nature of physics and current theoretical approaches, this fact and how to unlock it remains out of reach.
what you need to understand about these 16th century leaflets (Fliegende Blätter)... These guys were absolutely shameless. They would print anything whatsoever just as long as they could sell them. Even CNN could still learn from the absolute cynicism of these Renaissance-era purveyors of fake news. So no, there was no space battle. But it's an interesting window into 16th-century imagination running wild.
Josiah Jones
>Brazilian >Using y'all
Unless you're proxied, do you have a sister?
Isaac Flores
The sun was the suns spot. The small circles are explosions. The X's are where craft exploded. The lines were laser beams. The large black arrow showed the drift direction of the entire space battle. The long cylenders with spheres in them were where cannon fire was directed over long durations, to barrage the power systems of the space carriers.
Easy shit.
Luke Sanders
Citation needed mountain jew!
Zachary Gutierrez
very disappointing...
>parasitic nature of frame drag... literally just exposing the fact that you didnt understand the question...
gives no direct answer... just palm reading horoscope jargon... 1/10 larp: 1 point for 8 bit sun...
you want to make up for it??? state the exact location of planet x. I will forward the location to mike brown and some friends so they can point a telescope at it and confirm... your move!
Liam Ramirez
This just sold for 450 milliion to Podesta. When he needs his 450 million back he just needs to put it back up for sale. Art sales are all private.
Kevin Reyes
It was two flocks of geese colliding with each other.
Cameron Rogers
thats nucking futts man
Christopher Cruz
Started looking into the electric universe theory a few weeks ago thanks to something posted on (cough)doublepol(cough). Shit makes a lot of sense; I grew up being really into cosmology and space exploration, gargled Carl (((Sagan)))'s balls, all that. I really think it might be a superior explanation to the current scientific understand. A lot of things, like Saturn worship, suddenly make sense.
Dylan King
Indeed these papers went for shock value, swissanon, with fantastical narratives and all. Guess the public liked it.
But your mind can't create something just like that. We can't imagine what we don't have observed. Does that make sense? You cant imagine a new color, a new sound or the face of someone you never saw.
Nuremberg maybe one of the best cases we have for ayyys
Picrelated: Another piece by the same author, depicting a sundog, a real celestial phenomena.