Americans don't want race war

Most Anons here on Sup Forums would agree that a race war is just what we need to deal a significant blow to niggers.
Europeans like myself have no guns are left at the mercy of my government to keep the niggers away from me.
Americans on the other hand have guns and I've seen many anons here claim that they and their friends alone are so well armed that that can take out hundreds of niggers, which leads me to the question I want to ask:
Why not attack and provoke said niggers to start the race war you (and myself) are so eagerly awaiting? I see anons here be all smug and say "Heh, if we just do nothing while the niggers rob, murder and outbreed us we'll win the favor of normalfags. Surely that will mean an end to niggers." Well here's a hint: It won't.
The race war starts by both sides escalating the violence until shit gets real, and I've yet to hear about groups of armed americans who attack black people only to provoke them into racial hatred.
>But then we will lose the favor of the normalfags
White normalfags will regain their senses once they, their families or their friends are robbed, raped or killed. Start killing niggers and raising racial tension and hatred or, die with a smug smile while telling yourself "At least this way Goldberg won't say bad things about in the evening news."

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The next race war would be white vs white, just like the last few.

Sure, but you have the means to start it or at least escalate it, why don't you?

It's not up to us when the racewar begins.

It's up to us to prepare ourselves and our kin for the fight.
Society will decide when the time is right. If you're right and it never happens... well then it won't happen.

its inevitable and it will happen. When, is the question.

You status quo fags don't see that this is not a status quo that benefits the white man, but I don't understand how you cannot. Niggers do awful shit all the time while replacing your own kind, but as long as you personally aren't hurt you're not gonna do anything about it?

>It will happen
You underestimate the skill and experience your Jewish masters have when it comes to population control. If it happens it will be when they want it to happen and not before, unless you take the initiative and accelerate hostilities between races making the situation spin out of control for the Jews.

>but as long as you personally aren't hurt you're not gonna do anything about it?
Like i said: we need to prepare.

The political will isn't there yet. If you blow the powder keg too early, it fails.

>The political will isn't there yet
I know, that's why I'm saying that you should create it. I'm not saying to start the race war, I'm saying to instigate it.

Jesus, where are the CIA anons when you need them?

What do you think should happen exactly?

>Do Something
isn't a good plan. It's not a plan worth throwing a life away for.

>Why not attack and provoke said niggers to start the race war

Easier said than done. In all likelihood it will just turn into "crazy white supremacist kills poor black athlete scholars! Is it time to ban guns and kill all white people?"

We need to change the narrative first or prepare to react. Let them attack first in some uncoordinated rage, then we react with overwhelming force and cold calculated precision.

The brightside is the Police do that automatically. Niggers are too stupid to survive.

>ITT: Jew attempts to intise a mass shooter to shoot up niggers so leftist can continue anti gun rhetoric and all whites people are evil propaganda and dindus have always been the victims

vidéo youtube

You're supposed to make the niggers hate you so much that they chimp out more, which in turn will make more people turn to your side. Do you have NO idea how radicalization works and how you can use a slippery slope to your own advantage?

Media narrative doesn't matter because niggers don't watch or read the news, they get their news worldview from their family and friends in the "hood". And like I said in the OP, while the MSM might spin up sad stories and people will care for a while, it won't matter when the retaliation from niggers will wake up even more people to the truth.

>We need to change the narrative first
The jews have uncontested control over the so called narrative, you'll only get it changed when they've got a good strong hold on the "alt-right" narrative instead, after which they will cut their losses with the former narrative. But nothing will really change, you'll still be serving the jews and they will at most give you "we'll do it soon™" and nothing ever happens because actual action will still be condemned.

but then who will americunts scapegoat?

Innocent deaths on both sides will radicalize both sides into hating each other. Or what kind of scapegoat are you thinking about?

> electionfag
The post.

Are you calling me a CivNat you fucking frog?

We still have a functioning justice system. Edgelords won't be firing the first shot, they'll be put down. For now, we're still at advocacy and peaceful means.

dylan roof tried when he shot up the charleston church
it didn't work, it's not the way to go. When you are outnumbered and surrounded by your enemies, starting the fight would only guarentee we would lose because every other race/nation that has a bone to pick with us would get involved
That and the fifth column libs would cut our numbers by half again.

i mean if amerimutts purge jews and nonwhites, who will they blame for their problems?

what i'm trying to say is that the american right is purely reactionary. it's not about solving anything

>Being fine with sharing a country with niggers
56% indeed.

>Getting caught
What happened to "Neighborhoods so bad the police won't even go there"
>Fifth column libs
This must be an american expression that I am not familiar with, please explain it to me.

>American's don't want to solve anything
The state of things and this thread really gives me that impression as well.

>The state of things and this thread really gives me that impression as well.

they can't even on what's white. one-drop rule? that will wipe out most of the US

>even decide on

sorry, typo

>We still have a functioning justice system.
Do we really? I've found our courts to be slow, skewed against men, and at the federal level skewed against the right. This is probably due to the prominence of left-leaning lawyers.

We haven't done it, because it hasn't been the only option yet. Unlike niggers, we don't immediately go to violence and try to solve our issues with alternative means. Like lowkey killing niggers off with diabetes and health issues. We should make soda free. That'll kill off a lion's share of nogs.

>Like lowkey killing niggers off with diabetes and health issues
Wouldn't work, instead it'll just heavily increase demand on hospitals and with that their prices, since they're required by law to help those in need even if they can't pay.

It already is happening. Spice and niggers get to rape Rob and murder with impunity from Media. Meanwhile we get 25 years for self defense. Its happening right now. The issue is that our side is too afraid of the bad optics and, gun legislation.

It's not going to happen because we have cowed the nigger masses with mix of drug, socialism, economic segregation, and a militarized police force.

A nigger high on pot, leeching off his momma's food stamps, surrounded by other niggers, and penned in more then a million well armed paramilitary...isn't going shit but vote for more welfare or go to jail.

Finally someone who gets it, at least a little bit. Surely you can see the need for radicalization of racial hatred and how it will "wake people up" from being too afraid.

You make an excellent argument as to why it needs to happen. It won't happen if you wait and it certainly won't happen from the White House, escalation of conflict can be done by anyone with the means to do large scale provocations multiple times. Americans have the weapons they need to make both sides keep retaliating against each other's terror attacks which will very much polarize society to the point where the white house will, to preserve order, make racial segregation a legal issue, which would be considered a partial success.