What do you think of Steven Crowder?

What do you think of Steven Crowder?

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He's too extreme for me.



I like him as a presenter, I don't always agree, but he's entertaining.

Nothing, and I did watch him enough to have an opinion. Still nothing.

like milo and that blond woman, he doesn't even really believe what he says he believes. He's just found a money-making gimmick for a gullible niche market.

He's pretty funny and entertaining to watch.

i dont

yep, when he first started making youtubes he'd post over at arfcom because he knew those gun nuts would eat it up and get him views quickly

It's the most well produced right-wing show. He and his team work extremely hard and it shows. He always backs up what he says with facts.

He could be a little faster on his feet though.

He is boomer conservatism for Gen Z and Millennials.

I find sometimes he talks too fast.

He's one of the few tolerable leafs

Goodest goy, ever

every post in this thread is a shill.

Crowder is a cringefest and you should kill yourself if you like him.

He a gud goy.

Only watched him when he had Chael Sonnen on his show and it was a shitty interview

>every post in this thread is a shill.
>posts d&c
really activates the ol' almonds

This exactly. He's a Paul Ryan/JEB! kind of conservative that shits on unions but doesn't care about jobs leaving the US or illegal immigration. Great that he's pro-life and pro 2A but that's not gonna stop le 56% from getting worse or grow the middle class.

literally who!

Too hardcore

Milo please go

a good example to what extent a non-intelligent unfunny average at best looking juvenile faggot might redeem himself through lifting weight

nothing less nothing more

I think he and Jared are very qt and I ship them

His best friend is Ben Shapiro.

Nothing more needs saying


He is the only one to make jokes maybe worth squinting at.

Everyone else remains quiet or chimes in for 3 1/2 seconds and never says anything worth paying attention too.

His skits can get me to laugh, but his humor is somewhat predictable when he speaks.

Silent awkward pauses, blunt outburst, run on explanations with 2-3 jokes within one frame of opinion.

meh, not impressed but like I said..

Good skits, Good intentions, And sometimes has a funny idea to combine situations with reality that can be entertaining.

He hates working class males and shills for the 1%

Neocon trying to be edgy but not too edgy.

He likes dressing up in drag just a bit too much.


Although i'd probably be annoyed if i were actually friends with this guy, there needs to be more people like him.

Has youth appeal to bring ppl into the right.

I see no reason to believe that Crowder is not an actual True Conservative™ cuck.
What makes you think that these people are not sincere in their beliefs?

Because lord knows there's not enough two-faced neocons out there in the world.

they're asking for your money

So what?
That means he's lying and he's actually an anarcho-communist in disguise?

this he’s just another alt-lite cuck who appeals to 13 year olds

I used to like him but after he started doing this rants about repealing the 13th amendment and shipping blacks back to Africa - he couldn't quite decide which one was better - I had to stop watching his content. He can be entertaining, but it makes me sick to my stomach watching him re-enact lynchings with a blackfaced Not Gay Jared. I understand he's trying to appeal to the youth, but this is just going too far for me.

Tranny Bane and Jihadi Bond were top shit.

Crowder is the best thing that came from Canada.


>Fired first sound guy (Fun Dip Dan) for saying trans people like Bailey Jay were attractive and that gay rights should be championed by conservatives (hence "Not Gay Jared," who is VERY homophobic and Christian)
>Has said he could "take on the United States army" by "sitting in his room with a shotgun." Has obvious militia ties/fantasies (treasonous as FUCK)
>Makes entire career out of attacking "the left." Spends years saying he can bring "common ground," then says common ground cannot be found with "Evil leftists."
>Spergs out hardcore if questioned on his faith, he is an evangelical Christian ("No denomination" ) who believes in end time wars between Arabs and Jews, hates gays with a passion.
>Thinks weed makes people liberal, so 100% against it

He aiight

.... Which is why Fox News fired him, conservative outlets have run from his insane rants and he's despised by most news outlets?

If anything, he's making a generation of young conservative virgins who will be unable to defend their positions and beliefs. He's not funny, so it's going to be a great blue pill for a generation of idiots.

Who was in the wrong here?


If you aren't a member of the Crowder Mug Club, what are you even doing with your life?

He's an immense cuck. Constantly denying climate change and spreading anti-union b.s.

And yet he has Blaire White on every other show.


He does good work and his heart's in the right place. I remember in particular a sort of video expose of Canadian healthcare he did a few years ago. Also a piece about the economic collapse of Detroit from around the same time. Both very well done.

But once you taste the good stuff from Sup Forums, the world class humor and memes, there's really no going back. It's like mainlining heroin.

You mean Steven "Kike, get in the shower" Crowder?
My mom doesn't let me watch him. Says he's too radical

Dishonest, pathetically self-aggrandizing slug.

his commentary is sometimes annoying, for example when he interviewed the texas church ar15 wielding citizen I wish he would've shut the fuck up. but I agree with his politics and he is entertaining plus he redpills the younger generation.

no evidence provided, opinion discarded

t. joe rogan


>He does good work and his heart's in the right place. I remember in particular a sort of video expose of Canadian healthcare he did a few years ago. Also a piece about the economic collapse of Detroit from around the same time. Both very well done.

In other words he defended Americans getting raped on healthcare then softballed the African input to Detroit's failure.

He's another "conservatives must play fair" loser.

This I like his show, but I just don't think a man who drives around in full Klan garb in his own nigger whipper 9000 is good for our optics.

The scandal of him editing a video to make it look like a "union thug" attacked him and sending it to police to request an investigation wasn't evidence enough?

Joe Rogan bitched his ass out

... Who agrees with Crowder that you cannot be trans UNLESS you chop your penis off?

She's a retard bro.

>Censors swear words.
>Makes lots of skits with homosexual innuendo
The moral compass of some people is absolutely broken.

Entertaining, but spergy

I like most of his material, however I find him to be too soft. As another user said, he is an evangelical who I usually have disdain for because they are too soft.

He doesn't go far enough with fundamentalist Christianity for my liking and he is quite the white knight for women often too.

However most of his content is insightful and he does tackle 'difficult' subjects with intelligence and dignity.

doesn't know shit, said america was the only country that has free speech and freedom. what a tool

Painfully unfunny for being a comedian.

He abandoned Trump at pussygate, he deserves no respect.

He's opposed to abortions, of which 90% are black in USA, he called it the black holocaust. Another typical cuckservative, Israeli shill.

His wife's a doll though.

It is, dumbass.

big brother did a good job on you.
>if i constantly tell my population they will eventually start believing it
thus the american was born

You can't be this stupid... Right?

Spent too long on the #CruzCrew ?

His wife is a literal moron

>ommmgggg Steven like LOL
>Crowder mentions he's having marriage issues after his Abstinence decision
>Crowder makes a 10 minute monologue about how "the left" called him names for being a virgin, but it totally didn't fuck up his now "amazing" sex life

the voice of Brain in Arthur


He should get a nose job.
