The 'My bike got stolen' comic guy's decided to go into hiding for being such a beta. Post related memes to celebrate.
We've broken him, lads
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I doubt there's a medium more pozzed than webcomics.
literally "who?"
neck yourself
>My bike got stolen
what is the comic?
some cuck who got his bike stolen but tried to be optimistic by saying that the nigger who stole it is probably happier now that he has a bike
pic semi related, it's an edit of the original comic
he should reevaluate his life and question why he was raised to be such a limpwristed faggot.
the stolen bike thing is something you tell a 5 year old when the poor neighbourhood nigs steal their toys because kids are too innocent to know the truth, not an actual belief you hold for life. he must've been coddled his whole life.
>telling a 5 year old that faggotry is alright
no wonder its a leaf
thats the original
>meme flag
Wow that's the trifecta of opinion discarded. Why are you even here?
that one's pretty good lol, this guy's funny
>not getting the pasta
Fucking kys you newfag
Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?
dude this is fucking gold
fucking gold
11/10 top zozz
All these newfags
Best one
We did it reddit!
Much better then the faggy version.
Fucking kek.
A beta (probably soyboy) faggot who makes comics about two things: how life sucks and how emotional he is
maybe you should think about going back faggot.
Completely fucking unrealistic, somebody made the bike thief white. We all know that's not the case.
Top zozzle
Dayum nigguh, that shiet wuz whackd!
It's sometimes true here on the west coast. Bike thieves here are sometimes meth heads looking for anything they can trade for more meth. Well, heroin too, I guess.
But seriously, in almost any other place, they're niggers. And niggers are probably still the main culprit here. But the level of degeneracy you'll find among the druggie white crowd here is pretty substantial.
there is literally nothing wrong with webcomics.
Whos that?
I wonder if that faggot will actually read those edits and realize how flawed his cuck mindset is.
>carrying a stolen bike on your shoulder
well at least we know whoever made this one has never stolen a bike before.
>these cucks realizing anything
Okay this one had me cracking up for like 30 seconds straight, so he's alright
My sides!
lol, savage
>happiness of the world increased
this guy is getting destroyed.
>the thief is white
His comics aren't parody? Wtf.
Utilitarianism is cancer.
He shouldn't have been a bike cuck then
not bad lol
I had the same mindset back before Sup Forums Harbor, around the time of Gamergate. All the cuck memes about m00t made me take a long hard look at how pathetic my thought process was and I turned my life around for the better.
next up: Horsey
Edit the internet guy to be Sup Forums
Dare i say maybe the left CAN meme?
That's even an accurate depiction of some people's mindset.
lefties found out the true source of meme magic is pain, not spiteful arrogance.
We might as well pack it up and quit desu
Were finished.
most bike thieves in denmark are either danish or polish. danish if they are amateur/drunk, polish if they are part of a professional crew.
but ive noticed a lot of immigrant males riding women's bikes lately in downtown CPH, so i can only assume the demographic is shifting.
Oh, you think it would be realistic to depict a nigger as having a conscience?
He's experienced the hurt locker. He's one of us now.
What if leftists find a way to tap into meme magic? If the utilize it correctly without any resistance from us hillary could be president by jan 1st 2018.
>it's a Sup Forums boosts the career of a cartoonist without the cartoonist realizing it episode
Mis maa see on?
The left has proven over and over again that they can't meme. If you can't meme, you can't meme magic. We memed for a full decade before our memes became real. We have at least 10 years before they can compete.
>What if leftists find a way to tap into meme magic?
They can never wield properly harnessed autism, they merely adopt autism
We we born in it, molded by it
Meme magic is only created by the truth. So lying to people that leftist policy works precludes them from doing so.
A good summary of the situation
>mfw i create multiple webcomics currently and have to conceal my power level because 95% of webcomic creators are liberal retards, to display my power level would be akin to committing networking suicide
faking it till i make it, lads
for the love of god someone make him green and put a clover on his forehead
>Warhammer inspired
>Bernie has Atiesh
That subtle “fuck whitey” got me good.
Give me back my fucking bike you nazi.
Best one
Get some balls
What about redpanels? Idk the guys status (know he stopped) but doubt he "committed suicide"
Even then, what difference does it make
Best edit coming through.
Now is the time, reveal and start kicking ass. (but set up your patreon first)
shit like this is some of the most disturbing things you'll see.
those guys are minorities and the stuff they do is specifically political, my comics are apolitical so talking about my politics would only hurt me
Except that this scenario isn't even utilitarian