>tfw my country is so retarded that showing the national flag makes people think you're a nazi
Are you experiencing the same issue?
>tfw my country is so retarded that showing the national flag makes people think you're a nazi
Are you experiencing the same issue?
It happened to me in the past and I also believe that but now I don't care. I love my flag. I want to buy one and put it in my room.
its not retarded, in fact you are browsing a far right board nad complaning cause people call you nazi
Mate, we got people over here that got angry for showing the german flag during the worldcup saying its racist and just like nazi germany
There are national flags everywhere in balconies now though, the use of the national flag is being normalized.
>not posting the true Spanish flag
You mean this one?
This is the best thing that came out of the catalonian shitfest.
No I mean this one
By the way the Spaniards ITT should join the Spanish Sup Forums discord
discord gg/Cg6hwEP
Nope. Last night while I was walking around the Christkindlmarkt with my fiance I passed by two gentlemen serenely folding the flag (according to protocol) after taking it down when the rain started.
I don't believe it desu
can I use it via web? post the full link then
It's about time to end monarchy and join the rest of the modern world, faggots
What? I though it was common that everyone own their own country flag on their homes
Yes, the link is discord gg/Cg6hwEP put a dot between discord and gg, I can't put it because Sup Forums thinks its spam.
So true,even though lately you can see the flag in most balconies due to the catalan shitshow
>calling faggots
>flag with a bottom horizontal Purple stripe.
In cucked countries displaying the flag is something considered to be nationalism and they correlate nationalism with fascism.
a e s t h e t i c
No. Flags are pretty common and you can see people casually having set up a small pole with a bulgarian flag on their swastika graffiti stained shitty commie blocks
Same shit here, the only time people gladly wave up a french flag is during sports events, or July 14th.
When it's not Algerian flags everywhere of course.
Rest of the time, you wave a french flag ? = racist.
inb4 white flag etc etc
The Supreme Leader of the Spanish left literally called the national anthem "una cutre pachanga fachosa".
>Not wanting a monarchy. ISHYGDDT
this shit is surreal
you guys are fucking brainwashed
I hope he and his party never recover from this shit.
Hasta nuestros chairos socialistas de izquierda por lo menos respetan el himno y bandera, que lastima no poder mostrar patriotismo, especialmente con una historia tan bonita como la de España
bla,bla,bla...fuck off faggot
honestly I always envied people from countries with monarchy
having a king must be a good feel
Great Colombia when?
The fuckers here in America get offended just by seeing an American flag that isn't upside-down or on fire
When I was backpacking, a Dutch person explained it's the same there. When I went to Amsterdam, I didn't see a single Dutch flag anywhere.
Don't really have this problem in Oz, people show the flag as a source of national pride. Although Melbourne might be different.
Yes.. Yes we do.. In my country the flag is banned in most schools and displaying it in public will earn you instant-nazi accusations.
Surprised to not see any Brits around.
No. Some are terrified of nationalism, but most are ready to embrace a japan which walks from the shadow of the Second World War.
looks like a massive jew tbqh
He is.
Es porque ustedes son mestizos, el mestizo no puede organizarse por su religion. Es lo mismo un mestizo mexicano que un mestizo argentino, además de que dentro de los mestizos mexicanos el mestizaje es muy variado, hay mexicanos color caca pura y otros mas claritos.
Es solo en los paises blancos en donde se prohibe lo de la bandera, Merkel rechazó la bandera alemana y se prohibió la bandera sueca en al menos una (1) escuela.
En nuestro caso, como no somos mayoría blanca (supongo que en chile es muy similar) se nos impuso la bandera indigenista, que representa la culpa blanca por el "genocidio indio" y también la supremacía india sobre los pueblos blancos. Es parte del (((plan))), la táctica empleada varía según la compisición etnica pero el objetivo es el mismo
Not really, we Argies love our flag. Even though we're the worst possible thing to have happened to this country.
Spaniard white/blonde tourists are so smug everywhere you meet them. Probably feel like royalty in moorish Spain, hence their superiority..
>t. has never seen a Moor in his life
Spaniards and Southern Europeans in general look Semitic/Arab if anything, absolutely not Moor.
These traits pre-date "Mauretanea" and history by millennia.
tfw based on the CNT flag (anarchist)
>one of the oldest anthems in Europe
>no lyrics so can pass the test of time
>doesnt show any kind of ideology
Not anymore, thank you catacucks for that.
Experienced the same back home in Germany. In Austria they couldn't give fewer fucks. They even write stuff like "you bought x AUSTRIAN products" on the sales slip, absolutely völkisch.
Starting to get the same thing in Australia. Not a big deal though, especially since I am a Nazi.
This is the only flag I fly. United Germany was a bad idea, we should break up into micro countries.
What's wrong with people anyway?
Your country flag is awesome!.
Nope. I'm wearing stars and stripes boxers right now
No, if you don't have a portuguese flag then you're basically a heretic
Unironically freemasons and their commie puppets.
Has been like that in the Netherlands since the 90's, we are the proto cucks.
There are a lot of punks who have this exact same ideas here too, but the moment they actually do something that goes beyond complaining about how the italian flag triggers them, the police kick their asses and the courts fine them hard, even leftist judges don't dare to allow them to get away with insulting the flag.
Maybe it's because of what happens to these foolish traitors if the police is not fast enough to arrest them.
Those leftards are traitors there's no other name better to describe them.
Why in the hell would you want to join the rest of the modern world?