Should there be laws in place to punish those responsible for this sort of child abuse?
Soy boy
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Wow, that kid is already showing signs
Remember the jungles getting destroyed in the 90's? Everyone was screaming how terrible it was.
god, that poor kid has no chance.
this is an empty shell of a man. what the fuck happened to him?
Is this even real?
Look at the damage being done already. Kid already looks under devolped and has the suken eyes of a 30+ year old roastie. Kid can't even close his hands all the way because he has been drinking soy instead of drinking the real stuff. Damn kid has boneitis and would curl up into a twisted mess if it wasn't for all the estrogen keeping him jelly like.
The fucking dad is cheating force feeding his kid all the soy while on the top shelf is perfectly good milk. Or maybe that's the bulls milk and his open life partner decided for him that he needs to keep it in the fridge or the super Nintendo is going to get removed from the cuck shed.
Clearly he drank too much soy.
"most of the world’s soy crop ends up in feed for poultry, pork, cattle and even farmed fish."
Kek. You're getting your estrogen second hand kiddos.
there is no soy in soylent you fucking retards
Yes there is, are you dyslexic? SOYlent.
yes there is you shill. it literally says so on their website.
>Soy protein
Post birth abortion
I just pray the animals process it differently or distribute it, or chemically change it so by the time we eat them its practically a none factor. I wish we had some data on these animals to see if they were more feminine or something weird like that.
Max is liable to grow up and shove those thumbs into another man's asshole.
Number one ingredient after water.
Kid already has the soy glasses. He hasn't got a chance.
I bet his dad wouldn't feed him onions even if he was starving
Phytoestrogen plays no role in human hormones you fucking retarded faggots.
>Yes, goy, keep consuming soy
I can hear you rubbing your hands together from here
Why what's up with onions ?
The soyim are getting uppity and unruly. Time for a cull.
.... What's this about onions?
Fuck. I had to stop drinking milk at 17 due to allergy and now i drink soy or almond. Fuck me. Fuck how do I fix it
>has no soy
Raw onions boost testosterone. They're the polar opposite of soy. considered a hate symbol by the ADL for that very reason
Why would anyone use the name Soylent when it's associated with Soylent Green? I'll never understand this. That movie destroyed the brand.
His wives son already looks like a chick. The damage is already done.
Bodybuidling properties
>lactose intolerant
don't worry, you'll always be subhuman
Whey is literally milk protein. Can't have it. My body can't accept (anymore) any milk protein from any mammel. I was 100% up until 15 when symptoms started and then 17 was when I found out. I'm 21 now. Thank fuck I'm still skinny
raw onions boost testosterone by up to 300%
Soy Left
>That moment when a Turkposter proves that he's Whiter than an American.
Nah try 100% allergic. Lactose intolerant people can't accept the shape of the protein. My cucked body can't accept the fucking protein at all
Are you allowed to cook them?
And how many onions do you need to eat?
I once ate 5 onions for dinner and then next day all my farts smelled like onions. Like so bad you would cry as if you were eating an onion.
>Low T has body hair.
>High T has no body hair.
(((Who))) could be behind this post?
he's figured us out
tell me more about onions
Does almond milk give a similar effect to soy? I brought some of it a while ago and have been drinking it, hope I don't become a woman
daily reminder to eat a raw onion a day to keep the jew away
I've never seen such a little boy look like a cuck already.
no it doesn't physically turn you into a woman, just spiritually. drink regular milk, fag
I'm going to start drinking onion juice daily. Is there anything I should be putting in there with it?
onion has layers
>I bet his dad wouldn't feed him onions even if he was starving
...shrek? is that you?
jews dont want the goyim to get mad at the zog and flip cars over and whatnot, which is why they want us to have low test
I'd decapitate this coal burning whore for abusing her beautiful children.
That poor child. It never stood a chance.
i knew the soy defense force would arrive eventually.
what's wrong, schlomo? dont like the goyim to have testosterone?
>The Soyim know
Have you ever seen the guy who started the product? He was not the most masculine of men. I think he just wanted a name that stood out from all the other meal replacement drinks already on the market.
He might became super fascist as a teen.
>already wearing nu-male glasses
Onion soup is nice.
There's nothing wrong with soylent.
do I need to drink it or can I eat a tasty onion sammich?
Jesus fucking Christ, that pic
Honestly? I like my onions raw and I consume them daily but I'm not particularly masculine.
What kind of hands are that? Just close them right, you little fuck
virgin soy muncher
chad onion devourer
stop drinking it, obviously.
only if he eats his onions
He obviously shaves to make his body more aerodynamic during various athletic events.
//Activated your almonds for you
Do you think taking onion extract supplements would give the same effect? Can’t stand eating onions
Deep inside he knows that his father is turning him into a bugman.
I'd rather my dad just beat me with his belt now and again than have that kind of punishment. Poor little fucker..
More like he shaves so the beards wont touch while he engages in faggotry.
>but I'm not particularly masculine
well good thing you eat the onions then. otherwise you'd probably be an actual female
i'm pretty sure it's the onion juice itself. and the bigger and stouter the onion the better. try putting olive oil and maybe a pinch of salt on it
Yes I've never seen anything like it. It straight turns you into a bitch. We're gonna have to gas these people now.
>posts pictures of his kid to social media to fish for praise
>"What gives you the right to comment on my dumbfuck post?"
>tfw gassing soyboys
Praise Kek! Do i still get some boost when cooking the onions?
i think a very light simmer might be ok, but really cooking them destroys the enzymes that boost test
onions are tasty as fuck desu
In rats not in humans dumb fck
The Soyim know!
Kek is serious about these onions. Raw onions it is boys!
Ok now I'm 100% convinced this is an antifa ruse
so is it better to eat onions raw or cook them?
there's no escaping the soy
The guy is storing that Soy as if it was a medical treatment reserve.
>enough for every day, we can't risk having a single day go by without this treatment against toxic masculinity
Wtf is wrong withwhite people?
Are you an endocrinologist? I'm going to assume you're not and teach you something you're going to forget anyway:
Lower available concentrations of a transmitter, ligand, or what have you do not necessarily indicate lower activation rates. Biological entities aren't perfect -- many different puzzle pieces can fit into many different slots. Pointed studies such as this do not have the scope to make any foundation outside of the raw data they collect, no matter how rigorous the process. Your drawing of conclusions like that is little different than baseless assumption -- the sky is not blue because the oceans are.
>rat studies have no bearing or relevance to humans
fuck off, kike. onions have also been known to have test boosting qualities for millennia, but those were just old wives tales and "alternative medicine", right? said "wives tales" were also by whites for whites, which is why the nigger here doesnt get onions
ab ins gas
>how does digestion work
Fuck off
Why did you drink milk in the first place? Water not good enough for you?
I'm sure the kids mother lives gluten free and only buys overpriced garbage that's the same as the bullshit they sell at Walmart, except for packaging with lots of brown and green on it, and a sticker saying "organic", which is a term that has no actual definition by FDA standards.
What is it with the newer generation and those giant fucking glasses? What happened to the craze of everyone being excited for contacts because it meant you didn't have two giant squares on your face? Now every liberal fuck I see has those glasses on their face. What is it? A giant warning symbol for others or a way to identify fellow cucks?