I think it's time for a new genocide. Enough is enough. We don't need to become Britian.
War. War never changes
okay. you and what army?
You americans are a mix of niggers, inbreds and mexicans. Kill them and you have like 2 people left.
White people.
have you SEEN the absolute state of your average fighting aged white person?
America is thousands of Whites living far from Niggers and Spics.
>thousands of Whites
>in a country of 300+ million
so you're admitting that you've already lost
Proof >
Fat anglos.
Like I said.
>thousands of white people
> in a country of 300 million
This is my 56% face.
>102 iq
>American Indian
>Probably whiter than you
You can meme the 56% claim over and over but likely you're just a cringey butt hurt eurofag jealous of how great America is and always will be
Kek. Super high detailed Amerimutt
This country is Whites paying taxes for the niggers to kill each other.
And abortions. I love how the blacks keep their self at 13%.
A black dad who takes care of his kids is Bigfoot riding a Unicorn..
A nigger knowing who is dad is? Nope. :dunno:
Let me tell you about what countries are white.
Not white
You're not white!! LMAO
>102 iq
>American Indian
>Probably whiter than you
>white people
Good luck finding some...
> We don't need to become Britain.
We've got a higher percentage of whites than you Yankee.
We have weapons. We will stop this shit when it hits the fan.
The Browns are already self deporting.
Fucking Britian man. You fucktards can't even buy a plastic sport. You fags don't know what it's like to have balls+weapons. Sad.
>what is "average"
Literally the entire country shat on the tiki cucks you moron
You also have an islamic government.
Part and parcel.
Oh you mean the same country that was With Her? You main media loving zombie.
No, I mean my grandmother, grandfather, mom, dad, sisters, and literally everyone else I know.
Look you moron, I'm on board, but you need to realize that "le natsoc" shit is not going to fly. Everyone hates nazis, left and right. If you want to solve the problem, you're going to need to be a lot more strategic about it.
All of the brown ppl need to be purged. Paris and London especially.
These monkeys can't be tamed. Period.
Meds > Brits
Bigger brains, bigger dicks, prettyer gals
Britbongs went from rulers of the world, to this.
Of course they only ruled the world through violence brought about with a major tech advantage, but then what did they do as their tech advantage naturally faded? Our ruling class became a bunch of hedonistic nihilists who compete amongst each other over who is the most retarded via absurd virtue signaling...
Humanity is a mistake. Please keep slaving away, all you tech wagecucks, so that we may soon have AI overlords to forcibly remove us.
>AI overlords to forcibly remove us.
what if they decide to keep us as pets/zoo animals?
tfw no fembot mistress to keep me on a leash, feed me bowls of milk and pet my head