Be America

>Be America
>Become this obese on meat, dairy, and other junk food
>Blame your bitch tits and lack of T on soy

Other urls found in this thread:


>It's not statistically proven that most Americans are fat?
Um. Yeah it is.
The OP is just showing obesity rates.
The percent of overweight Americans is above 75%

It's because of increased caloric density and animal consumption.
It's the reason for low T levels

>the state of the american diet

> the fag doesn't like thick women

Daily reminder that obesity is a problem of baby boomers


Mericans are the best at pissing everyone off. Look at this bootycratered soyboy.

>Blame your bitch tits on lack of T and soy

Burger memes aside, what really happened in the last 30 years to create such obesity? 1980s America had fast food and junk food galore like today. What changed?

>be me
>lots of Dutch relatives visiting
>say something in English to my grandfather
>he starts laughing uncontrollably even though I didn't say anything funny

I really wonder what he was thinking. I can understand Dutch but it was never made clear.

nice blogpost

Boomers got old, old people get fat.

mexicans, theyre like 70% obese and counted in this bull shit

Larger portions and lots of people saying "fuck it" and letting themselves go.

Being fat is literally a meme, being around fat people gives you permission to let yourself go. It's become the culture.


Less physical activity due to an increasing number of desk jobs. I also reckon that you had rigorous training in schools during the Cold War as to prepare future soldiers should something actually happen. As there was no need to do it anymore, the exercise programs were probably discontinued, which caused your youth to baloon up in weight. People began watching more TV, and that behaviour was adopted by the kids as well - it was taken for something normal.
The advent of modern computers is at fault, too.

>2600 calories
>2,6 kcal
not bad


Literally nobody exercised in the 80s, now you see armies of people huffing and puffing down the sidewalks after 5PM. And if you walked in a 1980s office the majority would be normal weight. This explanation just doesn't cut it.


It's mostly due to lax physical fitness standarts in schools and how the love for excersising isnt taught to children.
My father during his school years had set minimum standarts he needed to do in order to pass PE. They also had shit like target practice with air rifles and basic weapon disassembly and assembly.
During my highschool years I was in a class that had 9 guys and 22 girls. We had 3 PEs eery week, 1 of which was swimming in our school pool. While on average the guys were either 8/9 or 9/9 attendance, the amount of times that girls would attend was baffling. At best it was 5-7 per any PE class. We also had hardly any standarts when it came passing. I had asthma during highschool, so the PE teacher usually told me I could not do it and he would just pass me because of a doctors note. I obviously wanted to do it just because I didnt want to be the lame retard of the class who could not even do 20 pushups.

Not to shift the blame but yeah I suspect a shit ton more beaners who can't help but go to mcdonalds for 2/3 meals doesn't help the statistic.

Also, have you seen the amount of shit thats being put into food these days?
If you eat meat, you better buy it off the local butcher shop directly, or know some farmer dude and occasionally get a hog's leg from him.
If you want to grow a chicken from a chick in 3 weeks, then you need to put some serious growth hormones and other chemical shit into it. Because of this we now have girls who have their first periods at age 9.
On top of that, because people like eating "tasty" foods, the sugar jew is being added to absolutely everything.


>Less physical activity to blame
FALSE. Not even an Olympic athlete could burn off the amount of shit calories we consume now. We also consume more meat and cheese, which has no fiber and is full of too many bad things to list. Also, animal products have a low amount of nutrients per calorie.
You consume food of that's lower and lower and nutrients while higher and higher in calories you have to eat more of it and you get fat while you starve = low T

>Boomers got old, old people get fat.
Didn't happen to other generations and it's not just boomers. They had to rename 'adult onset diabetes' to type II diabetes because the child BMI and obesity rates are so high

>mexicans, theyre like 70% obese
Yes. Cutting food stamps across the board would curb this. And kicking third world retards out would also be great.

>animal consumption
>low T
You are an ignorant faggot.
Sugar lowers T levels not fat and protein.

>all the fattest states voted for Trump

Animal fat contains xeno-estrogens

Plus, the body doesn't function well on any animal products because we are unfit to eat anything that came from an animal.

Vegans have higher T levels

not to say that white burgers don't get fat, but mexicans and blacks get fat at much higher rates. Guess which demographic is the fastest growing in the US.

Doctors, advertisers, big pharma... All Jewish

fucking reddit get the fuck out

This thread is proof the soyboy meme is working.

>263 grams of sugar

Soyboy Internet Defense Force in action.


Working how?
I suspect the animal ag shills are using the Sup Forums meme factory now
Soyboys are just malnourished people with a normal BMI
Usually attempted vegans who don't know how to replace the calories with produce

>Not even an Olympic athlete could burn off the amount of shit calories we consume now.
mcdonalds in the village had to set limits because the bodybuilders needed too many calories you're a know nothing gumflapper

>animal ag shills
soy and dairy and steer can all be done on the same farm take a drive sometime?

t. Soyboy

Cites bodybuilders eating McDonald's in discussion about nutrition

You're right, maybe I was a little hyperbolic. But most people would have to do an extraordinary amount of physical activity to burn off the calories they consume.
Way more physical exercise than the normal few hours in the gym each week.

Blacks are obese at 70%+, Mexicans at an equally high rate. I think the boomers shit eating habits were passed onto their kids producing the obese young we see today as well.

>FALSE. Not even an Olympic athlete could burn off the amount of shit calories we consume now
>Before the Beijing Games, Phelps said he was chowing down on an insane 12,000 calories a day, or 4,000 calories per meal. (He later said this could have been a bit of an exaggeration, but he was still eating quite a lot.) He'd start off with egg sandwiches loaded up with all the fixings, ranging from cheese to fried onions to mayo. After that, he'd go for chocolate-chip pancakes, French Toast, grits, and a five-egg omelet (gotta get that protein). Lunch would include a couple ham and cheese sandwiches, energy drinks, and a pound of pasta to top it off. For dinner, he'd down a whole pizza. And yet another pound of pasta.

I'm not a fan of soy
Soy beans are grown for the animal ag industry as feed
Beans should not be a significant source of calories

Post your muscles

Why are soyboys constantly whining about this? You actual like not consuming soy and eating copious amounts of cheeseburgers and HFCS is somehow mutually inclusive. Lmao. Second time I've seen some soyboy in damage control today throwing around this meme.


Oy vey goy it's your own free choice if you want to get morbidly obese, taking that away is like anudda shoah

It's just clarifying the orders of significance
Blaming soy for malnutrition while animal ag is causing OP levels of malnutrition AND low T
is like blaming white conservatives for terrorism or 'gun violence'.

It's confusion from Jew disinfo in both instances.

Looks pretty good desu

Imagine you've eaten soy products for years to be healthy. Sure, you enjoy putting on makeup once in a while, and find yourself sobbing uncontrollably to romantic comedies, but that just means you're comfortable with your manhood, right? Only low t dicklets act all macho and manly. Real men enjoy wearing silk lingerie and posing in mirror once in a while. Then you find out all that soy you love and thought was healthy is depleting your testosterone and turning you into an effeminate ladyboy. The cognitive dissonance must be unbearable.

Post the map that only counts white people.

I don't understand "men" like this. Why do they have to act like a stereotypical faggot? You can be manly AND gay.


Beans and processed bean products like soy milk and tofu should not be a significant source of calories.

You're just attacking an animal ag straw man that has no bearing on the actual cause of low T levels.

WA is fucking amazing for doing silly calculations like this. It's wonderful how easily can read your mind.

have you ever noticed how fat people try to make other people fat
i live in alabama and everywhere i go somebody calls me skinny or tells me to eat more

I pretty much eat mass quantities of microwaved veggies with brown rice and people react to it as if I just set down a rug and prayed to mecca

This is now a Amerimutt hate thread


568g of delicious apple sugar

Lol typical amerifat retard.
>You shouldn't eat beans!!!!!
>Eats McDonalds multiple times per week

corn syrup


>tfw you devour 1 kg of sugar which sends your brain into overdrive
>tfw you begin to feel a connection with God

>and animal consumption.
nope, corn syrup. meat is fat and protein. diabetes is from sugars, which come from carbs. processed meat is a risk factor for cancer, but not for being fat.
If you think the land whales eat meat and not meat covered in sugars you are mistaken.

Interesting, now post your averageamerimutt2.png image to complete the shilling

No. Everyone should eat beans. They just shouldn't be the highest source of calories.
Produce should be the biggest source of calories.
The soyboy meme is attacking the junk food vegans who eat a majority of empty calories.

Are you retarded? The 80s is when the exercise fad kicked out.

>36 oz shake
Why does this even exist

Diabetes is caused by animal fat
Like race and Jew stats there are many things the establishment doesn't tell you about food. I am probably your only window to these truths.
If you had a critical scientific method you could see them for yourself.
Animal foods contain trans fat, cholesterol, xeno-estrogens, bacteria, hormones, inflame your vascular tree, cause low T.

Sugars in fruit is okay if it's not processed. That is if you chew it in its whole state with the water and fiber your saliva begins digestion and it's not hitting your liver in a concentrated torrent.

Humans evolved to eat meat. Face it dude.

Let's archive

I missed you, based Nordbot...

very very disrespectful thread

Most adults filter out "based" posts fyi

I'm on a new browser so just letting you know

>Americans are so awesome they have to add more colors to show how far ahead we are
Get fucking rekt, world.

>the more likely you are to be conservative
>the more likely you are to be a fat fuck in a rural poor shithole


Conjecture and the author's name is (((Kluger))).

Back to the article,
"it’s entirely possible that without an early diet that included generous amounts of animal protein, we wouldn’t even have become human"
"Evolved to eat meat" is based on "Entirely possible"

Humans don't have even one trait specifically for the digestion of meat
There is not one essential nutrient that we can only get from meat

The conjecture this article is extrapolating on is about how cooking makes more calories to our giant brains available.
Humanoids before us cooked. I believe we are geared to eat cooked produce since raw food vegans are typically failures.
There's still no evidence cooking is correlated with meat and our evolution. It falls under the category of tool making. Not biology. Just because we are able to create heroin doesn't mean we 'evolved to' shoot up heroin.

Also, Time magazine is controlled by the Rockefeller petro-chemical empire (You know; energy, agriculture, healthcare).
Time mag also bought and tried to suppress the JFK assassination film. Hid it for over a decade, actually.

Because it's tasty, I've tried it before. Took me a day to finish it though.

Thats not what the article says nor is there any metabolic factor from meat that "caused evolution" none whatsoever

>not posting full version


>laughs at soy boys for lack of T and increased estrogen
>eats animal products and dairy with actual estrogen and growth hormones in them
>"cognitive dissonance"

>There is not one essential nutrient that we can only get from meat


>basketball sized honeycrisp apple