How do we solve the US obesity problem?
How do we solve the US obesity problem?
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That is like asking how to solve the world hunger.
By killing them all?
>That is like asking how to solve the world hunger.
Make meth and cocaine legal.
Stop putting sugar and corn syrup to things you eat.
it will take a huge attitude adjustment
one we just can't make anymore because it would require too much effort on the majorities part
it is easier to pacify them by telling the fatties that their life style is acceptable
it's our own fault and instead of admitting that we messed up we doubled down just to keep the peace with the obese population.
Holy shit there were public schools that were this white at one point.
Fat shaming.
I am overweight but not massive like some of the ham planets I see roaming around and I have no fucking idea how they live with themselves. I feel ashamed that I got fat after an injury but even putting on 20-30 lbs will make you feel like you are dying. I don't know how real fatties live with themselves.
Also our entire dietary knowledge is currently moletely fucking backwards. We scared everyone away from eggs and healthy fats and sold them cardboard diet food. That's what is making people fat. "Diet food".
This. End all farm subsidies slowly and decentralize agriculture
I made a thread regarding this earlier today and it got deleted.
Wait, I got a better one
Just stop eating
Stop subsides to high fructose corn syrup.
give men fucks 4 keepin buff
>tfw it's almost impossible to eat healthy enough to have chiseled abs in this country
do what is shown in your OP image, force kids to take gym (running on the track, weight lifting, team games) EVERY YEAR OF SCHOOL, promote healthy eating like and said, and end the corn/soy industry subsidy. the last part is the most difficult, we would need a staple crop that isnt maize.
Kill fat people?
I believe that a big problem is calorie dense food (fast food, restaurants) and lack of cooking skills and meal prep
Based axis bros
Mandatory 2 year military service for all 18 years olds.
I see you got the message
Stop importing low IQ, low willpowered brown people.
Stop screeching that companies be allowed, nay encouraged, to churn out endless mountains of food made of garbage junk calories.
>Maybe we should have some food standards and regulations like Europe?
The proper term is NIGGERS
Red shorts to the right is a bit chubbs
Outlaw sugar. Problem solved.
You fat FUCKS
LOL @ nigger bitches
cooking stuff from scratch at home helps a lot, so....
roll back feminism anf mandate women actually cook at home instead of going out or buying pre-made shit thats filled with BS
Isn't your obesity level increasing though
>implying the whole World laughs at the US just for being obese fatfucks
In my state we had to do PE every year until our Sophomore year of high school.
>asians dont even make the charts
how do they do it?
They would just get fat at age 21. You can get a whole day's worth of calories for like $3 cooked and served to you with a smile.
it doesn't matter as long he can keep up, look at white shorts who dropped. skinny, but didnt make it
>tfw when you need help but dont know where to turn.
being fat sucks.
At least he's working on it, most chubby and lardass people don't do anything about it
Opening new McDonalds...Obiously...
Is imposible to solve it... Le 56% face
a gym in my city costs 35 a month, NO month to month, plus a 75 dollar initiation fee. If I move to a better part of town I would be stuck with the 35 a month since traffic is a nightmare here and the gym has no parking. That is every gym thats below 100/month in LA.
Technically if you deport all the blacks and hispanics, the obesity rate would plummet
Losing weight is simple, must burn more calories than we intake. Take highschool graduates and have them do basic training. Starve/beat the fatasses who won't comply, borderline torture. Will build some thick skin.
You don't need a gym to lose weight idiot
Daily physical exercise in school.
Stricter regulation of what's allowed to be sold as food.
Revitalize masculine ideals in culture.
Destroy Western civilization
get a pair of adjustable dumbbells
>Ancient Greeks had prosperity
>could've went full fat fuck
>they didn't
>turns out they had a culture of self determination and achievement
this is what we must do... reintroduce sports and a culture of self determination ranging from mental rejuvenation to physical one
but this most definitely won't spring out from the US's trailer parks tee hee
I used to be a fat piece of shit but Dr. Rudi's diet helped me lose weight
Weak cop-out. If people watched their calories that'd serve them better.
what the fuck? what am I supposed to eat waffles and pancakes with now?
It wouldn't take much work at all.
I could solve childhood obesity in one generation, and it's easy.
Tax the parents of fat children. Boom, done. You don't have to regulate anything or change anything. Just require children to have a physical ever year and tax parents of their kid is over a certain bmi. And for added motivation, kids that stay over a certain bmi for some years kid taken away by the state and the parents jailed for neglect. You'd see obesity go away real fucking fast.
That's what you get for living in LA.
You nigger, get the 2 year 24hr fitness package at costco.
We like oly lifts and working hard.
we are as fat as americans now
Both are caused the same individuals and can be solved with some basic redistribution.
But that's commie.
It was the default before this post-modernist, race-deconstructionist bullshit.
How do you tax people who don't pay any?
Eat a lot of soy
How do we solve the memefag posting the same vapid non-political threads problem? Sage
America is run by corporations, they don't have the slightest interest in making everyone healthy, its all about profits. (food, pharma etc).
Believe it or not there's nothing americans can do about it, change has to start at the top. Yes you can start eating healthy but the majority don't have time nor resources for that, its cheaper and faster to eat unhealthy food.
It is, for two reasons.
Firstly, the influx of non-Euros who cannot handle western decadence is resulting in enormously fat arabs and their porky children.
Secondly our food companies are desperately pursuing an American food quality level of dogshit cheap ingredients padded out with mountains of sugar, fat and salt. One of the more secretive aims of Brexit is to ditch pesky European food standards and regulation so we can start producing American style 'food' for maximum profit.
Bloody pork pies and hobnobs doing us in lad
meant for
I've got a solution.
It's an ancient Asian secret used for thousands of generations. Don't take my word for it, just use your eyes and count the number of overweight Asians.
Hummm... So when those Muslims took over your country for all those hundreds of years... makes me wonder why Spanish skin is darker than the rest of Europe...
this was the first time I posted this, Sup Forums has a lot of users
Teach people how to read and add up how much calories they consume daily
I just read an article on a study that found that once you become fat, your body thinks this is the new normal. When you try to lose weight, your body thinks it is starving. It fights to get back close to peak weight. You will always feel like you are starving. If this is true, the only answer is to exterminate the obese.
>It fights to get back close to peak weight. You will always feel like you are starving.
it kinda is, losing weight is so much harder than maintaining
Minimum 4, but I'd say 8. Drill fitness and strict regiment into their heads until the brain is fully developed.
you've never been to spain. skin tones in spain are pretty much similar to the ones in france, italy and germany. Southern countries get more sun so they are more tanned as opposed to those further north.
Nigger you're dumb. Being fat is due to diet. If you wanted to workout you could buy a jump rope and this power tower to do dips and pullups. Add weight when you're not a bug man.
Utter horseshit. Your stomach expands if you're a gorge-eater, so if you suddenly cut down on intake you always feel hungry, but your stomach shrinks in time.
No you idiot. What you say is true, but that's why cheat days were invented. 6 days of caloric restriction with one day of caloric excess works to keep weight loss stable and steady.
But 7-10 day water/broth fasts are pretty good for resetting the point as well b/c of the apoptosis
i used drugs to lose over 200 pounds in under a year, so i'm definitely an extreme and i can say this isn't true at all.
you're adjusted to the different consumption level within a week of making the change. i ate ~1200 calories and never felt hungry.
get rid of niggers and spics. They're responsible for skewing our averages and making us appear fatter than europe.
Of course, even then, obesity is still an issue, just not any worse in america compared to anywhere else.
Nuke America, problem solved.
Changing the US diet to corn syrup seems to be the cause. Labeling things as 0g of sugar but having 3 to 4 different types of sugar in the ingredients list seems to be a cause. Adding sugar to children's milk for school for taste doesn't help. And finally cutting out all fat has been a massive problem. Eating fat makes you feel full, and eating sugar and starches make you more hungry.
Stop drinking the soda jew.
Don't shoot the messenger. It was just a study I came across. It was a talking point. But you have it all figured out, we will all be healthy by next year.
Close down McRonalds and Wallkart
Remove corn syrup and remove mexicans.
It's not that hard really.
Kill all govt corn subsidies which will increase the cost of high fructose corn syrup, which will increase the cost of all high calorie sugary drinks.
I was getting a little fat a few years back, nothing crazy but I noticed my belly getting bigger than it had ever been. I immediately and completely quit all sugary drinks and snacks. It took about a week of sugar withdrawals but since then I never crave sugar and I stay away from it. If you need a little sugar fix, buy some apples.
Other than that, need to find the subsidies that make refined flours so cheap compared to natural wheat flour and then kill those as well.
Guaranteed to fix the obesity problem if we can just naturally raise the cost of these high calorie, low nutrition carbs.
1: Teach people how to grow their own food or buy the proper food.
2: Teach them how to cook again.
3: Teach them to worry more about nutrients than pleasure.
4: Eat that until you're satisfied NOT full.
Another side effect of feminism. It took the mothers out of the home. Aside from the social aspects, the result is no home cooking and no monitoring of what your children are stuffing into their face. Couple that with a fast food industry and massive markets that focus on pleasure. They put nothing but shit into that food(including MSG) and here we are.
i wonder if one of them is trying not to get a stiffy in those small tight shorts
like their peepee could be barely pushing through the fabric and someone could notice
>i wonder if one of them is trying not to get a stiffy in those small tight shorts
>like their peepee could be barely pushing through the fabric and someone could notice
Arbeit macht frei.
Work and think. Stop being a retard stuffing his cakehole without using his bain or making exercices. Otherwise die landwhale.
> taxing bullshit bmi
> not taxing body fat %
Nigger you aren't fixing anything.
Turn all fat cunts into soap.
Based leaf. Or lampshades.
I want to draw attention to this comment.
Too much corn is being made thanks to Uncle Sam. This page will give you an idea of how much we're subsidizing corn production.
What do you do with the excess corn? Whatever you can, even if it's got a (comparatively) piss poor return like corn syrup does.
Our government is indirectly subsidizing corn syrup by subsidizing corn. People need to stop blaming corn syrup on the free market because it would be impossible without subsidy.
please for god's sake do this
Make carbs illegal
Making gym mandatory is school would be good. My little bros highschool has it as optional.
sterilize people who believe the atkins-tier bullshit that carbs are bad for you
>hurrr let's ban oxygen because oxidative stress is linked to aging
>mfw atkins actually works
Boys that age are prone to getting hard at the slightest provocation.