"muh guns" won't protect Sup Forums from this:

"muh guns" won't protect Sup Forums from this:

Other urls found in this thread:


Birdshot should be fine.

No, but a fly swatter will


jest throw a net over it

They come in a swarm and one can blow their load to create opening for others

These things look exactly like my tiny whoop. Only problem is my tiny whoop EVEN WITH BDR Gold Motors could not carry a payload of that size and still operate with even close to the smoothness they are describing. On top of that, my tiny whoop even with an HV 250Mah battery only has 2 minute flight times with Rakon 3 bladed props. This is simply not possible for at least another 10 years given current battery technology.

what's that shit on top of it?

That's a Circular Polarized Clover Leaf Antenna, a lot of people prefer it to Dipole because it gets better range and signal quality, but dipole is more durable. It's a fun hobby great alternative to video games.

radio jammer

So is this the next libshit argument against guns, they won't do anything against little drones? So we should just give them up? Because this video is an argument against autonomous drones, not guns.

Helium balloons and fishing line

your tiny whoop is not using military-standard components

Fuck, this is scary

The only valid argument against the complete removal of guns is "muh gubernment", which the government having access to millions of assassin drones completely negates.

guns are still necessary, its just that automated turrets will be firing to repel these godless monsters.

>we're super proud of it

why the fuck is this like an apple presentation? it's way too light hearted for something as serious as weapons technology, get some tact

>drones are coming to kill us
This is an argument for citizens to own EMPs.

jokes on you, these are protected under the 2nd ammendment.

That's the whole point, they made the presentation super nonchalant on purpose to make it seem more evil.

>government kills everyone
>nothing to govern anymore

Cuck intelligence intelligence everyone.

It negates nothing.

No weapon, nukes, nano swarms, fucking grey goop, can protect those in power from just being killed. Offense isn't the same thing as defense and politicians don't live in bunkers.

We don't collect AR-15s to create a standing army and challenge the US military dipshit, it's to assassinate people at 200yd.

If the government executed gun confiscation by using nano drones to kill everyone, they would no longer be legitimate and would be toppled by whoever survived by any means necessary.

Swarm drones aren't a new concept.

Terminator was not a work of fiction, it was a warning.

My Tiny Whoop is running betaflight with adjustable rates and full CLI to tune any and every aspect of the quad's behavior. Even dialed in with TWO blade props and shitbox rates it's like 4 minutes MAX, and a flight time like that would overdrain the battery. This video is simply a straw man argument for technology that doesn't yet exist. Just like how Cell Phones would blow people's heads off because "Muh Batteries"

>emp hardened
what now?

that's cool, another good hobby is assembling models, i'm working on painting an F-100 super sabre right now

Program them with the JEWDAR facial detection AI that infinity Chan is working on.

Clearly civilians need access to higher grade weaponry.

Also this.

Power miniaturization just isn't happening to the extent required for super powerful mini, micro, and nanotech.

Worry about passive nanotech and big drones, not drone swarms.

Butterfly nets

Ya'll worried about heavy payloads on drones but really whats going to happen is they're going to release 1000 of them and each is armed with only one thing: a 10g needle and 5mg of a deadly chemical of your choice. These fucks won't even need 4 rotors, they'll just become harpoon helicopters with 1 main rotor and a smaller stabilizer.

All it does it ram into your neck and it's won.

Radio gaga

not very fine salt should do the job too.



If you disable the needle drones, they win.

They still obey the laws of physics, they can't change direction very fast with the type of battery they'll be running on, they can't penetrate solid objects, and so if you close a door you're safe.

It's a great assassination tool I agree if you only send one, but as a swarm it's worthless, you can just get your back to a wall and fire a bunch of birdshot out of a semiauto or get inside a car and you'll be fine.

that sound at 1:53


while also demonstrating a gross misunderstanding of directed concussive forces

personal emp emitters and masks that cover your face so that no bot can id you by seeing your face

That requires a fuckton of weight to be added to the drone, making the size rise and flight speed drop tremendously.
It would literally turn into fucking skeet shooting for gun-owners.

>Drones are able to kill

Exactly. Drones of this size when dropped from high altitude experience a death wobble effect because of the low motor torque as well. We simply are not yet there. Now a 5 inch quad? That's a different story, it could easily achieve this, however birdshot can EASILY take out a 5 inch quad so if they used one of that size in their video there entire argument would be negated. They tried, they just didn't do their homework.

Those were useless pieces of shit in-game, though.


>Radio, whats new?

They come in different sizes, too.

>muh based jap screenshot
You can't just turn your brain off and post the same image every time someone challenges your brainwashing.
What do you think the whole purpose of "muh boots on the ground" is if not to intimidate you into complying, and kill you if you don't?
It doesn't matter if it's 100,000 boots on the ground or 10,000,000 drones in the sky, the intimidation factor is still there.
You don't have to kill the population that starts to uprise, you just have to threaten those that do.
Even if you're going to argue that boots on the ground can detain people etc, then drones could still be fitted with needles and sedatives to achieve the same effect.

>Get within 200yds of politician's residence
>Instantly detected by infrared cameras
>Swarm of 20 drones flies out and assassinates you



>100 little bots descend upon t. fudd

I'm more concerned with stuff that can be armored to the point where you can't use conventional small arms on them.

Man sized walking androids, or heavy quad/octo drones with armor and steel rotors.

Then you start having to use .50 BMG semiautos or tungsten buckshot or something.

No, but muh skillet will.

lol, no.
(wrap insulated wiring in conductive metal (copper or aluminium). About 3g added in weight.

Don't do it at their residence.

Those are even larger than 5 inch quads, which again NEGATE their entire argument because quads that size can easily be stopped with birdshot and would have a terrible time inside buildings

scanners would be a better use of drones


Just turn off the lights lmao

Really makes you think.
>not possible for 10 years
What a relief.

>not grounded when the pulse hits
It's gonna fry, my dude.


They're not ethereal, spacetime traveling Hounds of Tindalos, so who fucking cares

that's cool as fuck

>mfw the website they link to is to support a ban on the technology

i guess they are liberals if they think that is going to be effective in any reasonable fashion.

what did they mean by this???

Manhacks are real now?

>Drones of this size when dropped from high altitude
They will be dropped in a can.

Steel rotors wouldn't work, shoot it and nick the rotor system and the prop is still fucked. multirotor Drones can't be armored to withstand even a .22 to the props, it's just not possible with current polymers and metals, anything spinning fast has to be light, otherwise rip battery life

Butlerian Jihad when?!

turtle necks a new fashion craze

Even if you ban that research in the West the Chinks or Poo’s will research it

The faster we develope it the faster we can counter it

>whining about someone else being brainwashed
Yes, please, keep clenching your vagina muscles around the government's cock. Surely they'll return your rights(they won't).

>not understanding the lorenz effect and how it relates to electronics
please stop using COD as your main source of information on EMP, it isn't some magical wizard spell that causes electronics ot stop working. Merely having the porfolio of conductor-insulator-cunductor is enough to negate most EMP. Grounding is only really needed for very strong emp (the kind that moves copper). Think about half a lightning bolt or more.

When shai'hulud wills it.

>They will be dropped in a can.
This also negates there argument because the can, can be intercepted with ease.

why this wouldn't happen.

government will just ban the hobby and the parts to make drones

Lmao what is net gun. Are you even trying?

>every citizen is going to carry a personal EMP with them at all times and destroy all their electronic equipment within the immediate vicinity of them everytime a disposable drone heads towards them

Do you really think a politician responsible for enforcing a police state in a country where your supposed wet dream of every citizen taking up arms to fight comes true is going to be stupid enough to walk outside unprotected in a place where they can be easily killed by an assault rifle?
They'll be living in high security residences with 24/7 drone protection, or travelling in armoured vehicles within a convoy of instant drone deployment trucks.

Unless it's classified as a drone or aircraft. Than FAA liscense is required.

Comparing tech thats been developed for mass production vs military tech is just stupid. The reason military tech is so much better is because each and every component is hand made by a team of engineers under the supervision and part of the group of 2000 engineers that are also building other parts of the flashlight.

Thats why military tech becomes obsolete, the custom tools they made to build the parts wear out, and they have to decide to either retool everything from scratch just to make parts for 50+ year old equipment or begin development on the next set of tools for the next set of equipment.

Also at this point all military tech is immune to EMP.

You can effectively deny area with swarm.

Wouldn't EMP completely obliterate such a drone fleet?

Also "stop autonomous weapons" makes no sense. The only way to stop such weapons would be other autonomous weapons. Such as weapons like lasers who can fry and take out these drones at reaction times 10000x the rate humans can.

To be fair, nano-capacitors are a rapidly emerging technology.

>i can control a nation by rubble-izing it and killing its people

Yeah that worked out real well in the middle east, and most of those people don't have guns, lol.

military standard just means it was built by the cheapest contractor.

That's what she said.

>bong doesn't actually understands how drones work
>muh tiny drone swarm
Those are way too small to actually work. The explosive charge and cameras mounted on those little things would drastically decrease their agility. Not to mention their battery life would be garbage.

The military's interest in the "swarm" mostly has to do with electronic warfare and surveillance on target. The birds that they are testing now have about a 9 foot wingspan, are run off of a diesel motor, and one fits inside a cluster bomb shell. The idea is that two aircraft can shit 8-10 of them out with capability to jam enemy radar and comms with a relatively small target. The enemy has a hard time shooting all of them down due to their profile and spread. For surveillance, the idea is a jet can pass overhead and drop some of them to spot targets for guys on the ground. That way the jet can go back to base or complete another mission and the flight and matience costs of the aircraft

Anyone falling for this killer bee like swarm of drones is a fucking idiot. We do not have the capability to make them, nor is it cost effective to make them.

wow nice fiction shit you complete and utter retard.

>The explosive charge and cameras mounted on those little things would drastically decrease their agility.

Agility is meaningless when you can guide a swarm of cluster bombs into an area.

>every politicians house has a 200 yd no go zone
>this is some how enforceable and wont at all be unpopular with the people
>force all politicians to live in a single neighborhood for their own protection
>all politicians need protecting from their own constituents.

The very fast can can divide into multiple slower cans which can either divide more, release their swarms or parachute land and just send occasional scouts out. If scout detects enemy, swarm attacks. Many uses.

>military standard just means it was built by the cheapest contractor.

You'd think so, but the folks making the decisions respond surprisingly well to obvious tactics such as: "This is better than what the Navy has." They're not the brightest purchasers.

oy vey

Expect to see this in the coming decade. I know watchdogs2: niggerfaggot edition did something along these lines, though I couldn't bring myself to play it.
Might be looking at a future where seeing someone's uncovered face is as rare as seeing there uncovered ass.

Get the word out and lets take these fuckers down

jamming won't work when the control does not come from a signal

>Agility is meaningless when you can guide a swarm of cluster bombs into an area.
You missed the part about their battery life also being absolute shit because it takes more energy to keep a heavier piece of equipment in the air with its systems functioning. It would be a battery life of 1 minute tops.

Why would agility be "drastically reduced" if the shaped charge only weighs 3 grams? How heavy do you think the camera components in your smart-phone are? How many of those components are even necessary?

The idea is feasible with existing technology.

truly /ourbots/

> Ban something anyone with the slightest brain could make with off the self components and programming.

Im almost tempted to try after this gets banned, just to spit in the face of society.

Nigga just cover your face like how the fuck is face recognition real just wear a mask