>We're both orphans, Nigel. But where your parents had the luxury of dying in the Blitz, mine survived the British betrayal and Mugabe's execution squads
Rhodesia General - British Betrayal Edition
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Nigel farage. Always loyal to the brexit but never his friends.
You don't even know who the enemy is Nkomo? Huh? DO YOU?!
Where's that quote from?
Nigel has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.
Lads, look at this poster
I regret and apologise for nothing, there was no betrayal because we told them to do something and they didn't do it and that's that.
I don't care about any of you if YOU decide to betray my country by not recognising it's authority you're just another muslim in my eyes
>if you decide to betray my country by not recognizing it's authority you're not a muslim in my eyes
Fuck you stop coming here and taking jobs I hope we starve more of you before this shit with the pakis is over all of you mouth breathing cunts live only because we allow it fuck Ireland.
Alec was the good guy.
James was an imperial pawn.
The Queen knighted a black communist terrorist and left Brits who colonised land for HER inbred family to rot.
Fuck off paddy you and your worthless country are next after we deal with the fucking niggers
Your country is lost you faggot
You're not even worth bombing anymore
What is Rhodesia? This video from Vox told me that Mugabe won independence from Great Britain in 1980
You're not even a real country. You don't have your own currency and your laws are made by unelected Jews in a country we made up.
Yep and it could have been a lot easier on them if they did what we ordered our lessers to do but they decided they had some kind of perverted right not to obey our law and they paid like everyone did and will in future including America.
Don't use my flag to talk shit about my nation go back to Africa if you hate us that much you fucking asshole.
Ireland is just as bad if not worse because you have less land we're still mostly white here you won't be before us.
And by the way it's bad form to try and force the blackpill but what can you expect from a moodly little shamrock cunt like you? You're not getting NI back and in time we'll have the rest you just remember that now and run off and play in the potato field you sack of shit.
the only waves you rule are the gallons of cum your mother's Caribbean boyfriend leaves in her arse every night. Enjoy sucking it out.
And by the way in case you forgot you don't bomb us anymore because if you did we'd fucking slaughter the lot of you deluded cunts don't pretend you stopped by choice.
haha I hope I live to occupy Ireland again I would so enjoy smashing in Irish women's heads with a rifle butt.
Your leader is a gay poo in loo and we occupy a third of your island lmao
What Zimbabwe used to be.
It was a British colony in southern Africa. Saw incredible growth and prosperity in the 70's under smith. Native black population didn't like white minority rule. Robert Mugabe led a marxist movement that sought to end the existing govt.
War broke out, Rhodies did well, but lost support from the British, UN denounced them as racist. Embargoes cost them resources. Rhodies had no choice but to sign an agreement that turned over power to the Marxist Guerillas.
Rhodesia became Zimbabwe.
smashing up women like a true muslim
Ha nice meme but it's way off mate.
You should thank us, the only reason anyone even knows where or what Ireland is is because you rode our coat tails during the days of the Empire and continue to do so.
You're welcome for the scraps from the table you know well enough you all move here to beg for them.
People like you are why people like Tony Blair rose to power, you stupid civic Paki
Mandatory read
the absolute fucking unrecognizable unsalvageable STATE of the UK
>British Betrayal Edition
Isn't every Edition British Betrayal Edition?
>Le Londinistan lolol
>Third of his country under our control
>More of his people move here for work and life everyday because it's better than his "country"
Imagine what both the US and UK could have done by now if not for you whining fucking Irish pulling everyone down the whole way and robbing us ffs our biggest mistake was really not just leaving you to all starve and die when we had the chance.
Not a Civnat at all just saying when the UK says to do something you should do it because the world is always better when we run it.
After all we bought the world in to it's finest state before the US hedgemoney undid it all.
Mate you'll have to try harder it's not nearly over yet for Ireland though it never even started haha fucking pathetic.
Honestly the biggest mistake on our part was not doing our most obvious and most important job, cleaning the Isles of Irish stains on it's otherwise beautiful visage.
You've always been this way, whinging and whining no matter how well we treat you and showing nothing but vitriol and malice toward us not to mention a fair amount of envy.
It genuinely makes me upset we didn't just kill every single one of you when we could have in fact I'd go so far as to say a big reason our country is in the state it's in is because of you people guilt tripping us for behaving how anyone would have living next to such an ungrateful and horrible violent people as the Irish.
>Rhodesia became Zimbabwe.
We told Ian Smith to hand over control to black communists. We sometimes make mistakes. Just admit this was one of them.
That doesn't make any sense how could it be a mistake if we ordered it?
Sometimes people have to be sacrificed so their betters can live on in good health that's the legacy of the Empire, our use for them had run out and so they were relegated to a position I believe was fair.
I mean who were these people to question us in the first place, what have they done? We were god's hand on earth the British Empire that the sun never set on they had no right to deny us an order.
Now you have me thinking about I'm glad they're being raped and killed and I hope fewer make it out so none of their insolent genes can be passed on.
Nige is loyal to his country, which include his friends
>that's the legacy of the Empire
>killing the legacy of the Empire is the legacy of the Empire
Now I see - you're just a Canadian with a Union Jack
Like all black controlled countries, it became a 3rd world shit hole in very, very short time.
Was wondering when one of you would show up to speak like you're relevant.
Almost everything I said in regards to Ireland I feel as well about France shut your fucking useless garlic stinking mouth honhon monkey the only good thing about France is how horny the women are.
>how could it be a mistake if we ordered it?
Kek. Guess your rapefuges and cucked populace are all part of the plan then? An assblasted britbong unironically arguing for communist niggers to take power and anybody who disagrees deserves to be raped and killed. The absolutely cucked state of the U.K.
>inb4 le 56%
All it took was 8% to slot some floppies and go against the grain of the rest of the world at the same time. The only country worse than you is sweden. Absolutely fucking pathetic.
Now that is the English I always wanted to remember, hating the French just like the good old days. :)
>It's cucked to defend your country from slander
>Inb4 le 56%
But you are fifty six percent (if that) aren't you not even taking in to account how many hispanics and others like arabs are noted down as white in your godforsaken theme park/horror house of a country.
Don't you dare speak to your father this way you rude little shit you will have your arse spanked one day and it will be golden.
It will honestly never end as long as these people's arrogance and entitlement carries on the way it has been since the beginning of our recorded interactions with them.
I won't have it by god I will not have French talk around me.
Mate, last week at work, I told a 80yr old woman that last good thing to come out of France was Napoleon. They haven't done anything since a Corsican became Emperor of their shit hole country over 200 yrs ago.
Now look at what their laziness and self serving attitudes has brought them. The native French will be extinct in 100 yrs and replaced by African shit skins who shit in the streets and cannibalize each other because they won't eat Pate.
Australians are the most powerful race.
picture of sam hyde who is known to be second in command on the goldeneye program
Half of everything is luck
>and the other half?
lol Mugabe didn't resign
no glib remark? no pithy comeback?
BASED Mugabe still in
What a madman
Gibs a Irish exile reparations. If the Jew's can sue Germany so can we. We could bankrupt your little tea orgy of a country overnight. So when are you guys legalizing goatfucking.
Hardly, you aren't any where near as creative as the Jews to convince the UN to back payment of reperations and more to the point no one gives a shit about you.
why do all you faggots reminisce about a nation long gone when mine is getting more fucked RIGHT NOW as we speak?
It was not Mugabe that gave me this face. It was you, setting the independence to 3 minutes instead of 6.
Fuck you I hope your pay a thousand fold for denying us our divine right to control you.
May your girlfriend be raped by Africans while they force you to watch.
enjoy your muslim infestation hahaha
South Africa's long gone my dude. You both fell.
>you've never stayed in Cape Town
You suffered the same fate as Rhodesia and the same betrayal from the West. I admire you staying there but who will they loot when they inevitably crash your economy?
I will and I'll enjoy the safety of my home and living in my country you tried to destroy fuck you and your entire mutt group of whites in SA
your mom
>paid like everyone did and will in future including America.
Fuck your shitty authoritarian attitude. I hope the muslims totally disassemble what is left of your shitty empire, and also pillage your "safe" home.
The Mexican Mustache doesn't suit him.
We can barely keep our own heads above the sea of shitskins. Look at them, fighting in this thread about who is slightly less cucked and fucked.
Sorry, fellah, maybe the whites could carve out a little Israel in Africa, you'd have a chance then.
In 3 min and 42 seconds... Rhodesia will reenter the stone-age
I love how Mugabe violated every tenant of the Lancaster Agreement and the British did nothing to him, but instead accused Salisbury of violating the agreement for refusing to just roll over and die.
You're already paying you insolent shit.
Spoken like a true African mutt all you have to do is scratch the surface and see the bile underneath your claims of victimhood.
You try to illicit sympathy while in the same breath calling for the genocide of Europe enjoy the rest of the years you spend looking over your shoulder in your shithole home you deserve nothing more I'm giddy at the thought of niggers cutting you open like a pig.
We will burn your beloved white house again and you will live under her majesty's crown you only managed to break away from us with support from the French your great independence was nothing but a snyde jab at us by them and no good came of it.
Now go back to your guac bowl and stop pretending to speak to real white Europeans as though you're one of us.
>We're both orphans, Jamal Little Horn Rodriguez. But while your parents had the luxury of dying in a teepee accident, mine survived the American betrayal and Washington's execution squads.
Non British showing their envy for our greatness and their utter inferiority to us by way of pig headed insult and lack of class and taste.
Fuck you all you are all the reason for the death of Europe as we are it's vanguard, when you attack us you attack European survival and you all deserve the rope.
>Mugabe's execution squads
Uh... wasn't it "Stalin's execution squads"?
All anti British cucks will taste the rope I swear it, may African men lie with French and Boer women and inseminate their virginal wombs violently until no more of you gas bags chirp your pathetic excuses for insults in my ears.
America will brown eternally and Britain will rule again it is the will of eternal providence death to all shitskins including those who are against our beautiful race of British gods and goddesses.
My dick is bigger than yours you cuck. You have no power over any one. You answer to America now and there's nothing you can do. You can deny it all you want but There's no denying reality.
You American chimera would not know reality if it kicked in your door and raped your daughter on the kitchen table which it frequently does in the form of braindead niggers you masturbate to while they kneel on your pathetic flag.
We own you eternally I can have any American woman I want god forbid such a mental illness would befall me that I would ever desire one of your abominations.
The only reality is that we created you and can end you but you are doing it yourself, fuck you, your great President fulfils the only true American legacy which is the protection, love and worship of the satanic Jewish race that you serve.
Die in hell thank you.
The Joke is American exceptional ism and none of you mouth breathing, diabetic shitskins seem to realise it's not funny.
mandatory rhodesiacore
>safety of your home
Time to hand in that butter knife
>Holland is filled to the brim with mixed race prostitutes
Your only history is as our rent boy when we needed you in a coalition to defeat one of OUR enemies as you were not important enough to have your own sit the fuck down and shut up.
>hes not stepping down
You know your capitol isn't yours anymore right. HAHAHAHA
>muh british empire
>muh mighty army
Capitol is muslim hahahahah
You know your country isn't yours anymore right?
>Thinking Holland is white
>Muh Londinistan
Brexit is the first step we are still a nearly completely white country you can't say the same and our army is still feared worldwide we would crush you in an instant.
>white country
>part and parcel, m8
We're in the same boat you
t. lived Anglo who used to live in Nord Brabant
>From the cradle to the grave, Nigel. Your grave!
True. But it takes a while for your thick skulled bong comrade to get that.