What did he mean by this?



He needs to send their asses back! Cucking never pays, especially to bloody negroes

What do Ivankas farts smell like?

yeah don. you should have consulted with us

bagels with lox

What a fucking troll HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>What do Ivankas farts smell like?

Like Hillary's breath.... ???


I think he means that he is upset with LaVar Ball's ungratefulness over the fact he got his son released, and that he regrets doing it to some degree.

Not quite sure though what do the rest of you think?

HAHA, it's real.

I knew this was going to happen, I told you so Sup Forums.

F u

he should send the dad as a replacement for the 3 guys.

old meme

o sunce ti ćaćino

The fucking lunatic, this is why I voted for him

He is the gift that just keeps on giving. Holy fuck.

He makes stupid egotistical decisions

Ungrateful nog, hopefully Trump learned his lesson.


Not even once.

He bailed three niggas because in part it was an easy agreement to break the ice with China with, but mostly because MSM would haunt him forever for leaving the poor niggas to rot if he didn't. Now that they dindu nuthin he's free to whatever the fuck he likes.

it's real

*monocle flies off*


This guy's is Mr trigger

replying just to be safe (ya faglord)

If Trump can make peas with north korea, avoid war in middle east, and troll basketball americans into collective insanity, then Trump is the GOAT prezdant

trump wins so hard that its so hard not to love him.


Chanel #5


You waste Kek's blessing. You will be smited, of that there is no doubt. Repent!


He just showed everybody what niggers are really like.
First helped them, then pointed out how ungratedul cunts and thieves they are.

niggers are too dumb to be shown kindness to

this is why the chinese are winning in africa

never treat blacks like your equal,professors who lived in africa during the empire days found this sad fact out....but we refuse to listen.

some blacks sure are smart just like us and i do feel for them BUT!!!! the vast majority of blacks are dumb as rocks! never fraternise with them or consider them your equal.

He's a mobster. He did a favor for some of these retards and now they don't feel like repaying, especially when they aligned economically with interests against Trump

This is fucking hilarious but it's going to haunt him all week lmao

> “I should have left them in jail!”

> this tweet is real

Fuckin’ wew lad.

>This is fucking hilarious but it's going to haunt him all week lmao
How? All this will do is redpill the normies even more to the true nature of liberals and liberal african americans.

So Hillary killed Chris Farley too?

fug :---D

Probably bretty good


Niggers are always ungrateful and say they dindu nuffin. Trump is exposing this to everyone in a high profile way.


>This is fucking hilarious but it's going to haunt him all week lmao

Oh no! The media is going to autistically screech about him like they have been for 2+ years.

>The 3 first basketball-Americans in history visit China
>3 basketball Americans arrested for theft

Fuck you.

Niggers nigging constantly. A sea of violent ungrateful low-IQ pavement apes. Son kills 3 people, mother interviewed, says my son is a good boy. A good boy!! he dindu nuffin! Nuffin! Son goes to China and steals like the dumb fucking thief of a nigger that he is, gets caught by the chink police and is threatened with jail time so the president bills the nigger out but the nigger father has the audacity to flash his dumb ugly black smile and make jokes about what an asshole Trump is even though he's the fucking guy who got the kid out of trouble.

You burgers have a very, very serious NIGGER PROBLEM.

Dumb white cuck move and pol applauds him. Had this been a girl getting raped for dsting a black guy and then she made a facebook status, you'd all be laughing at her. But since its "le god emperor" you come to his defense just because he made a tweet - "HA HA OMG SO BASED". Wow you all are fucking retarded

The whole world has a nigger problem, we have to stop feeding these animals ASAP or they will overrun the entire planet.

Jake "child fapper" Tapper
Favorite restaurant: Comet Ping Pong Pizza

It's time to meme a black ethnostate into existence. I chose canada

Why not Liberia?

>haunt him
You mean give him an opportunity to further highlight just irresponsible and ungrateful that nigger father is?

Everywhere in the world the negro goes, they bring their criminalistic behavior with them. They were there to play ball, representing the UCLA and more importantly, the USA and they couldn't fucking behave. For there short duration there, these negroes just couldn't keep it together. If Hitler went after the niggers instead of the Jews, the whole world would've been behind him.

No, Canada.

way too close to us
just let it happen naturally in Europe

gas and sage.

Except almost 13% of your population is already black.

pls no

>he thinks its only 13%
>he believes the US government

I'm convinced whites in this country are actually only 30% of the population

I don't think any black Americans will go to Liberia voluntarily

take muh immunity

You're already consumed with the black plague my burger friends. Every time I turn on the TV and watch American television and advertisements there is always ALWAYS a black person on the screen. Every time I watch a movie that's made in United States there's a black(s). Your music rap music, Black, your cities are absolutely covered in black crime. Black black black. Your country has turned into a giant black crime zone.

He’s proving that he does good things that people won’t appreciate just because of who he is

>mother interviewed, says my son is a good boy. A good boy!! he dindu nuffin!

Anyone got a link to the original video?

This is dumb



Literally every single advertisement I see is black people. Youtube, tv, magazines, and especially when I go to the store and they have their stock photos up to advertise their brand - its always niggers. You cant escape it, nigger everything here

Surprisingly this will make trump more popular in Asian countries.

This leaf isn't wrong. We have become inundated with the negro "culture" and to spit in the face of it will get you mislabeled as racist. Literally, you will be chastised on social media, lose friends, your job, etc. If I go to the galleria Mall for instance, I will see dozens of young girls, who look like those Jenner burners, with their simian bucks.

homo cuck

Well, duh. If he hadn't been hamming for the camera and used his brain. And if he'd send Princess home to NY so that she could stop "advising" him, maybe he wouldn't have made such an ill considered decision. What will be bad is if 1, 2, or all 3 commit serious crimes now that they're safe in the States.

Trump panders way too hard to the left. WAY too hard.

Im seeing more of it too, but not in my town, only on TV and youtube. And oddly enough, people are aware of it and a backlash is happening. You know what we must do brother. Order the IOTBW stickers by the thousands, and any ad or posterboard you see in the streets with noggs on it, put the sticker right over the face of the nogg.

Better yet, make a new sticker about Forced Diversity and plaster them over such ads.

All the media will be talking about for a week is how Trump is a meanie for this, but the fact he freed them from China will actually be covered now, when it was ignored before. le trump 76D chess is not a meme.

Soyboy detected

I hate trump but that's fucking stupid not to thank him after wasting his time.

The more Trump tweets the less popular he becomes. All of his bumps in popularity polling have been weeks when his tweets don't go totally off the rails.

The people that are triggered by this and the media that will spend time on this are doing exactly what Trump wants them to do.
The pathetic part is after the last few years they’re still too stupid to notice.

This is a good thing, Trump is playing his cards right.

when DJT gets RP'd on the NQ

That dude didn't give a shit that Trump helped his son out. The tweet is tacky but come on... He could have left them in jail. You think Ball would be so acting tough then?


Salty 'lil beta, aren''t you.

trump went full cuck and the left will still call him a racist... might as well say fuck the negros

I don't get why he's lashing out to the players. They apologized for what they did and held a press conference thanking Trump. Who gives a shit what their fathers think. A lot of them are like Mayweather's dad whose just a retard clinging to their sons legacy.

he really shouldve, they're fucking RICH niggers and yet they still shoplifted IN A FOREIGN STATE what the fuck

just try them in the us for shoplifting as a compromise

the tweets are extremely popular with his younger voter base, that's who he's appealing to in that regard

Yes, Mr. President, you should have.

By now you should know better than to expect gratitude from niggers.

kill yourself

He meant "Hey LaVar, you shoot at the god emperor, you best not miss."


They won't learn anything now they they didn't go to jail. They will think they can just do it again and get bailed out.


Salty about what exactly? I am talking about young girls, with their bucks in tow like its their pet project. It doesn't effect me, but its sad to see young girls just chuck away their lives so wantonly.


Should have just left them to rot

Brilliant move by the President. Now the Fakenews Media has to report about him releasing these players.