Russia isn't degenera-

>Russia isn't degenera-

Other urls found in this thread:

muh dick holy fuckkk

muh dick


muh dick holy fuckkk

Russian girls are literally built for bbc.

>Russia isn't degenerate
Said no one ever


What is the name of this move?

All white women are built for the BBC, my Canadian friend.

muh vagina


Imagine going in front of 1000 people, to do this:

... Muh Dyk

Holy shit, he looks likePutin

>not asking for it

Day of the fucking rake when?

I want a mail order bride NOW
Here in America they'd all be overly tanned or black. Women don't understand the value of pale, milky skin

future porn stars

I'd let them sit on my penis.


How the fuck did so many black people end up in Canada anyways wtf

>muh degeneracy
the outcry of the eternal pleb who needs to be told what to think

They are well prepared for the chinese invasion.

a gift from you. your illegals of all colours would rather run up here than try their luck in mexico

They only take the best things from degeneracy (slutty hot dancing women) without the shit (fags, trannys, fatties and all that shit)

Russian porn is fucked up. They play incest and love triple anal piss stuff (no homo though).

I really wish I could get my hand on the kike that goes around the world shilling for twerking.

wait,you guys are actually turned on by this shit? I don't understand,this nigger mimicking just doesn't do it for me. It was kinda good until they started twerking,that completely killed my boner.


They are quite bad at this. I do hope they are not paying for any sort of dance education.

>implying my dick has a brain

They are white... But they act like nigresses . .. .
This is the power... Of american 'culture'

kek what do chinks have to do with this

yeah american russian culture.

>wait, women waving their tits and pussies in front of the audience turn you on?

Russia is probably one of the most cucked nations on earth.

>heroin problem
>high suicides
>cucked/curupt government
>open borders to central asia and china
>saying ''but..'' about the holocaust will send you in jail
>alcohol death toll
>masses of career womyn everywhere
>mailbride shit
>prostitution problem
>hardly have any ''nu males'' since they bow to women anyway
>women are worse than western women
>20% muslim
>it's a matriarchy

The west may be a total meme, but Russia is genuinely cucked, and has been for over 100 years.

And this is, ladies and gentlemen, a product of 24/7 exposure to the US culture. Pathetic teenagers yelling "muh dick".

No wonder West is losing when even the people who claim to stand for the defense of proper virtues are so easily manipulated.


This. Russia has been cucked since the fall of the Tsars.

Yeah it shouldn't. Have some class. But who am I kidding; you're Polish.

>whore training program
no trouble with this. it's important for a society to maintain a class of women to be used and kept as mistresses. I love my wife and won't ask her to do the things I do with/to my girlfriend.
the ones that burn coal stay with the niggers.

>omg u guys found girls asses hot the west is finished!

kek, loser.

the weimar era must have rubbed off on you guys.

>underage hoes
>Sup Forums screams "AHHH MUH DICK"


>that burn coal stay with the niggers.
mate this is how you create coal burners. white girls with self respect wouldn't fuck a nigger. But they are turned into sluts and their self respect is gone


for real tho my dick is throbbing, don't get me wrong i'm all for decency. But just seeing white girls twerk is blissful.

>tfw never got a better fap
>fap material syncs with antifap audiobook

I find this shit too cringy to be even hot.

>muh class *tips fedora*
The reason it is considered degenerate in the first place is because it is supposed to give you a boner, right? Jesus christ stop being pretentious. You are anonymous here.

Muh diqq

WTF, its no wonder russians dont give a fuck all they do is drink vodka and fuck horny 17y-olds
>muh dick

>rampant drug and alcohol abuse
What makes you Russia is not degenerate?

oh my god i wish i could breed every single one of them bruh, muh dik...

>enlightenment fap

day of the rake

>endless anal canal advertising
>anus repairs are going to skyrocket in the next few decades
it's the future they wanted

you are a nigger of course you'd enjoy it

>Russia isn't degenera-
Who says that? It's literally run by a thug

I'm not being pretentious, I genuinely cannot get as much as a semi when looking at monkey dancing such as twerking. It's like excessive tattoos and piercings, it's just an instant turnoff.

You're a fucking faggot, how does ass/pussy flopping around not turn you on?

You're pretentious, like most other moralfags in this thread.


the first grill is so damn hot fuggg

Idk, i dont really pay attention to the retarded choreography, just appreciate their nice slutty bodies.

Juden raus

t. soyboys

>m-muh dick

Great argument, shrimpdick, now go get fisted by your mullato boyfriend

oh great! now we're all gonna get arrested for watching your vid, ope'. thanks!

I bet you're one of those functional retards who unironically gets excited to see fake silicone tits on strippers with faces resembling trainwrecks.

Having a minimum of standards isn't pretentious.

>ass/vagina doesn't turn me on cus it goes against muh morals

Okay soyboy beta eurocuck.

>how does ass/pussy flopping around not turn you on?

Because the music is shit and their moves are corny as fuck, you soyboy faggot.

Terrible dancing. ;D

Nice digits.
Your video feels bad man.

Gotta say a lot more entertaining and good to the eye than those black ugly chicks twerking.

stfu faggot , damnnn it

>Rainbow Dash is my God

twerking doesn't turn me on because i'm not a nigger



>Because the music is shit and their moves are corny as fuck

Lets see you do better then ahahaha


>actually pays attention to their dancing
>calls him a soyboy

No, of course it arouses me, but I don't feel the need the spill my seed everywhere like a retarded animal, since I have a wife.

Now go jerk off to more whores who would dump you in a heartbeat for your neighbour Jammal and stay low-test shrimpdick leaf

i'm lmaoing at your life rn

>Russia isn't degenera-
nobody believe this except some amerishart

they looked so nice
then they started to 'dance'


Do you even know about the hell in many post-soviet states that was the 90s? Probably worse than Weimer Republic.

Cool blog post faget

Good job proving yourself on an image-board. Give your wife a high-five and tell her you told someone online that you're married.

I've been looking for this one for a while

This is the influance of American culture.

Show me a strip club without Russians.
Also that one all the way to left in front.
muh fuckin dick

No one has ever said Russia is not degenerate.

This is also the worst posting style
>This style doesn't su-

Fucking kill yourself.



>h dick
It's not even about class... The girls just remind me of trashy black girls and my dick goes inwards

These sluts are probably looked down upon by society. Here is the real representation of Russian culture: