Doesn't believing the IQ myth mean accepting that jews and gooks are superior?

Doesn't believing the IQ myth mean accepting that jews and gooks are superior?

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if IQ measured intelligence then how come smart people wanna fuck but they dont getta fuck?

tfw no east asian gf

I'm a white Jew gook hybrid, otherwise known as a slav. Where's that put me?

No. Jews lie about their IQ. Asians cheat on the test. Whites have the highest IQ.

ashkenazi jews are intelligent but their women are ugly. i would go with the gooks

Jarno would be proud

So? If they're so superior surely they can go be superior in their own countries and don't need to be in our inferior hellholes

I think the proof is in the pudding.

Explain why gooks cannot innovate and simply steal western tech

But why would we ever deceive our allies like that?

Yes, in intelligence. Whites win out through sheer determination á la napoleon/hitler

both of them were jewish agents though...

Explain why Honda Toyota Hyundai are doing so much better than Ford and General Motors?

They're really not the highest IQ. Its the national governments who publish the "results".

If they were truly more intelligent, they would have done more.

Asians have no creativity or ability to solve problems, and Jews have no soul. It doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Superior in what context? Gooks have plenty of flaws, they might be better at math but that doesn't dictate whether a race is superior to another.

In fact the whole "superior race" meme is a Jewish created strawman, the media uses it to portray anyone white man who is racially conscious they say that he is a "white supremacist" its a psychological warfare tactic.

Only in average population IQ.

So what.

We ask blacks to accept reality of not being KANGZ. Why would we not accept reality?

seems like it. I haven't heard anyone refute gook superiority yet. "w-we're more creative!"

French Ashk with a drop of mongoloid reporting, wassup satan?

What if I told you the supposed intellectual superior or kikes is just propaganda?

"Intellectually" superior. White people still make overall better more robust human beings

A gook is a South East Jungle Asian. The smart high IQ Asians are the East Asian like Japanese, Korean and Chinese.

Yes? We just want them to stay the fuck away.

IQ measures intelligence in respect to memory and pattern recognition. That's it. It has zero correlation to creativity. That's why Asian people are essentially human calculators with no personality. Also, they have to memorize countless mathematical formulas created by Europeans. Asians are still copying products from people of European descent to this day. That's all they can do, copy.

>In fact the whole "superior race" meme is a Jewish created strawman, the media uses it to portray anyone white man who is racially conscious they say that he is a "white supremacist" its a psychological warfare tactic.


It’s heavily correlated with your wealth attainments.

East Asians are superior in learning, yes. But they sadly lack ingenuity.

No study with decent sampling shows a very high IQ for the jews. Israels IQ is sub 100 and ashnazis is basically *BLEACHED* Khazars so ofc they have decent IQ, all white peoples have decent IQ.

>wealth attainments

there like fucking 5.

its the character that has buit europe,and the world ,from indoeuropean to greek from greek to roman from roman to medieval knight and the crusadres from the crusaders to the viking from viking to the conquistadors and pyrates .....
Is the adventurous ,brave and independent character and love for the glory what have made us the best,european people always has been searching for a new adventure ,a new mysterie to unsolve.....and these is greatnes

Anybody who has actually lived in Asia knows native East Asians aren't particularly smart, although they may have a slight edge in spatial reasoning. And once you factor for the massive populations of Asian countries, their accomplishments seem very unimpressive compared to whites.

Ashkenazi Jews, on the other hand, are truly superior with their high verbal and mathematical intelligence.

Also, I have high hopes for the other races to overtake the Ashkenazi Jews. Remember, Ashkenazi Jews were never noted for their intellect historically, but through positive eugenics, they bred themselves into the master race. Whites and Asians should take note.


>lack ingenuity

nice meme coming from a nordic whose country absolute had nothing to contribute to human history . China discovered and used gunpowder effectively something the west used to conquer the world.

all you have to do is google chinese inventions to find out whose the one who lacks ingenuity. European before the industrial revolution literally used all of the invention from Asia.

>1 post by this ID.

Asians have less geniuses than Whites, they're all concentrated around their average, Whites are more spread out.

Yes, and?

Weird that it took a European to figure out you could point the boom stick at things other than the sky.

I've been to Japan, I can't delude myself about the shithole country I live in compared to that paradise. SK is a bit more cold/communist.


An overman (ubermensch) isn't inherently superior. He acquired that superiority through objective comprehension and exercice, both mental and physical.
Read Nietzsche you ignorant communistfag.

/ T H R E A D

Not a myth and yes they are mentally but not physically superior, blacks are physically superior but lacking mentally and whites are in the middle of both.

sorry but i think even the persian has more invention that china ,the gunpowder had discovered by accident and they werent capable of utilece in any practical way like the mongol invasion .China has a lot of great thing but invention are not one of them for sure

*Chugs gutter oil*
*runs over child*
*gets swallowed by elevator shaft*
*dies in chemical explosion*

Gooks have no regard for human life and neither do kikes


>around the year 500 AD, the Chinese were the ones who invented the first gun ever. It acted for ejecting a projectile by using gun powder. This wittingly happened to be the first gun invented in the history of inventions

get your heads out your asses

>china didnt invent much

more than spain ever did cuck

Theyre at least 18 bro

>t. /r/sino

I could walk around at 3am without fear, I could get any service/product I needed, beautiful nature was usually close by, rich culture, etc. In America, stuff gets broken into, bikes get stolen, people get mugged, I could go on. Obviously Japanese people as a whole have to be a bit more evolved if they can function as a society like they do when compared to western europeans or middle easterners or something. I'm not talking about Chinese people obviously.

The IQ myth is the most post-modern bullshit the nutjob side of the right has come up with.

>Niggers or "Amerimutts" with high IQ.

sack them still niggers

>Pseudo "the real white one" white with low IQ.

Its okay, at least he is not black

the IQ classification homogenizes people, because IQ has diversity, IQ does not discriminate.... and that is literally THE meme of the left.... ironically enough, the person who came up with this argument was not that brilliant to begin with

That is a refutation, just not a very fleshed-out one. Asian people seem to be less individual. They have fewer internal drives and evidence would suggest they lack some internal component or quality that helps generate meaningful purpose as their lives continue. Having more processing power isn't going to help if the GPU is your bottleneck or you simply have too little memory to page anything.

Isn't most IQ from the mothers side? Maybe I should find an East Asian wife.

Jewish projection. Hitler loved his race, but the whole master race thing is 100% jewish. They literally think they are god's chosen people and everyone else is human-like an imals. You can NOT get more master racey than that.

Dont be so rude in a world that only reward a minimal range of positive traits the chinese future seem better day by day,and itk ok

>more evolved

Their young looks make them cute.

Thread should have ended here.


very true about asians in the homeland. but i argue that has to do with no access to weed. Asians in usa that get the dank have the same creativity as whites. also lot of asians that smoke weed also get tarded as whites. double edged sword.

they are doing it now with kpop and shit. american music is declining and kpop is rising in popularity
in the future, white girls will wanna fuck gook guys because gook guys will be the beauty standard for men

Why do you assume that my IQ is within 1 let alone 2 standard deviations of the mean? Why would I see the average Asian as my superior when I more than likely still have a much higher IQ than them?

No, IQ is only one metric.

agree. it has somehting to do with the emphesis on the extended family for asians in the homeland. nuclear family is the start of greatness.

ive been saying this for years now. finally catching on.

whites need to watch their women cause in 10 years u gonna have a major HAPA influx starting from the west coast.

0/10 but curious what the source of this is

>IQ myth
Also it depends on which Asians and Jews. SEAsians are dumb as fuck and only Ashkenazi Jews have higher average IQs. If you only took the IQs of Northern Europeans you would have a similar range in terms of intelligence. That's essentially what you are doing when you only take the IQs of NEAsians.
With Kalergi

asian women stink less
asian women have higher iqs and are more cultured
asian women are less degenerate and are more conservative(less likely to get a tattoo or do drugs than a white woman)
asian women are harder to get(contrary to popular belief)
you have to be somewhat successful financially and you have to be somewhat cultured to get an asian girl. if you don't know more than one language and piano, you are not going to get an asian gf

all the white men i've seen who go to china and get chinese wives all have been middle class yuppies. no poor white neet is going to be able to get an asian gf

Drink my cum OP.

>this thread

Difference between Hwites, Asians and Jews is smaller than if one compares any of these to Blacks and others.

And there is also question of what does one do with his IQ, regardless of it's size.
You can stay witin your borders and in perpetual boredom, like Asians do.
You can leach other countries hiding in the shadows, not creating anything of value your self, like jews do.
Or you can be Hwite, destroyer and creator of worlds

IQ is overrated. Too high, and you end up a failure because you're so far beyond your peers that they will never understand you and hate you and do everything they can to destroy you since they can't take the truths you discovered.

There's a reason why high IQ people are as few as low IQ ones – why IQ is normally distributed.

IQ isn’t a myth you stupid fucking brain let.

Obvious there are stupid people and there are people able to learn things, solve mental problems, make deductions, etc. And we can measure this by getting them to attempt to answer questions.

If you think IQ is a myth then are you saying that a group of 100 people with IQ scores of 70 would make just as good doctors, engineers, scientists, accountants, lawyers, writers , bankers, actuaries , etc. As a group of 100 people with IQs of 130?

Of course the group with IQs of 130 would be far better than the IQ 70 group. QED

>accepting that jews and gooks are superior?
In terms of IQ, they are. The white average is 100, north East Asian average is 105 and ashkenazi Jewish average is 108-110.

So? What difference does that make to you? If you’re white you’re still on the white side, if you’re East Asian you’re still on the East Asian side, etc.

That's how tribalism works

also having a woman with a higher iq than you is not a good thing. you will be trying to outdo her without sucess and she will end up cheating on you with a smarter guy

i would want an average iq girlfriend desu. intelligent women intimidate me

Well it's true and it's why racialists marry Asian wymen.

it's why richard spencer goes to japan every year to look at the hot jap girls. he says he goes there for the etho-state but i doubt it


Well, check this:


Was posting the same except naming it "ethnostate.jpg", got "hurr durr duplicated".

European Jews.
Israelis produce very little.

IQ is nothing more than processing power. Takes more than that to make a decent person.


It's not a myth and yes, East Asians have a 105 average IQ


You're a good example of a low IQ moron. Talking shit out of your ass not having checked its validity.

What you have is arrogance: you're full of yourself, so you can't see your own bullshit for what it is.

That's okay, though. It gives you a survival advantage.

intellectually sure. But if you aren't willing to be a little violent to push your ideas then it's meaningless. White are both intelligent and capable of violence when required, making them superior conquerors


Don't ignore this Sup Forums

speaking as a graduate assistant, this is the fucking truth. but frat boys cheat just as much as the chinks and jews

Myth lol, it's obvious that East Asians and Ashkenazi jews and more intelligent than Whites, the fact that some whites still use the "muh empathy muthafucka" argument demonstrates that. Why do you think so many redpilled white guys find Asian wives? They want a better future for a children and that's not being a typical white trash degenerate.

>East Asians and Ashkenazi jews and more intelligent than Whites
Only Ashkenazi Jews.

Get on our level!

Except that IQ does not equal talent.

Should white women marry Asian guys then by your own reasoning?

Yep, look at the Mizrahi subhumans inhabiting Israel

It doesn't make them superior. It makes them slightly smarter on avarage. We still have more super geniuses than the gooks and we are stronger and more athletic than them. We would beat them in a war.

I certainly don't care if they do. The few AMWF marriages I've witnessed have been successful.