Did he deserve 15 years for stealing a poster?

Did he deserve 15 years for stealing a poster?

Yes. he did. In fact he deserved far more for being insulting to the nation he was a guest in.

he deserved it just for being stupid enough to visit north korea


start shit get hit

pretty much this. Let this cunt be a lesson to every other retard.

Yes, going to a country famous for having no human rights...and then stealing from the people when he has so much and they so little.

I would have shot him in the head, then removed any spawn he had from the gene pool with sterilization.

Honestly, him not being shot on the spot by the DPRK government should be considered mercy enough.

Yea, but 15 years for a fucking poster? Come on how cucked are you fags?

There isn't concrete proof he did it. The surveillance video used as """evidence""" is grainy and doesn't show his face.

stealing the poster was in insult to glorious leader
he deserved death

He stop for some of the poorest people on the planet. You are a horrible Ancom. I dare say you are a soyboy jew.

i would rather be shot than gulaged to death for 15 years tbqh

Are you questioning a sovereign nations laws? How dare you decide what is right or wrong for their people.

he actually did get death.. soooo

I heard he was Jewish and cia. So yes

He deserved it because he was a jewish agent

Doesn't matter anymore, he certainly didn't deserve death


>break stupid law
>in country with horrible human rights violations
>get ridiculous prison sentence
>any surprised
Wew lad

You have to respect the laws of the country you are in. Period.
He deserved everything

>jewish agent

Mossad? How come DEVGRU or JSOC didn't try to free him?

Stupid games, stupid prizes.

I would not go to DPRK. Even if I DID go to DPRK, I would make sure I did not so much as LOOK at anybody there the wrong way. Somehow this fuckin dumbass gets singled out from all the other westerners on tours to DPRK and people want me to feel sorry for him?

He went to a fucking stalinist dictatorship shithole where having a copy of a fuckin video from outside of the country can get you thrown into a fuckin Gulag (And that's if you're a fuckin CITIZEN), and he tries to dick around with a fuckin propaganda poster?

Idiot. Fuckin huge idiot.

The "poster" was an emergency evacuation sign showing routes for hotel "employees" to access the underground routes most of the people live in. The guy was an Israeli spy. Not a poor goy student

>Did he deserve 15 years for stealing a poster?
Yes. Anybody stupid enough to travel to North Korea deserves all the shit that happens to them.

>That Flag
Why even reply ?


Yes, he was a dirty thieving kike who couldn't keep his hands to himself and was engaging in political crimes blaspheming the Supreme Leadership of Korea. I think the DPRK made an example out of him as a warning to dirty American Jews who are thinking about destroying the DPRK.

Korea is a country which respects the fascist natural order. This alone is so morally offensive to these perverted kikes in America that they cannot stop thinking about ways to destroy and subvert this pristine race and culture. Thankfully the DPRK has nuclear arms to wield as a sacred sword against the insane perverted aggressors who wish to defile the purity and innocence of Korea.

It baffles the mind how the mere existence of a healthy, normal place like the DPRK unleashes such blood-thirsty rage within the kikes. It's the same rage they harbor for pure, morally upstanding white communities like the Amish. They cannot have peace of mind unless every nation on earth is a negrofied jewified demonic and odious hellscape like California.

It's almost like Jews aren't even human but interdimensional demons. Their love of ugliness, perversion, amorality and depravity knows no bounds, while humble patriotic fascist Koreans with happy families living under a benevolent protective monarchy is an anathema to them.

>stealing a flag meme

Common OP, you can't be that fucking stupid

The only people who get wretcked are the ones who are spies

Just to be clear, I think that he absolutely deserved to get punished but I don't think that 15 years in prison are remotely appropriate for such an offence.

He could have paid a substantial fine and publicly apologize to the government for his offence.

Wasn't he WELL aware of how disproportionate the laws to fairness are over there?

He could've went to thailand, Brazil, Russia, India, China, uk, Antarctica, mexico... literally anywhere else and he would've been able to sniff coke out of an 18 yr olds ass and had a good time but no, he had to compete with all the memes on Facebook and all the women who pose next to zoo animals and go to the most strict place in the world(arguably) and also where they (arguably) hate Americans the most....and then he steals.

Fuck sake America, quit traveling abroad and stealing

This, his confession was obviously forced and this is what NK does all the fucking time - they frame tourists and then take them as hostages to use as bargaining chips. They've done it before. Maybe he did steal the poster, it's possible, I have no idea, but if you accept their accusation uncritically you're naive in the extreme.

It was stupid of him to travel there in the first place but nobody has any idea whether he did anything wrong while he was there.

>tfw stealing memes in Best Korea

Don't steal.
China should've executed those Basketball players
If you want to be edgy feel free but don't cry when you get cut

Been to DPRK myself, brought a fucking marine EPIRB in my legguage and they took it at stared at it for a while, looked at me and they said "bomb?" I just started laughing and they put it back in my case.

Don't take down propoganda posters from a country that yours it at war with. IT's stupid. The Norks would have been pissed that they made him do it. They really don't need this shit.


What we think is fuckin irrelevant lol. They have their laws. Whether or not they seem reasonable to us is completely immaterial.

He knew (Or should have been intelligent to know) the consequences, but he went ahead and did it anyway in a country famous for hatred of westerners, stiff penalties and extremely invasive surveillance.

Does somebody deserve 15 years for stealing a poster? I guess not. But does someone deserve whatever comes to them if they do something as absurd as he did? Yes.

They seriously should've taken a hand or a finger or at least made them visit the damn jail.

It was much more glorious that these "ayo fuck Trump" nogs now officially have to dick ride the president full time. Even if they talk shit it won't matter. Faggot ass lil yachty said "ayo fuck Trump it's just money he didn't do shit it's just money"

Niggers man. Jews promote them, we degenerate, then mesmorized we buy their product and line there pockets

>stealing a poster
Honestly, looks like a bullshit excuse
More likely he was suspected of espionage

Shouldn't he receive a Darwin award?
Extreme tourists almost deserve their fates

It's harsh. But he didn't respect the law of that land and he knew what he was in for. So yes, he deserved it. Everything.

That could easily be the case. What was he in school for again?.....

He deserved to get punished, but he did not deserve to get killed.

Why is breaking the law always fine according to you fucking libtards? What if you just obeyed the fucking law and stopped raping, stealing, and attacking people? What if you tried acting like human beings instead of animals for once?


Do you think if you went to the DPRK and asked for some pro-DPRK material they would give it to you

He forgot to have a black father and steal with his basketball team


Anyone have some nk screen caps?

can't wait to go to canada and wait for trudeau-kun to execute my anus

There is a tourist shop where you can legally buy posters, flags, postcards, music and other merchandise. You don't have to engage in felonious thievery and wicked crimes against the Supreme Leadership of Korea.

Yes, he knew the risks and still did it.

Has fuck all to do with anything.

You don't deserve to be eaten by a bear for being dumb enough to poke one with a stick, but it's still your own fucking fault so you can't expect anybody to try and fight the bear off for you.

Life isn't fair. Consequences are rarely proportional to the scale of the fuck up in question.

No, does a man who falls into a tiger cage deserve to be brutally mutilated? No

But it happens. You fall into the ocean from a cruise ship and you drown. You stay in a burning house and you’ll die

You steal from North Korea and you’re fucked


he was a spy.

why don't you go and ask your friends over at /leftypol/

NK is me playing Civilization on Deity difficulty mode

He's a kike. He deserves far worse.


Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.

All of you are on a list now

It’s like those three basketball players. Stupid kids that think they’re superior to the country they’re visiting so the rules don’t apply to them

Those three players should be thanking their lucky stars Trump was elected because anyone else and they would be spending a few years in Chinese prison

In North Korea a sentence can be carried up to 3 generations. Just put that into perspective.

supreme leader is a deity.
Kim's poster was the last poster he could have stolen.

And the dumbass called Wermbier still went in and try to seal from the norks.

Best movie line of all time.

yep. I guess he kinda deserved it for his stupidity.


It's funny that a country that just got out of a famine is the one to export vegetables to the US

>Yea, but 15 years for a fucking poster? Come on how cucked are you fags?
15 years is not a big deal. In Muslim countries he would lose an arm.

Nah, Kim should have asked for a personal McDondalds and sent him home.

No shit he deserved it, he went into a hostile country that doesn't tolerate shit from its own citizens. Let alone some rich white kid.


Be an American and go to country completely hostile to America then do anything they don't like. He should have known better just going there. If they could arrest him for pissing while standing up i'm sure they would have.

He deserved 30 years for being so dumb

The stupid fucker stole a poster in a communist dictatorship. Of course he deserved it. He was probably a liberal too.

Lmao do you actually think they have the capabilities to rescue someone from the Heart of North Korea. You ovverate U.S Special forces too much

I'm torn. It's inhumane and a sign of how fragile the stability of NKorea is to have such harsh punishments; however, he did not go in void of knowledge. He knew NKorea was extreme authoritative and should not have stolen.
The punishment did not fit the crime, but he was still foolish enough to commit the crime.

well he did do something that he clearly knew was wrong, and on top of that, he's in NK

Fugg, did you get to sail in NK?

I wonder if "anybody" within some intelligence organization approach tourists to have them spy on NK

i cant read your shitty handwriting

He wasnt even a kid, he was a CIA operative

>Be white burger nigger
>Be guest in another peaceful country
>Think that you can personally do stuff, that your shitty government does all the time
>Steal stuff
>Get arrested
>"What? But I'm a burger nigger"
>Gets thrown into prison
>Have such shitty genes that you die
1 less nigger in the world
Good times.

>he was a CIA operative


If it is the law. Did he have a fair trail?

>Did he have a fair trail?
Yes, just as fair as trials in burger land

>Korea is a country which respects the fascist natural order.
The fuck are you talking about dipshit? The Juche ideology is just nationalism combined with Stalin-style Socialism.

The fascists in Korea were the South Korean dictators, who butchered leftists and sold out their country to imperial capital.

He was either a spy or fully retarded.
No difference then the idiots that want to backpack through Afghanistan.
Play stupid games.......

If North Korea is fascist, how come Kim Jong Un is friends with Dennis Rodman?

If he was a fascist, he wouldn't even allow this "nigger" in his country in the first place.

No, but he deserve 15 years for being a faggot.

>using the present indicative
He's dead bro.

Do you have any idea how many starving north koreans could survive by eating that poster?

Wht the hell there's no 19th month

>He's dead bro.
Unless it was a PsyOp.

Is he the one who tried continuously to get arrested before they actually arrested him or was that someone else?

This! Bump!
It´s the same thing, if you go as a foreigner student in a strangers house and get shot by his owner.

This I guess. I visited North Korea not to long ago and they drugged me the last eaving I was there.
I lost almost 11 houers that night, but I can remember bits of a interigation.
