Go on, try to spin this

go on, try to spin this

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If anything the Negro's sentences should be even longer.

reaffending increases length of punishment

These are averages.
It does not account for the fact that niggers are repeat offenders far more often and that is why their average is higher.

give us some statistics.

bc criminal blacks are way worse than criminal whites.

When it's your 5th conviction for the same shit you can't expect the judge to go easy on you. Also attitude probably plays a role. Nogs tend to be more disrespectful towards the Po-lice and the representants of the legal system.

Black men misbehave in prison more and don't get out earlier on good behavior. Also shittier lawyers and they chimp out.

Plus they're not well spoken and they're ugly. Ugly retards get harsher sentences


good christtttt


>Show up to court with a weed hat, timbs and a fubu shirt.
>Cuss out the judge, show absolutely no remorse to the victim or his family.

White man
>Show up to court in a suit and tie.
>Is polite, doesn't disrupt the court.

Really stimulates the walnuts

>similar crimes

so a similar punishment for a similar crime.

Really wiggles my brain buds

>similar crimes
>not same crimes

If you are acting like a retard in court and not showing any remorse, or have a history of crime, you'll get a longer sentence. All of those things are common among niggers.

They should have the shortest sentence possible. I agree.
A bullet in the head, for any offense, until they behave, or disappear.

>It does not account for the fact that niggers are repeat offenders far more often and that is why their average is higher.

Black men are more likely to re-offend, so we keep them locked up longer.

Judges look at sympathy and remorse during sentencing. Blacks don't show remorse. Judges look at family and community support during sentences (aka character letters). A black person's gang: DeShawn and Tyrone's letters full of nog grammer, is not going to help (assuming they even write a letter).

Whites are more prone to taking plea bargains which leads to lower sentences. Blacks are more known to have brazen and headstrong positions against plea bargains, even when the evidence is stacked up against them.

Are they repeat offenders and are they being charged with more than something like theft or assault at the same time? Are they trying to also run from the police? There are a lot of factors especially if you are only looking at one crime when the individuals going to prison could have had sentencing for more than that one crime during their stay.

White violent crimes are usually crimes of passion. Black violent crimes are usually gangsta lifestyle crimes. People are more sympathetic to "I shot him because he fucked my wife" over "I shot him cuz dats how we roll in the Oak Cliff Crips."

>black mans rap sheet is also 15000% larger at time of sentencing
>what is harsher punishment for repeat offenses

This is what I guessed. Repeat offenders always get longer sentences. In New York City, a black person is 50 times more likely to commit murder than any other race. It's even higher for black men.

The problems are gangs and culture, anons. If you don't trust the police or can't turn to the police (because you are a wanted criminal), you turn to vigilantism and revenge killings. BLM is only making it worse. Black on black crime is going to continue to rise.

>be white
>blow past a cop going ten over going to work
>be cool with cop
>receive minimum ticket

>be black
>break probation speeding on the highway
>resist arrest because I have weed in the glove box
>receive maximum fine
I have no idea

we don't want them reproducing, duh

fucking leftist retards

>not counting priors
whew. Sucks that most people fall for this bullshit, but the kikes are going to have to try harder to make it work on people who can read and think.

Similar crimes not identical crimes

You get longer sentences for repeat crimes

Prior convictions affect sentences

they don't learn

>*chimp out*

>I admit I am guilty


this x 100

Yeah and now do one about women and men.
Bet you women get at least 35% less sentence for the same crime.

>"similarly situated"

Black recidivism

>reaffend inreese strength of push pops

More likely to violate probation and parole

It is because most violent crimes are perpetuated by blacks even though they make up a small fraction of the U.S. population.

>past crimes did not account for the disparity

It did factor in criminal history, read the fucking article.

That said, it didn't state if it normalized the crime they were on trial for - aggravated assault where you punched someone and aggravated assault where you beat them with a tire iron is still the same charge, but you would expect different sentences.


Do they take previous crimes into account?

Another thread demonstrating libtards have lower iq, high level of brainwashing, etc. Try harder son, try to use your intelligence for a change. Its there is anything left....

That's female? Ffs.

>reading comprehension
>American education

>aggravated assault where you beat them with a tire iron is still the same charge,
No, it's ADW.
Ask your friend Eric Clanton.

so increase white men's sentences by 20%. like i give a fuck about criminal scum.

This involves plea deals, so a nigger pleading down to a lesser charge might get a higher sentence, while a white person might just take the charge, plead guilty and get a lower sentence.


>black men more likely to be repeat offenders
>keep them in longer
wow that was hard

1) behavior in court
2) special circumstances of similar crimes, e.g. mentioned use of tire iron in a black's case
3) lack of family or community support
4) not taking advantage of plea bargains
5) shittier lawyers

Am I missing anything?

niggers dont plea bargain as they dont think about the future, they see a chance at getting out the same day they go to court. White men accept resonsibility and don't waste everyones time so get a reduced sentence and charges lowered or dropped.
then dindunuffin freaks out when they sentence them youtube.com/watch?v=OAdtNhXmsOk


blacks are slow learners
so they need more time in jail to grasp what they did wrong.

>Forgetting about priors

>try to spin this
niggers are disrespectful in court and come to court wearing flip-flops and sagging pants. in addition, they are hostile to their own lawyers (pic related)

next question.

Don't you fucking EVER make another stupid-ass post with my waifu in it.

They obviously controlled for repeat offenses. Just read the article at the very least, preferably the study, before you comment.

Follow the links
>Black male offenders received sentences on average 20.4 percent longer than similarly situated White male offenders, accounting for violence in an offender’s past in fiscal year 2016, the only year for which such data is available.
> the Commission noted some potentially
relevant factors were not included in its analyses, such as whether
the offender’s criminal history included violent criminal conduct,

They did not account for prior convictions. Judges do. Juries do. Honest men do.

Prior criminal convictions.

>similar crimes
You can't measure that. And if it were true it would likely be because whites can hire better lawyers.

>They obviously controlled for repeat offenses
they didn't control for niggers being disrespectful to the judge, not dressing professionally, being hostile to their own lawyers, and not taking plea bargains.

next question, cuck? i know you still want to defend niggers

3 strikes laws and recidivism rate.

>whites can hire better lawyers.
niggers are hostile to their own lawyers. see:

it was a meme post you retard
a court of law isn't going to use "hey he's a nigger and niggers commit crime more often and more repeatedly than wypipo, lock him up for longer" as a line of reasoning for a prison sentence

Here's an actual serious problem in our courts. Public defenders, overworked and underpaid, often agree to plea bargains on behalf of their clients without ever consulting the client. The rate varies by jurisdiction because it's a ubiquitous local issue. Black criminals often do not know there are ways to contest this practice and simply accept the plea bargain because they think the system is stacked against them anyway.

It's like groups that boycott voting. They think it will somehow help their cause, but it's always, always, always screws themselves over.

Okay and now show white to black crime rare.

for most whites, it's their first offense.

for most blacks, it's just another incident in a long list of violent, criminal behavior.

Yeah how similar? Bet you anything more blacks resisted arrest. And that's before we even consider previous criminal record.

Blacks have larger criminal histories which bring longer sentences when convicted.
You must not know how the justice system works.

Unironically this, i'd have more faith in a white man to be redeemed from his prison time than, a black. And maybe it's just me but i generally see more white guys in prison who turn to the faith and at least try to have some form of moral structure in their life then the former. Or am i just crazy?

I'm not defending niggers. I'm trying to keep you retards honest. Don't just start spewing shit like the SJWs do.

>they didn't control for niggers being disrespectful to the judge, not dressing professionally, being hostile to their own lawyers
Complete conjecture. I doubt you have any stats on this.

>and not taking plea bargains.
This is plausible and there are probably stats on it. Feel free to back up your statement.

Even so, there are dozens of other posts here saying the same thing.

>what is recidivism?

>Black criminals... simply accept the plea bargain
source? nogs will keep saying ''i dindu nuffin'' right up to the guilty verdict

Sounds right

Did he died?

black people have records dont contribute taxes

*repeat offending

jesus christ burgs

Niggers commit more crimes so obviously their punishments should be longer to deter future crime niglets from committing crime. Too bad none of those niglets learn and idolize crime culture

Repeat offenders


They don't have to sign it. The public defender does it on their behalf. In order to reject a plea bargain under this circumstance, you have to file something with the court yourself. A declaration, a motion to withdraw attorney, etc.

You can scream nonstop while you are in court and still accept, legally speaking, a plea bargain forced on you by a malpracticing attorney. It's all about following the proper procedures and black offenders routinely do not.

>Complete conjecture
lmao just go to any court in the US. i went to court for a traffic ticket and the only people dressed nicely were the whites and some mexicans. the niggers were in flip flops and didn't call the judge sir/ma'am. they do it to themselves because they're dumb ass niggers.

>people making shallow/superficial arguments in response to a shallow/superficial OP
don't see why you're surprised, really

>judges don't use discretion for particularly egregious crimes
sorry sweety

>20 percent longer
This wouldn't be a problem if the ACLU would stop interfering with death penalty convictions.
>similar crimes
Right, because Whites engage in the brand of barbaric behavior exclusive to niggers.

Because you get a longer sentence on repeat offences

>Aww, hell naw..I din do nutthin, bitch ass cracka muthafucka!

>Look I'm innocent for God's sake!

It does seem white people are about 20% more concise with their sentences.

You fucking donkeys never learn no matter how many times we explain this to you fucking retards. This claim FAILS TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT PRIOR OFFENSES.
Niggers are criminally inclined. By the time they face a sentence for a given crime, they already have a prior history with the court and that increases their sentence, as it should.

They forgot to leave out the part where blacks have a greater chance to have records of misbehavior in school, criminal behavior, etc.

They have fewer mitigating factors and more aggravating ones, so it makes sense that they typically wind up with harsher sentences where the judge is allowed discretion.

Show me a black criminal that doesn't have a record as long as your arm.
This is the key difference in handing out sentences.

First off,

Second - their sentences are longer because they are more likely to be repeat offenders.

Third, their necks should be 20% longer because all niggers must hang.

4th, artists concept of a mid engined C7.

This already is a spin.

What they don't tell you is that most blacks are repeat offenders. That means their sentences get longer because they keep on fucking up even after being given more chances.

I've litterally had an underage drinking and contributing to delinquency of minor (cause i was the oldest of my friends) charge tossed and got a $50 fine because i showed up in a suite and tie
The nog behind me got a $500 fine for under ounce of weed while wearing basically street clothes

also reminder that whites are more likely to die in a police encounter than blacks are. this is controlled for population.


niggers literally have NO excuse except for they're FUCKING NIGGERS

Good lock them up for life.

I won't. I'm glad this is happening.

This is shit is why we are in a post-truth world
>bad studies with false conclusions
>biased media which only cares about clicks
>outrage culture that results in constant shit flinging from all sides
The internet was a mistake





>For committing similar crimes

What it doesn't tell you is that niggers have more criminal history and therefore get lengthier sentences for reoffending.

>What are criminal records

What defines "similar circumstances?" Are they lumping in rape with ALL sexual assault? Robbery with armed robbery?