If Jesus lived to be over 2000 and was on earth today he would likely be a Palestinian Muslim

Prove me wrong, you can't.

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>Christ being a Palestinian Muslim
I think your forgetting that Palestinians are the biblical gentiles and that Christ was a Jew, if Christ was alive today he would probably be anywhere but Palestine because of the roman expulsion of the jews

Islam teaches sins which were prohibited such as polygamy, sex slavery, God hates unbelievers...ect. And also trivial things such as Satan not being a fallen angel but a Djinn(Arab pagan influence).

Jesus would not be a Palestinian mudslime

Romans didn't expel all the Jews and they only expelled those Jews from certain cities like Jerusalem and Hebron. Also Jesus wouldn't have even been considered a Jew; he was the enemy of the Jews.

>prohibited such as polygamy
Source? Polygamy is not even prohibited in the Bible.

> sex slavery
Sex slavery is not permitted in Islam despite what some people might believe.

If Jesus lived to be over 2000 and was on earth today he would likely not be a Palestinian Muslim.

Prove me wrong, you can't.

Jesus was still an Israelite who only wanted to fulfill monotheistic yahwism as the messiah.

I can prove you wrong because over 85% of the people native to that land eventually became Palestinian Muslims therefore that figure of 85% means that he would likely be a Palestinian Muslim.

Why would Christ follow anyone elses teaching but his own? He was, after all, he was the massiah. The laws of physicsdidnt apply to hi, or his will.

>Sex slavery is not allowed in Islam

"Right hand possesses" Muhammad owned sex slaves and the Quran allows them as well.

Ephesians "For the husband is the head of the wife [singular] … He who loves his wife [singular] loves himself. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife [singular], and the two will become one flesh....Each one of you also must love his wife [singular] as he loves himself, and the wife [singular] must respect her husband [singular].”

He was still Jewish, you cant debate that

>Also Jesus wouldn't have even been considered a Jew; he was the enemy of the Jews.
>Christcucks actually believe this
The Romans literally called him "The King of the Jews" when he was alive. Your cancerous Christcuckery is a heretical judaic cult, stop lying to yourself, you worship a dead kike on a stick

You clearly haven't read the scriptures in depth if you actually believe Christ would ever associate himself with a false religion like Islam. You do realise muslims believe he is not the son of God which is blasphemous. As well as they believe he didn't die for the sins of mankind. Believing such things and serving the false God called "Allah" will condemn people to Hell. So you are completely wrong but i encourage you to read the bible

Those who reject Christ will pay for their own sins in Hell. I suggest you repent and turn to him to be saved. Otherwise you will have to accept the consequences. You have been forewarned.

He’s surely a Jew would be a Muslim.

hell doesnt exist
rob bell said so.

What people fail to realize is that Jewish people are not these native to somewhere
But these who fellow Judaism

Dose Jesus fellow Judaism?

If Jesus would have lived for 2000 years that would be pretty substantial proof that he was in fact the son of god. Islam would probably not exist if Jesus lived for 2000 years.

If Jesus still lived, Muhammed wouldn't have gotten enough followers to start Islam.

Hell is real & many are on the path to Hell for eternity. Dont be one of them.

If God, the one who sent Jesus in the first place, decided to send another messenger, Jesus would be compelled to follow God's messenger and covert to Islam.

>"Right hand possesses" Muhammad owned sex slaves and the Quran allows them as well.
Not even true, just your misinterpretation.

>Ephesians "For the husband is the head of the wife [singular] ...
Nice try with injecting your [singular] bullshit. The Bible allows polygamy and many biblical prophets had many wives.


>You do realise muslims believe he is not the son of God which is blasphemous.
Dumb Christcucks, if you believe that anyone would qualify to be God's son you need to kill yourself faggot. Jesus never even claimed to be the son of God.
>derr, muh son of god

Yeah so? Many Palestinian Muslims are descendant of Jews, what your point?

The point is that he wouldn't have been put into the category of Jews who were exiled from their cities. It was the overzealous Jews of the temple who wanted to kill Jesus who were eventually exiled.

I always knew that all the pro-Israel shills on Sup Forums were Christcuck missionaries.

Wrong, it's not one religion or the other because they do not contradict each other. Islam is a continuation of Christianity and Jesus would likely be a Muslim convert.

the very fact he would be over 2000 years old would pretty much prove that christianity is the right religion, and therefore he would hardly be a muslim, because muslims would probably not even exist, you retard.

>The Romans literally called him "The King of the Jews" when he was alive.

That was Roman sarcasm toward their Jewish subjects.

Dumb argument, how would that prove Christianity is right over Islam? In fact in Islam they believe that Jesus never really died on the cross and that it was a look-alike. So if anything it would prove that Islam was right in the end.

Stop samefagging.
Everything you learned about Christ you learned from Christians.
Prove me wrong.

No, had Christ been alive at the same time as muhammad god wouldnt have needed another messanger. He already had the greatest voice through himself, Jesus Christ. Jesus was the physical manifestation of God on earth, what is so hard about that to understand?

he would have migrated to cetral europe as the arabs invaded
he would probably live in USA as a broklyn jew

>Stop samefagging.
Learn what samefagging is dumb newfag leaf.

>That was Roman sarcasm toward their Jewish subjects.
no it wasnt. it was literally one of the charges against him in the trial

fuck off with your cancerous and heretical judaic semitic cult

Leaf isn't an insult.
Name 5 famous Muslims.
I'll wait.

He was a Jew

Jesus spoke Greek and Hebrew. Muslims all came from Arabia. Why was Jesus born in the deep desert? Why are Canadians so bad at b8?

You do realize you are making Muslims look bad, right...?
If that is your intention you are doing a great job....

>Islam is a continuation of Christianity

Islam is Judaism "corrected" from it's corrupted state and Jesu bin Joseph was demoted to a prophet.

>guy claims he is the son of god, posessing supernatural powers and everyone should follow his teachings
>lives 2000 years
which pretty much would prove he is right, and therefore, christianity(following of his teachings), is right, which would prove it's the right religion, and therefore islam wouldn't grow, so jesus couldn't be muslim. you dense retard.
>In fact in Islam they believe that Jesus never really died on the cross and that it was a look-alike. So if anything it would prove that Islam was right in the end.
this is peak leaf retardation. that would only prove islam is right if jesus has been hiding for 2000 years and noone saw him, which is a clearly retarded premise. are you genuinly autistic?

Don't bully him, he posted this thread twice now or more.
He even used the same image for the OP.
This isn't even politics.
Mods should ban you, desu, LARPing OP.

>Jesus spoke Greek and Hebrew.

Aramaic Geek and was a carpenter's son.

Muhammed Ali
Karim Abdul Jabbar
Cat Stevens
Dr. Oz
Dave Chapelle.

>Muslims all came from Arabia.
Fucking dumb burger, 15% of Palestinians are Christian who are indistinguishable from Palestinian Muslims. Who the fuck do you think was living on the land before Muslims came? No one was kicked out of Palestine.

You're dumb and you even contradict yourself in your own posts.

implying if jesus was still alive islam would ever have been created

thanks for the info, i guess. hopefully one day you'll have the chance to kill these faggots ruining your country's reputation.
>You're dumb and you even contradict yourself in your own posts.
i am genuinly interested in how i contradict myself.

You keep saying it would prove that Jesus is right as if it proves Islam wrong but Islam says that Jesus is a prophet; many Biblical prophets lived hundreds of years. Him living for 2000 years would not contradict anything in Islam and Jesus himself would likely convert upon receiving the message.

You keep using false logic.

so let me get this straight you faggot. you are implying that if jesus essentially was immortal and lived for 2000 years from the time of his birth he would have converted to islam during that time? not to mention that if jesus was really the son of god and continued to perform miracles for the 600 years in between him and Muhammad that the world would not have changed into state where muhammad would do what he did or even exist and further more if christ is condidered a prophet and was still alive then a new prophet would not be needed. also the christian religion would still be led by jesus himself through that time. so what fuckking type of dope are on to think that somehow jesus would become muhammeds bitch and listen to what he says?

why are you using the premise that islam is right? if you want to use that premise, your original question should have been "if jesus lived 2000 years and islam was right, would jesus be a muslim?". which would however be a completely retarded question, just like it already is.
you're implying that after a 622 year old man who claims to be a son of god heard that some random sandnigger is claiming he is less than that, with no evidence, jesus would just say "ok, i believe you.". do you not see a logical gap in your thinking?

The living God is not muslim. The Holy Ghost is not muslim. That is blasphemy. Repent! The Sacred blood of Christ compels you!

Literally who?
Dave Chapelle is based.
>niggerball players
>snakeoil salesman
>more niggers
Great, inspiring list.

Let me give you a pro tip, my fellow Muslim friend, some of your imams are jews. If you can't see it yourself there is no helping you.
It's not too late to convert to Christianity.
I'm sorry. You're welcome, though.
Stop posting this shitty thread every day.
Muslims literally take scissors to infant baby girls and cut their vulvas.

I don't plan on living here much longer.
Canada is cucked. Going to find a majority white nation and live there instead.
Tired of all these jewish sand niggers.

If Jesus lived today, he'd join his local Communist Party

If you're going to talk about Jesus Christ capitalize his name.

Jesus WAS The Message.
Fucking retarded Leaf, every time.

>if christ is condidered a prophet and was still alive then a new prophet would not be needed.
Except that Christs message never made it to Arabia and God needed another prophet.
Also for: dumb burger.

Fucking dumb burger. Half your post is illegible learn how to write English fuck. Fucking burger education.

>why are you using the premise that islam is right?
Okay you're just obviously retarded because you think that Christianity and Islam are like two opposites when in reality they are pretty much the same thing; Islam is a continuation of Christianity and most of it is just a repeat of Christianity.

>The living God
>The Holy Ghost
kill yourself burger shill.

>Muslims literally take scissors to infant baby girls and cut their vulvas.
Christians in Africa do it too; must be a Christian problem.

>Muslims literally take scissors to infant baby girls and cut their vulvas.
His defense?
>Niggers in niggerland also cut baby pussies with swords!
You are a disgrace.
I take it back, you are not welcome to convert to Christianity.

eh, can't really blame you.
>Okay you're just obviously retarded because you think that Christianity and Islam are like two opposites when in reality they are pretty much the same thing; Islam is a continuation of Christianity and most of it is just a repeat of Christianity.
"if you don't accept my premises you're retarded hurr durr"
jesus 2 millenium living christ...
if jesus lives 622 years, he obviously is super-natural and has no reason to believe muhammad that he is also a prophet of god. i refuse to believe you're serius, if you are you might genuinly have a mental condition.

You're fucking stupid because those Muslims you are referring to are also the Muslims in niggerland. Literally both Muslims and Christians in niggerland doing that shit and your conclusion
> Must be Islam
Kill yourself dumb fucking leaf.

If he at least live few more years after he supposedly died

He wouldn't allow god word to be rewritten (New Testament)

He wouldn't start crusades
Since true Christianity is all about love and respecting each other

And that could prove he didn't die on a gross I guess?

I rest my case.

Average muslim in France, Sweden, England, any other western country.

>Cousin is also his wife
>Wife is 300lbs after giving birth
>Wife is 8 years old while giving birth
>Wife cheats on muslim with white man
>Muslim throws acid in her face
>Muslim commits suicide by running over Christian families with a truck of peace.

This is now a muslim hate thread.

The irony that I googled
>child bride
and instead got
>acid attack victims
on Google images is astounding!
What did Google mean by this, Sup Forums?

You're fucking dumb, also those are not child brides, those kids are the brides maids. Brides don't wear that type of dress.
>These are the brides
Dumb leaf.



You seem to be triggered by this thread. Also good job with your photo cropping skills you fucking degenerate. Even a 5 year old can do a better job.

Islam wouldn't exist becuase Jesus would have BTFO the false prophet. Jesus was also a semite not a Palestinian.

>Jesus was also a semite not a Palestinian.
Are you dumb? What do you think Palestinians are? Damn and I thought burgers were stupid.


IMHO I believe Jesus would still be preaching the Law of One he most definitely would not be a Muslim. The proof-Mary Magdelon. Http://www.lawofone.org

stop ignoring my post just because it shows your retardation.

If he would have lived this long, he would have killed Muhammad for being a heretic and muslims wouldn't exist.

Who cares what he says...

When the three abrahamic faiths are fighting for dominance, judaism, islam and christianity, the others are sharpening their teeth and assembling mass armies.

MakeApp is brutal.

If the immortal messiah openly walked among us, 2000 years of history would be incredibly different.

Mohamed ain't shit in the face of 'you haven't aged since I was a boy, and my father and grandfather saw the same thing'

Anyways you're all dumb because even Jesus refers to another coming prophet in the Bible and refers to him in Greek as "Paraclete" which means "the praised one" in English.

Coincidentally the name "Muhammed" also means "the praised one" in English.

I already answered all your posts, fuck off faggot.

you retard

Modern Palestienians are the descendants of Arabic invaders, they are not native to the land. You're aruging with semantics which is pointless.

Christians and Muslims need to stop infighting there are a zillion different types of islam and a zillion different types of christianity all this is pointless. and harmful. Why be divided?

Where is the leader that will lead all?

You didn't even make a valid argument fag.

Anyways you're dumb because even Jesus refers to another coming prophet in the Bible and refers to him in Greek as "Paraclete" which means "the praised one" in English.

Coincidentally the name "Muhammed" also means "the praised one" in English.

>Modern Palestienians are the descendants of Arabic invaders
Not only is that not true but even if it was, those Arabic invaders are still semites you dumb fuck.
Palestinians are native to the land which is also shown by DNA. Most Palestinians are natives who converted to Islam and there is still 15% of the population who are Christian Palestinians that are genetically indistinguishable from the Muslim Palestinians. How could that be if they are descendants of invading Muslims?

Fuck, you are a really dumb leaf.


The real hero in this entire thread.

i am interested in whether he is genuinly retarded.
you probably meant in arabic, but ok. also,
>this random person who called themselves the prophet also accidentally has a name that can be interpreted as "proof" of his divineness, woah, wtf, i'm muslim now, only god could've named him that.
also, i am not that sure about the origins of the name muhammad, but i would tend to believe it started meaning "the praised one" after the spread of islam, not before.
update:i no longer assume you meant arabic, you just seem to be genuinly retarded.
>You didn't even make a valid argument fag.
the argument is obvious. he has no reason to believe some random dude who claims to be a prophet that he really is one. why would he believe muhammad that he is a prophet and convert to islam?

If you have to ask you might be retarded.
This guy is trying to claim Jesus Christ, literally the rejected Messiah of Jews, a religious group twice as old as Christianity, and Christ himself, whos death marks the start of the calendar, would somehow be part of a religion started hundreds of years after not only Judaism, but Christianity itself.
Literally pathetic and condescending.

>also, i am not that sure about the origins of the name muhammad, but i would tend to believe it started meaning "the praised one" after the spread of islam, not before.
No because the name Muhammad existed before Islam and the Hebrew and Aramaic versions of the Bible even use the root word MHMD to refer to the coming prophet. Go look it up.

That other prophet was supposed to be with us forever, Muhammad is dead. The other prophet is the holy spirit.

Also the invaders kept some christians and Jews alive fpr jizya. Also the crusaders left spme people behind. Semantically they are Palestienians but realistically those palistians are not a part of the majority who are arab rapebabies.

1. Jesus was born Jewish suggesting that the first religion he was ever in contact with was Judaism, not Islam.
2. If Jesus lived to 2000 he can't really die on the cross now can he? Making him not the son of God and making this entire conversation quite heretical.
3. If Jesus lived that far he would be more than likely affected by the Diaspora. Sending him to possibly anywhere from north-east africa to south-east europe. He could have been sent any number of these places or not at all.
4. JESUS IS GOD! HE KNOWS THE ANSWER! What idiot would honestly know all the secrets of heaven and still preach against himself? That is beyond stupid and you think GOD would do such a thing? and the level of heresy this pertains......You're basically calling God stupid...which is.....wow....

but you don't think Jesus was anything more than a prophet among all the others don't you muslim?

>If you have to ask you might be retarded.
>whos death marks the start of the calendar
seven days after his birth mark the start of the calendar.
i think you were agreeing with me, but worded your post poorly, or i am reading it wrong.
>avoiding the rest of the post to discuss something that i myself said i am not sure about

I just don't see the point in entertaining this OP with our questions.
I agreed with you, but the only reason I am here is because the mods are clearly not going to prune this, so I may as well hijack the thread.
>Don't kill those who surrendered.
Like pic related?

>I just don't see the point in entertaining this OP with our questions.
i just enjoy seeing him perform mental gymnastics
>Like pic related?
"but that's not real islam tho"

>Don't kill a child
>Don't kill old people
>Don't disfigure the dead
>Don't kill those who surrendered
Wait for it....
>Be good to the prisoners
>AND feed them

Muslims believe in the return of Jesus, I don't get what your point is.
I find your mental gymnastics hilarious. Like I said the Christian Palestinians are genetically indistinguishable form the Muslim Palestinians and if the Chrstians were rapebabies there would still be a significant genetic difference. Nice try faggot.

In fact, they recently discovered canaanite remains and extracted the DNA from the bone which shows that the Palestinians are native to the land going all the way back to the canaanites.

Sorry to break it to you Christcuck but Jesus is not the son of God just a prophet like many others before him. I don't know why Christians try so hard to imply this even though Jesus himself never claimed that he was the son of God.

Is that prophet Mohammed holding the gun in your pic? No it isn't, so then shut the fuck up faggot.

>Jesus himself never claimed that he was the son of God.
The only reason Muslims even know about Jesus is because Christianity is older than your religion.
Face it, moron, you are just in a cult.
There is a reason you are so obsessed with Jesus and it's not because Muslims magically know more about Jesus than the religion which worships him.
Sorry bro, but your sand cult is just a copy cat.
If anything Muslims are closer to jews than Christians.

>If Jesus lived to be over 2000 and was on earth today he would likely be a Palestinian Muslim.
The immortal founder of Christianity would be a Muslim. Makes sense.

i don't know why do you continue to ignore my posts, leafster.
>ignore a post
>get told to stop ignoring posts that you don't like
>clumsly answer a small bit of the post and pretend that's it
everybody is aware what you're doing.

is that you koran canuck?

Oh and by the way being closer to jews than Christians is an insult.
I also actually like Islam more than judaism, so take that as you will.

>Don't enforce Islam
Notice how you are talking on an English speaking forum, to a Christian group, about Jesus?
Notice how you are calling us all retarded, while we silently judge you.
Notice how you mock "leafs" like its an insult, when in reality its only an "insult" because people like you fly our flag, my flag.
You are a disgrace. I've said it twice but I'll say it again, you are truly a disgrace.

You're both stupid. When the west invaded Iraq, they started indiscriminately killing civilians and raping women. Most of the American soldiers were dumb bible thumpers just like you.
> Muh Christianity
In fact, a lot of those original ISIS members were in detention camps where they learned their disgusting behaviour from the fucking dumb Christian burgers to begin with. Remember Abu Ghraib faggot?

>The only reason Muslims even know about Jesus is because Christianity is older than your religion.
The only reason that Christians even know about Moses is because Judaism is older than your religion. Face it, moron, you are just in a cult.

>is that you koran canuck?
What language are you speaking burger? Ebonics?

The funny part is that I'm not even Muslim and I barely even believe in God. I'm just pointing out all of your hypocrisy and mental gymnastics. Most of your arguments are wither just plain lies or make no sense at all.

>I barely even believe in God
You should.

>You're both stupid. When the west invaded Iraq, they started indiscriminately killing civilians and raping women. Most of the American soldiers were dumb bible thumpers just like you.
and now you deflect. answer or gtfo

>Prove me wrong
You made a statement without supporting evidence.

>if jesus lives 622 years, he obviously is super-natural and has no reason to believe muhammad that he is also a prophet of god. i refuse to believe you're serius, if you are you might genuinly have a mental condition.

Even Jesus himself refers to another coming prophet in the Bible and refers to him in Greek as "Paraclete" which means "the praised one" in English.

Coincidentally the name "Muhammed" also means "the praised one" in Arabic.

Not only that but in the Hebrew and Aramaic versions of the Bible they literally use the root word MHMD to refer to the coming prophet.

So Jesus himself knows of a coming prophet described as MHMD in his own language. Muhammad shows up with a similar message from the same creator, Jesus has to follow his own teachings and accept the new prophet which he himself was expecting.

Pretty simple. Stop being a dumb fuck.

Your understanding of English is second language at best.

Actually Christ was a Hebrew. He would most certainly not be a palestinian goatfucker.