Drink onion juice to cleanse your balls, user. Raise your testosterone by 300%. Why is Sup Forums not juicing onions yet?
have you ever tried it?
theres a good reason
a cup of onion juice should be classified as some sort of weapon of mass destruction
you'll lose 2 pounds just in water weight from your eyes before you even get a sip in
Can you explain the science in layman's terms?
People that don't like onion are fucking weird.
is that why the french have so many affairs
I'm good
Diet is just eggs, red meat and chicken, some times greens like broccoli or spinach. I eat 5 times a week and do not eat anything on weekends. I drink a gallon of water a day, some times more. I also love pepsi and have it once or twice on weekends.
I take two multivitamins per day, 200mg zinc, 25,0000iu vitimin D and per day, 1500mg magnesium at night.
sounds like a manly drink
does it work the same if I just order pizza with a lot of onions and garlic?
>25,0000iu vitimin D
That's overkill, even in Alaska.
Real steroids increase your testosterone by 1000 to 10000 percent. Way better.
Why don't you take steroids, Sup Forums?
This is a decent troll but I heard rubbing honey in your armpits activates neurons in women's brains and makes you more attractive to them.
i can't find a source, just a bunch of ""natural news"" clickbait.
I don't anything in onions that would have this effect.
I do, I just wanna know if I should drink onions too.
What’s your weight sir? How often do you weightlift/cardio?
oh we're memeing onions now? read islands in the stream. hemingway's character eats peanut butter and raw onion sandwiches. delicious with honey and black pepper.
>314% Increase
>Thinks that onion jizz will have the same effect on humans as on rats.
>Tabriz Iran
Don't trust everything you read user.
You can try wearing goggles.
>I eat 5 times a week and do not eat anything on weekends.
245, I dont lift anymore though
grapefruit x onion masterrace
Intermittent fasting bud
>200mg of zinc
WTF. i thought taking 40mg per day is already extremly high. some people advising 20 mg and up to 40mg. 200mg would be 10 or 5 times that much. wtf
200mg zinc?
get your copper levels checked mate
I'd you're gonna do 200+mg like me make sure to supplement with zinc or eat a lot of uncooked red meat cuz you're gonna be copper deficient
I've heard fasting helps, but don't know if it's just a meme. No way I'm consuming nothing but water & vitamins for 2 days straight.
>drink onion juice
>test levels increase to OVER 9000
>now buff, horny, and energetic
>no women will fuck you because you stink like onions
The DGE also advises you to eat only 100 or so IU of Vitamin D (very little so they can push their egg and fish agenda).
Never trust government recommendations, they want you to be weak and a cuck who quietly sits next to the tent where a nigger rapes your girlfriend.
Do you also exfoliate your face and wipe your ass with a golden towel, faggot?
I meant supplement with copper.
Watch your fucking language and tone down the disrespect motherfucker.ive raped people for far less than what you just said. Don't tempt me.
So why haven't you tried it out yet? Raise your T to 3000 ng/dl
No. Only if you're eating it like an apple or juice it.
I'll probably give it a go or just eat an onion
I will try it
I mean our woman are already fucking people who stink even worse, it's worth a try
Iranians are at the forefront of sterons research for whatever reason.
How are you so heavy but you eat so little? How tall are you? No manlet meme I promise, just deeply curious.
I do something very similar to your lifestyle but I weight 148 lbs . I’m 5’10” I used to do cross country and distance track n field for university.
Iran is based. 300% more testosterone.
How is Europe doing
>inb4 soy
>inb4 islam invading
European women even fuck Afghans and Pakistanis, neither of which shower or use toilet paper.
Just drink some other juice with it
he'd turn into a caveman
chocolate aggression detected
Taking notes.
Do you rape them before or after plucking your brows?
I'm 6'3,bodyfat is probably like 7 percent, biceps are 28 or 30 inches. No I'm not a nigger just good genes. I used to work out a lot in my 20s and 30s
No no no, youve got it all backwards.
Youre sposed to drink the honey and rub the onion juice on your balls
Rather some hulk version of Liam
Post your pic
I'll believe it when people start drinking it by the liter
Found a source, seems to be legit: journals.viamedica.pl
Actually inject both into your stomach. That's how the rats were fed with onion juice.
Drinking onion juice is a troll, and a pretty funny one at that
do you happen to be a negro?
wait.. is this a joke someone answer me
Said I wasn't.
I do this too but I still eat 2-3 meals a day. What is your fasting/feeding schedule?
>onion juice
not in this or any lifetime
onions are to be roasted with meat or fried with bacon
drinking onions because youre worried about t levels, how bad are your genes ffs
Let's all tie onions to our belts
This sounds 100% like a leftypol/antifa faggot thread to ruse dumb incel faggots here to get theri HIGH TEST DRINK.
>says the incestual brit
>listening to health prescriptions of a mentally ill subhuman garmanic scoundrel.
fuck you jerry and die
Why do he look so peaceful, like he reached a superior understanding of the machinations of reality?
Test @ 930 ng/dl when I was 24yo, lifted 3x a week, no cardio. Only looked at my Kcal consumed, basically doing IIFYM, no supps taken.
> 925 ilvl
> 12/11 Tomb of Your Mother progression
> Geniune Swedish 'Don't rape me' bracelet equipped
Don't test me bro.
Severe GI distress incoming. There’s a reason people onions are included in the FODMAP diet for people with irritable bowel syndrome and Chrohns disease. All you fuckers that drink soda everyday probably have leaky guts already and this onion juice shit will make you pee out your assholes
>biceps are 28 or 30 inches
The more and more you post the more the more skeptical I’m getting. 7% BF is incrediblely difficult to maintain for a 245 lb natty with 30 inch arms. Did you take test in the past? Are you sure you aren’t closer to 12%+ BF?
Said in first post. No food on weekends.except for maybe a pepsi. One meal of eggs/red meat mon-friday,morning, usually 5-8 eggs and at least a pound of red meat just barely cooked, simmered.. Eaten right before bed (3pm)
Don't need to fucking juice them. I eat enough raw onions already.
No, but it's still a funny biohack
You're high test if you can stomach that
Europe is lost.
Do grilled onions count?
Cleanse my balls? I thought the kangz did that?
Because he has
>t. Turk or Bosnian
Why are you Musloids so disgusting?
you sleep at 3pm
>Tested on animals
>In a fucking Iran
>By fucking sandniggers
This. Onions are the master race of root vegetables.
I get the feeling this is some kind of troll in response to the whole soyboy thing that's gaining popularity. They would certainly love to get us to drink onion juice for no reason.
What of fried onions every single night? Does that increase my testironies or must it be raw onion juice?
Just ate an entire raw onion.
Not too bad desu.
do a study yourself then
it doesnt sound dangerous or particularly hard to do
It's all good bro just mix it in with your white milk while you eat Papa John's
I don't think a muzzie would eat something like this, Schluchtenfotze.
BF MAY be past 7 but nowhere near 12.never taken test
This. You're going to give yourself a heart attack with that dosage, fampai.
>waaah waaah
someone needs some onion juice
>not eating an entire raw onion a day for maximum natty gains
I don't want to die from a fucking ulcer.
>meme flag
do NOT listen to this guy. they are the ones who want to erase the white race.
taking such a large amount of supplements is a meme, not withstanding the fact that they're poorly absorbed, and are all heavily contaminated with all sorts of things from lead to organic compounds like benzene, since there is no regulation regarding purity.
water fasting is easy and does actually help androgen production, assuming you aren't malnourished in the first place.
You’re either have an extensive history with anabolic steroids or you’re a LARPer.
Stop giving anons the wrong expectations. Post a body pic right now or I’m calling 100% bullshit.