atheists claim that god doesn't exist, but when you ask them to provide evidence, they say the burden of proof isn't on them, ....even though they're the one making the claim?
Atheists claim that god doesn't exist, but when you ask them to provide evidence...
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they say this because they're under the impression that they're position is a negative position, and that only people asserting positive positions have to prove their assertions.
so instead of asking them to provide evidence of the impossibility of God, ask them instead to prove how the universe was created out of Nothing (or, how it always existed).
This forces them to make a positive assertion, one which they can't prove, and is just another way of phrasing their disbelief in God.
I’m actually Jewish. Judaism isn’t a race it’s a religion. There can be black white or any other color Jew. Jews aren’t offended when you call them white. We are offended when we are grouped in with whites bc we are not afforded the same privileges ex: anti Semitic and holocaust
they're=their *
stay deluded
heheh 12 btw
>theirs too is a conspiracy theory without evidence
Funny how retarded they are
>especially the fact that aithiests are state indoctrinated, extremely like to be liberals(Communists)
But such is the life of the weak to be deluded into thinking they are free
How do you prove that something like an omnisicent invisible being doesn't exist?
I've called them many times on how the "it always existed" solution creates an inexplicable paradox, but they never seem to be able to produce a rebuttal for it, outside of saying "it's some x pseudo intellectual thought."
Just came here to tell OP that I hope that a pack of niggers rape his ass for making the same shitty thread every fucking day.
>Anti-theism isn't a claim, it's a refusal to accept the super natural or things that exist outside the natural realm.
>This keeps you from falling for cults that take your money and diddle children or force them into child marriage.
>You're an atheist too in regards to the Eater Bunny and Toothfairy.
I wouldn't have any problem with atheists being atheists if they weren't such smug, obnoxious zealots about it. I understand it's their religious belief and I'm not here to take their religion away from them, but if they could just shut the fuck up about mine, that would be splendid.
what holocaust?
Stop replying to this shit.
Based gypsy, here's a (you)
this guy right here is an example of what i was referring to.
take the discussion away from "prove God exists/prove God doesn't exist" and move it towards "prove how the universe was created".
As soon as you do this, atheists reveal themselves to be just as FAITH-based in their beliefs as any theist is.
Atheists have FAITH that the universe was created out of Nothing (or that it always existed).
They have no proof, they just have FAITH that it wasn't God that created the universe.
Atheists are literally no different than theists, except that at least theists acknowledge their reliance on faith. Atheists are too stupid to even realize that they rely on faith.
The only group that has any leg to stand on are the agnostics, and a TRUE agnostic would never get into an argument with a theist. (However, many pseudo-agnostics that are actually atheists will still argue that God doesn't exist. They need to be reminded that the definition of agnostic is "someone who doesn't know", and someone who truly didn't know wouldn't go around making any assertions, positive or negative, about things for which they don't have evidence)
If being Jewish is only a religion and not an ethnic group, why didn't they just convert to avoid supposed persecution by the Nazis?
Were you all too retarded to think of that, or are you instead lying your kike ass off right now when you claim your ethnic identity is just a religion? Which is it?
You cannot prove what doesn't exist you fucking moron. It is to YOU to prove there's such thing, not the absence of
The religious claim god exists, and there is no evidence to support it's existence. The burden of proof lies with the religious.
Nice flag ladyboi. Honestly idc about athieshits, they'll rot in hell if they are too arrogant to accept God
prove how the universe was created.
You assert it wasn't God, which means that the universe either created itself out of Nothing, or that it always existed.
Prove it.
You can't.
Therefore, you only believe what you believe on FAITH.
Just like the theists.
Atheism = a religion
>Atheists have FAITH that the universe was created out of Nothing (or that it always existed).
Wrong. We simply don't know how it was created because it's outside of the scope of our current knowledge. We can make theories but can't prove them yet. It's really not the same thing.
As for me, if God exists, it must be the Universe itself which somehow achieved consciousness.
Yeah, they are just like the IRS in that respect.
The burden of proof isn't on the atheist. But that's just missing the point of faith, which is blindly believe something despite lack of proofs. It's called faith for a reason.
> Atheists
> Having religion
Oh I do hate those bald people with their stupid hair style.
Oh I do hate people who don't watch tv. thier tv channel is annoying.
Oh I do hate people who don't watch anime. their anime is so stupid.
I know what you were trying to say. But Atheism is not a religion. rather the lack of one and belief in one.
>This forces them to make a positive assertion
No it doesn't. The simple answer is that we don't know how it was created. We don't have to prove shit. It's godfags who decide to pull answers out of their asses.
I hear you. My grandpa was turned into a lampshade when he was just 6 years old.
Are you having a nice holiday m8?
There are bad news to those who claims that science doesn't know how universe was created. Science actually knows(and had some proof for that) how universe was created problem isn't with what happened on day 0. It's hard to tell or even try to understand what's happened on day -1 and earlier. Science has no idea what was happening million years before universe was created.
then you're not an atheist.
an atheist KNOWS that the universe wasn't created by God.
you just admitted that you don't know how the universe was created.
therefore, you're not an atheist, you're an agnostic.
Since you're an agnostic, that means you at least admit the possibility that the universe could have been created by God.
Atheists BTFO
then you're not an atheist, you're an agnostic.
Learn the definition of words.
Not till xmas. I got work tomorrow.
Atheists are islamophoboc anti-semites and they flip out of you call them that. It’s hilarious because it reveals they aren’t really atheists, they just hate Christians.
Both christcucks and atheists bigbangers are BTFO
No I'm not. Agnostics are just atheist who are too pussy to come out and say that to if you make an assertion, you must be able to prove it. Instead they pussyfoot about "Ohh, maybe this bullshit you pulled out of your ass actually exists. We don't know".
it is rather strange how atheists generally seem to have a problem only with Christianity.
Sure, they'll claim to dislike all religions on principle, but only Christianity gets them REALLY angry.
They're the product of anti-Christian brainwashing and don't even realize it.
OP isnt even talking in this thread cause he knows how much of a lost cause this topic is.
Ever since the inception of religion, Physics has yielded completely different results from what religion had claimed. And religion has basically been backpedaling ever since, while Science/Physics is trailblazing. I can see how some people look at that as evidence AGAINST a god.
Slide thread
Rare flag
So people who are 90 percent sure there is a God are agnostic?
i see you don't understand the definition of the word atheist or agnostic, so i'll paste it here for you, since you're too lazy to actually look it up.
agnostic: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
atheist: a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
You can't prove how the universe was created, therefore you tacitly admit you don't whether the universe was created by God or whether it created itself out of Nothing.
You are agnostic.
Or you belong to the FAITH BASED religion of atheism, that claims to know how the universe was created despite not having any proof.
Atheists BTFO
Science doesn't have all the answers, but by all means, keep putting your FAITH in the priests of Science.
Freedom of religion, and all that jazz :)
Gypsies are Indian
>a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
>claims to know
>not realising the terms are not mutually exclusive
>claims to have won the argument
you are a special type of stupid arent you?
>90% sure there is a God
not sure how you arrived at such a specific percent
but using your own number, wouldn't that make such a person only 10% agnostic?
You cant prove that something doenst exist, fucking retarded.
>I believe in something
>I don't believe in something that you believe, proof that it's real
>I don't need to proof it because I already believe that it's real
>Well if you don't want to prove it than I won't believe in it
You do realize that the whole thing is pointless because both sides won't change their opinions no matter what?
anyone under 100% certain is agnostic and because its basically impossible to be 100% certain of anything, it makes everyone an agnostic making the term totally useless in all discussion, novadays its a lable atheists who dont want to be called atheists use.
No you fucking retard. Nowhere in either of your definitions does the origin of the universe mentioned.
I disbelieve in the existence of a god because no evidence has been presented. I also don't know how the universe came into existence because human knowledge hasn't reached that level yet.
Just because 0 AD goat fuckers didn't know how lightning struck, doesn't mean it was God smiting some faggot for fucking some other faggot up the ass.
Because there is no evidence god exists, the existence of God isn't a given, and therefore the burden is on you to prove that God exists and they are wrong to believe there is no God.
you are a special type of stupid if you can't grasp the concept that disbelief in something doesn't automatically mean the don't have beliefs in some other area.
Fine, you disbelieve that God created the universe, I never disputed that atheists disbelieve in God.
But simply disbelieving in God's creation of the universe doesn't answer how the universe came about, atheists still have to answer that.
Atheists can't answer that without relying on FAITH, the FAITH that comes from believing in something without evidence.
Atheism is a religion.
Good one Yuri.