>Sup Forums unironically likes Taylor Swift, Pewdiepie and Justin Bieber
Why is that?
>Sup Forums unironically likes Taylor Swift, Pewdiepie and Justin Bieber
Why is that?
Other urls found in this thread:
Eay farts, we only like Taylor
I just want to eat her butt out.
Use a non photo-shopped pic next time.
They are all huwhite. Duh
Tay Tay and pewdie are cool.
Bieber is a faggot.
>Sup Forums likes Bieber
>No-makeup app makes Taylor Swift look even more pure
Taylor Swift is a libtard like all the fucking rest, how can you fucking retards like her? Her music sucks too.
There are lots of conspiracy threads about JB being racist and people calling him ''based'' etc etc
Do you think she voted for Jill Stien?
Memeflag detected. Try harder.
Taylor Swift is a guy.
We just like Taylor. Pewdiepie is /ourSwede/ tho.
Happy fucker? Taylor Swift is a feminist liberal bitch. Don't subscribe to mainstream entertainment.
still looks 100% better that the est of the Hollywood rosties
and Mosley, Mosley is fucking awesome
>TS is a liberal
You have literally no idea what u talking about retard. Fuck off
My psychological observation of Sup Forums is that the most grotesque and offensive yet ridiculous things are used as a cloud cover as a way to relay real information back and forth to each other.
Pedowood was an example.
One more note..... Threads like these are just bullshit threads and trolling and stupid shit. It confuses the fuck out of normies.
Tay is queen. PDP is alright. But who the fuck like that faggot leaf Bieber?
b-but sh looks better
Hello mr. rare
> implying he dont inspire young white women to stay away from shitskins and wait for their personal bieber ala loyality and preferance for the white man. Hes done more for us than we can imagine
Post a pic outside your window
>on Reddit
m8, that's a good way to get some Sup Forums autist to triangulate me and call in a russian airstrike.
taytay is so beautiful. i want my waifu to look just like her but i dont want my kids to be white.
I like Bieber. JB has been caught making racist comments on a number of occassions, his family are registered conservatives in Canada, and he is now an evangelic christian and goes around telling kids to find Christ. Pretty redpilled if you ask me.
m8, just post your hand at least
>cups the fart then throws it at the crowd
Can she be any more perfect?
Bieber's a woman.
Why wouldn't someone like nigger slaying jew killing Pewdiepie? Make an argument against him.
Post a pic outside your window
Sorry guys, but IMHO the one on the right is much more sexy.
this, you forgot cuck nigger- in front of the faggot though
Plus isn't he talking shit about the pedos in Hollywood? Plus there is all this talk that is attempting to be a Christian now.
Anyone who says they like PDP or Bieber unironically should be banned. This is a TayTay board only.
so why has he been surrounding himself with niggers and dating a cole burning whore?
Taylor is a trap,
Sup Forums fags love traps
the fuck is this? some obscure leaf fetish?
was adressed to and
Her father looks like a nice guy
This. It's so obviously a man.
The traps in trap threads look more feminine than this picture.
she looks so cute and inoccent without makeup
check out youtube, he sing a song about nigger and kkk when he still a kid.
You fucking rare cunt, post it.
>>Sup Forums unironically likes
You shouldn't start a statement that way. Everything that Sup Forums does is liable to be a very postmodern mixture of irony and sincerity.
I'm not a fan of pop music whatsoever. I actually prefer hymns. But I have positive feelings toward him because he infuriates people who take popular music seriously. Since I don't even have to listen to him and just get to sit back and watch his amusing antics, I can detach myself from it and view him as an amusing piece of performance art.. I also thought it was great when people tried to get him sent to North Korea. Similarly I never gave much though to Taylor Swift. But since that incident where Kanye West exhibited typical nigger behavior by interrupting her at an awards show and SJWs don't like her for being too blonde, I'm pro Tay.Tay. If she pulls a Bob Dylan and enters a Born Again Christian phase I will actually be a huge fan. I bet she could do a great job singing Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me.
also this
Pewdiepie is someone I never payed much mind to until he started getting in trouble for being racist and sexist. Good for him that he's a non-cucked swede. Maybe he, Jimmie, and The Golden One can start fixing that country. God bless them.
thicc edge
Ofc she's /aregal/
Trannywood is full of them.
Justin is /ourguy/
she will always be /ourgirl/
>First time one Sup Forums
>Let me tell how Sup Forums is
>Sup Forums is one person
if enough people are against them then they must be doing something right.
This. Teenage girls need pop idols because they need a safe focus for their sexuality. Hence the simpson's joke of Lisa reading "Non-threatening Boys Magazine" Of course everyone who isn't a teen girl hates these douchebags. For the teen boys they are an unrealistic standard to compete with, for older men they are the annoying little brats that want in your daughter's pants, for older women they are useless boys masquerading as men. But without the placebo of the pop star the girl will find the closest approximation, which will be young men who focus their energies on immediate gratification instead of working to improve their future (i.e. bad boys)
She's got sumtin' up her butt.
why is it cut... it it would have been so much better if not...
Shes cuter with out the makeup.
>he doesn't wordfilter Sup Forums into "one person"
This place must make no sense to you.
If God himself be for me, I can a host defy
Conversely, if a host is against me, I'm probably doing something right.
>tfw taytay used to be bullied at highschool
>now shes worth 400.000.000 dollarydoos
ya brah, know where to get more brah
When every bluepilled faggots disliked someone, this someone has to be a good person
Why did you add the last name Jew?
I only like Taylor cus she's a qt 3.14. The rest can fuckin die.
Hitler, Nixon, Custer, Pinochet, Chang-Hai Sheik, Tojo
>Implying she didn't go through an emo stage simply to fugg beta twinks
Only makes it better.
>tfw no emo Tay gf to cuddle with
is this suposed to be bad?
protracted virginity
>get in faggot, we're going to an AFI concert
Today's Pew is woke AF, senpai.
tay see me rollin
he buckled under the racism thing though
he should've made a video pointing out the people that cry about that thing were mentally ill faggots
>Taydolf "SS" Swiftler
>Justin "Zkylon" Bieber
>Felix "Kike Killer" Kjellberg the Pewdiepie himself
Youre damn right they're /OurGuys/
I used to think so too, but then I thought how much of a cunt I would be if I spent my entire childhood surrounded by money and yes-men.
He's just another goy who, for lack of courage and want of shekels, will sell out truth and honor and integrity and principle.
Woah calm down Justin
looks like you picked up a stalker leaf. RIP
Idk who i love more
Pewdiepie or Taydolf Swiftler
he did say he hated bill clinton
Looks better without makeup to be quite honest
can someone bring up the screencap of this person who said they were a Sup Forumsack and that the next day we should look out for a tweet with the word "amazing" it was signed -JB