This will be the future Englishman in a few years if we don't do anything.

>black hair
>brown eyes
>caucasian skull middle-eastern
>deeply mixed

How we become in this?



Fuck all the britbongs
But save all of Europa, britbongs are the reason why we are in this mess today







Looks italian

Truly, the superior man.


This is the future you chose.




>The virgin Englishman



looks far superior than a modern britbong

lol, what? fuck off, faggot.










Total jew/sandnigger extermination and mass sterilizations will cleanse the world of this filth













>This will be the future Englishman

Looking the bright side, still whiter than the average "white" american.


>when you argue that the immigration law wil not upset the countries demographics, while abolishing a law that is in place to keep demographics balanced






Except for #3, she's right you know. Of course, she's putting it to a bad purpose.

Not really.
That would be the french.
War is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Cultural subversion on the other hand takes a while and can destroy more than any cannon.

no she isn't, jude.

If you really don't like it then stop binning the knife and attack them. Blow up some mosques worked here in quebec


>you colonize the world
>you're upset that the world is now colonizing you
feels bad doesn't it, nigel?

Looks like the average north Argentinian




Quintessentially British. You had and lost your chance to prevent any of this years ago. Now you will suffer and die as a race.







These kind of posts aren't that convincing, except to build to a pattern, which admittedly they do. But you still have to draw causal links between when some crazy rabbi says and Jewish actions. Admittedly, given that it's all behind the scenes and doesn't require much coordination among them - just grabbing opportunities as they come up - it's difficult to prove even if it is there.

That's why it's so hard to defend the JQ. Except with contemporary quotes.


we already know all of this.
we just aren't sure what the ideal punishment should be or when we will be able to enforce it.




Is that quoting true? If it is, source?


Fuck off I'm agreeing with you (presumably), that Sweden /does/ have a culture.









The source is at the bottom, guy.





I look like this guy. You mean I'm not white? WTF? I'M LEFTIST SCUM NOW!


Western Europe outside of Germany would exactly the same today if Germans won (impossible)



Looks unhappy and mentally ill. RIP England.


