We need to decide on a city/town/area in Canada that based leafs can colonize and settle in. If we can do this we can shape this city into our ideal space. Build businesses, vote in ourguy as mayor and build a safe haven for anyone right of center.
Step 1. Pick a town
one possibility is a small town in north Ontario called Smooth rock falls, they had an economic collapse in 2006 when the paper mill shut down and their population cut in half. They have since put in place major incentives for small business and new residents. the two major problems i have identified in this town are low levels of disposable income and a short harvest season
What do you think Sup Forums?
Operation leaf pile
Other urls found in this thread:
How about we beg the Russians to nuke your entire country, with all six of its "based" Canadians.
hold on there buddy boy, for some unknown reason, right wing Canadians can be somewhat valuable (think Gavin Mcinnes, BPS, Lauren Southern, Steven Crowder etc.), however the vast majority outside of Quebec and especially on the west coast are leftist retards
I'm down leaf familial.
A much better solution would be to build a town. Unless the people involved are capable of building a town, then this exodus would be nothing but larping. It is the bare minimum that we have the capablity to do that.
Obviously this is much more difficult but that is the point.
how about north Vancouver (it's not to crowed and not to many feminists to complain about)
how many people would it take and what professions would we need?
do you have any suggestions as to where we might relocate ourselves?
We could do so or we could just appropriate a town to fit our needs
Isnt that place a cesspool thats crawling with hippies?
oh, god no I've never heared of a hippie being in north van
Come to fucking Nova Scotia and help us start a new here before shit hits the fan. Bridgewater specifically. We need to get rid of the negroes from Halifax/Dartmouth selling drugs and lots of petty criminals but larger numbers of Sup Forumsacks could help scare them away..
We finally got a skatepark.
East coast sounds nice, can you give a good description on Bridgewater and the pros and cons of settling there?
north Vancouver has plenty of parks and a few beaches
Pick one
lots of white, kek
>small community
>beautiful surrounding rural areas
>lots of hiking trails and lakes/rivers etc. in NS
>possibly easy to get based mayor in Bridgwater
>easy to start up a business for cheap
There is probably more but here's the cons. aka could use a good fixing.
>Low education
>Highest Cancer/Obesity rates in Canada
>No flavored tobacco products
>Chinks from tourism is our main source of economy
>Cities full of drug dealing niggers hour drive away
>Taxes spent on trash for tourism i.e a water fountain in the river of shit
>The LaHave river is literally 90% shit and micro bacteria
fuck lads I can only think of Negatives which is why I suggest saving of this beautiful landscapes surrounding this town.
probably cheap to rent
no jobs
Redpills for Canadian feminists
Why Do People Hate Feminism?: youtube.com
What Does Feminism Mean?: youtu.be
The Feminist Definition of Oppression: youtu.be
A Detailed Analysis of Feminist Sophistry: youtu.be
Egalitarianism as Interpreted by a Feminist: youtu.be
Feminism is the Establishment: youtu.be
The Feminist Inquisition: youtu.be
Jehovah's Feminists: youtu.be
Feminism and Men of Straw: youtu.be
Feminist Arguments Rely on Fallacies: youtu.be
Feminism and Facebook: youtu.be
Great Trials of Modern Feminism: Page 3 Girls: youtu.be
#IfIWereAFeminist: youtu.be
Steve Shives Demolishes Rape Culture!: youtu.be
The Protein World Saga: youtu.be
Feminist Martyrs: youtu.be
Chairman Pao and the Ministry of Truth: youtu.be
The Mattress Girl Saga: youtu.be
Lies, Damned Lies and the Video Game Press #GamerGate #NotYourShield: youtu.be
The Lie Heard Around the World #GamerGate #NotYourShield: youtu.be
Who Brings Up Ethics, Who Brings Up Harassment? #GamerGate: youtu.be
Good @Nightline, Sweet #GamerGate: youtu.be
Who is Harassing Anita Sarkeesian?: youtu.be
Shoe0nHead Videos: youtube.com
3 MYTHS ABOUT FEMINISM! - Proved True by Feminists: youtu.be
Feminism - WHY YOU DON'T NEED IT!: youtube.com
Anti-Feminism, Pro-Equality: youtube.com
I feel like I know you.
ok, that is pretty cancerous but north van is not nearly as feminist as vancouver
you dont
i live in ontario but my dad and his side of the family live in PEI
I might
is your dad a skater? keks I know I don't know you now.
same with north ontario but on east coast theres special treatment for being part potato and having a name as such like I am
Shall we make Bridgewater the official settlement then?
Redpills for Canadian feminists (these ones are better)
Why Do People Hate Feminism?: youtube.com
Shoe0nHead Videos: youtube.com
3 MYTHS ABOUT FEMINISM! - Proved True by Feminists: youtu.be
Feminism - WHY YOU DON'T NEED IT!: youtube.com
Anti-Feminism, Pro-Equality: youtube.com
Feminism and SJW Criticism: youtube.com
Feminism versus FACTS: youtube.com
we could form some sort of mushroom cartel and destroy the leftists by killing all their brain cells
praise you I gotta get off my ass and start working, to help further the idea of bridgewater being settled with pollacks
bless this thread and bless all. praise kek.
No I live in Caledon.
If you want a giggle, put Caledon Riding Club into google maps, spin the map on satellite and look in the backyard
Why run away when we outnumber those in control?
The Epstein family runs this country and can be easily removed and sent to Madagascar with the rest of the satan worshiping jews.
wrong post meant
Numbers arent everything, they have the power, the fucking bombs, if we want to do that we need to build strength first, this thread is more to determine the base of operations
nice trips
but shrooms can actually be quite helpful to further expansion of the mind. So no, that shit is ours.
LSD>Shrooms imo, shrooms are healthier for the brain Psilocybin is magical.
whatever place we chose we are going to have to send red-pills to the people to help with the process
East Coast is a write-off unless climate change dramatically improves things. 7 months of the year it's a hellscape. It's God's country for the other 5 but it doesn't balance, and rental prices go through the roof during that time.
Prince Rupert or Port Hardy BC would be better options. You could run online businesses and capitalise on the tourist trade, plus the climate's nice. Feather Indians in Prince Rupert but they're mostly harmless. Quebec's interesting but heavily controlled by criminal gangs outside the Montreal-Quebec City corridor, and the winters are a nightmare. Ontario's broken, Manitoba/Saskatchewan aren't fit for human habitation, and Alberta's infested with every shade of brown. No, coastal BC is definitely your best bet.
I thought it was the other way around?
I've been trying my best to ensure as many redpilled people as possibly in my range of voice and sight everywhere I go I'm always informing my friends on current events and my opinions of them just to keep them aware of how things are really going.
this user is right
I completely forgot about being so close to the ocean it's actually a thing to worry about in the years to come. The shit river has risen higher each year since 2012.
Very well, what can you tell me about Prince Rupert or Port Hardy in Big beautiful BC
Also coastal gangs are real problems they bring in shitloads of cocaine and opiates
Both work, but from what I have learned over the past few years Psilocybin is far more healthier and is natural, unlike LSD which was initially created by the US Govt. for MK Ultra and was a huge failure due to the facts it opened the third eye.
I'm no scientist just a occasional drug user. Read into Psilocybin if you're interested.
C'mon now. There's plenty of good canucks, it's just not likely you'll find them on any kind of major social media. Canada is it's own world. Toronto should be nuked, but once the radiation is manageable I'm sure we could make something prosperous out of it. But all Chinese owned BC houses should be burned down to the ground. I figure that's a good way to make their commie slush fund go up in smoke
First we need Trudeau out.
also in Canada due to the regressive left & feminists in power in Canada I've got a feeling are side of the culture war might become more power over the next few years
the highlight of my entire semester abroad here is shitposting as a canadian
Could someone make a discord server for the actual planning and such of different locations?
>We need to decide on a city/town/area in Canada that based leafs can colonize and settle in.
>Some shithole in southern Ontario
No thanks.
Yeah he's got to go. But we need to keep smearing him and NDPoo-loo and keep them divided. That faggot might be worse if possible. "Based" sihks are a meme. Split the lefty vote among those faggots, and build up Scheer as much as we can. He's a neo-con style candidate, but we don't have enough time to get momentum behind a proper libertarian candidate or the like. A pro-Canadian nationalist, that's what we need. And by Canadian I mean Anglo, French, German, Slav, Italian, any white demographic we can really get a hold of and make a string base off of.
Inb4 slavs, wops not white; I'll take them over poos, mudslimes, and niggers anyday
So the plan so far is to concentrate in a certain area, build strength in numbers, political power and money and when the time comes we can hopefully spring into action as rwds
we all should meet at north Vancouver, ambleside
address for the place 1150 Marine Dr, West Vancouver, BC V7T 1B1
first off it was northern ontario and second the current plan is in BC
a based potato would probably work.
I wish I had taken some sort of education in politics when I was younger to actually make a change with the current political system.
Port Hardy is a fishing/tourist town full of old people. Real estate is cheap as hell. Tons of opportunity to set up a tourist gig for the summer months, and if you can set up an online revenue stream during winter, the cost of living is low as fuck because it's somewhat isolated. People forget how big Vancouver Island is. Campbell River is a better option, but it's more expensive. Still a good time to buy in though, Victoria's only going to get worse.
Prince Rupert is recovering from its nadir. Shipping centre, likely lots of shady business in town but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Again, isolated, minimal police presence. Indians aren't anti-white, they're anti-authority. If you're looking for a more questionable means of making a living, this would be the place to do it. Legit business is picking up too, especially anything shipping related. Bringing things into the port cheap via Alibaba and shipping them out from there might be interesting.
if someone wants to buy me a plane/train ticket, I might be down.
I personally wont be going anywhere until i finish college in 3 or so years but im definitely thinking Port Hardy or Prince Rupert
van island is the nicest place in cuckada.. err canada
you could try raising the money on online as in, people might be nice enough to donate money to you (I know this sounds stupid but you never know on the internet)
I think you had it right the first time
>Quebec's interesting but heavily controlled by criminal gangs outside the Montreal-Quebec City corridor, and the winters are a nightmare. Ontario's broken, Manitoba/Saskatchewan aren't fit for human habitation, and Alberta's infested with every shade of brown. No, coastal BC is definitely your best bet.
That was actually funny.
Too many dippers in BC though,
needs a faggot / chink / femnzai purge.
Nice little tsunami should do it.
Me too broski. All we can really do is work hard, pill people slowly, and get these ideas into people's heads. Canada Sup Forums should crowdfund for some pro-white commercials
I'm going to get a job, this has been my personal issue for 2 years now and I finally need to do something about it. I will save the address, and will work for 2 years time to have enough money to settle.
But I do like that idea of crowdfunding, I do not like handouts so this will be my reason. Next to my young qt gf waifu top keks.
I think you mean ChinadaHahaha
Is anyone going to make a leaf discord?
I have 275 acres on Cape Breton that has two small farm houses and a big barn.
It was given to me, but my work requires I spend most of my time in Toronto. Haven't had a chance to do anything with it.
i miss vancouver island terribly i'd fucking love to go back
everywhere else is small and wilted in comparison
a fucking pipe dream with the little money i have right now though
Good luck dude. Try your best, hopefully it works out and don't give up. Peace
Good idea, and this can be done in pretty much anywhere, not just Canada. But this would require a lot of coordination and effort and we all know Sup Forums users are lazy fucks.
Canada is completely fucked. Even the outdoorsy boomer cucks I work with are muh diversity is our strength.
Now does anyone have free link to new TDS paywall episode?
If you're serious, what kind of job experience do you have?
Make a throwaway email.
thank you kind user, I have to get off my lazy ass no excuses.
also I am dl'ing discord so if anyone has made the thread one yet links please. I've never used discord before.
you have piqued the fuck out of my interest
it only takes a few dedicated Sup Forumsacks to start it up
first we take Nanimo then we take Victoria
>overtly racist
>no jobs
There is a massive need for trades in Nova Scotia. They are begging old electricians, carpenters, welders etc to come out of retirement to help with the power grid across the ocean from PEI.
land is an asset, think what you could do with and on it
Is this now actually a thing
We need to start a petition to
remove this line from the Canadain charter of rights "only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." as it could be used by a corrupt or ideology driven government to infringed on people's freedoms due to it being subjective and vague. So unlike in the united states were a law has to demonstrate to be constitutional to enact punishment on somebody who breaks it, any laws based around restricting freedoms supersedes the freedoms in the constitution so long as enough people in the government agree with themselves that the law is reasonable. so for example the Canadain government could make and pass a law making it illegal to make joke about islam and the would not have to demonstrate to the people that the law is reasonable as long as they can justify among themselves that it's reasonable.
I'd love to do this in UK but the government would forcefully take our town and enforce diversity quotas
go to derry, change your name
>Up the ra! Dia Duit!
Decent sized city, 82% white, has been criticized for not being "diverse" or "multicultural" enough. And the people are really racist, it's gr8
Ottawafag here, also mostly white (for now) but lots of "ottawa against fascism" retards
I would be so down.
The problem is money. Most small towns do not have jobs, especially for a large influx of people.
We need housing, food, etc.
I would be ok because I have 3 kids, and could get gibsmedat.
no one gives a shit, kill yourself leaf
They have the illusion of power because people are paid to protect them. But who will fire the guns and drop the bombs when we can reach their foot soldiers far easier than they can. I see it as a physiological game that they play on us that can be turned in our favor, fight club style, if you will entertain the thought
im interested and listening
if you nuke T.O then you've irradiated everyone East of it with Strontium-90 fallout. Not a good plan
fuck of 12 year old youtube commenter
I'm also in Toronto, but I lived in Sydney for many years.
That's a lot of land, and it probably wouldn't be hard to gobble up more land.
I miss CB so much.
Now I have to raise a family in shithole Toronto because construction is booming.
>be me
>in College in Kitchener
>want to get the fuck out of ontario ASAP after college
where are we settling lads?
The Thinkery Podcast #6 - The Feminist Conquest of Doctor Who:
Probably in Port Hardy BC
From what i understand the free state project in new Hampshire did a decent takeover of town
I'm in Toronto and it's as bad as everyone says, Sodom v2, but that doesn't mean we don't have support from all the Gen X'ers with money and kids that don't want to move. That would be our main source of income as well as propaganda agency to get the word out.
The Epstein family, Seymour, his wife Gloria J. and sons John and Earl have been running the country from this city for a long time. Exposing them would be like exposing the Rothschild. I know for a fact that both sons direct porn because I worked for them. This is embarrassing to their step mom the Honorable Ontario Supreme Court Judge Gloria J. enough that Seymour, who both sons call "Satan" created an internet service provider to keep them from making porn. It didn't. In fact their ISP spawned the first gay porn site in Toronto and the creator of that site became the CEO of Swifttrade the day trading company.
Long story short, expose the Epstein's and get all Gen X'ers on our side.
I've been planning on living in the country side somewhere in BC within an hour drive of a city or town
Im worried BC and Ontario are quick similar politically though
rural alberta/interior bc
only decent places in this faggot hole