How butthurt is Sup Forums going to be on November 3, 2020?

How butthurt is Sup Forums going to be on November 3, 2020?

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Sweet fan fiction, user. Which preferred candidate of yours do you have running in your fantasy?

Lol yeah won't happen, faggot.

Subtract Iowa and Texas from this and that's probably how it'll go.

the only dem that could have beat Trump in 2016 was Webb and there's no one left on the bench to fill hilldawgs spot. Trump will pick up more states in 2020

Sorry drumpflings
Demographics are destiny
You lose.

As long as the Democrat's nominee can put together a complete sentence, it is going to be a blue wave not seen in decades. Trump won the battle but lost the war for conservacucks.

probably hillary again ?

But kek has spoken

>He thinks the world won't end before then
user, I...



east & west coast liberals are so incredibly out of touch
t. from a pennsylvania family that voted democrat for years but voted trump

Is this real? Link or you're a faggot

>texas going blue
How high are you right now?

Friendly reminder that the 150000000 get confirmed 2020 for trump, check 4plebs right now. Mods 404'd it for whatever reason, it's not in the archive.

The moment Texas becomes a swing state, no Republican will ever win another Presidential election unless the Electoral College is abolished. Best case for the GOP they can hold out for another 10-15 years but the Hispanic and relocated liberals from the north are quickly making Texas the new Florida.

not him but 'ere you go
KEK has spoken

It was deleted, but I was there.

jesus pol you are pathetic to post in such a bad baitthread baka

Based Kanye will win

One city in Alaska (Anchorage) barely went blue the other cities and rural areas (Fairbanks, kenai, Seward, Homer, barrow, and all the suburbs of Anchorage) went hard red.

Alaska is libertarian at heart and republican in practice.

OH come on, you have to know they're gonna run Kamala Harris. She's a minority AND a woman. In their eyes she's just a better version of Hillary.

I can make maps too.

Texas is already 32% Hispanic and their birthrates are much higher than white birthrates. Population growth among non-whites is also much higher.

Places like Austin and even Houston and Dallas are also places many whites from the north are relocating.

Texas is a demographic time bomb. Remember 30 years ago California was still a swing state, 50 years ago it was solidly Republican.

Demographics don't really matter when identity politics are abolished Even our Hispanics are red. Cities have been losing population for a while and the rural areas have won major victories in the past 3 years (open carry, campus carry, stricter abortion laws)
Former Cali fag here, camalla is a little time away. She is attorney general. She will be on cabinets for at least 4 years under a different blue

Trump got 52% of the vote. Reagan got 55% in 1980.
>he doesn't know about the SURGE

This. Once Texas goes blue (and it will because the lesser peoples are reliant on gibs) you will sink. You are done USA.

The only way to save America is a mass migration by right wing people to the USA from other countries.

Joe Biden


Joe Biden in on camera saying Gay marriage wouldn't have happened without the Jewish lobby

In 1980 Democrats still competed in the South. Texas voted in Ann Richards (the Elizabeth Warren of her time) as governor in the 90s. Before that they elected liberals like LBJ and Ralph Yarborough to statewide offices.

The real story is look at how much worse Trump has done than any recent Republican in Texas.

>The real story is look at how much worse Trump has done than any recent Republican in Texas.
2% less than McCain

Romney got 57% in 2012. And Hispanic turnout in Texas and across the country will be higher in 2020 no matter who the Democratic candidate is. Texas won't flip but it'll be a lot narrower.

So even at that pace (which ignores demographic trends) a Republican won't even get the plurality of votes in the only big state they consistently win anymore.

Sounds like a good long-term plan.

Romney got 57% while playing to their base. Trump got 52% while winning the fucking rustbelt.

Not very.
There's a lot of road left to run on, and the fourth turning is ramping up ... So, I like our chances.

No one thought much of FDR or Lincoln before their crisis happened either.

If Republicans have to start defending in places like Texas, they are in trouble. What's next, Georgia?

The party is already toxic to any non-whites people in cities, and the vast majority under 40, and it's becoming that way to anyone who lives in the suburbs.

>at that pace
>Hillary did worse than Obama

>blue Texas and Arizona
unless the entire population of Mexico magically teleports inside Houston and Phoenix, it ain't gonna happen
>blue NC and IA
not swing states, not going to happen
The swing states lean red right now
>fucking alaska
hasn't voted democrat since 1964

Don't you think a campaign centered on LITERALLY BUILDING A WALL ACROSS THE BORDER is not playing to the Republican base in Texas?

No, it's playing to the white middle class in the rustbelt who are being destroyed economically by mass immigration.

>User Generated Map

I think you'll be very surprised, and you're gona look like a bigger retard when you end up with egg on your face.

>Iowa not a swing state
>has voted for Democrats in six of the last eight elections

As if you know what the political alignment will look like in 10-15 years ... we're in the middle of a correction right now, please talk after the realignment.

Fucking loser libs, thinking past performance is indicative of equal results. Y'all failed stats 101.

How the fuck are people in Michigan and Ohio more a "victim" of mass immigration than people living in Texas? It's almost like it's a divide and conquer tactic not based on anything real

How can paid shills be this retarded?

Realistic, expect for VA

Someone who isn’t a faggot

I have to disagree

Main problem in the senate for a Democratic take over is of the 34 seats up for reelection, 25 are incumbent Democrats.

For the House, it is possible. There have been some Democratic victories and near wins in a lot of traditionally conservative areas.

I lived in Minnesota for awhile, it's not gonna go red by 2020. Too many flyover city libs trying to be in the "in-crowd" with the coasters.

Delusional too.

>the first responses to this post were posted before this post was posted
honestly what the fuck

Blue tx may may. Kys faggot

Ironically, Gary Johnson spoiled it for Trump. Despite all the crying about Stein spoiling states, she didn't spoil a single one — the only states spoiled were MN and NH, both for Trump.

My thoughts exactly.

Yeah I'm sure the Mexicans and roasties will vote against their interests.

>Leftists flood country with shitskins to get elected
>Leftists get elected & fuck everything up
>Country goes to shit
>Shitskins flee to greener pastures or starve
We literally win in the long-run no matter what, you cannot beat nature.

Trump carried it with almost 10%, same with Ohio. They won't be swing states in 2020

people predictively post like so

The day Texas becomes a swing state is the day California breaks apart.

libertarian party is such a thorn in the repubs' side. Fucking annoying for having a commanding majority of some swing states.

True. Either we win and keep trying to salvage this republic or the left destroys this country through demographics for votes and those who have prepared and trained become kings and we fix this country.
In the end it's just about what clothes you have to wear when getting the job done.

hoping the green party will start to take off now that the democrat party is heavily fracturing tbqh
libertarian party in 2016 should have done way, way better than they did. Gary Johnson is a fucking dumbass

Jill stien has no chance

Who exactly is this hypothetical Democrat that will sweep the country?
The Democrats have been fucking up since 2008, lost over 1000 seats nationwide, continue to lose and promote only their worst self-important troglodytes for power to the point that Donald fucking Trump seemed like a better alternative.
The Democrat Party is arrogantly ignorant, terrible at maintaining power, have no message, no plan and no fucking future.

t. former Democrat. I will never vote for these fucking losers again. They need to be replaced.

Joe "Touch Your Young Kids" Biden.

>implying I care whether or not the blue kikes beat the red kikes or vice versa

>The moment Texas becomes a swing state, no Republican will ever win another Presidential election unless the Electoral College is abolished.
lol, no. Were you conscious during the last election?

worst thing they did was treat illegal aliens better than the white working class
one of bill clinton's advisors wrote an op-ed in nytimes begging them to abandon their stance on illegals or they'll keep losing

By 80,000 votes and with large dropoffs in turnout by people who voted for Obama in 2012. 25,000 more Democratic votes and Wisconsin flips.

Probably, 2 or 3 election cycles after Texas flips.

Recent immigration by nonwhites into very white areas of the Rust Belt was highly predictive of flipping from Obama to Trump, so not a completely retarded point.

Doug Jones winning in Alabama + the Republicans being REALLY unpopular right now would give them a sliver of a chance.

Trump alienating the white suburbs doesn't help either.

Montana governor Steve Bullock would be the Biden candidate without being an old fuck or serial groper reputation.

I hope they run biden. He's practically senile now, in 2 years he'll be making trump look like a spring chicken.

She lost. Get over it you Communist.

Biden-Pelosi 2020

Reds don't serve my people's interest and having Mexicans isn't in my people's best interest. So saying Mexicans vote for republic jacks doesn't do anything for me. The reds they vote for are nigger loving cucks

>By 80,000 votes
by this logic, Trump almost won nearly half of the states he lost.

Yeah right

>Tfw trump got almost 30% of the Latino vote
That's the problem with your retarded Jew molded communists. You still think it's 20 years ago and that all Hispanics are broke ass housekeepers. They're small business owners now and they love trump because they worked hard and didn't look for handouts.

>Too many flyover city libs trying to be in the "in-crowd" with the coasters.
The worst part about your statement is that's exactly how Democrats treat their people. They throw so many people away, and call their homes "flyover" states where they deliberately ignore them.

Hillary drained state Democrat party's war chests for local elections. They are broke and she weakened them further. The Democrats are fucking pigs.

>Nate that you again?

If the election was held tomorrow, Trump would still win.

Hilliary is gonna lose again. It'll be great.

>worst thing they did was treat illegal aliens better than the white working class
The Democrats think they can sweep whole demographics JUST BECAUSE they aren't white men. They think they can get the female, Hispanic, and black vote for simply showing up and not being those "evil" Republicans.

Well they forgot that Hispanics will vote however the fuck they want, blacks don't give a shit about power grabbing old white cunts like Hillary and (most importantly) that women fucking hate Hillary Clinton and have hated her since her national debut in the early 90s.

The Democrats are out of touch, self important, shitheads. They have nothing of merit to offer the American public and no message.

Pelosi is too fucking old too. All of these people are too fucking old. At least Obama was bright and a Gen Xer.

Is she even gonna be alive then?

>they love trump
>70% of them voted for hillary

the delusion.....

I am a trump fan and want him to win 2020 but you cant make statements as retarded as that and expect your analysis to pan out

>British flag
>Has probably only ever been to maybe LA or NYC
How are those kebabs treating you autist?

>texas blue

are you retarded?

Let me tell everyone a story of something I saw yesterday.

In my city, Obama has come to town many times. We would see air force one parked at the airport and no one else would be around. No protestors, no supporters, nothing. Not even news media. Same with that dickhead Mitt Romney when he was running for president. No one came around. Hillary was similar. No supporters were to be seen when she came to town.

When Trump was running and after he was elected, the streets would be lined with supporters with signs all the way to his destination. News media is parked everywhere and it's a big deal.

Yesterday, for no good reason, people were waving Trump flags and signs over a highway bridge. People were honking in support.

Trump supporters have passion. The democrats and the Republicans at large have no passion. They don't really give a shit. It's not important to them. And that is why they will lose.

Do we really have to explain this to you retard?
>Free trade deals send factories to China and Mexico, taking high paying jobs with them
>Blue collar workers who lost jobs that payed above $15 an hour, health insurance, and other benefits are not forced to search for lower paying jobs
>All industries that payed above minimum wage are now paying $7.25 an hour because illegals are willing to work for below $10 an hour, sometimes even below $7.25 an hour
>Blue collar Americans thanks to illegal immigration are now forced to live on the minimum wage
Look at this video
When workers where told that the factory they worked in was going to Mexico, one worker yelled, "that is why they brought them here!". You see this so called uneducated working class prole understood that behind free trade is not just corporate greed, but liberal progressives use it to push their agenda of globalism to help end world poverty. He knew liberals love free trade to give jobs to poor brown people in other countries, which is why the man was angry. If we already letting them in to work, why do we need to send factories over there as well? The rust belt was raped and pillaged by free trade then illegal immigrants came and took whatever was left.
In Texas this has not happened. Jobs are abundant, free trade has not hurt Texas. If illegals have hurt someone, it has been working class Hispanics along the border, who have lowered wages on the border region, which is why you saw at the election map of Texas, Trump ok border countries that were above 90% Hispanic. The rest of oil rich Texas has not been hurt by illegal immigration economically at all. If Eastern Texas cowboys have a problem with illegals is because "they need to speak English, this be Merica daminit". Other than seeing more bald guys in lowriders, white Texans have not been hurt badly. Americans don't show anger and revolt until you hit their pockets.

>underestimating the spic menace

Make Colorado red again.

>implying Nate Silver wasn't the only person in the MSM who said that the numbers showed that Trump had a chance

>amerishart retard who's trying to claim latinos are for trump when hillary had them at at 70% majority
>has probably never heard of any british settlement or area outside of London

How are those niggers, kikes, spics AND kebabs treating you, 52% autist?


If that fag McMullin didn't run as an independent Trump would've won it. His votes alone make up the difference and you can bet no one voting for McMullin in the first place would vote for anyone but Trump.

>has voted for Democrats in six of the last eight elections
[citation needed]

That isn't ever going to happen and you know it. As much as I love Denver and all of Colorado, I know there is no future there for right wing politics.