This is face of American white nationalist.
Notice anything?
This is face of American white nationalist.
Notice anything?
Other urls found in this thread:
Divide and conquer thread.
>t. soyboi
Ridiculous haircut?
whitest man in america
Savage Sven
fucked up brows
the fuck is up with his eyes, is he a replicant?
Don't counter-signal Jimmy just cause he's 8% Filipino.
After all, Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world.
Gas the kikes
This is the face of a European nationalist
Is this supposed to be revenge for that last thread where we ravaged Swedes for being lunatic faggots?
Potato nose.
shooped just like all the richard spencer ones
seek help
you are paranoid
why do they all have that hair cut
It's not white? No shit, it's a multikulti-nation, they want every one else to be too.
He have a potato nose, this guy is a nigger descent.
fuck off nigger james is one of the best we've got
He's an honorary aryan hapa.
Stop bullying my big brother yank boi
Threadly reminder Sweden is cucked beyond belief and no amount of “you’re not white” threads are going to change that.
Pack your things Sven, I hear the Norwegian trawlers are hiring.
Hes part Filipino
Show me an american that doesn't have some degree of nigger blood. Pro tip: you can't.
Obviously the muttposting did a number on him.
Gib Kiira Korpi and it’s a deal
>kiira korpi
I'm whiter than you :)
Can you not handle the banter?
WTF look the size of this chin.
That’s it Sven, I’m coming over and beating your ass back to Mecca
>not being up to date on white hairstyles
t. bowl cut fag
He looks like he has small traces of nig in him.
I mean he doesn't look that bad, looks like he's possibly scrawny but that's white.
>mongoloid skull
so us mestizos can be white nationalists now?
no white 3.14 qt to go along with this white chad
He's a mixed breed mutt. Also, he got BTFO by MIchael Knowles of (((Daily Wire))), which goes to show just how intelligent this Hapa faggot is. Just another pseudo intellectual opportunist who will probably flip flop again in a few years.
Poor guy has half a lisp and a lazy mouth. He’s like a carp spouting memes.
If this is real, you know he is fucking 7'1
he actually thinks he's hot stuff
Notice anything?
He looks Spaniard or Portuguese.
Guess he's gotten successful enough to deserve his own smear campaign on Sup Forums