Buckle up boys its time for SJW stories...

Buckle up boys its time for SJW stories. Last nights events were so disturbing and infuriating I am compelled to share them with you. Drop your own true stories of delusional SJWs... here we go:

Go out to the bar with my boy where they happen to have beer table games. There is a group of three 3s, a tall fat troll with a hunchback, a short stocky dwarf built like a mini fridge and the star of our story, a thick, cock-eyed asian with her love handles gracefully draped over her non existent ass.

We walk up to claim a spot on the table and she immediately starts talking to us, saying there is a line. So I say, we are calling the next spot if no1 shows up because clearly everyone is drunk and no1 is paying attention.

Cue SJW: "Cmon' do the right thing, call out the names and see whose next... peace and love man"

Me: You think Im going to call out names in a crowded bar to find out who was next, NO if they aren't around then too bad.

SJW: Oh! You probably voted for TRUMP, take your "toxic masculinity elsewhere"

When she said this I realized I could have some fun, because she was clearly a psycho bitch. I had never actually encountered someone like this, so I said "wow you are like a walking meme, bc you look and sound like a joke"

CUE REEEEEEEE, she goes into a frenzy and assures her friend she is going to handle this... disappears into the crowd and comes back with a 6' 5'' 300lb black security guard...

"Is there a problem here, you guys causing problems"

She stood there with her lazy eye and a smug smile on her face expecting us to get kicked out over whatever lie she told... luckily I calmly explained the situation and he shrugged and walked off. The deflated look on her face was priceless, but her onslaught was hardly over...

Other urls found in this thread:


go on


So we continue on, raping in beer pong, our toxic masculinity literally emanating from our pores as she stands in the corner, standing, fixated like a dick deprived mental patient plotting her next attack.

Its truly bizarre, how this creature thought she could manipulate the situation simply by lying. So she starts talking to random guys, spreading more lies and trying to turn people against us. Luckily we are both pretty big, so we weren't too concerned with her antics. Eventually she walks over and touches my back and passive aggressively says "How's your night going sweetie, hows everything going"

I keep my cool and say, tell her not to touch me, and to get out of my face. She only replies by repeating "awww thats cute" "awwww thats cute" as her eye swivels in her head like a broken compass.

Finally I said, listen why dont you just fuck off and go bother someone else. I thought it was over, little did I know Mad Eye Moody was planning a sabotage....

When a woman spergs, she instinctually (not conscientiously) expects you to double-sperg. Usually they do this to make you appear as a threat to get you v&. OP did well by turning the hamplanet trigger on herself.

Inhabit the layer above the memes and reign supreme (except for all those jews floating around up there).

>Mad eye moody
Top lel

Hurry up feget

>fixated like a dick deprived mental patient plotting her next attack.

I know the expression.

So as we continued to win, we got drunker and temporarily forgot about the little menace. In the meantime she was telling random guys and girls all types of insane, random shit. At one point we look up and random people are just grilling us down. The whole situation at this point was comical, so laugh, yell and continue to antagonize our opponents in an attempt to "TRIGGER" the little menace.

Sure enough she puts her coat on to leave and purposefully walks out of her way to approach me. Again she starts stroking my arm, and says " How does it feel to be a virgin"
"I hope you and your little "butt buddy" finally takes your virginity"

I of course flip the script in her pathetic attempt to insult me, "What's the matter you aren't for LBGTQ rights" You don't like gay people!!??"

Again the smug facade drops and I get a glimpse of her shrunken mongoloid scowl.


It was at this moment I decided I wanted to leave a lasting impression and let her know she would never get one over on me.

>Listen here you little troll, I don't know what kind of fairy tale world you live in, but lets be real, a guy like me doesn't even give you the time of fucking day, because you are hideous, out of shape and overall a fucking mess...get your life together and get the fuck out of my face...

The dejection was so sweet, she didn't think I would talk to her like that, all she could do was whisper to her friends and left shortly after...

Moral of the story, don't be intimated by these retards and use their own backwards way of thinking against them. If you stand up for yourself with logic and words, and call them out on all their bullshit, you can win every time.


You sure this isn't 'staircase response', what you /wish/ you'd said? Wouldn't hurt anyway, you'd be that much readier the next time.

But good for you if real. Women have no real power, that's what makes them such passive-aggressive bitches.

No this all happened, pretty much word for word, I was ready to explode at her for awhile, I knew exactly what I wanted to say and she kept provoking me...I could've said worse

Fuck. Bar fights in the Brave New World are literally (in the literal sense!) jew jitsu a.k.a. pilpul. Every man needs to know how to box, grapple, and verbally aikido a SJW's argumends right back at her.

Well done, op. Anons, watch and learn.

>things that never happened
Sorry you had a rough night and got cucked by some troll, but you didn’t need to make up a story that has you as the hero. Fun read though, would watch the short film.

I have yet to meet an SJW in real life. Am I lucky?

>a totally real story that genuinely happened

I know a few people who would do this which is why I believe you, but the picture you painted in my head is so hilarious, I just have to thank you for that no matter if it's real or not. Fucking gold.

>Not just leaning back and smiling smugly when dumb bitches scream at you

Effortless, works everytime and makes them look retarded.

I never dealt with someone like this though, who used all the buzz words you hear online... I've dealt w crazy bitches, but not full blown Meme level SJWs...its so fucked that she could lie and say she felt threatened or something and almost get us kicked out...the warped version of reality is astounding

You need to take an English composition class, you fucking illiterate mutt

Of course I'm going to have the nonbelievers, but I wouldn't have spent the time to type this all up to share if it didn't happen like this, that's what makes it worthy of a story...I guess for anything to be true in your minds I'd have to live stream it.

Very lucky.
Even better that you didn't have to watch any of your friends from highschool turn into one.
An entire group of people I used to hang out with just seem like aliens to me now.

>but I wouldn't have spent the time to type this all up to share if it didn't happen like this,
Just like the bible and Qur'an right user
Fuck off with your fagposting

lol ok bro, I'm curious what type of content would you be happy to see?

Or do you just enjoy calling everyone a fag regardless of what they post

thanks for sharing OP, was a good read.

>T. Bitchy woman who thinks you're a virgin

Fuck off nigger

I logged back into Faceberg a little while back after years away to change the password and decided to scroll through for a bit. It was nothing but #MeToo and blog posts about orange Cheeto President. I haven’t spoken to most of those people since high school, but it was still a little depressing to see.
Can’t say I’ve seen a true SJW in person though. My university was relatively neutral and I graduated before all the recent nonsense from the past few years.

what is the metoo thing about? saying that they were victims of sexual assault or what?

Basically yes. It’s for women (and probably genderqueer transabled men) that have experienced some form of sexual harassment or assault in their lives. The idea was to show how widespread of a problem it was. Some celebrities or people close came out with the #MeToo and actually named names and told detailed stories.
The problem lies where most people in my feed just said shit like #MeToo :( and that was it. Considering how broad of a term sexual harassment is, no one really knows what the “victims” are referring to if they don’t tell a story. I know one of my friends that posted it was literally anally raped and it affected her a lot. Another was molested as a child. Is that supposed to be on the same level as cat calling or random gropings?

>eye swivels around like a broken compass
Lost it

I live in a more conservative area thankfully. Most of the people even in my college are against affirmative action, etc.

wow I see, anal rape has gotta be intense, my dick isn't rigid enough to jam into an unlubed and unwilling butthole... I feel like it would be painful for the guy too

A girl I used to date was spamming #metoo shit and doxxing a "harrasser" publicly recently.
Mind you, I'm in my late 20s. We're all graduated and are actively participating in society right now.
I guess it's our generation that took liberalism/social justice/identity politics and just drove off the fucking cliff with it.
I also suppose the anime/videogame nerd types are more susceptible to that kind of social engineering. All of my weeb and gaming friends are either SJW-lite or full on Bernie Sanders supporter types.
It's not like I can say much, I'm not exactly a model of virtue, but I have to wonder...
At what point does this individualist bullshit stop? At what point do they stop lapping up every bit of media and propaganda? Why is consuming more valuable than thinking critically?
I just want my friends back, they used to be people. Now they just seem like drones to me.

Its honestly a problem that might not be solved until they breed themselves out of existence. Its actually frightening that people can be so out of touch with logic and reality. They really are dangerous people

>mad eye moody
fucking lawl

Thanks for sharing op

my pleasure

I don't see how this an sjw story

And then everyone clapped

>calls me a trump supporter
>toxic masculinity
>passive aggression
>lying to get us kicked out

She was a textbook SJW, a disturbed lost soul, down trodden by the countless men who have turned her down because of her grotesque appearance and body resembling a shiitake mushroom...

lol, she wanted the d

T. Butthurt sjw fag

>Not all heroes wear capes.
Unless you did happen to be wearing a cape, then I guess it’s a moot point, at best.
So did the victory taste like sweetness, or did it have just a hint of salt from her tears lingering?

I never realized that those fucking niglets are taking a knee during the pledge of allegiance. If I was that teacher I would have a hard time not slamming them into the wall over and over.

Honestly I'll probably see her again soon, because this is a great spot to out on the weekends... its going to be an ongoing problem

I feel like I won the battle but the war will continue, I bet she's either going to try to get someone to fight me or get me kicked out. We'll see how crazy she gets...

Unfortunately this. Jews turned your friends into cattle that will sell you out for worthless virtue points. Best to watch your back and pick your battles, they arent human anymore. Sorry user

OP talked to her more than any other dude this year. She is basically in love.

At first glance I thought they were dabbing. They probably learn that before the pledge of allegiance.

Is wearing a Trump shirt under your normal shirt an option? Here’s the scenario as it plays out in my head:
Psycho snowflake sees you and becomes passive aggressive.
PSF becomes infuriating/exasperating
Unbutton your shirt and display Trump like a Superman emblem.
PSF head explodes.

Win=win. Please document the shenanigans.

>when boys are mean to you it means they really like you/want to m8 with you.

As an actual psychologist, I can’t even begin to count the sheer volume of female patients that believe this horseshit. How any self-respecting alpha male lets this manure be literally spread border in abuse.

Secret Recording of Professor being Punished for not following Groupthink. Big Brother won't show her the complaint or even how many people complained.

Holy fuck I made it about 2 minutes into this video. Whoever she is speaking to is disgusting. Everything is “problematic” and “toxic” and no one can question anything. At least she’s a qt. Thanks for sharing.

>as her eye swivels in her head like a broken compass.

my fucking sides, don't worry op i know those entitled brat feminist types all too well.

what you're describing has a striking similarity to an raging fem autist i used to know.

she did the same pathetic "social war" tactic trying to be a funny and carismatic person , unfortunately for her it seems that her poisonous character keeps spoiling her not too complex plots, due to the simple fact that no one likes bossy mischievous whores.

ill give you an example, ask yourself if this behavior is all too familiar.

>>be me, work as a waiter, basically a 10 hours shift for something like 150$.

>>on my arrival to the first day of labor i see that same girl, i don't say anything to her but she's don't even waste any time and go right to staring daggers into me.

>>i ignore the vaginal jew and register for work.

>>she walks towards me and say:

>>i don't like you! did you guys know that from now on WE don't like this guy.

>>she made a quick attempt to go and grease the big boss ,telling the boss out laud as if she wants me to hear her opinions on me which just sound bizarre especially in this unrelated situation.

>>the boss seeing that he can loose an employee (slave) due to this obnoxious cunt quickly told her to bugger off.

>> i used the situation to make her seem even more ridiculous , and that was that.

Lol so you're saying she tried to tell everyone that they shouldn't like you. What did she have against you specifically?

Why'd you waste my time with this stupid shit?

Vegan SJW friend at uni constantly reminding me that the coke I am drinking is from an evil corporation and that the milk in my coffee contains cow pus cells and that meat is going to give me cancer. Pretty funny stuff be she had no idea how insufferable that was.

I didn't force you to read it bud

i used to date one of her friends 7 years prior to that event, and afterwards she wanted mah dQ so we went for a "date" which was awkward to say the least, but even though that past occurrence she still is clearly quite insane.

i think she have aspergers.

should have taken picture of the CUNT and posted here

I hate them