Even Ben Shapiro thinks Trump is retarded

why do we have a president who is about as petty as a mid-upper class suburban mom?

At least he is not a nigger tho

Trump is exposing how stupid and ungrateful niggers are. Meanwhile, the Jew would rather have you replaced by a nigger than be white.

(((Ben Shapiro)))

I love Ben but he's got his head waaaay up his own ass as well.

>even Ben Shapiro
he never liked Trump, he even was a nevertrumper before he became president

Ben Shapiro is an overrated policy wonk who is neither a grasp on persuasion nor strategy. He is too far engrained in his LA bubble to understand the politics of Middle America. Remember he predicted Trump would lose in a landslide.

I don't expect him to be relevant in ten years.

Ben Shapiro is pro open borders but advocates for his Zionist state


*who has

He's Jewish so he'll always be relevant

>some Jew complains
more news at 11

Fuck that Kike



Ben Shapiro being a little bitch again. What a surprise.



>even Obama thinks Hillary should have won

This is how retarded you sound when you make statements like that.

This doesn't matter to shills. Next they're going to say Mitch McConnel and John McCain are against Trump and it's revolutionary and they just recently turned on him. You may laugh at the absurdity of that comment, but leftists are that dumb.


Like the OP he has always been against Trump. Also like the OP he is jewish.



Hands on

Ben is a jewish never trumper and this post should tell you everything you need to know about him. He switches sides on a whim based on what benefits him that day just like every jew

where those Khazar Milkers at? ben say hi to your sister for me

Ben Shapiro is a PC culture lover. The whole point of not being PC is that you say shit that's... what's that? NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT. Imajynn mai shawk

He doesn't butter things up and act like a total fag to spare peoples' feelings. He's telling these people to their faces what they need to hear, that their kids would be imprisoned by the Chinese if it weren't for him, and they're shitting on him for it.

To be fair this is pretty juvenile, even for Trump.

>nevertrumper zionist shapiro who lied to support a woman who attempted to physically assault then canidate Trump

As a result his sisters getting blacked to create another niggerjew like Obama
Pure pottery

Post his sisters (((tits))) or GTFO.

a jew who only cares about himself? wtf

>Ben Shapiro was a #neverTrumper during the primaries
come on. anyone who takes this stupid manlet seriously needs to get shot

Ben "Listen and Believe" Shapiro

Not just himself, but also Israel

He's a Jew. He can't help being thoroughly dishonest.

ben talked about this when our cheeto argued with the dead veteran's mother as well. he starts unnecessary conflict instead of turning the other cheek

yes it's funny as fuck but i guess it annoys kikes when their president doesn't sit idle while people shit talk him. must remind them of jesus

I hope he got some sweet fresh octaroon puss for defending this piece of shit.

it also annoys us normal people who have to live under a literal cheeto while it tries to ruin our country...

as half jew who has many jewish relatives and friends it really pisses me off how many jews act like obnoxious retards and give all the good jews a bad reputation

Brother of Khazar Milkers has been anti-Trump for the last two and a half years.

the guy is a hillary supporter

He's a Jew. Nobody should be surprised. Move a long, folks.

>even the Jew is a Jew

actually the average american enjoys cheesy drama which is why WWE is still on TV while only 20% of americans use netflix and even less use reddit

Doki Doki

He wanted Hillary to win and has called Trump an idiot more than once. He believes himself to be the "moral" voice of the conservatives but backs politicians who fail constantly. He can have the moral high ground on the losers podium.

>Ben (((shapiro)))
>doesn't care about the browning of america
>was never trump
>only cares about Israel
Keep posting those feminist btfo videos ben you fucking kike rat

I liked this guy until I found out he waved the Isreali flag. He's very well spoken and makes good points but it's clear that his support of Isreal doesn't come from his own understanding of the world, it comes from his heritage. He is relatively safe from media attack as a Jew, and is taking the opportunity to say things others would get slammed for being straight WHITE males, but he's clearly pandering to the soft conservative demographic that's about as firm in it's collective belief system as Joe Rogan.

Oh no, the fucking Neocon piece of shit Israel firster STILL doesn't like Trump.

If he thinks walls are so stupid why doesn't he tell Israel to demolish their wall? Fucking two-faced piece of shit.

fair point, until people realize he's destroying health care and ruining our debt by giving himself and other billionaires tax discounts

Ben has always thought Trump is retarded

he shoulda left them in jail

Because our other option was a woman who cuts the heads off children as a casual consequence of lining her pocket with money.

If you can't see what an awesome deal we have it's likely you're retarded or one of the fucking cultists. 'Grats on receiving a defective mind, I guess.

He doesn't actually make good points. His "points" are very similar to the holier-than-thou attitude that the Dems use to try to make themselves look correct in an argument.

Shapiro is a traditional Neoconservative cuck. He marches to the beat of senators like McCain, McConnel, and Flake, and absolutely hates Trump and his supporters for "ruining" his perfect vision of conservatism. The guy has no idea how to win elections or make policy. All he can do is drum up "sick burns" about liberals on Twitter and the blog about it on Dailywire. He also goes to liberal campuses to give speeches and drums up hatred from the radical left for just showing up.

He thought Trump was going to lose the primaries in a landslide. He has no ability to think outside of the box and is far removed from the politics of middle America.

In short the guy is a hack. His whole gig now is insulting liberals on Twitter and giving the #NeverTrump crowd another user to follow on Twitter.

Oh no, the fucking Neocon piece of shit Israel firster STILL doesn't like Trump.

If he thinks walls are so stupid why doesn't he tell Israel to demolish their wall? Fucking two-faced piece of shit.

Are you retarded? This is fucking retarded from Trump. Presidents are supposed to be selfless.


>siding with stupid niggers who steal shit from people
trump was under no obligation to bail them out in the first place.

Oy vey!
Ben Shapiro is such a bad Jew he might be an anti-semite.

Presidents aren't "supposed" to be anything, dumbass. People just got used to the normal hacks who use lawyer-speak to never say anything meaningful and give false platitudes about everything.

had a giggle m8

>Are you retarded? This is fucking retarded from Trump. Presidents are supposed to be selfless.
no (you)s for weakass b8 ya dumb nigger

you literally cannot deny facts

>Presidents aren't "supposed" to be anything, dumbass.

Yes they are you stupid fuck. If you'd spend less time gargling Trumps dick and slurping his semen for being "LE EPIC SHITPOSTER xD" you'd see he's just a fucking piece of shit who can't keep his fucking mouth shut about the smallest of things and do his fucking job.

He does his job fine while pissing you the fuck off. Stay mad.

the president is literally acting like a middle schooler, how is that fine?

>she. fucking. won: the post

you are either a gay man or a woman. no straight male talks like you.

The president is "supposed" to say "Yes" or "No". That's literally the president's job, and it was designed so that a regular guy with a little business sense, life experience and an understanding of the world can do it effectively. You're just a fucking commie who needs the official kosher-seal on fucking everything, because God forbid you judge something qualitatively on your own fucking accord.

Gas them all

>do his job
His fucking job is to act as the premier statesman for Americans and help Americans out, which is precisely what he did. The fact that the fucking niggers can't show an ounce of gratitude because all leftists either toe the line or get shot is more of a criticism of lefties and those who criticism Trump for calling him out; including you and your kike master. Get out of my America you fucking amerimutt.


you're either white trash or a degenerate neckbeard. no one with basic human thought talks like you

I don't know why people follow this stupid kike! He was always a Never Trumper. People only started following him again cuz he was rekting da feminists dude but that's gotta be dying down.

stay mad shill

in a nation of fatherless thugs, it takes the president of the fucking country to step in and be a father figure.

he's literally being that guy with this tweet. Of course, you're too much of a nigger to recognize a dad being a dad. Youre black arent you?

A lot of hopeless Never Trumpers follow him desperatly hoping Shapiro can somehow "save" conservatism with The Daily Wire.

>and it was designed so that a regular guy with a little business sense, life experience and an understanding of the world can do it effectively
so if fucking trump can't do it, what does that say about him?

>acting like a middle schooler
How many middle schoolers do you know who express their displeasure because someone they freed from potential jail time in a foreign country didn't have the gratitude to say thanks and sorry for shoplifting?

Who needs milk?

Maybe you should take your own advice and shut the fuck up when Trump, who has achieved more than your entire genetic lineage has or ever will, is teaching someone a lesson.

He's ultimately not as relevant as you're making him and you're one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome I've seen...today.

Oy vey! What did he mean by this?

>trump can't do it
He is doing it, the only things he could be doing better are executive ordering away abortion rights, requiring all minorities to register with the IRS for "tax purposes", and defunding elections so that nobody who is poor can vote.

Damn, Ben is so cool. He's literally the coolest ever. Everytime I go out to da clubz, all the girls talk about is "Did you hear what Kike McKikerson said on his podcast?" and im all like "awwww shit, I got some of that 2% from his sister, and with the amount of effort she put in, he must be fawking crazy dedicated."
I think we can all learn a thing or two from this young man. Remember to keep shaved and go tribal

>doesn't like someone
actually, that's a pretty good sign

This shit has gone on far enough. Can mods please just ban all Shapiro-posters?

He's a backstabbing, lying, exposed kike that only people within the ages of 14-20 take seriously unless they're #boomerconservatives. This shits up the board so badly.

Ben Shapiro was always anti Trump

As much as I love hatejerking Antifa and femnazis the schtick is getting oversaturated and people like Shapiro who are making money off of people's outrage while pushing them in a more leftward direction without their being aware is unacceptable.

>This Jew has an opinion

The only opinion i care about from him is how hot the oven is.

How do I get my budding redpill friend to stop worshipping Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan and start browsing Sup Forums? I feel like this website is too confusing to just blindly introduce somebody to. But I'm getting sick of his kike love.

it's been a year and the world is tangibly better off than it was in 2016

i know one

>ywn schmear your bagel with cream cheese made from her milk

i love how he is all like ''if someone did that to my wife, i would punch him'' tough guy. He'd probably get his ass beaten and hit you with a lawsuit.

also, Trump's tweet was brutal, speaks his mind. Just wished he let them rot in China in the first place

This is why people call them Cuckservatives! Maybe we should go attack Shapiro and his fans, we need to unite the party, can't have him fucking that up. We need some Michelle Field memes so we can shame him for cucking.

Show me where in the constitution it demands that Presidents have to respect peoples' feelings. I'll give you a hint, it fucking doesn't. We've had Presidents literally duel people and had Congressmen beat each-other with canes since the beginning of our democracy. This whole "be nice" phase is recent and gets us nowhere because everyone just hides what they're really thinking and does underhanded deals.

That's why Comey was so nervous about Trump's demeanor. Trump went up and talked candidly to him instead of doing the whole 'hint, hint, do-something-illegal-for-me, nudge, nudge' song and dance. Comey pissed his pants in fear and started leaking urine all over the media.

>a man sticking up for himself when other people make fun of him
>this is a bad thing
This is why people call you a cuck.

>even Ben Shapiro
He's a cucked neocon and day one never-Trumper

This. I'd rather vote for a politician that's rough around the edges, but honest about it, over the guy who's pretending to be a perfect person, but is almost guaranteed to be a sack of shit and lying about it.