Why do we stray from God?

Give me one good reason why you think your life is better without Jesus.

jesus never existed.

believing in a imaginary daddy is for weak and gay.

Fewer child rapes.

Prove it.
Yes because the world looks to athiests for strength. And they’re known for being straight alpha chads

Not Christian sweety

I strayed away because Roman Catholicism seemed wrong to me while growing up, too many inconsistencies in the story plus all the pedo priests being displayed in the news.
Then I learned the Babylonian Talmud started all Abrahamic religions and realized I don't need a religion to be spiritually connected.
Now I pray every day for DJT, patriots in the IC, the marines and anyone that I witness doing a good deed, to a God that is loving and joyous.
Life is getting better for me because of it

who cares about atheist.
people who believe in destroying religion are the true savior of humanity.

Most of atheist are fag who believe in "live and let others live"

you say so


I can think of a few athiest leaders that might disagree with you

cant worship a god that steals from past religions.
christ theif.

Jesus was born a jew but died as Christ. Jews, muslims, mormons all worship a warped and depraved version of the gospel. They are the true antichrists.

Digits of truth

Once a Jew, Always a Jew

Superstition is for women and children.

Many prophets of god have gone through similar trials but Christianity is the final religion of God. All that came before are now heretical, all that will come after are bastardizations of the true book of God.

>Jesus was born a jew but died as Christ
What the fuck does that mean? He stopped being a new wgen he declared himself God of the jews? What?

>Proving a negative
Prove that Hillary Clinton isn't god.

If you want further proof that Jesus is the way forward, look at the ideal families of today. You all strive to live modestly, with your wife and kids. Islam practices abuse towards women. The Jews practice degeneracy. The ideal family is the Christian family.

God delcaired Jesus the saviour as man he is beyond any mortal jew. He is the son of God and nothing less.

Hillary Clinton is godless worshiper of satan. She has sinned and will be judged by God accordingly. Jesus existed the Romans wrote about him.

No, he isnt because God isn't real. He was just some new charlatan.

say his name in the mirror three times.

God exists and one day you too will be judged