Toxic Professor BTFO
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Jesus Christ. These teachers need to fucking go.
Pic related
>Instructor tries to make cult-like academia a little less cult-like
The Red Guard is coming to universities.
They have curved swords. Curved swords.
Even if the woman is right, I cannot listen to women debate because they always sound like they are on the verge of tears.
She wasn't the professor, she's a teaching assistant.
This clip needs to go viral and these professors need to lose their jobs. They're clearly insane.
Pic related is the teacher, I forget their names.
The pic in above post is the program director. There was a thread about this last week.
Or threatening to end their already low income careers.
i have no idea whats going on, but bump none the less
She does start crying. I would have broken my chair over their heads.
He compares showing a Jordan Peterson clip in class to showing a Hitler clip.
This is university education in Canada.
She did absolutely nothing wrong.. This generation is nothing but a bunch of fucking pussies.
>In a university, all perspectives are valid.
>That's not necessarily true.
RIP academia
At least this story is getting some coverage, but for every story that comes out, imagine how many stories get buried.
>1 or more persons complained you were transphobic
>did they just ASSUME my gender orientation?
>this is making me feel very threatened right now
>I'd like to file a complaint under the human rights code myself...
She's going to be a supporter of Jordan Peterson by the end of this.
can i get a qrd?
True but I think now that there is actual audio of this insanity it will anger a lot of Canadians.
Most people don't believe it's this bad. You have to shove it on their faces.
I can't find the fucking video. where is the mirror? or which script is it? the moment you allow one, 10 more show up
i totally would
Agreed, encouraging to read the comments on a popular Canadian news site. Ironically, academia has defended hosting some of the most virulently anti-white, anti-male, anti-Western, anti-whatever speakers with the very arguments from the girl in the video, but now they want to shut down criticism of made-up pronouns...
YES! come to university. an enlightening place, chalk full of opportunity and diversity.
a place where you are free to follow your dreams and believe what we tell you to believe.
its a great audio clip to show how stupid things can potentially be in the university. Literally comparing Hitler to Jordan Peterson, but what gets at me is how these liberal profs, mainstream media, they're so eager to create this selectively white supremacy boogyman and blow it out of proportion when why not for example care about all forms of racial supremacy ? This is in my view, the nail in their coffin or rather their tell that they have more of an arbitrary racial agenda rather than trying to actually oppose any sort of harmful effects of racial supremacy
Looking for the secret recording? Starts at 1:45.
Quick Rundown?
It's just Jews hating goyim, what else is new?
The Frankfurt School legacy continues.
She doesn't agree with JP but JP essentially prophesied her experience. Is she now a convert?
>TA plays Jordan Peterson to a class without insulting him enough.
>"Freedom of speech" academia tells her it's unacceptable because it triggers students.
>A secret recording of the conversation ends up online.
>teacher plays Jordon Peterson clip in a critical thinking course
>doesn't actually agree with his views, is just looking at his views and thinking about them critically
>gets shit for it by faculty and administration after some student gets triggered
>muh transphobia muh safe space
>gets the professor to cry but in the end she still defended her decision to play the clip to expose class to new ideas
It's one of the worst things I've ever listened to.
>Pic related is the teacher, I forget their names.
Any chance of Shelstein or Goldenstein being the last names?
>"academics" that can't entertain a thought without accepting it
Removing Classical Language requirements at university was a mistake. How the holy fuck does someone become a professor without ever encountering Aristotle?
Tfw go to this school
>It's one of the worst things I've ever listened to.
Replace "transphobic" with "counter-revolutionary" and you have the exact conversation from communist inquisitions.
>playing hitler clips is bad
do these people automatically think that seeing hitler will cause another shoah?
>> rundown??
You should marry and reproduce, that's not a form of outside obligation as much as a biological imperative.
I don't expect much from libertarians though, they're fucking braindead.
>She's going to be
She already is dipshit
Evil bureaucracy
A rotten visage so far corrupted its ashamed of its own appearance
Only rearing its head in the shadows of back rooms behind closed doors
The monster that strangles nascent souls, innocent heads turning their gaze upwards it smotes to the ground
Disgusting and again, evil
She says that she disagrees with JP toward the end of the recording tho.
Oh, my bad. She might just be trying to save her own skin.
Relevent video
Silencing this female TA is patriarchy in action.
She is starting to question that I'm sure
Day of the rake cannot come fast enough.
Well that little former progressive future academic had her 1st redpill about jewniversities. I hope she doesn't pussy out and quit her path.
Shit son, American who recognizes it for what it is. The hope is still alive.
Holy shit, this is literally what Jordan Peterson argued when bill C16 was initially brought forward. He was shot down by EVERYONE because they said it was a slippery slope fallacy.
>bill c16 will halt debate and institutions will use this as a basis to silence people, science, and academia
>nuh uh slippery slope, this is just so people don't attack transgender people
fast forward a year
>yeah you can't talk about transgender stuff anymore in academia it's against the law
And it had to come out in a backroom sneaky recording. You know they're using it to justify all sorts of shit that'll will never have light shone on it.
Did you guys catch the part where he talks about white supremacist posters plastered all over the university?
He is talking about the "it's okay to be white" posters.
this recording is incredibly hard to fap to
I just can't listen to an argument between a nu-male and woman. Would rather punch myself in the face.
>The purpose of "nazi" today is just to attack normal white people with normal views.
the sjw speaking mannerisms of the univerity staff is unsufferable soyboy
these should be ridiculed till eternity
it is all but a small punishment for ruining academia
hes trying so hard to appease her fragile condition but at the same time he wants to ruin her life for being A FUCKING WHITE SUPREMACIST!
> he sounds gay
> she is about to cry
end all western universities.
>she is about to cry
>now she cries.
This. Universities are nothing but kike temples rife with hatred for the white goyim.
It's literally a synagogue disguised as a learning institution.
Is it really this bad CA bros? #problematic
This rage-inducing.
>by showing a video of Jordan Peterson you are committing gendered violence by calling trans student’s sexual identity into question
What the fuck?
So are history teachers no longer able to examine speeches by hitler in class because doing so us causing racial violence to Jewish students and calling their human rights into question?
Fucking lunacy
"Noa Mendelsohn Aviv, acting executive director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association"
Gee, what a suprise.
Canadians Need to take their Hockey Sticks and clean these Faggots out of polluted education system. Same for us down here.
you sound surprised OP
the day of the rake will come soon enough
>we're gonna need more hockey sticks
I think the "problem" is that she didn't denounce JP enough. But to your question, they can expand this censorship to pretty much anything by equating speech with violence. Although I don't expect them to protect white students from anti-white rhetoric anytime soon.
The University website is pretty much locked down. You need to sign in the see the Marxist Communist faculty and staff.
that was pre tape release
is it confirmed she released the tape?
(would make sense, fedora tip to her for having the presence of mind taping this abomination)
>It's like ummm
*dies hair purple
>it's like literally
*smakes lips
>ummm like literally
*burns the bible
>it's kinda like ummm
*aborts baby
>it's totally literally like ummm
*marches for sharia law
>umm problamatic and toxic
*cuts dick off
>it's uhhh like ummm
*sips soy latte
>like literally Hitler
holy fuck lads. I was listening to this and it's like, yeah, typical liberal uni sjw bullshit, I've seen this before, and then the very end of the recording:
>I don't think I gave away any political position of mine. I remained very neutral-
>That's kind of the problem...
This instructor has NO FUCKING CLUE that she stuck her toe into a culture war. No clue whatsoever. The most useful of idiots sniped by friendly fire.
Wakey wayey, vagina carrier. If ypu want to wear big boy pants you need to learn to recognize the preditory nature of reality. You need to realize that these "allies" of yours are really Red Riding Hood wolves leading you and your volk to slaughter.
Can you awaken? If you do, will you be able to handle the crushing and brutal truth?
The answer is that you, statistically and hormonally, cannot comprehend the truth. That is ok. That is nature. White men will fight for you regardless. Try not to stab them in the back because that is annoying. Instead let them lean on you when they grow weary from the unending battle.
That last part is absolutely nuts.
>I've always remained neutral.
>That's kinda the problem.
To this day, I still don't understand why propaganda is being spread in universities. In my country this is illegal.
The hypnotic power of the lispy wifty faggotvoice. Beware it when you hear it. People who use faggotspeech are also immune to sekshual misconduct allegations and le sexism, and they enjoy le bribileged bersecuted status despite being extremely affluent.
Beware the ass to mouth lisp. It sounds gay but is really a sign that someone is larping as a serpent.
>Laurier is being blanketed with white supremacist posters
Top kek
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Cultural Marxism is, in fact, Cultural Deleuzianism-Guattarianism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Deleuzianism AND Guattarianism. Idpol is not a political philosophy unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning philosophical non-system made useful by the Guattari's schizoanalysis, rhizomes and vital deterritorializing components comprising a full philosophy as defined in 'What Is Philosophy?"
Many left identitarians use a modified version of Deleuzianism every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Deleuzianism which is widely used today is often called 'Cultural Marxism' and credit is given to the Frankfurt School, but many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Deleuzian non-system of difference, developed by the Liberal identitarians.
There really is a 'Cultural Marxism', developed by Adorno, Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin, but these people aren't using it; it isn't a part of the system they use. Deleuze is the philosophy: the difference in the plateaus that allocates the machinic desires against the oppressive totalities and identities that you know. Deleuze is an essential part of Guanttarianist identitarianism, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete liberal college campus. Deleuze is normally used against Frankfurters: Cultural Marxism is actually the whole system of Deleuze and Guattari with the name of Marx added. All the so-called Cultural Marxists are really Cultural Deleuzeans!
People need to stop crying and cowering when confronted with these communists. I know it's new, scary, and doesn't make sense to normal people, but you have to stay strong and be iron fucking willed. Call them out on their authoritarian bullshit.
These people are sick in the end and want to kill you. Keep that in mind at all times.
The solution to this is MORE CLASS ACTIONS against the universities.
Students should be banding together to sue Universities whom market and advertise that their courses make you in turn marketable in the pool of employment relative to the field yet upon graduation they obviously aren’t.
The class action should specifically raise the quality and content of the pedagogy including all the anti establishment leanings as a product which was paid for and the class actions should clearly show how fraudulent it is to promise to deliver actual and realistic training for employment yet only deliver unrelated political agendas, at a crippling cost and level of debt.
Her voice is sexy AF
>why propaganda is being spread in universities
Complex issue for sure. I think it boils down to the types of people who go into academia in the first place. Most people just want to work productively so they get the minimum amount of education (or "education") for their career, including myself. Academia is something you put up with and forget about once you're finished. I saw something similar with the RAs for student housing, it was like a gay mafia. Again, most of us just wanted to sleep in the dorm between working on projects or whatever, but a special type of person would want to go into student housing, typically an authoritarian "people-person."
I wouldn't have the heart to sue my alma mater, even though it's becoming more of an SJW cesspool year after year. I just avoid donating.
>I still don't understand why propaganda is being spread in universities
It's the same reason any propaganda exists - to benefit the interests of the people pushing out the propaganda. Is that hard for you to understand...?
>The solution to this is MORE CLASS ACTIONS against the universities.
Big-time profit for jew lawyers and no actual criminal punishment for jewniversities that have massive coffers (paid for by Federal marxist programs, TRILLIONS of dollars of student loans, and wypipo who saved their whole lives to put Chad in school).
No, the solution is to evicerate universities. White men, the soldiers with balls, should DROP OUT. For every ten white male expat students there is a white male PhD who was not jewish enough to get a job at the jewniversity. Education reverts to Socratic master and apprentice system, free of shekular influence and jewish tricks. Decentralized. Focused. Deadly serious but done for the love of one's fellow man (by definition excludes non-human persons such as niggity nogs).
Universities must rot and die. No, they must be invaded violently and conquered, blitzkrieg-style. Or burned to the ground.
>soyboy literally calls it problematic
>voice sounds like he inhales pure estrogen daily
Academia is doomed.
Former Californian here, moved away 3 months ago. Yes its bad, literally anything to the right of absolute pozzed is considered Nazi
I had a roommate try to tell me that the Gadsen Flag was a racist flag and even mentioning any type of immigration control is racist.
I've been hit on by so many gay dudes that its ridiculous
I stopped interacting with my peers because they all regurgitate the same bullshit and literally watch our late night tv and consider it actual political discourse and not propaganda
I've known openly illegals, I've seen them march, I've seen my hometown go from middle income white utopia to basically Tijuana
I'm never going or looking back to that marxist shithole and I agree with everyone here when they hope for it to break off into the ocean
The entire North West deserves a nuke
But why don't you guys make it illegal? Am I missing something?
The thing is, it’s only via financial loss these administrators would be held to account and it’s the user base which must go so.
Transfer this problem to for example hospitals. Imagine you broke your leg and go to A&E and the response at triage is to not treat you or perform the services they are paid to carry out unless you use their choice of pronouns or are a carded member of a socialist group, etc. the public outrage would be unfathomable. The only time I can think of something comparable is when public transport infrastructure was racially segregated. The University systems are running a Jim Crow model and you are all Rosa Parks.
Legal recourses are the only solution. Jam them up with Class Actions all at once and their admin staffs will be fired by the boards so they don’t have to liquidate any of the prime real estate assets they own.
The fucking nerve of these institutions playing the we are commies card when they are the most predatory capitalists in existence is Orwellian at best.
These cunts need some greedy flesh eating jew lawyers set on them
shibboleth of the day: When a man speaks and you can hear his lisp echoing from inside his voluminous homosexual rectum
Girlie was fed a hard redpill.
Just to ground this.
I want my surgeon to have a university degree, not a master/apprentice set up where he learned neurosurgery in someone’s shed.
universities like it or not are critical cogs in civil society and must be held accountable for the information they disperse
Also, just an fyi, I wanted to teach college. Supposedly it is illegal to ask a prospective candidate their political affiliation. Every single interviewer asked me. Colleges are no longer institutes of higher learning but facilities of leftist indoctrination.
This. While a bit misguided (understandable), she really only wanted her students to discover the truth. In doing so she accidentally discovered the (((mann))) behind the curtain.
May she discover the truth.
>Supposedly it is illegal to ask a prospective candidate their political affiliation.
Are you obliged to answer that question?
Fucking women and their crying.
If you want the job you answer. And your answer better be far left.
Do you know any cases where that happened?
This must change from faculty to faculty however, please tell me fat leftists are not running the faculty of economics?
Thanks for the rundown jeez Canada is a fucking shithole.
>universities like it or not are critical cogs in civil society
apprenticeships are vastly superior. the reason you are wrong is a gifted man should start his apprenticeship when still a lad.
Google some British cathedrals and the men who designed them, or google our famous engineers and civil engineers from the past.
None of them went to university. All of them did apprenticeships of a sort. The bridges and churches still stand today.
Uni is a meme. most people are too stupid to be educated that much, and uni students rn are doing the same kind of thing 14 and 15 year old did 50 years ago
Note the dishonest way the administrators are speaking, everything coming out of their mouths is calculated.
The fact they cannot simply be honest about what they want says volumes about what is going on.
There is a 90% chance of that being true
>I want my surgeon to have a university degree, not a master/apprentice set up where he learned neurosurgery in someone’s shed.
I just don't think you have a very realistic view of the way things actually work and instead of hollywood views about medicine etc..
This is next level reddit spacing
There are systems of such complexity that university training is needed.
Medicine for one.
If you don’t want university trained medicine then your local shaman or chink tradition medicine practitioner will be very happy