The only countries threatening the EU, and fighting back today are the V4 countries.
After Western europe falls under a neo-marxist state / becomes a caliphate.
Only the eastern-central european states will stay independent. A few days ago, you saw Poland, Poland got the guts, it will be the cornerstone of the new union. It will be built upon the foundations of the v4.
Together we will create stability between Germany and Russia, noone else has any real power here, it is a power-vacuum we central-eastern europeans gotta fill.
Russia is in a decaying state, just as it was in the time of troubles, and the fall of the USSR. Dont believe me? check the abortion and birth rate in Russia, AKA "the sick man of europe".
Be sure to check ut the percentage of muslims in the military, and the country in general. It is in a decaying state, and therefore its final days are coming.
The intermarium will be a safe haven for scientists, and fleeing rightous european refugees (not economical migrants) Poland and the intermarium will be built upon real diversity, not the neo-marxist type of diversity.
Perilious days are upon us, in the next decades, much will change, and much will be decided.
Just imagine the nice bulgarian/romanian beaches. We would possess, think about the balkan, it is a powerkeg, and it would be a true challenge to control it, but something which would be possible in such a union.
The hungarians have much in common with the Poles, they lost their kingdom, and are eager to get it back some way or another.
The intermarium will be a power to be reckoned with, and the last outpost of western civilization. (antemurale christianitatis)
Poland is a deeply catholic country, catholicism is the only thing that can help us preserve western civilization, after the rest of the west falls.