Why are younger generations so obsessed with consuming entertainment?
Why are younger generations so obsessed with consuming entertainment?
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like fart jokes?
There is many answers to this question, but simplest explanation is they're getting high on dopamine. The why question can be money related as well as for indoctrination, among other stuff really. No matter what the reason is know it's not good for your for their well being.
it's also a result of bad parenting, its what happens when you let xbox raise your kids, they don't want anything else
They're generally obsessed with sensual pleasure. Food, sex, alcohol, dudeweed, vapid music, and shallow hollywood spectacles is all they care about.
When everything went online and ondemand shit got COMPLETELY FUCKING CRAZY. People started binge watching shows and that became a cool thing to talk about and relate to other people with that was way easier than actually forming real life relationships with people.
Delocation theory- a lack of meaningful culture around them mixed with a sick way of life that makes people feed on distractions.
>Hurr it's about society
No. It's about work efficiency. Nowadays work can be done much faster with much less physical and mental effort. Therefore the amount of free time needs to be filled because the human brain needs constant impressions.
Using entertainment in times when there is no work is nothing new, you have music groups, jesters, story tellers etc. performing since the beginning of time, but now they're more easily accessible and you have more time to consume them
No idea. People look at me weird when I tell them I don't watch television.
>Trying this hard to justify your degenerate pursuit of pleasure and hollow meaningless existence
Decline of spirituality.
No family life no civic or cultural life. I'm 29 and I witnessed the rise of gaming. When I was young we would actually play outside and do stupid shit. Like once we walked along the highway. But when games came out we just became glued to them. It was all we wound talk about whereas before we'd talk about life and girls and crazy shit with our families. After the Nintendo 64 came out and we had that and other friends had Playstation and pc games that's all we would do.
Give a reason for not killing one's self that you didn't pull out of your ass. (ie majick jew on a stick, Fred ''I love Jews'' Nietzsche chasing butterflies, etc)
They have no identity other than the things they consume
>implying life isnt a degenerate hollow meaningless existence regardless of what you do
You need a reason to *do* things, not to *not do* things.
False, there not that dumb. They like watching Netflix comedies and dramas. Its because a show mimicking real life interactions between people that is written by intelligent comedians and such is more interesting than boring real life interactions.
Its all they have. There isn't much left, if you are paying attention. Nothing of value will comeback without the inevitable collapse, struggle and reinstitution of Idealism
Wage slaves have no more free time than we did five decades ago.
Because they don't feel any meaning.
because theyre all retarded and have been since like 2014. but its been getting much worse.
like go on youtube and search “first vlog” and set it to upload date only and you can see yourself how ugly and fucking terrible kids are nowadays
no one under 18 or at least 15 should be on the internet at all
>Give a reason for not killing one's self that you didn't pull out of your ass.
The fact that you and people like you think you're smart and superior for being nihilist and suicidal, yet you're still on here talking about how life is so dumb everyday,
entertainment is my safe space from the world if i can find something good to get lost in. Honestly the real world is pretty damn shitty.
If you dont have a goal for a wife or kids like myself, your goal becomes to earn alot of money or just make it to the end of life.
I do like educating myself on alot of things though.
Wow, you ignored the question by focusing on grammar. Its almost like life is meaningless and you're depriving others of pleasure out of frustration that you're a meat robot enslaved by DNA to replicate, consume and die for no reason over and over.
I wonder what he thought of Rome; the other oligarchic ''republic'' pretending to be an Empire where the original race is a minority and most people are dedicated to religion and sodomy.
And yet, here we all are on Sup Forums
Probably would've diagnosed it as shit
He dont focus on grammar tard. Do yourself a favor and die if you cant stop whining on your pedastae
Its almost like he was an insane crackpot occultist who had standards no civilization could meet.
Escapism. 21st century post-moralist neoliberal life is hyper-individualist, devoid of community, purpose and inspiration. Our societies fetishize aimless spending of liquid wealth and consumption. If you're exposed to this at a young age you rebel against it earlier than millennials, because we were saturated with empty promises. Millennials, conversely, relay their apathy to the next generation.
From Burger suburbia consumerism to European national disillusionment, we are all disgusted with the McCultures the boomers built. Entertainment is the work safe drug.
Ladies first
It's almost like the unattainability of perfection should not stop the seeking of perfection
>entertainment is my safe space from the world
Isn't that the whole purpose of entertainment, to take your mind off reality? At least entertainment isn't crammed with what makes reality so dogshit in the first place. Oh, never mind...
When you rise your kids parking them in front on tv...
Because life without a will towards transcendence is meaningless, and feelings of meaninglessness breed despair.
Judging by your posts itt you need to sort yourself out my dude, find a hobby
maybe it's because they find it entertaining
Because reality is a drag.
Ignore him hes too pussy to follow his own ideology. Perfection and transcendence are attainable, they happen everyday
The emotional effect of a truth has nothing to do with whether its true or not. Life is meaningless. Human beings are slaves to their biological drives, and justify what they'd be doing no matter what with huge mythical structures like Jordan B Peterson's ''Christianity'' and ''Nietzcheanism'' and so on.
There is nothing to sort yourself to, as you just admitted. All will is purely negative, striving toward ''perfection'' is defined purely by what it is not. Which is, reality.
You're just an angry little loser
Society has reached the end of history.
The death of God has brought about a terrible realization: it doesn't matter, none of this matters. Instead of sacrificing oneself for something greater (i.e. family, tribe, God) it is easier and more enjoyable to live in the moment and engage in endless hedonism with little care for the future. In the end, we're all dead anyways.
Half of this thread is the most insightful shot around me right now, the other half is a bunch of arguing grammar nazis.
>haha just kill yourself my dude, there's no point in us being here anyway, we're just a mistake lmao! nah senpai i ain't killing myself though, i'm trying to help people recognise life is so worthless that it isn't worth living, which ultimately gives my life purpose and completely negates my first year philosophical (((nihilist))) approach that i'm memeing about!
Happens everyday? Where?
You can't lose in a game with 100% of people lose permanently.
You can become the Pope or spend your days fucking ladyboys until you die of AIDs. It makes no difference.
Id say at least once a day someone does something notable. Suffering occurs too, which is the logical reason for nihilism, not bitching about how absolutely nothing has meaning
Serious question
How in the fuck can 30 something year old women
still think life is all about partying during weekends and taking selfies
Like, what goes on inside their fucking heads it's just beyond me
I honestly can't understand how can they even function in reality, they are
just completely detached from the world
Nietzsche = Philosemite, Natalist
Marx = Jew, Natalist
Evola = Philosemite, antiNazi, Natalist
Schopenhauer = Hitler's fav philosopher, antisemite, antinatalist
Celine = Deemed to antisemitic by the Nazis, antinatalist
Cioran = Romanian fascist, antisemite, antinatalist.
Judaism is the one religion where you celebrate life without promise or hope of an afterlife. Tell me again how pessimism is a Jewish plot.
Satisfying human emotions is more important than biology and meaninglessness. I will concede life prescribes us no meaning in itself, but since this gives us unfavorable outcomes (Despair, etc.) it is necessary to create new truths.
it's the first generation where massive breadth in entertainment is easily accessible and often free
humanity has never before had such a thing
no, leave it to beaver does not count
abc,cbs,nbc was it for everyone, shortly ago
Tell me one ''something notable'' that is not merely fixing a problem?
Death sucks but it doesn't invalidate anything. You're just projecting how you feel onto the world, its not logical
I think we have an Antiflatrator
Writing a piece of music
Life is expensive, your very existence depends on vampirsm, from all the dead animals you shove in your mouth to all the third worlders who labor to build our ipods. Pretending life has meaning has the high cost of creating more suffering in pursuit of windmills. By recognizing delusions, we can extinguish the will, and do the only thing in life which has any positive effect, which is not doing harm.
If you're so logical then, please tell me the source of your faith that there is meaning in life. I'd like to see the evidence and be proven wrong. If you're just going to assert it does, you might as well be that kike judge who deported Ernst Zundel because ''the holocaust happened, it just did!''
Now to you've moved the goal posts from "nothing, even things considered positive, has meaning" (good luck proving that) to "suffering outweighs anything positive "
>Because life without a will towards transcendence is meaningless, and feelings of meaninglessness breed despair.
so in other words you need something to occupy you mind so you don't think about your grim existential reality....that's called entertainment. gg we're right back where we started
>Bad in itself
>Judaism is the one religion where you celebrate life without promise or hope of an afterlife.
Legit. It's almost as if it benefits the Jew to keep the goyim running on their hedonic treadmill.
If life was truly satisfying, we wouldn't need music to listen to. The fact that has someone has to labor to fulfill a lack (ie lack of entertainment, beauty, whatever you aesthetic theory says the ''meaning'' of music is) is a minor demonstration of the inherent lack in existence. If life was actually good, reality by itself would satisfy ourselves enough so we wouldn't need to seek escape in things such as music.
I'm arguing that the only positive things revolve around decreasing suffering. ''Meaning'' and ''transcendence'' are immaterial, and immeasurable. You can't see it on a brain scan. You can however measure suffering physiologically.
>deus wult memer is a nihlist
Watching a season of the Office is not a transcending experience for anyone
Because it would be a waste for all this stuff that exists to never be seen, and for all the things that can be created to not be made and appreciated. It doesn't come down to 100% logic, and I never said that it did, but dismissing life because you dont like it giant logical either. I would say rejecting life because of suffering is logical, because suffering is bad, there's no logical way to spin it as not being bad
Escapism. The real world is full of compromise and competition that only genetically superior people win. The Amerimutt meme of hard work is bs most of the time.
Real life sucks everybody on this website agrees
>Legit. It's almost as if it benefits the Jew to keep the goyim running on their hedonic treadmill.
So you're saying that we should believe in an ultimate reward, because a group that doesn't believe in an ultimate reward, manipulates the masses into believing into an ultimate reward?
>still think life is all about partying during weekends and taking selfies
tell us how exactly you know
if Sup Forums thinks having fun is a jewish conspiracy and degenerate, then what does Sup Forums do for fun?
Pleasure and happiness can be measured physiologically
So you're conceding I'm right? Life is not worth living because we are merely decreasing suffering and there are no truly ''postive'' actions. (in the sense of not being negations)
Hardwork + Opportunity = success
Hardwork - Opportunity = depression
Better to relax and watch the shitshow then give it your all for nothing. Fuck having a receding hairline in your 20s and fuck settling down with a roastie-toastie who will feed off of your life force like a fucking succubus
carpentry, fishing
Right, and name me a single pleasure/happiness that isn't simply the removal of suffering?
Sup Forums makes me happy.
same here
Achieving greatness in skill and craftmanship
Pretty much man. I think its largely due to the whole premise of this subject.
Because people have just become nihilistic consumers, they need that consumption to give meaning to their lives.
Hence, since most hedonistic consumption is aimed at women, they think of nothing but partaking in that activity again and again.
Because it gives them validation and meaning.
They dress as a whore and go clubbing, "look at me I have boobs and am attractive! I really matter now! People love me". This is the prevailing attitude I have seen.
They have no real accomplishments as people so they use passing, ineffectual gestures like clubbing and taking drugs/booze as a way to give them a talking point and to pretend they exist.
Im reading that as "life contains boredom and labor, its not good enough". I dont buy that, sorry. That's just how it is, music doesn't make itself. Its not like the process of making music is complete pain either. And you ignored my idea on how perception of existence is valuable
>Sup Forums makes me happy
What does that even mean? Pain and pleasure are linked. If im in pain I seek pleasure. Music for example makes me feel pleasure because my brain can perceive its structure. Yes, I am wired to enjoy music. Is that a problem? Humans are wired to enjoy many things and I do see a flaw in that unless those things bring pain
prolonged mental immaturity, extending well into what was until recently classified as 'adulthood'
Kill yourself then you dumb faggot
"hurr i don't want to lol i like life actually"
No you dumb nigger. Kill yourself. Life is meaningless to you, so kill yourself. Do it. You won't because you know you're wrong, or you're too much of a pussy to. Either way fuck off back to /r/atheism
The saddest part of it all is that the happiest years of my life were when I was completely surrounded and immersed in television, video games, movies, and other media entertainment bullshit.
It was kind of comfy before social media and netflix and the internet in general became what it is today. I was comfortably brainwashed.
If you mean my generation (I'm twenty), it's typically a dopamine high we're chasing. Plus the labor of actually thinking things through (and by extent post-conventional morality/empathy-based decision making) is too high of an overhead when there is pleasure that can easily be smoked drunk or fucked (or even tugged if you're that lazy) readily available everywhere. Europe is the worst for this hedonistic complacency, with many peers of mine in university travel to Europe for sex drugs and alcohol, bringing their idiotic worldview with them.
All I am saying is that there is a collective "fault" and blame. Generationally, hard times make strong men, and strong men make good times.
Good times are passing and we're now in this sort of flux. Some of us are still riding the high while others are picking up the pieces. I for one smoke weed and see the benefit, yet I'd never travel outside the United States with my wife who also smokes, and we'd never have children until we were done with drugs and alcohol for 20 years (i.e. when we're thirty and dealing with being an actual adult).
I'd say that on the whole people my age are maturing either much slower or much faster, and the outliers are slowly becoming the norm. Actual typical, normal people by 80's cultural standards (kind of the norm for America) are quickly fading, and you're going to see the man children and young men/women-type-people more and more often. It's also why there's so many gen Z kids here or on 2xchan.
I'll concede that changing your perception would probably make most people happier, however that is self-help psychology, not philosophy. The psych wards of the world are full of people who would be miserable if they were cured of their delusions, this does not mean however, everyone can achieve this (the retarded, animals, etc), the totality of suffering is lessened, and even if every human being on earth went insane and was able to totally ignore all mental and physical suffering they experienced, the vast majority of suffering occurs outside of humanity anyway. And none of this has anything to do with what is true or not. If you believe in evolution, you have to concede that different kinds of life can emerge for no reason other than a self-perpetuating system with not outside guidance. (ie futile reproduction)
Its a problem because there is nothing actually valuable about music except in that it alleviates your suffering. It doesn't excuse creating people or forcing people to stay alive against their will. Personally, my life is fine, however we are talking about all sentience, not two individuals.
>when we're thirty and dealing with being an actual adult
Please realize you're an adult now. Nothing magical happens at 30 where you suddenly start acting like an adult. If you don't grow up now, you won't when you're 30 either.
t. 30
Tue Qouque fallacy
You realize that pleasure cannot exist without pain correct?
And you realize its not neccesary to create or perpetuate life for their sole desire of curing pain that has no reason for existing in the first place?
Its a distraction. Everything in life is a distraction from your inevitable death. In the past you had books and sticks and rocks, and now we have video games and movies and other such stuff. This is simple shit man. Are you new to life or something?