Why Europe has had these past last decades large scale immigration policies has been because of money. That's right, follow the money and you will see the greater picture.
Our current economy is ruled by debt and needs debt to run. Because of how debt works and interest work there will never be a possibility to pay it back without having a strong primary sector in your country. Because of how modern developed countries don't have really a primary sector that has been moved to Asia means that the only way for a country to keep its econom running is through debt. Problem is, you can only lend debt to how many people there are in your country. That's where the immigration picture comes in. To keep your economy on going you need to have more people that take debt which means you need to increase the amount of people. Because of how debt is exponential the need for more people will always double, essentially it's a large scale ponzy scheme. Because of this almost every western developed country that has almost no real primary sector of production anymore has somekind of a immigration policy about refugees, they need refugees because they need to have more people to get more debt. The bubble will burst when there is not enough of people to take debt and only then will the western civilisation go into a race war. Mark my words: YOU WILL SEE THE RICH OVER TIME MOVING OUT OF WESTERN COUNTRIES SETTLING IN SAFE COUNTRIES SUCH AS SCHWEIZ. YOU WILL SEE A INCREASEMENT OF IMMIGRATION DESPITE THE CONSEQUENCES. IF IMMIGRATION IS STOPPED IN A COUNTRY WHICH IS IN HUGE DEBT AS EXAMPLE SWEDEN THEN YOU WILL SEE A ECONOMIC CRISIS IN THAT COUNTRY.



Other urls found in this thread:


The pyramid.

debt ponzi scheme

i believ eit



>Nazi Germany’s national debt by 1939 “had reached 37.4 billion Reichmarks,” where even “Goebbels, who otherwise mocked the government’s financial experts as narrow-minded misers, expressed concern in his diary about the exploding deficit.”

>block of text with no formatting
>meme flag

Fuck off fake commie no real commie would want immigration you're a tool of the capitalist system.


Red line: Immigration
Blue line: Emigrants



USA is not safe either.

Okay meme flag poster, how about you show the PPP change over the same period of time. I will wait.
you won't so I will.

no response huh? it figures that a meme communist doesn't even understand the economics that Marx wrote about.

this place is getting boring desu senpai

>Being this Jewish

I'd prefer to shift into pastoralism than keep your pyramid scheme intact.
Remember, you exist in safety for exactly as long as we, the goyim, allow it.

>Owing to the constantly increasing concentration of leaseholds, Ireland constantly sends her own surplus to the English labor market, and thus forces down wages and lowers the material and moral position of the English working class.3

And most important of all! Every industrial and commercial centre in England now possesses a working class divided into two hostile camps, English proletarians and Irish proletarians. The ordinary English worker hates the Irish worker as a competitor who lowers his standard of life. In relation to the Irish worker he regards himself as a member of the ruling nation and consequently he becomes a tool of the English aristocrats and capitalists against Ireland, thus strengthening their domination over himself. He cherishes religious, social, and national prejudices against the Irish worker. His attitude towards him is much the same as that of the “poor whites” to the Negroes in the former slave states of the U.S.A. The Irishman pays him back with interest in his own money. He sees in the English worker both the accomplice and the stupid tool of the English rulers in Ireland.

This antagonism is artificially kept alive and intensified by the press, the pulpit, the comic papers, in short, by all the means at the disposal of the ruling classes. This antagonism is the secret of the impotence of the English working class, despite its organization. It is the secret by which the capitalist class maintains its power. And the latter is quite aware of this.

>Karl Marx

Duh, people have been screaming this for years.
It's too late now. The current and future state of europe is what happens to a docile brainlet society.

Zero immigration Japan has had higher real wage growth than any European country, with a shrinking population. It's also a front runner in automation and robotisation, for this reason.

Yes the (((economists))) will talk about lost decades - it's an agenda. Mass immigration of low wage labour hampers innovation.

In any case an economy based on a demographic ponzi scheme isn't worth having.


History has shown us that commies build walls to keep people in, not to keep them out.
People were shot escaping from east Berlin to west Berlin by their own comrades.

So basically what op is saying is there is no hope of negotiation with these Jews and they will never stop until they are destroyed

...and all your graphs cannot get around the FACT that these immigrants are more likely to kick their heels up on welfare, and to weigh down the system, which is how communism will be able to step in.

Not only that, but by playing the new ally of these immigrants, they can divide the working people and gain power for themselves. It's all a damn lie, and both parties in the US have been pushing it.

There were articles about using immigration to fuel economic "growth" in Europe at least as far back as 2006. Of course, nobody brought up the idea that some immigration would actually be an economic drag, but the writing was on the wall before this bullshit started.

But yeah, debt backed fiat is a pyramid scheme. This should be obvious to anybody who understands the exponential function. There doesn't appear to be anything even approaching a problem until the very end, then BOOM! And a bunch of screaming and crying about "how nobody could have seen this coming!"

Why are you even trying, my dude? Even though this information is so basic that most people on this board would have understood it just two years ago, this place is now lost forever. There are only shills left on this board, no one wants to talk about economics or politics anymore, with a few exceptions of course. All people do on here now is bait each other with shitty memes, discuss women, ruin each others day and waste each others time.
When was the last time someone made a formally correct argument on this filthy degenerate containment board? We even have a sticky on logica fallacies, but no one even reads that anymore.
This place has always been shit, but today its almost unbearable. Leave and never come back, except for the humor threads.

1.It will pop.

2. the grocery stores will be empty

3. Only those with seed stashes will survive the following winter.



It is simple, in that it is merely exploiting the current working class, depressing their value, while increasing their productivity, for cronyism. Economics in this case does work, in that the numbers for GDP go up, but do not go up when fixed for PPP. It's a simple argument that is overlooked by everyone who wants to import labor.

Suck me commie.

Dumb graph, find the long term mean, it will recoup to that after panic sales. Feel free to buy below too..

I dont thik you responded to the correct person.

I have massive seed stashes, leaf. I learned how to save seeds and breed my own cultivars several years ago. I am abusive in my garden so that I'll have robust plants when I need them the most.


I think many of you, brainless morons, completely miss the op’s point. Which is not that immigration is something good or needed, but that the only way to stop it is to bring the primary sector of the economy back to our countries.

Though I would argue that this is an oversimplification.

They don't have to even be productive. They just need to make more debt.

Finally some one who gets it.

Your point is without merit when in the US, we already know that illegal and legal immigrants from mexico and central American are mostly on welfare...they are not contributors!

Have you read the op? It says exactly that. They are needed to bring more debt. (((They))) need the incoming mass to be unwilling to produce anything of real value but willing to borrow to buy stuff and create more debt. Re-read what the OP said.

>HYPOTHETICALLY (Yes, I need to make it this obvious)
If every nation of the world cumulatively got its shit together and became completely self-reliant, their national debts would be easily paid off within 2 or 3 decades due to inflation. Comparing European national debts to the inflation rate, and as a percent of the respective GDP, our national debts have been going down since the 50's after peaking at the end of the war.
While I mostly agree it's for economic purposes, I reckon the immigrants are coming in not because of the national debt, but just because a larger population = a larger economy just due to food, accommodation, etc. What they didn't anticipate is the refugees not paying for anything, and killing and raping the natives. It'll ruin the tourism industry Europe-wide, and no amount of immigrants can replace that.

t.30 thousand seeds in my stash right now

They just need bodies to shovel your cash so they can consume -> economy "grows" "everything is fine goy"

Immigration isn't the only means of increasing a population. You can implement policies that can increase your birth rates. But the opposite is happening. The bigger picture is White genocide because it's easier to rule over non-Whites.

Please educate yourself.

More debt leads to a collapse of our economic system when our credit rating goes bust and no one will want to loan to the US anymore, creating a Cloward/Piven dream...allowing government to step in to take full control of every aspect of our lives, Americans mostly do not want that.

That is how the middle class gets wiped out creating mostly bottom feeders and the few ultra rich.

>No debt
>No investments

I should care why?



I wonder though if this problem can be solved by fording the native population to consume more and take more debt? Or the level of consumption would have to be impossible in that case?

Block-chain crypto-currencies.

I didn't miss it. See :
You're just late in the game. This mattered many years ago. It's being manifested w/o brakes at this point. It's a brainlet solution to a brainlet economic model that is no longer compatible with modern technological society. The old economy isn't coming back. Trying to revive it in this hour w/ population growth results in ruin down the road especially as technological progressions increase which is why it is a brainlet/myopic solution. However, what else do you expect when you keep electing popular brainlets to run an ever more sophisticated society?

Press F to pay respects to the EU.

Your government. Your job. Ever heard of the great depression?!

>. Ever heard of the great depression?!

nice meme, retard

>Immigration isn't the only means of increasing a population. You can implement policies that can increase your birth rates. But the opposite is happening.

No shit. Baby boomers are retirering, our smart politicians decided it was best to import sandniggers instead of encouraging mass breeding.

Debt-to-GDP Graph please.

Primary sector production please.

then let us collapse. our grandparents and great grandparents went through it, so can we

the free market prevails

>t. no idea how economics works

Why is it going to ever collapse? American bonds are the most reliable. I think that the entire world is interested in America not going bankrupt. This includes China, Russia, etc., everyone.

Because of how it is exponential birth rates isn't enough.

Despite all the pain and hardship this great economic crash is going to cause, it might be the luckiest thing. The vast majority of people who will die due to famine, disease and civil unrest will be minorities and the civil unrest it causes might be the only thing that keeps western europe from turning Muslim majority.

Stock up on guns and ammo. Store some canned and frozen food. Learn how to hunt. Get a generator and some fuel. If you got any money buy precious metals.

>Communists talking about ruined economies
Do they even realize it? Communism has a 100% quote on ruining economies, Venezuela being the latest.

If you're right, we're between a rock and a hardplace anyway.

Our choice is between a bang and a whimper.

I choose a bang.

This is great
NS will rise all over the white world at once
The holocaust will be real this time

Daily reminder that (((Goldman Sachs))) faked the economic statistics of Greece to fulfill the requirements of joining the EU.
Europe would work, if (((they))) wouldn't constantly introduce poison pills.


Please read The Creature From Jeckyl Island.


>All people do on here now is bait each other with shitty memes
It seems our own memes have turned against us.
But you are correct, Sup Forums should be about discussion of ideas unbearable to the modern artificial culture.

how can it be? Debt is going down, GDP is going up? Where is all that money coming from?

hint: not immigration

People and institutions become debt-saturated.
Then they stop new borrowing.
Which means no new spending.
People are laid off. A vicious cycle begins.

For much of the 20th Century, the Soviet Union rivaled the United States in political, military and economic strength. While the central command economy of the Soviet Union was diametrically opposed to the market liberalism of Western nations, the rapid economic development that the Soviets posted in the middle decades of the century made their system appear to be a viable economic alternative.

But after growth tapered off and various reforms were instituted to revive the stagnating economy, the Soviet Union eventually collapsed, along with its promise of an alternative to Western capitalism. Where centralized economic planning helped spur its mid-century growth, the Soviet Union's piecemeal reforms to decentralize economic power ultimately undermined its economy.

Thank mr gorbatschov.

>The very concept of widely available credit screams pyramid.

You don't need a degree in a fake subject like economics to know this.

Read an economics book and it's clear the status quo is dead. It will be fun watching the weak and dumb rollover from futureshock in the coming upheaval.

I say governments and nations won't even exist in the developed world in 100 years.

>that graph
>that flag
never mind

Savings bonds are practically going extinct. Too many middle class households live hand-to-mouth, or paycheck to paycheck and dont invest that way.

If our debt becomes too much, our credit rating goes it historically did for the first time under Prez Obumma making the US a higher risk for countries like Japan, Saudi Arabia and China to loan us money, we wont be able to pay the interest on our $20 trillion debt.

You are correct on your last point that the world would not want the US economy to tank, but most are unaware of the plan to instill full control of all country's economies to adhere to one government body worldwide.

I asked about your countries primary sectors production rate.


All fun and games until you have to pay it back.

>Only those with seed stashes will survive the following winter.
Plants don't grow in winter.


For you yanks






Neo-Liberalism is the way forward. For EU, US and yes even China,korea,japan,taiwan.


Deregulate the banks. The banks are innocent my dear goy.

They need to be able to pay it back, or else the debt is worthless to investors. They don't take jobs or be productive in society so guess who pays it back... Hard working Americans.

Screw you, taxpayer!


Strange, how every economic crash follows a Republican election.

anything else?

not even remotely



>draws support trendlines downward.
>doesn't use harmonics to trace to pullbacks
Nice technical analysis there commie

Germany has been a hub for immigration for decades. At some point our economy was booming so much that there actually was high demand for workers, especially ones who were willing to work for low wages. So we started inviting migrants from all over Europe, Russia and so on. The media called them "guest workers" to create the illusion that they would leave back home after a few years, but instead they just stayed. Normal folks didn't like that at all, it was a culture shock for the generation who was used to a white nation, for the workers and floor managers who suddenly had to deal with lowly skilled colleagues with little or zero German language skills.