If you want to be the best like me, just lift, eat whatever the fuck you want, be all zen and shit and be a gorilla and use that no thumb monkey grip. You fucking n00bs probly cross your arms all the time. Learn to be cool by pretending to be cool. Then, try and dominate the biggest guy(or girl) you see from across the room subconsciously. Fags...The fuck out the way!!!
PS...im an Amerimutt and I'm smarter, balder and stronger than you.
Yea I wasn't sprinting here....Strictly gains and eating burritos with mexicanas in Texas. FUck running thats for newfags who dont even lift right desu...the womans calling me a bati boy now thanks guys
Henry Ramirez
This OP I think you take your own advice and actually start lifting weights
Michael Sanchez
Fuck off roid rage, I'm going to be the best by making a shit ton of money and moving away from all the soyboys and shitskins. Quit wasting your time at the gym, walking around at your job and being active that way will get you enough exercise for the day. Make money, save the money, don't spend it on usury items, and move to the wilderness with it when you get enough saved up. All going to the gym does is give the (((owner))) another $10/month to buy the fatasses that go there to walk on the treadmill for a few minutes free pizza.
Carter Jackson
youre balder alright
Gabriel Carter
I lift at the gun shop because I'm the Boss
Carter Hall
>I'm smarter, balder
Leo Young
How the fuck do I know if I'm not low test?
Hunter Murphy
There's 9 fucking soyboy threads you guys are being distracted and played like a fiddle for fucks sake wake the fuck up
Sebastian Thomas
It's really scary knowing you might be low test. Is this why I keep fapping to trannies?
Evan Cox
Yea, all you need to do is big up yourself and live your life. I will do heroin and eat ice cream if I don't lift
Caleb Gray
You are a CIA nigger. Soyboy threads are slide thread psyop bullshit stop falling for this shit faggots
Luis Jenkins
Do you have slouching shoulders? Do you have a lack of energy? Do people ask you what's wrong when there's nothing wrong? Do you look like a bug, with a receding hairline, thick rimmed glasses, and a shaggy goat beard to cover up your lack of a chin? Are you okay with hoards of Muslims entering your country and raping your women? Have you ever used the term "my wife's son/daughter" unironically? Do you like Harry Potter? Do you obsess over stupid pop culture garbage? Are your main interests watching Netlix, drinking wine, eating $20 plates of ethnic food on your $1000/month salary? Have you ever voted for a Democrat after the year 2008? Was the Soviet Union not real communism? If you answered yes to most, or at least three, of these, you are likely a low-T soyboy.
Ethan Nelson
Are you cool as fuck? Do you want to make a difference and look cool all the time? Are you tired of trannys being in regular porn compilations? Join the Independent Patriot Party and vote for the Boss.
Matthew Robinson
My advice would be to do some fucking squats. Legs release the most testosterone, and most of you newfags who never lift probably have better calves and legs then some serious body builders. Theres different body times, some people can get big some people can't.
>Because I'm the Boss homie sure kid,whatever you say
Colton Lewis
Thanks dog, you got a nice dick too
Dylan Gomez
>You are a CIA nigger. >Soyboy threads are slide thread psyop bullshit stop falling for this shit faggots Mentalyl disturbed loser detected. You should be locked up or beat to death just because you are breathing