I proved that God doesn't exist.
I proved that God doesn't exist
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We solved the JQ.
You're all going to Madagascar, pack your things
Can you just like, go a day without being a cum chugging satan worshipper faggot?
That proves nothing except the fact that you assume God's creation would look like a man made simulation.
did you just try to post some retarded pic about how information is atoms? delete yourself jew.
do you even theology bro?
> mfw a jew is trying to fish for insights...
Here, I'm take the bait, your model and proposition are flawed because you have no proper measure of information scatter in our present universe. Your point/perspective of observation is flawed/limited. As such, you're not able to asses the degrees, if any, of information scatter.
Well, that settles it.
We'd better just start fucking niggers and worshiping jews right away.
Kneel on your prayer rug, turn toward New York City and pray everyone
>We'd better just start fucking niggers and worshiping jews right away.
Unironically, you described Christianity.
I'm so sorry.
Stop trying to disprove an immaterial god with a material science retard.
What created this chaotic system?
More importantly, what created whatever you decide created that? And in turn what created that?
God may only be a filler name, but something must lie at the base of existence, even if we are doomed to never escape the tiny portion of that which we call a universe.
>trusting kike science
Time to contribute jew...
I read that jews don't believe in heaven/hell but instead believe in a cyclical wax/wayne. Jews also don't believe satan to do be evil but a necessary cog that continues the evolution of man/spirit. Jews don't believe in a final world ending revelation but in cyclical progressive revelations.
Comment. Lets keep your thread going.
Maybe something of value can be provided to both jew/gentile/christcucks in this thread.
Ply your Jewish atheist tricks elsewhere Rabbi.
Nope. What if a universe with information scatter better suits God's intentions for it.
You're presupposing qualities about God that aren't inherent
only a kike could come up with this. This is beyond fedora-tier
>implyin that information scatter can't be an intended side effect of a system
Have you never programmed before?
Physicists Confirm That We’re Not Living In a Computer Simulation
Gravitational twists help theoretical physicists shed light on quantum complexity
no simulation, so your first pic is irrelevant.
increasing entropy does imply an origin point.
>everything needs a creator
There is such thing as being always existent. Such as the universe has a high possibility of being eternal.
It just recycles itself.
>increasing entropy does imply an origin point.
An origin point implies intelligent design?
>stupid Reddit anti-theism is flooding the board since the election
>don't think I have enough time for regular Catholic Generals like before
so uh how about you prove that intended intelligent design doesn't scatter. i mean what if the intended design was for it to decay? also how is an intended intelligent an enclosed system. when the intelligent designer can supposedly interact with the system. you are working on the premise that god does not interfere with the universe and simply made it and let be. in other words there are ton of unproven assumptions in your picture there
also a jew wanting god not to exist so he can finally stop thinking about how he isnt gods chosen cause he fucked up and doesnt want to admit it so they cause destruction and havoc in the world around them so they can destroy every other race so by default they really are gods chosen because no else exists
>Buddha said there is no need for a creator as we create the world in our minds
Fact of the matter is and it's simple
Why does the beauty of the universe require a entity to produce it.
Yet an all mighty and all powerful all knowing entity does no.
If you reason that the universe needs a creator
then a creator needs to be created to create the universe
If you reason that the universe doesn't need a creator and it's just a production of relative interaction/permutations of googlexes of googleplexs of events inside a quantum field
Then why does the univese needs a creator?
bast case scenario we go with buddha interpreations where we are the creators of the universe since we "see it" and we are aware of it.
origin point requires a creator.
Jew logic lol
Literally nigger retarded. All you fuckers know how to do is lie about numbers.
literally wrong
>what atheists actually believe
>they believe something that doesn't deny the possibility of God in a classical sense or even intelligent design
>put themselves in a position to have to say that the universe turtles all the way down
That's a pretty low thought of atheists.
it would makes sense that we can't comprehend that which created our reality as the creator would not be part of it.
>Then why does the univese needs a creator?
Because the little man needs a creator.
It's constant shit like this that makes me doubt the Jewish IQ meme.
So dumb.
At some point it must have spawned from something. Could have been 100^10000000000000000 years ago but there must be an origin. The idea that matter is just eternal seems less logical to me than the other way, and the true explanation may be entirely mundane, but still that mundane explanation I would for now rather call God
>sources familiar with how God/gods creates universes say that this universe wasn't created by God/gods.
so how do you know that God didn't create the universe to be chaotic/random?
also, if the universe is random and chaotic, then why, at the beginning of the universe, was the universe "condensed information"?
you speak of "information scatter", without even asking the question of where that information came from in the first place.
So where did the Information come from? Did the Information create itself out of Nothing? Did the Information always exist?
Atheists BTFO
Did you also discover pi in the Torah?
I proved that you are JEW
As long as we don' t now the exact how and where of our universe, everything is possible. Same goes for the outside of our universe.
So, I proved that God DOES exist. Fucking Jew.
>nothing cant defy logic and reality
the mere existence of a God of some sorts can defy reality,the idea of being omnipotent and creating a rock that you cannot lift,creates a paradox.But that doesn't mean that such entity cannot ignore reality and paradoxes.
>the universe is chaotic and random, with information scatter
>the universe is eternal, and was never created.
if the universe is eternal, then why is there information scatter/entropy?
increasing entropy implies that the universe is essentially "dying".
how can anything die that is eternal?
anything eternal cannot have entropy/information scatter.
there is no information scatter, or at least not the extent that OP says.
the universe IS an enclosed system with intelligent design (God).
Furthermore, even if it would take a billion years to learn the secrets of our universe, if would take another billion years to learn about the "outside".
That is a lot of time to dedicate to God. You cannot win. God does.
Once when I was six my mother told me to never stare into the sun. So I did.
Trying to bait insights w/ such weakness.
What do your people believe jew? What do your rabbis tell you? My understanding is that your belief system reflects this ideology. However, you don't let goyim know this because you like your docile christcucks. You wont speak. So, I'll speak for you.
Origin only exists in a context of time.
Time is a dimension.
The actual multiverse exists outside of the dimension of time.
It has existed forever.
Why are you spouting popsci non-sequiturs?
You're not even a STEM major.
I mean now the argument is really just semantics
It's bait.
I'm not sure the average christuck is even aware of the true beliefs of judiasm that their bible is based on.
Kikes rarely share the good stuff as they much prefer docile religious theology for more effective cucking.
You going to back up any of the claims about information scatter or how that relates to intelligent design or how there are no signs of the latter at all, or did you just make two graphs without data showing undefined axes and call it a day?
It's eternal with it's own "recycling" system. Recycle as in destroying itself while creating itself from the destruction.
It doesn't require an origin point as this can go beyond infinity,though defying laws,it is still a possibility.
and you have no proof that there exists a "multiverse" outside of our own experienced universe.
all you have is your theory that it exists.
therefore, you have FAITH that universe/multiverse always existed.
therefore, you are no different than the Christian that has FAITH that God always existed, eternal and uncreated (who in turn created our universe)
Atheists BTFO
are you fucking retarded?
i'm so sorry
And we are talking about a big thing (the univers)
Not the little man as us
still haven't answered the question
why does the universe needs a creator
where as the creator does not
who created the universe where the creator lives who created our own universe
If you say that the universe needs a creator, and it cannot exist without a creator, then why can a creator or a creator universe exist without a creator.
Or you can define the universe as being able to create itself, out of something you can define as A-dymentional space, in a-dymentional space there is no space thus no time, and any quantum posbility of something even if nothing is possible.
By this simple logic, the universe creates itself because imagine it taking a googleplex to the power of googleplex "time" to produce a universe, but without space-time to define the process, the process happens.
Defining space-time. from that moment on the chaotic interactions of googleplex times googlplex times googlplex of quantum posibilities produce matter and anti-matter. from that matter/anti-mater interactions a certain ammount of matter remains due to the imbalance of the "existance" which tries to be balanced
From there you can produce quite easily, it only takes Interactions of random and chaotic events, to produce "order" which is bascily a balance in a system.
Balance cannot be maintained forever as it consumes more energy to maintain without outside sitimulay
In otherwords, if there was a god, perfect absolut symetri and balance can be achived as GOD himself could add extra energy within systems.
yet we see that to produce our solar system we need the death of other systems to produce heavier and more complex materials to make us ... us.
>spending that much time on something you don't even believe is true
Get a hobby, loser.
And we ourselfs are also, created in the imagine of war between chaos and order. life and death.
An universe with a GOD, does not die.
Yet we see through our observations that the universe is speeding up, we know that eventually based on what we can see that eventually the universe will speed up soo much that everything will "die"
You’re going to need some actual data on arguments one, two, and three (and also need to define forever).
I'm not concerned with seeding your bait. My question is, what do you ultimately believe and why? Stop fishing for insights from others and provide your own.
a "recycle system" implies INTELLIGENT DESIGN, and disproves OP's assumption that the universe is random and chaotic.
Atheists BTFO
Time is a proven dimension.
It can be slowed and manipulated.
It is observable.
Religion isn't. Creator isn't.
>god couldn't create a random universe
You fucking idiot we KNOW how old the universe is.
>I disproved something that is by very definition non-observable
Bitch you don't even know science because that shit is day 1 scientific method. Also just so we're clear here your logic is that a creator with both the intelligence and power to create everything in existence, which multiple religions state provided humans with free will would not be smart enough to hide the direct evidence of his involvement?
Your dumbass has to ride on the back of the bus to Auschwitz.
what's the formula for manipulating time?
What brings you to the point of it being of an intelligent design? I don't see of it being one,I just think of it being always here. One of the reasons of me being an agnostic,you really cannot "prove" either claims today. The anwser might never be solved.
>Evolution couldn't have resulted in square eyes in all living things.
It could.
But it didn't tho.
On the concept of inteligent design
Humans are flawed, we have things that shouldn't be there if someone inteligent actually desinged.
But we can deduce they are byproduct of nature. Our common ancestors with apes, chimps shared our hands. Thus we have similar hands, eyes, tongues and even our bodies can be quite similar.
What kinds of all might beeing recylces elements to create a faulty creatures that is quite similar to any other.
We have the same ammount of limbs, eyes, ears, noses, and things that we dont use. So... why are they there?
Why the fuck we do we have tailbone, evolutions and the idea of succesful permutations that gives rise to new adaptations based on sexual sucess, is what defines our shape and form. And not an allmighty being.
But i believe Jesus lived as a man, and his greatest achivement was ... HE DID NOTHING WRONG
Thats why people are inspired by him, thats why he defined a revolution in spirituality... as in what if there was a mindset that you can adopt to endure the injustice of the world. TO TAKE SINS of man upon yourself and resist.
Reading about his life, his stories teaches us to become great, and strong.
Compare that to mohammad, who at first was strong and thats why many muslims appreciate him. yet towards his end of his life, he was a autistic madman who enjoyed breaking the rules in his favor.
Thus any muslim on earth will get angry when you insult him, as mohammad would
Thus any true christian on earth will endure the sins of mankind on his skin.
Take christs mind and become strong, you need no GOD to make you strong. You are STRONG if you choose to be, and chirst is the path!
wtf are you doing moshe? how were supposed to be G chosen people if theres no G???? fucking pleb, stop horsing around with goyim and go back studiyng the torah
similar to how a lighting finds the path of least resistance so does evolution looks for the easiest and most effiecient solution
>square eyes aren't efficient, since guess what you need a lens, and square lens are a waste of material.
the easiest way to prove we're in a simulation is by looking at the double slit experiment.
Particles act like waves when not observed to be a more efficient system.
> what is cogito ergo sum
got any proffs for that claim you cum loving psuedo intellectual nigger?
^this. Wrangle your kike child back into the reservation. He's out here shitting up the narrative w/ a childlike interp of Metaphyics. Seems he went to googling after a discussion with the local rabbi and has gotten his spaghetti plate twisted up.
"If you look at the use of Satan in the Hebrew bible, you find that as a concept, it is much more about an experience than a person, an experience where G-d has put a roadblock in front of us. This is Satan, this is an adversary. So why is this a good thing? Because if we were to go through life without ever experiencing these roadblocks or adversaries, obstacles in life, there would be no potential for virtue in the world. For if we were never tempted to do the things that we are not supposed to do, then not doing them would be of no value to us. It is only in coming up against a desire to do what is wrong and overcoming this that we grow as spiritual people." - Jew
Get your boi before he wakes up the goy
> what is cogito ergo sum
It is the last reasonable thing any human will hear from AI
i don't have an issue with TRUE agnostics.
i only have an issue with atheists, and with atheists posing as agnostics.
a true agnostic wouldn't criticize theism (whether Christianity, Islam, or whatever brand of theism) because the agnostic acknowledges that they don't know, and that one of them could be true.
the atheist posing as an agnostic still feels the need to attack theism/Christianity, and is therefore not a true agnostic.
as for a "recycle system" being proof of intelligent design:
OP's argument is that the universe is chaotic, random, entropic, with "information scatter".
He then said that this is proof that there is no intelligent design.
Yet OP acknowledges that in the beginning of time there was a high density of Information, which then subsequently got scattered.
If information was recycled, why don't we have conditions similar to those in the beginning of the universe, with high Information density?
in other words, why did the universe wait so long before the "recycling centers" finally kicked in?
also, any Order/Information whatsoever has to be explained, as it automatically implies intelligent design.
if the universe is chaotic, then why is there SO MUCH order?
Where does this Order/Information come from? Science can explain how the Order functions, but can't yet explain it's origins.
Hm that's a solid arguement.
>be atheist
>We're living in a computer simulation
who created the Computer, and programmed the Simulation?
Checkmate user.
bro you're thinking by the rules defined of this universe. actual "universe" may not even have time, matter or space
What you call order is pseudo order.
Nothing is orderly on the quantum level.
Your assumption regarding recycling cycles being connected with purposeful creation is hollow and doesn't substantiate any logical conclusion.
And yes agnostic by the way.
Agnostics are fucking boring. At least religious people, atheist or not, have some passion behind their beliefs and not just shrugs.
study sacred geometry. Everything is in harmony, in order. Positive and negativity. Humans choose in which it uses and what he creates from it. Unknowing human uses negativity trough unconscious act like hate, creed, lust, envy and fear in oder to survive, they have beast like instinct strong in them. There is no evil in universe, only conscious and unconscious act. We have to evolve and find light in which we great our own heaven trough conscious and trough wisdom.
i do not know YET (working on it), but this is what i think.
We are all part of one energy, one conscious divided by borders of our bodies. This energy, one mind, is also known as god, or source. Everything is vibration and trough vibration conscious can change its perception. Every part of life is working itself to be more, working itself to be one with everything, one with source or god.
>wars,dictatorships are a sign of passion
Its almost as if multiple religions existed,there would be constant fights between them and if no religions existed,there would be more corruption and Science being used as the religion for the mass to believe in.
Really makes me think,I guess the only good anwser would be that only 1 religion should exist but thats an utopia.
I guess things are just as good now.
>who created the Computer, and programmed the Simulation?
Our simulation more than likely exists within another simulation, and that simulation resides within another - ad infinitum.
It's only a matter of time before computing power here on earth is directed towards creating a simulation of our own, a simulation that shall at some point spawn intelligence enough to begin work upon it's very own simulation, etc etc etc
Somewhere out there exists the original Devine universe, but we are but pictures on a page in a book that appears in a photograph of a painting.
We are almost certainly trillions and trillions of simulated realities away from anything you might call a god.
> We are almost certainly trillions and trillions of simulated realities away from anything you might call a god.
Some are .. Some aren't.
Frames and perspectives are relative and maintained in the eye of the beholder
That's just natural selection. Many individuals, many families, many races, many political groups, many countries, many religions - they all exist as a pool of diversity, from which the best one for the current situation is pulled. Once the conditions change, another best religion, best country, best race is pulled from the pool. Constant fights is what paradoxically ensures the continuity of our species.
what you call "chaos" is pseudo chaos.
nothing is truly chaotic, chaos is always enclosed by order.
like with recycling centers: it is an orderly function that utilizes chaos/entropy to break down matter that is used to rebuild elsewhere.
And no, you're not an agnostic. if you were an agnostic, you would NEVER verbally abuse any theistic belief system.
you're just an atheist posing as an agnostic, my guess as to why is that you're too low iq to understand the nuances in the definitions.
You know for a fact there is one you diabolical kike.
*sound of a power drill*
Thank you for this, based Confederate.
>the best one for the current situation is pulled.
> Once the conditions change, another best religion, best country, best race is pulled from the pool.
This is unironically what the kikes believes albeit w/ a pre-seeded belief that they are the best. I wonder what occurs when you stop thinking (best) and simply (be).
> Constant fights is what paradoxically ensures the continuity of our species.
Such a primitive view point like your archaic survival of the fittest meme.
Show me your modern memes then.
lamest argument I ever seen. If that is a proof that god doesn't exist, I can prove easily that Bill Cosby is God
I'll ask you a question instead to see the flaw in your assertion :
> Best according to what measure? According to what goal? According to what metric? According to what end state? From what perspective?
I don't doubt the cyclical nature of things, I simply doubt you attribution as to its nature.