What the fuck is wrong with Japan?

Why is their culture so peculiar?

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Radiation from nukes.

Got infested with Western degenracy.


stop helping this kike understand his enemy

The nukes really chilled them out, man

That's obviously a Dutchman.

I meant none meme answers

You don't even want to see the dane

>implying it's a meme answer
Having your country disallowed from fielding a military definitely goes a long way towards chilling them out.

Japan traded for 300 years with Holland as the only western nation, they rebuild the island of Dejima right in the city, it's a popular tourist attraction.
>if you don't get the refference the windmill and klomp staff is modeled after Dutch culture

A culture that lived isolated on an island for thousands of years you have to kinda strange, right?

inb4 Cast Away jokes

It's not even a meme. The nukes pretty much are the symbols of their utter destruction and failure as a nation. It wasn't just political of military defeat, it was the complete destruction of japanese cosmology and psyche. Japan was meant to be the land of their ancestors, they couldn't lose there. Yet they did in the most humiliating fashion. Of course Japan is fucked up now, because their past culture was proven to be a lie and a failure.

Well, it's about as close to the mainland via Korea as the British isles are to france

Sun Tzu is Chinese. The Chinese hat the Nips.

That's actually a very intelligent argument. The fact that for centuries they were a powerful military force and they were safely surrounded on their islands and protected by ocean. Then suddenly the U.S. flies a couple of bombers over there and completely annihilates that illusion of isolation/protection.
It effectively destroyed their sense of cultural and military strength. Now it manifests itself as goofiness and strangeness in their culture. And that's why Godzilla was an analog to that destruction for so many decades. Most people don't realize but those early Godzilla movies were extremely dark. Harking back to the nuclear explosions and you saw women and children getting blown away in some scenes. And know that Godzilla comes for the ocean, which is a reference to the centuries of Japan's isolation from its military enemies. They were always worried that the enemy would come from the ocean.

Japan is probably 15 years ahead of the rest of the world, due to homogenous cultural identity and collective ideas on what the future should hold.

No, that is just a reason for the Japanese to get revenge. The US either had a very naive understanding of the Japanese psyche, or they decided to become traitors and help Japan eventually regain it's stature in the world. Hirohito signed a treaty stating he would no longer be a god, but he was never considered a god by shinto. He was considered the DESCENDANT of a god, so that treaty meant shit. The royals are still in control, and the nukes were a blip. Their resilience is a lot stronger than you might think, WW2 was just a minor setback. The path to their world domination is still on it's course.

severe mental retardation

The Chinese were Chinese

Not anymore

Explain this
>The genetic distance between Korean and Japanese is: 0.848
>These languages are not related or their relatedness is not detected by the system (p-Value* = 0,11).
>The genetic distance between Tamil and Japanese is: 0.900
>These languages are not related or their relatedness is not detected by the system (p-Value* = 0,32).
>The genetic distance between Korean and Tamil is: .792
>These languages are possibly remotely related.
(Low chance interference: p-Value* = 0,012).


not with birthrates like these


They are somewhat relevant, but not that relevant if you are dealing with a hierarchy that doesn't necessarily respect the lower tiers of it's own society.

Think of fighting a war of attrition, and considering the loss of 200,000 people negligible or a necessary evil.

There truly is no boipussy like Dutch boipussy.

They spent thousands of years fighting each other to the death ala Europeans only to have 250 yeara of peace before being scared shitless and humiliated, leading them to go back to their old ways and go on a conquering rape campaign for decades to the point that they were comitting suicide to avoid experience defeat, and finally had their entire society engineered for them as they try to live in the litetally only second era of peace they've ever experienced

No shit they are weird. I give it a few decades before they go on another nationalist rape campaign in China/Korea

Small hurdle to overcome

Third strongest economy in world could just offer full pay for pregnancy and skyrocket the birthrate tomorrow

Your flag kike

Dude, birthrates are literally the most important thing right now. You can't do shit if your population is ageing and dying out, you simply will cease to exist. You might be a pooinloo-level of dumb subhuman, but as long as you have growing or at least stable demographics, you will have the means to expand and grow stronger. Declining demographics is a sign of dying society. You can't wage a fucking war, if your causalities can't be replenished by your population.

Is this a Don Quixote joke?

Technology will alleviate a lot of problems, if they shrink to 50% but are still homogeneous and not infilitrated by kikes they will survive.

I don't think they'll do anything big with China next to them though (unless China get fucked in some ways).

For an ideology that wants a better life for it's people, and not just power. I think Japan is an ethical country in the way it seems to try to maintain a high standard of living and stick to it's people's best interest. I just think the game has changed with globalization, so for the national defense or interest they probably don't see the point in competing population wise. Consumer nations like the US and China can outpace competition by consuming and gaining influence that way, but a country that wants to maintain its homogenous nature and unique culture will have to find another way to come to power. Japan does this through production and very subversive diplomacy.

The population decrease helps them maintain power as well, it decreases the strength of the youth to rebel, and dissolves families that would have loyalty by blood.

>small hurdle to overcome
>it's just a 4D chess guys, we're totally not dying out!
If they could fix their demographics, they would have done it. But they can't do that because their economy is shrinking and they don't know how to stop it.
>I don't think they'll do anything big with China
Yeah, that's because China is a top dog right now and they will strife for complete dominance in Asia.China has become too powerful, without US protection chinks can easily annihilate Japan military and economically.

It's a Netherlands joke you fucking retard